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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3630573 No.3630573 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3630597

how do you think he got 47 lambos in his lambo account?

>> No.3630600

here comes the normie invasion, its finally here

>> No.3630607

>dan bilzerian: I just bought a shitload of Bitcoin today guys

No, it's not the end. These people will fucking panic sell the first chance they get if a crypto dips even 1% because they were promised it's "easy money!11". Then they'll dismiss it as just a "fad" or a "fraud" until cryptocurrency/blockchain solves real issues.

>> No.3630611

i've been here since july

>> No.3630612


>> No.3630618

Fuck this guys is my hero, he somehow managed to swindle his way into money and paid a shitload to advertise like a 45 minute video about how he made a shitload of money on every single video i used to watch.I can only wish I could make everyone watch my video: https://youtu.be/0AbOw7ICjfg
Fuck how do i become like this guy.

>> No.3630633
File: 20 KB, 480x360, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solves real issues
such as being considerably higher than their last sell and in an uptrend

>> No.3631630

You need to go to /fa/ and fix your hair and style.
Your background is okay and looks nice and professional with the books and whatnot but you yourself look shabby, kind of how and normal person dresses.
The combination of the nice books and background and the regularness of your clothes paired with the fact that the camera is not facing you directly makes it look like you are unprofessional but more importantly that you are a swindler yourself. That you have something to hide that you're trying to cover up with books in the nice background.
But get some better lighting, get a good hairstyle, dress in more fitted clothes, that are nicer -- not like a suit bit have a good style -- and then you'll be ready to make good crypto or stock trading videos.
(Honestly as long as you have all the professional stuff down you might not even need to make good calls just downplay and don't talk about the bad calls and up-play the good calls)

>> No.3631649

why does these pieces of shit fucking celebrities tweet about cryptos like this?

fuck, i need to have more than 21 btc before the normies pour in and crash this shit because they cant handle a 10% fluctuation

>> No.3631651

Willing to bet Dan lost money

>> No.3631705
File: 69 KB, 500x680, 1505952592185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the beginning of the beginning

>> No.3631751

Dammit i need more time to accumulate

>> No.3631779

This market is likely too volatile for them anyway.

Normies live fast-paced lives while NEETs have all the time in the world to sit on their damn coins.