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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 363 KB, 1200x1012, 2017-06-01_15.05.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3678343 No.3678343 [Reply] [Original]

Rich Depressed KHV NEET here. Plan on killing myself on my birthday in 4 months. Trips decide what I do with my money. I also have around 700k of other asset including apartments and around 400k worth of BTC. what should I do with them? Pic related is my bank account.

>> No.3678353

isnt that pic from some dudes tinder

>> No.3678357

>slum lord

are you that faggot with the fat girlfriend

>> No.3678361

Therapy bro. fuck the suicide meme, get some help.

>> No.3678362

Give that money to some handsome Chad before you kill yourself

>> No.3678368

Send that money here bitch
Do it vertical not horizontal.


>> No.3678376


Call one of your parents or a friend and reminisce about simpler times, always works for me.

>> No.3678377

Invest it in therapy

>> No.3678378


Buy some nice clothes and go bang some whores

>> No.3678381

Fake but I'm sure there's at least one rich NEET on here and my advice is to go out more. Travel, start a blog, eat at restaurants, go to events. Basically just do shit and make friends. It's a lot easier to meet people when you have money.

>> No.3678385

Send me enough bitcoin so I wont have to be a workslave for the rest of my life
at least some of us can be happy anon

On a semi-serious note: if you browse r9k, stop doing that. Also, get your D vitamin levels checked.

>> No.3678386
File: 12 KB, 142x142, dolan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is

>> No.3678387

Probably a shill, if so then fuck off and go to something with your fucking life.

If real, help people out. Don't you wish someone would help you when you were down on your luck? Helping other people is just as good, hell better than being helped.

Doesn't just mean writing a fat check donating all your money away. That's not the point. Find a way to use your money in a positive way to help make the world a better place.

>> No.3678396

This pic was on here last week though

>> No.3678398

go to south america with a girl from craigslist

>> No.3678400

Give some of your BTC to me and try to find something worth living for

>> No.3678402

Give 1 btc to me.

then spend the rest on high quality hookers

>> No.3678427

yeah this
can also recommend south east asia

>> No.3678433

listen to me

>> No.3678444

You change it all to ChanCoin and then send it here ^^^

>> No.3678448


Use the money to learn how to take a screenshot.

>> No.3678455

Go hiking and get out.. or do some social interactions even tho you'll hate it.. who cares you're going to die anyways so do some thing you'll never think of doing.


>> No.3678458
File: 27 KB, 691x653, 1504592696548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give some to me anon, my dog just died

>> No.3678459

Chill spend it on a therapist my bro.

>> No.3678492

i would like to ask for 10k. my das died After our anniversary diving Tour. Fuck this shit. why is death so expensive? why does the State fuck up your grieving? Anyone just wanna Talk? steam: fefee123

>> No.3678493

I hope you find what your looking for op im trying to get into crypto my grandma killed my dad and herself and im fucked in finances. but im good you got $$$ and want to die. get a therapist

>> No.3678500

sry cause of Text. a fuckton of wine into and German phone

>> No.3678501

finance a suicide cam app
donate to charity
be good anon
give me btc now anon
be a god anon

>> No.3678508

>my grandma killed my dad and herself
wtf. story?

>> No.3678511

lel, I imagine all of your depressed guys will grow out of it once you make it past your mid 20s or so.

>> No.3678515


If it's in BTC, you could also send it here:

>> No.3678528

Don't kill your self anon. You seem to be doing well other than NEET life.
What is the problem?
Therapy might help anon.

btc 1Dx9scjA8ReXFAaNDetfrooTiCv39HqfZw
ltc LTy9GqzkoNiz4Hkc8fdWPQpiNqtqo8pi3Z
eth 0x703f7f45d4e2539bb50cede4d48a236684b28173

I love money tho but don't KYS

>> No.3678545

>>3678508 granny gave us 5 grand a month well I was a kid at the time just turned 18. anyways like July she brung him to my family in laws carpet cleaning shop and killed him and her.

>> No.3678550

give me 1 btc and i guarantee i can change your mind on suicide/living in general, full refund allowed

>> No.3678551

send me 10 btc 1PDhPF9q8GuyBxoPycU64dtzzRtR6ueVaY
with the rest you buy some land and plant trees

>> No.3678560

Don't follow through with it OP. Honestly life gets better- there is so much you could do with your life. Go out and experience it how you want with your money, and if you still don't feel like living then go through with it. It's your decision and no one is in your shoes to say otherwise.

If you are giving some away though here is my BTC address. I'll use it wisely:


>> No.3678566

>>3678508 o yeah my dads a drug addict my whole life that's why he wasted so much money.

>> No.3678567

Hey dude, listen to me.

You're depressed right now, and it is ok. It's good aknowledging it, it's the first step.

What you need right now is a little help. I'm not saying you can't defeat your depression alone, but you will do it much easier with a profesionnal that helped thousands of other people get a much better life. You can also do it.

It may appear a little weird at first, but you should definitely consider it. It'll help you find reasons to do things you would never think of doing before.

Good luck friend, you're not alone.


>> No.3678574

Give me some money, if you can't handle life you don't deserve it anyway

>> No.3678575

Meh if only trips decides than meh its like talking to a wall....

>> No.3678576

Have you traveled? I'll be your friend and travel with you, go on adventures, get girls to tag along, etc. I'm pretty friendly and not intimidating. Just pay for my travel expenses!

>> No.3678577


Before you kill yourself go try ketamin

shit is almost a magical anti depressant that works for a steady 1-2 weeks and maybe give you a fresh new look on life.


>> No.3678587
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1489449454815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I please get like 1 BTC or maybe even 0.5 it would help a lot. Gonna buy LINK before its to late.

>> No.3678605

Rolling for trips. Hail Kek!

>> No.3678606

Forgot address hehe


>> No.3678613

I just wanna be able to pay off my 20k in student loans so I can be free

>> No.3678620

Get treatment for depression. Look up ketamine infusion for depression. It is supposed to work in three weeks.

>> No.3678626
File: 283 KB, 453x408, doesn'thave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon whats wrong? why would you kill yourself? have you gone to college? how old are you? why not spend that money travelling at least?


>> No.3678627

1GnfWmrrUJiVn4LnEeQGZvuJQcDqfKhMFC watch the news in nwa if I don't get a 0.000100 btc hahhaha

>> No.3678641

Im poor send me some $1k it will last 2 months in my country. thanks


>> No.3678644

Buy a kilo of cocaine and you will not be depressed anymore. Trust me. Your life will change. You will be a better person.

>> No.3678646

Give me some OP


>> No.3678649

send the btc here


could use it to get my dogs surgery and pay off my house and finally take my 4 year old to disney

>> No.3678663

Get treatment for depression. Look up ketamine infusion for depression. It is an off-label treatment for depression that can show results in three weeks. Good luck.

>> No.3678669

Go to a psychiatrist OP; get some help.
Send some bitcoin 1BeV5M9yMoUn7syuj2aL2B4LE3YmZ77uDX

>> No.3678672

send me 10 btc 1PDhPF9q8GuyBxoPycU64dtzzRtR6ueVaY
with the rest you buy some land and plant trees
second roles allowed?

>> No.3678714


Thinking about it-- just send some BTC. I don't want 400k worth of Chancoin.

What I will do for you though is spend 100k of the 400k on taking you on some sweet fucking vacation for your birthday. We'll travel the world. If you decide you want to live after that, I'll give you back 100k.

Also, since I'll have to pay taxes, I'm keeping 200k because 125 of it is gonna go to the tax man :(

>> No.3678860

EZ trips

>> No.3678878

Forget about your money and possessions for a while. Pretend you have nothing. Go get a job somewhere no one knows you and try to make a living. Make some new friends and try to find someone you care about. Don't tell these people you have any money. Maybe work at a restaurant or in a small office where people are social. Just be that person for a while and concentrate on who that person is. That is the person you actually are. Be that person for the rest of your life. Only use your money when you need it for something useful.

Send me 2 BTC and then just stop looking at any of your old accounts. Just open a new bank account with like $2k to get yourself started on your new life. Never look back at the fatsperg neet you are today:

>> No.3678887

save some for therapy, start a new life
give me everything else

>> No.3678901

fuck almost had quads


>> No.3678917

Send some of that BTC this way

>> No.3678927
File: 1000 KB, 480x270, fantastic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't kill yourself senpai.

You literally have no student debt.
You literally can afford to live relatively comfortable.

Your only problem is your brain, and even though there isn't a simple fix for that, there is help.

>> No.3678930

chekc these trips of greed

>> No.3678948

Please give me 5 million dollars man that would make get out of my depression

>> No.3678954

send 20 BTC

>> No.3678967

Yes I saw that post too

>> No.3678969


>> No.3678974

Send BTC to me, duh.

>> No.3678977

Sell and go to a cool place, go eat in places and have affairs with beautiful people in paradisiac places, leave a string of broken hearts and go eat some fois gras for goodness sake!

Then idk, do something you really wished to do with someone. If you want to commit suicide go kill a politician or famous person you hate just because you can. Give your money to some random dude on the street, so he can get a beautiful wife and reunite with all his friends and go back to a time where he was care-free.

BTC wallet (shameless poorfag not going to lie) : 19CiFPqMauvqFA9UHkKSBU9L5SNsDyZ8J8

>> No.3679011

send some btc here please im

>> No.3679026

Please send me some btc to:


And I will tell you a secret related to your depression and then you can decide which direction will you go afterwards.

>> No.3679030

>Plan on killing myself on my birthday in 4 months.
Wether or not you're being serious, please get help irl.

>> No.3679031

send some btc here please im a poor fag working 11 hours a day 6 days of the week

>> No.3679057
File: 88 KB, 600x400, 2l-golden-eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But being more reasonable, create a crazy plan to travel somewhere. Like a super random place and a trip that takes a long time. Have you ever thought about the trans Siberian railway?

Get a Golden Eagle (i don't remember the name of the company) from St. Petersburg to Beijing on a private car. Go find yourself meeting miles and miles of beautiful nothingness and isolated people. Sometimes a crazy travel is all we need, and we have to go alone, to be free. It's a pity most people just can't shut off, and that's what being a rich NEET can bring you. Time to enjoy crazy stuff like a train on the middle of the Siberian tundra full of caviar and weird wealthy slavs.

>> No.3679068

You're more than welcome to stay with me and my friends free of charge here in NZ to party your dick off as long as you need until you feel better and get back on your feet OP. Not going to post BTC wallet because Im not a greedy jew.

>> No.3679077

Just get /fit/ u fuckin pussy

1 BTC for my tip

>> No.3679102
File: 177 KB, 1238x1238, rolex-day-date-president-yellow-gold-white-index-dial-18238-watch-chest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys i'm not that far from making 1m usd in crypto. I was thinking of buying pic related. I know its gold and bla bla drug dealer and not gentleman but wtf I like it what d'you want me to do, can't control my tastes. The watch costs 25k.

But then I realized 25k is 2.5% of 1m. WHAT THE FUCK, I can't afford to put 2.5% of my money in one item ? What do you think

>> No.3679103

>not funding all the low budget anime and vidya you could ask for

Do you know how cheap chinese devs are? Just get some euro programmers and you're good.

>> No.3679114
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will give all your bitcoin to me

>> No.3679122


Don't kill yourself. Get therapy, and use the money to hire a nutritionist and get in shape/buy healthy foods that will elevate your mood and make you healthy.

Or, go to Thailand or Philippines and get hookers. Banging small brown Asian girls non-stop will rocket your self confidence and get you out of your slump, it did for me.

Btw, I'm facing some financial woes. I'd appreciate any BTC donation, thanks bro.


>> No.3679143

I looks ugly as fuck, sorry anon. There's plenty of 25k rolex watches that look way better than this one.

>> No.3679146

Get an AP royal oak

>> No.3679153
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x1680, What do we have here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a cultures of a deadly disease and go on a roadtrip spreading it throughout the population.

Do us NEETs a favor by reducing the population please.

>> No.3679155

Explain to a fresh beginner how you managed to make that much I beg of you

>> No.3679164

Welcome to having money. Once a jew always a jew. It's why rich fags who started off poor tend to stay frugal. Also for the love of God don't get a Rolex with that much gold. Rolex became famous for good watches, not because they were fancy. Go to /g/ and check out the watch general thread

>> No.3679175
File: 1.55 MB, 2560x1920, 12 bucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my watch

i will never understand why i would want to spend 25k for a hunk of metal on my arm /shrug

>> No.3679197
File: 143 KB, 1080x608, patek3-1080x608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how the true class looks like. Beautifully crafted and elegant. You can't go wrong with Patek Philippe.

tips welcomed: 19CiFPqMauvqFA9UHkKSBU9L5SNsDyZ8J8

>> No.3679200

Dont kill yourself, faggot
Try traveling around the world with that money
Or try building something for / donate it to science

>> No.3679221
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 2036909_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will give all your assets to me

>> No.3679226
File: 16 KB, 181x165, 2AB07F4000000578-3168180-image-a-65_1437395763627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knee deep in pussy.

>> No.3679242

>Banging small brown Asian girls non-stop will rocket your self confidence and get you out of your slump, it did for me.
Don't you get STDs doing this?

Asking for a friend.

>> No.3679300

1. take your own condoms, asian condoms dont let your dick feel a thing
2. std rates are surprisingly low. you can bang a HIV positive person without a condom like 1000 times with a 50% chance of catching it. i forget the real odds but they're low

3. even if you get an std, most are pretty treatable if you get checked regularly.
the ones that are hard to treat are the most rare to get (syphilis)

>> No.3679364


>> No.3679393


Send me 1LTC u richfag LeXcxNvbFp8te6Nqj18C9fLVAduN2ihhJC

>> No.3679422


Buy a nice motorcycle and learn to ride.
Travel around the world using your wealth to fund the adventure.
Get out of your room and off your computer.

>> No.3679424

sad bro you actually believed all this larp?

>> No.3679444
File: 45 KB, 632x475, 146788367-fear-biting-632x475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok... let me think

you will give me your BTC to me obviously and with the remaining 700k you will donate to SENS Research Foundation.... ;)

>> No.3679469

Send it to me

>> No.3679493


BTC: 1esML4Nx7VuqcVrHBJT6iT1ZVnwt91vuc

Prove that you are not lying , send 5 BTCs

>> No.3679518
File: 107 KB, 600x458, 1322796219001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is my BTC Address. Thanks man, I need it.


>> No.3679533


Guys the real question was, do you feel comfortable putting 25k in a watch when you have 1m (its 2.5% of ur net worth)

>> No.3679553

Or just get HIV and start spreading like a fucking degenerate around the world.

>> No.3679572

Give it to me i will get a lot of fun out of it then you would

>> No.3679640
File: 92 KB, 1024x512, DGeoZRkWsAAtn-X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caught the ETH rise from 40 to 400.
At that time I also put some money on Xrp, nice 400% or smthing.
I was then extremely lucky and caught the NEO rise from 2$ and sold at 34.
Caught OMG from 6 to 12 usd.
I did not go all in everytime ( all in for eth at the begining, 80% in for omg), its suicide to go all in on shitcoins like NEO ( it was called ANTSHARES ffs).

And now I went all in on LINK last week ( got into ico and bought on etherdelta), I had no problem going all in on LINK this shit is going to the moon and beyond ( when it will touch 1$ the market cap will only be 350 million think about that).

Thats about it, I made it but I had this gut feeling I'd always make it big. Believe in yourself, don't buy shitcoins and if you do make sure there is enough hype behind it. Research the team as much as you can, make sure they're not stuttering potheads.
Also if your starting capital is too low ( <5000 usd) get a wageslave job or hustle on the side, starting crypto with too little is hard nowadays.

Godspeed anon, believe in yourself. Don't be too greedy don't be too fearful

>> No.3679660

You lost me at stuttering potheads

>> No.3679672


>> No.3679691

What I mean is that you need a strong team with past project experience and technical abilities. But you also want a good PR/marketing image for the coin.

Omisego is a good product (arguably overvalued), but the techcrunch episode was a disaster we couldn't understand a word from what Jun was saying.

>> No.3679693

Give me a BTC plox

Also trips

>> No.3679705

Thought you were referring to Ark. It's a long running meme that the team consists of "stuttering potheads".

>> No.3679719

I know its an ark meme, desu I don't know much about the team so I can't talk about them. I just know what they're trying to do will be technically very impressive if its achieved

>> No.3679808

I'd only do it if the rest of your clothes are on the same level otherwise its just going to look fake. But if you appreciate the mechanics of the watch enough to get 25K worth of satisfaction out of it, then for sure, go for it. People do a lot worse on cars etc.

>> No.3680108

or you could buy a 12 dollar watch and invest that 25k...

>> No.3680135

You use all of it to buy CoExistCoin and then donate it to fund the foundation.

You help 1000's of people in one shot.

But don't kill yourself. Better that you live to help others.

>> No.3680333

Poor NEET here
send me bitcoins


>> No.3680355

And now you send some to me lol

>> No.3680396

me too plz

>> No.3680422

Let's see if OP comes through..

I say donate it to CoExistCoin in the name of the winner :)

People get fed.


>> No.3680429

By giving happiness to others you will finally realise you always had happiness within you. How else could you have given it away?


>> No.3680485

Get a F.P. Journe Chronometre Bleu instead. About 20k, amazing chrome blue dial, polished tantalum case, hard to find, retaining value as well as a Rolex.If you must go for a rolex, get a new stainless steel Daytona with ceramic bezel and it will retain its value best. and please don't kill yourself :) graciously accepting tips: 1BbeG9wR8JuMdpSdcZxGW2q2EZG9GorQj

>> No.3680737
File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had these trips over two hours ago. I don't think OP is likely to come through. Maybe he has decided to live.

>> No.3680774

Well if he does. Please buy 10k of CoExistCoin on WavesDex and give back a little. They are going to help South Africa and they've been a real charity since 2015. Just saying..

>> No.3680776
File: 567 KB, 300x456, 1464905799804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put some or all into ethereum and send it to this address

don't kill yourself my man


>> No.3680786


I got >>3678444 over 3 and a half hours ago. Nothing yet. No pending transactions.

OP is truly just a faggot who is full of shit farming for more BTC addresses to crack.

>> No.3680789

so close, sorry for begging. Don't kill yourself OP you're gonna make it

>> No.3680862

OP is too much of a pussy to actually send any BTC to a wallet.


I dare you $1K and then I reply that you actually became a man and followed through for once.

>> No.3680872

you made this thread a few weeks ago on pol. and I will again shamelessly ask you for money. I need it very badly ...

>> No.3680880

Listen senpai exercise if your skinny get big if your fat lose weight and lift so you get big. Buy some nice clothes you've been giving an amazing fucking opportunity don't blow it. I'm not going to ask for donations like all these fucks. Get big, get some fashion sense get yourself a tinder and make something out of yourself. We have one opportunity if you lifting doesn't help go to a therapist worse case scenario get some anti depressants. Find a purpose you want to keep building money and live lavishly go for it. You wanna help people join the peace core. We're all going to make it anon but don't give up I hope you make it. Think of your grandparents and all your ancestors who grinded to get you here they are proud of you and what you accomplished I am proud of you. Remember those who are proud stay in there. Godspeed anon

>> No.3680902

Anon, it would never just be that easy, think about it. If you kill yourself your just gonna wake up in a shittier life than you have now. Why go on a discord and meme around until you find some friends or start a group on r9k or something, assuming it's too painful to go outside and befriend strangers. Better yet, you could go to mid-rank college and take a degree you can say fuck it with. Be a good venue for meeting friends and imbuing your life with meaning.

If you still figure you should kill yourself. I guess travel to germany and purchase some qt escorts, travel anywhere you've always wanted to see. Finally use all your money to host a huge block party for your birthday, invite all your past friends if you had any, if not, post fliers all around your town/city, purchase a radio ad, maybe host on your mainstreet, plan it be something really spectacular and before the party ends jump off a building landing in the middle of the crowd or something.

Also could I have 1btc please? It'd help a lot with my trading I'm struggling over here using just a couple hundred bucks.

>> No.3680925

Give me 200k USD please. And don't kill yourself, buddy. =/

>> No.3680932

rolling again for trips.

>> No.3680948

I really hope you paid your taxes ON EVERY TRANSACTION mr neet or you will be rooming with tyrone in prison.

>> No.3680996

Along with millions of other people.
Going to be VERY interesting next tax season..
/biz/ will be 100 threads on taxes and zero on altcoins

>> No.3680998
File: 1.59 MB, 320x240, 3g601665550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag just starting out with crypto. Send a couple bucks my way so I can test the waters. :)

BTC 1Av56MJqryTx3r9ihfH4VhPADE2u3nS2s1
ETH 0x2d841F29cb5461eee0F1B20745D92c0D148228bF
LTC LdKokLf9N88yutmvhb5eV5PkbWPHC7c6ER

>> No.3681033
File: 10 KB, 274x274, 1ebsjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 off trips

>> No.3681039
File: 376 KB, 566x800, 1458657951331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get material for massive city wide explosion
>die in a blazing flame

>> No.3681072

Give it all to me, a poor venezuelan.

>> No.3681113


>> No.3681121

Try and gamble to a billion, if you lose you kys.

>> No.3681170

Try helping people. Not begging fucks on this board, people who really need help. Volunteer somewhere. When you see how much they need money, donate some. This path will change the way you think, and you probably won't wanna kys on your birthday either once your life has meaning.

>> No.3681197


>> No.3681206


Btc address please anon I'm watching link soar while I sit waiting for Kraken to verify me and then 5 more days till the bank deposit goes through

>> No.3681220

In what world is $150k a lot of money? Lmfao. You guys would lose it if I posted my assets

>> No.3681419

OP send me some BTC to prove this isnt a LARP
>youre gonna kill yourself anyways right?

>> No.3681438

Try ketamine, it's fun and temporarily cures depression. Then get on a regular dosage of tianeptine. You'll probably want to live again.

>> No.3681669
File: 225 KB, 2048x2044, ujijB8I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1FotJxVeGdAy84ZhGCzxuW7SxssXvxNAbk please give me some , i love u anon

>> No.3682323

Funny, I'm 22 years old, have 40k in the bank with no debt and a 25k car free and clear, yet, have no friends

>> No.3682410

My man, if you have resources enough to plan your suicideyou hace resources enough to try and prevent it.

Use what you got to experiecne what you haven't before/seek treatment you haven't had before.

>> No.3682433

Sounds like mommy and daddy helped out a ton.

>> No.3682444


asian spa until you become a regualr and they open the menu up for you.

>> No.3682461

Born rich here why kys when you can smoke opium and dmt and sky dive and fly everywhere live on the. Beach fuck hoes don't be a nerd

>> No.3682489

how does one travel and do things alone?

i cant even go to a damn bar and contain myself and not buckle down and cry because were all sad stupid bastards.

>> No.3682836

No lol. I joined the air force for the free college and saved most of my money

>> No.3682876

Why? Life is meaningless and we're all monkeys and etc but it can be fun so don't even trip, dawg

>> No.3683122

Theres no shame in that. Don't we all want to be at the level where we have security for ourselves and our future descendants?

>> No.3683203

Super harem of the most beautiful women with a bunch of cocain so you can die in bliss

Also 10 btc for me

>> No.3683261

We got trolled


>> No.3683321

You are not rich.

>> No.3683378

I second the ketamine

Some experts believe all the real benefits of electroshock therapy actually came from the ketamine anaesthetic. Afterwards, try new activities that you haven't done before. It's easy to give up on the future if you limit yourself.

Hang in there, life gets better. I used to be super depressed and now feel much better.

No wallet address.

>> No.3683391

>No wallet address.

Why would you want to give your wallet in a bait thread?

>> No.3683743

Gift me on Steam bb
Id:Waiatto Ichinose

>> No.3683939

mmm rolln

>> No.3683951


>> No.3684081 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 448x487, 1503002746043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GI Bill from my daddy covers college
>Parents conections landed me a job that pays 20 an hour
>Mfw not even 21 and have 20k

>> No.3684367

Donate your money to the charities helping people in Third World countries. Help the people who are suffering, not disgusting NEETs wanting free rides.

>> No.3684807

Dress nice, make yourself look good and you will increase your self-esteem, this will turn into self confidence and people around you will see that and you will make friends, but you will not get any if you stay inside and not surrounded by people.

>> No.3684856

send it all here

>> No.3684874

Take a trip to mexico, cocaine and hookers and see how you feel after that.


BTC address