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3614544 No.3614544 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. Here's a thread to talk shop for daytrading. Tired of getting bits and pieces of wisdom from other random threads? Let's centralize that knowledge.
What combination of indicators do you use? What's your target profit % per trade? What time period do you trade at? How successful are you?

I use a combination of CCI, MACD, and a moving average envelope, usually with a time period of 15m - 1hr. I've only been moderately successful and I'm really trying to tune in my settings, particularly with CCI. I thought I was killing it, but it turned out to just be a Bull market where everyone was killing it...
Anyway, let's talk shop.

>> No.3614580

I literally just pay attention to the movement of a coin and get to know it well- when I see it go back and forth between a solid support and resistance, I buy just a bit above the support, and sell just a bit below the resistance. I go a lot by "feel". Put in stop losses in case it goes shtf.

It's worked well for me.

>> No.3614584
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I shorted BTC at $3,600 and OMG at $8.16

I planned to close my position at $3,400

I was too greedy to close at $3,500

Kill me desu senpai

>> No.3614620

Learn to use trailing stops.

>> No.3614664

how do you work out buy signals on the CCI? Do you buy when it crosses the -100 or when it starts to trend towards the -100 line?

>> No.3614700

Definitely still in the process of figuring that out. Right now I want my buy signal to be at -100, yes, but what I'm struggling with is figuring out the correct period to set the CCI at. For example, a higher period of, say 100 yields fewer buy signals, but they seem to be potentially more accurate. Still, it misses out on other possible buy signals...

>> No.3614741

>What combination of indicators do you use?

baka, Ichimoku Kinkō Hyō desu senpai

>> No.3614768

parabolic SAR, stochastic, MACD on 1 minute chart

a 100 MA just to have a broad understanding of the current trend

>> No.3614780

I'm intrigued. Looking in this now. How successful are you?

>> No.3614824

I am still a beginner and I use MACD to help me find entry points, RSI to help me pick exit points, and I just discovered CCI today.

My biggest source of mistakes seems to be letting FOMO override my judgement. It has led to some retarded dangerous trades that I wish I never made.

I wonder how you guys keep your emotions under control.

>> No.3614826

Look for the CMT course books. Out of those, I recommend "The New Trading For a Living" by dr Alexander Elder.

>> No.3614894

You mean trading binary options short term (i.e. 1 to 15 minutes?)

>> No.3614924

I have weak as fuck hands. Palms sweaty, heart racing. I feel like killing myself every time something is stuck in sideways for over an hour.

>> No.3614952
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just buy low sell high and be yourself LOL!

>> No.3614956

I use reverse FOMO BUY and reverse PANIC SELL.

>> No.3614961


>> No.3614968

please add more eeee's on the b next time thank you

>> No.3614973

Kill yourselves, niggers. Day trading gambling degenerates.

>> No.3614989

How do you trade?

>> No.3614991

Take a look at SYNX right now, and feel free to draw your own conclusions
From what I see it will go up atleast 10% soon if not more

>> No.3615011


>> No.3615023

Day trading with skill is nothing like gambling. I make profit on 80% of my traders. Just keep 'hodling' your bags.

>> No.3615032

I've tried using parabolic SAR+stochastic, trying to use more than a few makes me loose track of my feeling.

My training account is going well, my real money account is not.
I'm clearly not good enough at interpreting the market nor at keeping my emotions at bay, so I guess I will keep using the training account until I find a strategy and signalers that work for me

1-15 minutes is just really, really volatile, feels a lot like gambling.

>> No.3615033

teach me senpai

>> No.3615043


You must be doing it wrong if you only profit on 80% of your trades

>> No.3615046

Could you give me some insight on your trading?

>> No.3615057

how do you determine your stop-losses?

>> No.3615073

>not being profitable on 112% of your trades

>> No.3615089

>Made three trades today
>1st -60%
>2nd +30%
>3rd +10%

Just fuck me up senpai

>> No.3615122


>> No.3615157

Don’t get stuck holding it though. Look at the bitcointalk ann thread about it ffs. Total pajeet trash coin that will never get used for anything.

>> No.3615185

Bad week for me down $2500 luckily my sister is my landlord and I'll tell her about my mishaps and shell let it slide

>> No.3615232

I focus on one coin for a week leading up to news. Nxc for example has been the only coin I've traded since last week.

The coin has to have news coming up for me to trade it. Get out after the pump leading to the news. Then set a low buy order to catch a falling knife. For nxc, once it pumps from its current position I'll set a ill set a order 35%-40% lower than the price 12 hours before the News comes out and sell almost immediately at probably an 8%-10% gain.

Then search for a new coin.

>> No.3615259

Your average day trader everyone.

>> No.3615284

what is CCI?

I'm heard of MACD and using MFI

Also why 15 minutes and not 1 hour or 5 minutes?

>> No.3615336

Do you have any videos or articles you'd particularly recommend for learning this strategy? I'm pretty intrigued by the forecasting potential.

>> No.3615350

I'm 19

>> No.3615355


>> No.3615364

Pretty sure this guy is a multimillionaire

>> No.3615370

I use a combination of Bollinger Bands and RSI

>> No.3615385

Awesome, I really appreciate your help! Going to watch this video right now.

>> No.3615477

My reasoning is that I can't react quickly enough for a 5min trend (I'm not a bot) and a 1 hour feels too slow when I'm actively trading.
But, ya know, I'm not successful at this yet so who knows. That's just what made sense to me.

>> No.3615584

I have telegram link full of info to learn day trading etc. If anyone is interested.

>> No.3615612

Yes please

>> No.3615623

gieb me plox murci

>> No.3615637

How do you put in stop losses? Can you have a sell order for 2 different prices and whichever it hits first it happens?

>> No.3615652

thatd be great, post it up

>> No.3615664

I strngly recommend reading Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas to anyone who's trading the market. You can easily find it online if you know your way around the internet.

Please do anon.

>> No.3615669

Yeah don't gamble guise. just pick the coins you think are sure fire winners like you're Warren Buffet. It's nothing like picking a winning horse at the tracks.

>> No.3615680

If the volume of a H&S formation right shoulder is the exact same as the left shoulder, does this indicate that the H&S formation will come true? Or does the volume have to be lower to confirm the pattern?

>> No.3615688

Or you could get a real job instead of pissing it all away like retarded day traders invariably do.

>> No.3615693

Masturbation and cocaine

>> No.3615698

But then I'd have to take a 400% pay cut and I wouldn't be able to live anywhere in the world..

>> No.3615767

Set aside a couple thousand dollars. Trade extremely small. Trade and trade and trade and trade. This is what you do after you know the basics. Getting good at trading requires you to trade... It's an extremely experienced based skill-set, but to get good you're going to have to lose and lose and lose. Lose until you start winning then start losing less and less. I don't mean on individual trades either, again I'm assuming anyone reading this knows the basics that it's not about the frequency of wins and losses but the magnitude of wins vs losses. You read and you eventually start hearing the same shit and at that point you "know" what to do, congratulations. There isn't much more to learn at that point about the basics. You then have to actually DO, but the doing can be expensive if you trade too large so trade small. Eventually you'll likely go from a discretionary trader or proto-systems to trader to a more systematized trader. You might go the algorithmic automated route, you might go the macro-economic fundamental route, you might do some blend of stuff. I don't think you can skip steps though.

I think you have to learn all you can from reading until the point that it feels like there's not much else left to learn (keep reading though because you still stumble across some gems). THEN start doing and realize that doing in this game costs money and time. You go to the gym to get in shape, it costs a little money each month and time, but over time you get bigger, your routine gets more sensible, your results get better. Trading is the same deal. Learn the basics, then do. After you "do" for a while it's time to start being really critical with yourself and start optimizing. Everyone wants the magic answer and again it's the same way at the gym. Everyone wants a magic spell to make them skip the pain, time, money, and effort, but there isn't really one. My lesson beyond this process I've laid out is don't be scared to trade and don't feel bad losing money.

>> No.3615784

Start small and understand that the way this game works is that if you can show consistent profitability on 10 shares, you can do it with 100, if you can do it with 100, you can do it with 1000. Generally a retail trader won't have market impact risk. If you can't show consistent profitability at 10 shares, you won't do it with 100 by some random act of magic, and if you can, it's likely to be fleeting. Forgive yourself, play the game, and recognize that even literal legends in the market "bleed" and make mistakes.

>> No.3615839

good shit thanks man

>> No.3615929
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Wanted to get into BTC (and maybe shitcoin) daytrading, but it seems really volatile. Has anyone made significant shekels with it or is it just too unpredictable?

Do it.

>> No.3615948

just follow https://cryptodealer.io
it's day trading on easy mode.

>> No.3615952
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Friendly reminder Graham hates you and laughs at your misfortune.

>> No.3616012

Great posts

>> No.3616032

how do i invite ppl to a telegram group or copy the link? I keep getting this when I copy the link. @LearnToTrade

>> No.3616055

HODLer coping.

>> No.3616166 [DELETED] 

Thanks and before I go I'll just state something that had a really big impact on me and so maybe it will help others. It was something along the lines of
>If you want to have a $1,000 day, you need to be ready to lose at least $300 in a day to do that
Most people want the $1,000 day, but they aren't trained enough and/or have a successful enough track record/accumulated war-chest to handle the pain of a $300 loss in a day and no guarantee that tomorrow you won't add another $300 to that loss. Before you go for the big kill on that $1,000 day. Get a "couple" $100 days under your belt first then if you want to go beast mode just to try to go after some bigger game, you're "only" risking 3 days of trading profits to try to make 10 days worth. If you lose, again basic stuff here, scale back down and re-accumulate. The goal of good trading in my opinion is to do it in such a way that you never go broke. That doesn't mean eating stale bread and playing 1 share positions for the rest of your life, it just means put in the work and treat size like a privilege you earn by winning not a right you get just by opening a brokerage account.

>> No.3616432

Learn about "stop loss" and risk management in general.

>> No.3616515
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>What is latency?
Me: Haaaaaaaaaaaa!

>> No.3616547
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>> No.3616842

>tfw everything looks good you enter a trade
>a fucking whale fucks your shit up and inserts a 20+ btc sell wall

>> No.3617137


>> No.3617713
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>> No.3617941

How did you lose that Anon? Share it

>> No.3617972

I use nothing of the above and only twitter.
Whenever I see a "huge" twit come out I buy. Then I put a sell order above that for 5-15% depending on hugeness of the twit. If I see a candle going crazy I might sell in 20% portions.

If day has lots of twits I make about 7% daily. If no twits I sad.

>> No.3617997

are weekly swing traders welcome?

>> No.3618146

>20 dollar profit..

>> No.3618274

this is exactly what I do, but I also have a criteria for coins I day trade on. Like small market cap, modest token supply and so on. My target is 20% at least, won't go any lower with daytrading

>> No.3618565

What's the best exchange to daytrade on?

>> No.3618652

Stop losses are for punks
Pick a better entry or learn to wait it out

Dont get greedy. Holding out for that 12% or whatever, take the 8% and be happy.

Margin trading is your best friend. Never all in, keep your open positions at the same value as your margin wallet give or take a bit.

>> No.3619164

Thanks, great advice!

>> No.3619356

Listen to me very carefully. You're doing it wrong.

You're letting indicators dictate your trades instead of developing a robust strategy.

>> No.3619367
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desu i just talk about trading in the +3100 member bitpam /biz/ cryptocurrency trading/mining/coding discord server


>> No.3619395

>Learn to trade altcoins like a wolf

yeah no thanks

>> No.3619418

Read Robert Pardo's book. Evaluation and Optimization of Trading Strategies.

>> No.3619731

I just watched the entire vid, thanks for that gem anon. What program do you use that faciliates the Ichimoku Kinkō Hyō indicator for cryptocurrency charts? I'm having a hard time finding one.

>> No.3619741

What shud i buy rn

>> No.3619826

Great post.

>> No.3620083

Any other good video like some anon posted above about ichimoku clouds?

Im on my phone and i cant tag

>> No.3620090

coinigy does, monthly but theyre so fucking worth it. makes it far easier to monitor across multiple exchanges

>> No.3620096

I mean quality videos, not necessarily about clouds again

>> No.3620124


>> No.3620355

programmer here, looking to get into algorithmic trading, but with on the absolute basics on the day trading side of things

I checked out quantopian for stocks to see what the publicly available state-of-the-art is for stock trading, and it is pretty cool. I thought there was one (or more) alt coins or dapps looking to do a similar product, but for cryptos

>> No.3620653
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>What combination of indicators do you use? 9ema and vwap for the 5 minute chart, nothing for the 1 minute, 200ema, and 13ema for the daily.

>What's your target profit % per trade?
>Profit target
What is this? Swing trading?

>What time period do you trade at?
1minute charts for market open, 5 minute after 20ish minutes.

>How successful are you?
Breddy successful. Treading water, but definitely building up my cushion although I'm far from ready to pay myself.

>> No.3621542

tradingview.com/chart/, it's free.

>> No.3622560

In terms of % profit / trade I was thinking along the lines of hitting a certain profit and getting out consistently, because that's safer than trying to time the actual peaks and selling then. For example, I've been going for around 5%. If you don't think that's a lot, plug 5% into a compound interest chart and be prepared to be amazed.

>> No.3622732

MACD, RSI, Michio Kaku cloud, meme lines

Making $10 with every $100 move. So far it has worked out flawlessly.

>> No.3622829

this -60 wtf are you doing risk-reward ratio you mofo

>> No.3623937

Wake up losers, it's time to day trade.

>> No.3623991

Alright lets cut to the chase: How much do you make a week/month with daytrading?

>> No.3624003

Enough to feed eleven niggers.

>> No.3624010
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Which software do you guys recommend for analysing? Im in Europe, if that makes any difference.

>> No.3624026

You can start with >>3621542.

>> No.3624038

Except you don't stop working when you're on UBI. At least most people don't. So this configuration will still be plugged in to an electric source.

>> No.3624070

So if a bucket of KFC is like 10$, around 220$?

>> No.3624114
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>> No.3624116

Damn! Im finally unbanned and can participate in this thread! I've been able to make 10-30% profit a day trading crypto on certain coins with wide buy/sell waves. But i just learned the hard way that Sundays and Mondays are the worst and lost a few bucks. So far though, Im win 20:1 trades which i think is amazing on compounding interest but sometimes i get shat on. How can i tell when someones going to dump on me on those occasions? I fucking love cryptos percentages. My pot has not only been increasing because of my own trades but because i have solid proof of my trades some people i know have been giving me money to increase the yield on the compounding interest (each one has already made their money back!)

My experience in trading pretty much comes entirely from games unironicly.

>> No.3624146

is trading viable for a wagecuck?

ive been comfy just buying good cryptos early for dat +10x and holding

>> No.3624159

Made 44k overnight going long on eth with 30x leverage. Got to wonder why I still got up and went to work after closing my positions.

>> No.3624170

Dude wagecucking and throwing 1/2 or even 1/3 of my salary in cryptos would be a fucking dream.

>> No.3624176

trading view

also, crypto settings are 10, 30, 60, 30 not 9, 26, 52, 30

>> No.3624177

>10-30% profit a day
If you can keep this up, you're gonna be a millionaire.

>> No.3624178

2 words, compounding interest.

>> No.3624188

9-26-52-26 sorry

>> No.3624190

It will always hit the highest stop loss out of the two or three or fifteen you pick anyway, what fkn difference would that make?

>> No.3624192

I know! im hyped as fuck, But im not going to lie its taking a serious toll on my body. Barly eating, sleeping. And now my cat is deathly ill so my trades have been less than consistent while im nursing him back to health. Vet gave me a 5% chance of making it threw the night, and yet here he is!

>> No.3624234

i know. if i somehow managed to make 5% on 100 consecutive trades, we're talking real moon missions. but as we all know ACTUALLY making even 1%/ day is a fucking mission.

but people like this guy wtf >>3624159
how much did you front for that 30x leverage?

whats your strategy boyo? how are you identifying which coin to buy and when?

>> No.3624240

>My experience in trading pretty much comes entirely from games unironicly.

I'm about to get into daytrading and I must say my familiarity with spreadsheet simulators is helping a lot. Sucks to be those brainlets who played casualshit like Call of Duty.

>> No.3624320

I try to get 2-5% per trade, sometimes its within minutes other times it takes hours to move to were i need it. Sure does take its toll.

>whats your strategy boyo? how are you identifying which coin to buy and when?
I pretty much stick to a set number of specific coins that i have been studying. Consistent happy coins. A few goldmines out there if you know how to spot em. In that way it helps to know when to buy and when to sell. Theirs another smaller dolphin who also daytrades on one of the coins i do and when he puts up a buy wall i know the price is about to take off with little worry of falling back down. But the odd time it does, the coin basically has a safety net because it always seems to return to the mean by the end of the day.

I've been thinking of trying out leverage, I'm clearly talented for this sort of thing, But Im not sure im good enough to risk it >< sp feel free to talk me out of it.

ps. i just closed a trade at 1.95% before posting this

>> No.3624344

what are your favorites?
I've seen Einsteinium bounce up and down a lot

>> No.3624355


I only buy ETH dips.

>> No.3624356

Honestly you don't even need to play a lot of number games. Any game with a thriving economy is just as good because it gives you a little bit more realistic experience. I learned a lot of things from the wow auction house believe it or not. (vanilla to cata)

Sorry man, You understand why I'm not going to throw any names out there before my lambo can drive it's own lambo right? :(

>> No.3624371


>> No.3624374

What exchange(s) do you trade on?

>> No.3624378
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What exchanges do you guys use for Cryptos and Forex?

Also how long did it take you to start making gains?

>> No.3624381

interesting my man thanks for the reply,

is there any service you use to chart your coins and any technical indicators?

>> No.3624409

Most of what i do is instinct, I sometimes set resistance lines but my coins have been so consistent it's not necessary. When im exploring a new a new coin i like to use ravi, rsi, moving average, money flow index, MACD. And many meme lines.
I have accounts on every exchange for shitcoins but i main trade on trex.

>> No.3624413

The exchanges are my biggest worry when getting into crypto trading: how many fucking exchanges do I need to keep track of all this shit? Coinbase, Kraken, and Bittrex together keep track of like 10 coins, which isn't even close to covering 10% of them.

>> No.3624424

Bittrex has like 250+ markets.

>> No.3624432

>I try to get 2-5% per trade, sometimes its within minutes other times it takes hours to move to were i need it. Sure does take its toll.
I was thinking of doing this with BTC, but I noticed you seem to be trading in other, smaller coins. Is there a reason for this? Is it just that smaller coins fluctuate a lot more, therefore making 5% profit trades much much faster?

>> No.3624449

>tfw had only glanced at bittrex and saw the few they have as "select currencies"

Well, I stand corrected.

>> No.3624450

What time frame do you trade over? 1m/5m/15m/1h or even more? What percentage do you look to take per trade?

>> No.3624459

Have a look at this:

Coinmarketcap.com in general.

>> No.3624470

Yes, small coins give better margins, are less volatile and you wont have 1000 biz autist dump on top of you. Word to the wise, Though. If your going to start a new coin, Learn the ecosystem and it's inhabitants. If you piss on the local wild life (the local whale or dolphin/crap) we will make your life awful. Work with us, not against us. Observe the order book carefully before you make large trades.

>> No.3624479


>> No.3624502

1/2/4 hour charts with a reference to the daily chart for alts. for btc I rarely check anything under 4 hours and usually stick to the daily chart with reference to the weekly. not really a day trader in the strict sense, though I do watch the charts every day. I look for bigger % gains and fewer trades.

>> No.3624503

Why not trade the latency between BTC exchanges?

>> No.3624533

How do you guys keep up with all the ratios of value between all the shitcoins and BTC/ETH and then also the $ values?

I'm having a hard time making financial decisions without being able to keep everything in a $ value perspective. Sometimes the %chngs of BTC values for shitcoins don't reflect the %chngs in respective fiat values.

>> No.3624543

Simply ignore dollar value. If you believe in BTC and how high it could get, Focus on satoshi gains.

>> No.3624559

Generally the goal should always be to accumulate more BTC.

Don't worry about dollar value. Blockflolio can track that though.

>> No.3624568

Thanks man. You're really helping me out a lot. I haven't stopped thinking about Ichi since yesterday and after testing against historical trends and watching that video you suggested, I'm gaining a lot of confidence that this might be the actual best way to do it.

>> No.3624587
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Oh, hi there cryptofags..
How was your day?

>> No.3624589

thanks to all the anons who have posted this book. it has opened my eyes

>> No.3624612

yeah i made my eyes bleed learning about the ichimoku system for about a week straight.

Also, a lot of ichimoku traders like to double the settings to increase the signal/noise ratio. 20-60-120-30 has worked really well for me. chaos trader uses doubled settings as well.

This guy is pretty popular on twitter for crypto

>> No.3624622


Makes sense.

However there is still the issue of ETH tied tokens and shitcoins because you're still making a value conversion from Shitcoin - > ETH -> BTC where the ETH/BTC conversion rate is not static.

>> No.3624625
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Yesterday's PnL, was actually pretty good for a monday. I usually lose money on Mondays.

>> No.3624634

You should be trading btc to token not eth to token to btc

>> No.3624697


So day traders don't participate in ICOs and crowdsales etc. ?

>> No.3624712

i buy when ichikomus cloud play in my favor and i sell when sma broke lel

>> No.3624726

Personally i don't very often. I like airdrops though. Most ICO's are overrated and overcrowded, it's not like it used to be. But my statement wasn't really meant towards ico's, just trading. If you want to participate in an ICO I guess you have no choice but to convert into eth, which will require an extra couple layers of luck.

>> No.3624770



Good info, thanks.

>> No.3624865

Maths background. I do a combination of algo trading and statistical modelling in R. Never used TA at all. If anybody is interested in the process
> Identify coin. I trade volatility 90% of the time. Volume is key.
> Grab OHLCs 1m-5m through the exchange's API as far back as possible.
> Perform basic time series tests in R.
> If trend-, seasonal-, stohastic-, etc- reduction is possible I go ahead with the coin.
> Start developing the model in R. This could be a simple linear model (ARIMA+EGARCH), could be something more complex like SVMs or trees, usually its a combination/ensemble of models.
> Usually never go as far as heavy machine learning stuff like a CNN+RNN stack. Easier to find another coin than to make sense of the non-linearity later on.
> The general idea is to take a time series and identify the generative process. In other words, reduce the residuals to white noise.
> Once model is ready, reimplement it in python as a trade signal in mementum/backtrader (on github)
> Writ the strategy. The strategy can either rely on the model for everything (long/short/close signals) or just listen for a particular signal (usually the entry point) and then close depending on some heuristic.
> Once done, run a ton of backtests.
> If backtests aren't working out (bad sharpe, over the top drawdowns) go back and rewrite stuff until it works out.
> Once its all good, either rewrite everything in Erlang or C++ (rarely needed though) or just use python and start live trading.
> Monitor the strategy (all done automatically) and retire it once its starting to get "arbitraged away"

I've been moderately successful with this. Have written pure sentiment bots too, doing NLP on tweets and then reacting to that. Which has worked quite well, just needs refinement. From next year on I'll probably focus on just doing this fulltime until the going is good and the competition is weak.

>> No.3625364

Can you recommend a book as an intro to price models?

>> No.3625406

So you panic sell when its going up in FOMO and FOMO buy when its panic selling...

Really makes me think

>> No.3625531

So buying now then, anon?

>> No.3625534

Nothing wrong with 5%, and scalping is the way to go. Good on you anon.

>> No.3625562

The bible is probably still "Options, Futures, and other Derivatives" by Hull. That is if you havent read it already. Very basic but it will serve as a very good overview with only a bit of math involved.

Another good introductory text is "Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time" by Björk. Can be very slow, but covers a huge range of topics. Bit more math heavy. Has a ton of econometrics stuff as well in there.

The field's literature is somewhat inaccessible as a very good grasp of higher math is required... Its def doable though if you keep working at it.

Youll also find a bunch of "Quant finance for hackers" or "Financial Python" type of books. Id generally stay away from those. Nothing more but cookbooks with recipes.

Let me know if you are interested in the more math heavy books, I can suggest a few.

>> No.3625582




>> No.3625664


why different ichi settings?

>> No.3625738

Because of OTP and the vm mainly. As I said, its rarely needed, but when it is nothing else comes close.
> distribution out of the box
> isolated green threads (can run 10s of millions if needed)
> fault tolerance
> battle tested soft realtime performance (20+ years of use in telecommunication, fintech, backend servers)
> hot code reloading/hot patching
> bunch of other shit
I know the syntax looks very esoteric, but thats a matter of taste.

>> No.3625771

>Let me know if you are interested in the more math heavy books, I can suggest a few.
The ones you've given should last for a couple, but you can drop some names for the backlog, thanks.

>> No.3625779
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Found the real trader.

For those who have no idea what to do or where to start - here's some reading that may be useful:
>Market Wizards by Jack Schwager
>Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefèvre
>Trend Following by Michael Covel
>Targeted Capital by Christopher Malach
>Beating the Financial Futures Market: Combining Small Biases into Powerful Money Making Strategies by Art Collins
>Trading Systems and Methods by Perry Kaufman

The first three are more conceptual, while the second three are more practice related. Also the Better System Trader podcast is pretty good for trading ideas once you get a grasp of the basics.

>> No.3625788

What are the best free charts with all the tools added?

>> No.3625804
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This is an excellent book for anyone who does any sort of automated trading, but it sounds like OP is doing discretionary trading.

>> No.3625844

longs BTFO

>> No.3625849

what shitcoins you guys trading today?

>> No.3625910

explained in this vid


>> No.3625918

Assuming you have Calculus, Linalg, and introductory statistics covered. Read the following for an introductory maths treatment of the topic (just to name a few)
> Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance by Lapeyre
> Stochastic Calculus for Finance II by Shreve
> Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering by Glasserman
> Bayesian Data Analysis by Hall
> Dynamic Hedging by Taleb
> Methods of Mathematical Finance by Karatzas

Keep in mind, these books are not gonna teach you how to trade. Theory is very much required though, because you want to know why to apply a model, when to apply, what to expect, how to diagnose it, etc.
For a more practical approach to algo/quant trading, anything by ep chan or wilmott.

>> No.3625926
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Thanks for the effort.

>> No.3625993
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>> No.3626060

fuck me,

is MACD + MFI better to use on 1hr or 30 min charts?

Pretty much any indicator of overbought/oversold will obviously vary depending on candle time period.

>> No.3626088
File: 192 KB, 1920x999, 09.14.2017-15.21 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted my price action analysis reads on here before but honestly - simply placing trades off what other people say isn't going to help you much. Even if you listen to someone's advice and enter the trade, they aren't gonna be there to help you actively manage it. Both the bull and bear cases need to be taken very seriously and you have to react to what's going on and make decisions as more bars are printed.

Might as well just be holding a position longterm and forgetting about it. That or listen to the guy's advice in here about practice practice practice. Trade very small and scale up slowly as a reward for consistency. Luckily with bitcoin you can trade very tiny, and even for free through gdax with limit orders.

>> No.3626117

Yeah, and you want to look at multiple time frames. Check this out: http://prudenttrader.com/PT-TripleS.html

>> No.3626134
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One of the most rudimentary practice techniques is to change the timeframe to something lower than daily (so you get more bar history). Load up your preferred setup, close your eyes and scroll it far far back. Keep hitting the right arrow key for each bar and see how your reading is. If you want to buy or sell, write it on a notepad (short @___) and then keep moving forward with the arrow keys and manage your trade.

Gauge how well you're doing. I do not recommend paper trading for long because you fool yourself so easily with it. Trade with real money because it's about emotional development too. Put $1 on per trade - you're not gonna go broke this way if you play reasonably.

>> No.3626167
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the only literature i need is /biz/

>> No.3626195
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You should be thinking as both a bull and bear at all times. The guy I learned from said, "if someone has a gun and a 40% chance if hitting you, you would take the situation very seriously." The same concept applies here since we are dealing in a realm where probabilities usually hover around 40-60%. The good traders have an intimate history with their particular charts and can gauge their probabilities well, and manage their trades well.

Obviously the simple trading math goes: if it's a 40-50% probability trade you typically want around 2:1 reward to risk. 60%+ percent you can do 1:1 but it is very difficult for traders to consistently achieve 1:1.

Don't be too fooled by channel drawings and lines. It is s/r but they break. You have to consider the implications of s/r breaking. "Hmm the bulls weren't even good enough to hold this s/r, what does that say about them? If you were long here would you be disappointed and possibly be looking for a pullback opportunity to get out with a smaller loss?" etc.

>> No.3626322

If you're interested in day trading I recommend actually watching a day trader.


That's a 2 day free trial of Al Brooks (who I'm obviously shilling for big time, he taught me everything I know). No cc required etc. you literally just sign up and you can visit his webinar and watch his reasoning and recommendations on the ES through the entire trading day.

>> No.3626390

where do you make these charts?

>> No.3626408
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>started with x amount
>currently have x - |y|

>> No.3626555
File: 44 KB, 778x762, whatdidhemeanbythis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you mean anon.

>> No.3626567

Christ I made so much money in the AH buying up low orders and setting my own walls

>> No.3626829

Fuck yeah. Same. It's what made me believe I could do it in real life. Obviously it's a little more complicated, considering the average price is a moving target, but the fundamentals seem to remain the same.

>> No.3626916
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9-15 notes

>> No.3626991
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If you're asking me, TradingView & Snagit.

>> No.3627056

that's his whole point. There is no such thing as stop losses if you just hold.

and not play with margines.

1 to 1 and you can never lose your money

But you may have to wait a few months for your profit to come in.

But never go all in

if you have 25k. And you know somethings gonna moon. Put only 10k in
put another 10k into something else, and save that 5k, incase one of your coins drops. really low. THen put in another 5k so you will make a fuck ton of profit on that 5k and profit on the same coin for your 10K.


>> No.3627140

TA is bullshit. Just need to know how people react to certain crashes/spikes and you're golden.

>> No.3627184
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Day traders are traders who place intraday trades and are generally flat when not interacting with the market, unless they also have longer term holds but that isn't day trading. In general most day traders are operating with stops.

It's certainly okay to hodl with no stop, but just make sure that amount is what you're comfortable losing as a general idea.

>> No.3627214
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Technical analysis is just a broad brush of a lot of different things. Some would consider exactly what you're saying as technical analysis. I like to call it price action trading.

In general there is indeed a lot of bullshit with indicators and magic patterns that people tend to hold as holy grails of technical analysis - that's for sure.

>> No.3627243
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Guys is ETH about to be $420?

>> No.3627262

The meme lines say yes.

>> No.3627307
File: 45 KB, 551x767, BSQqMKfxVb0ekDh7Dnl6j6OEffq84uW8aNOiVVki6k0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have a good lead.

If we can find which hawaii companys will profit from this. http://marijuanastocks.com/content/list-marijuana-stocks/

dude weed lmao

>> No.3627456
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>have too little money for a hodl to mean anything
>try to day trade
>look at coins with highest gains
>they all look like they could dump any second
>except for one
>buys NEO
>it instantly goes down 4%
>Well it's NEO, it'll eventually go back up then I can sell

>tfw you try to daytrade and accidentally become a bagholder

>> No.3627474

Fair enough.

>> No.3627488

>buy high sell low
Look for the coins that are dropping not pumping..

>> No.3627530

problem is percentage profit dont scale, try 5% on ETH vs. 5% in RDD
but thats more of a problem for automated trading

>> No.3627549
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Goddammit I sold OMG and BAT to do this.

>> No.3627577

Downloaded a trading simulator app yesterday for shits and gigs. 10000 pounds capital and I'm up 1500 quid in that time. Is this shit real? Is this how rich people make money?

>> No.3627588

what's the name?

>> No.3627885

thanks for this post

>> No.3627897

Yes, but ur capital is your risk.
You could lose that 10k, so u need to be lucky

>> No.3628855

Post bot?

>> No.3629604

When it is sideways or heading south, I start to sweat like a whore in church!

>> No.3630587

Are nip clouds /ourindicator/ ?

>> No.3630674
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And many of those people would be able to afford to go to college to actually do something better than being stuck flipping burgers their whole life solely because of the conditions they were born under, or many of them might have leeway to start a business, thus transforming and growing the economy. Especially if this replaces all the other forms of welfare, the only people who are against it are people who's entire ideology is based off of shitty facebook memes like that one or who love getting fucked in the ass by the status quo

>> No.3630689

I wanna scalp on Bitmex (my bread and butter) but this VOLUME



>> No.3630901
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I think you're looking for r/latestagecapitalism.

>> No.3630964

Wow you really convinced me with that funny le south park gif. I've been here since '05, you're the one that needs to leave.

>> No.3631019
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I came to learn about day trading. You came to derp about gibsmedats.
Now what's the title of the thread?

>> No.3631312

Fair enough, friend

>> No.3631374

i keep making great fucking entry points on bitmex but i've only been doing it on 1 contracts because im a pussy

i could've made over 200 dollars in the past half hour

>> No.3631396

If your strategy werks just stick with maybe risk a bit more but getting greedy is how you blow

>> No.3631407

blow up
fucking phone posting

>> No.3631413
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it's been working amazing

i'm just being way too cautious

>> No.3631487

Elaborate nigger

>> No.3631494
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F-ck you!

>> No.3631500

I've been thinking about getting into daytrading cryptos, but I can't find any charting software/websites that include range bars in their aggregation periods for the charts. If anyone has come across something like this, I would appreciate it if you could lmk.

>> No.3631615


>Every minute the fire alarm low battery beeps in the background

How can one learn amidst distractions?

>> No.3631890

What coins do you guys trade? Or does telling ruin it?

>> No.3631906

I left my fire alarm like this for about a month
You get used to it since its rhythmic and just sort of tune it out

>> No.3631919
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>100x trading

>> No.3632064
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who MACD + RSI + Bollinger here?

>> No.3632251

1$ position size lmao

>> No.3632448

Not me, man. Shit like that drives me insane. You are literally animal tier for letting a noise hypnotize you into pacification. Recognize patterns and act to improve your environment. This is a microcosm of trading, yes I am bringing it back to the purpose of this thread in convolution.

>> No.3633269

Where should I begin? Any places you'd recommend to increase my financial literacy?

>> No.3633808

There is no point in trying to daytrade on Coinbase, is there?

>> No.3633877

The wolf of wall street is that you?

>> No.3633954

How does it work?

>> No.3634202

Me, though I'm new and I suck.

>> No.3634222

I started out with 9500 dollars, made 7500 in my first month (including lots of losses). That's alright for a beginner I guess

>> No.3634240

Fees and prices being pushed up and down makes it retarded, try GDAX

>> No.3634365

just swap your buy/sell button. it works for me.

>> No.3634604

I think so my guy

>> No.3635140
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>14 futures contracts
>less than 1 handle average

>> No.3635154

I use a faster price feed and trade on the slower price platform.

>> No.3635175
File: 78 KB, 753x891, so-far-today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic.
So far today.

>> No.3635619

Is your trading style mostly reactive or do you use those indicators to set stop losses and whatnot as well?

Really effective combination of indicators

>> No.3636145

Do you use a bot?

>> No.3636197

Bollinger is good at trading on a stick that is moving sideways ? Am I right ?

>> No.3636217


>> No.3636245

>I use nothing of the above and only twitter.
>Whenever I see a "huge" twit come out I buy. Then I put a sell order above that for 5-15% depending on hugeness of the twit. If I see a candle going crazy I might sell in 20% portions.
>If day has lots of twits I make about 7% daily. If no twits I sad.

How specifically do you tell if a twit is "huge"?

>> No.3636255

I'm going to enter a 100x leverage trade within the next few moments.

Get rich or die trying amirite?

>> No.3636292

tomorrow you buy a Lambo

>> No.3636322
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You need a sample size of at least 50+ trades before adding more weights to the barbell bro. Trust me - don't assume you're a master from a few trades. The emotions are much more magnified with drastic jumps in risk.

>> No.3636342

Do you chart it out? Make spreadsheets? Or do you just get the jist of it?

>> No.3636349

> if you can show consistent profitability on 10 shares, you can do it with 100, if you can do it with 100, you can do it with 1000.
This is bullshit, the rest is good.

>> No.3636364

Everyone chokes. It's just relative according to what you can afford to lose. If you have little, then you're fucking poor anyway, so...

>> No.3636632

Yes. It compares prices between two MT4 platforms and trades on the slower MT4 platform.

>> No.3636921
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Tried to start daytrading BTC but the fees are killing me. Idea was to do rather fast trades but it ends with 0.1-0.5% gain of which fees are half of that at best (often more and quite a lot of the time higher than the actual gain).

Should I chill out and slow down a bit? Trading every 5-10 minutes doesn't seem feasible (except sometimes when there's a big spike) at least with BTC.

>> No.3636928 [DELETED] 



>> No.3636983

Move to Bitfinex or an exchange with a lower fee if you're trading USD-BTC pair

>> No.3637035

I'm using Kraken (saw Coinbase's fees, nope'd out), is there anything with lower fees? Bittrex seems to have similar fees (0.25%).

>> No.3637059

Bitfinex has lower fees than Kraken. Unless you're trading an insane volume, that is.


>> No.3637090


Well my bad, I'm retarded. Read that as Bittrex. Thanks anon I'll check it out. Side question: How many exchanges do people usually end up working in? As I am now, I already got 3 (Bitfinex would be the 4th).

>> No.3637260

Did you make the bot yourself? If so, was it difficult?

>> No.3637408

Any useful telegrams?

>> No.3637422

I have t.me/roylsigs

>> No.3637423

most of those are p&d scams same with discords. And the scam is for the discord/telegram users, not the people who they plan to scam

>> No.3637468

I come from a programming background so it was easy for me.

>> No.3637777
File: 145 KB, 500x787, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took a bit of my time to trade zec-eth back and forth on sunday
>gained 25%
>ended on ETH and Zec now jumped up 20%
>could have had almost the same gains without wasting time and taking risks

>> No.3637801


what candle size do you use?

>> No.3637864

Where do you get the faster price feed?

>> No.3637876

You could use the number of retweets for example, but the guy said he uses NLP so I dunno about his method specifically.

>> No.3637886

Right now I am using fxpro but others you can use are ic markets and pepperstone.

Just sign up for a demo!

>> No.3637933

This happens sometimes and its the worst feeling in the world. But if your consistent with your trades you come out ahead in the end.

>> No.3638103
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The only place to short NEO is Bitfinex?
And wtf is up with Bitfinex, do I need to send all documents and bank statements to be verified or there is a way around ?

>> No.3638454
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With programs like Tradestation or Ninjatrader there are whole stats sections. With bitcoin it appears you'll have to be much more manual with it. It's quite valuable to build performance stats along the way though so it's worth it.

With me in bitcoin I've just been buying and hodling - not actively daytrading so I only care about building a larger position at buy spots than data-collecting in-and-out trades.

>> No.3638485
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Hey dummy if you use gdax you can use limit orders and be considered a market maker and pay no fees at all.

>> No.3638488

Why do you want to get verified? It's one of the few exchanges that doesn't require it

>> No.3638506
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Magnum XXL

>> No.3638537

Anyone using gunbot?

Is it a worthy investment?

>> No.3638561
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Listen here goyim you better listen up and buy some BTS as this stuff is about to moon and I wouldn't want my bro to miss it

>> No.3638574


Isn't that way too much? I thought 20% daily was a rare occurrence.

>> No.3638590


>> No.3638611
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Can I deposit tether without being verified?

>> No.3638615

It's shit, I had it and it only lost me money. Sold my license.

Don't listen to the paid forum shills like Cryptonauta who always show off their 300% monthly returns

>> No.3638640
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Any reason why NEO had a run today?

>> No.3638713

Daily reminder that the working week used to be 6-days long and a lot of indicators are based on that fact. Trading weeks for normal stocks are only 5 days, and 24/7 for crypto. Change the settings on your indicators accordingly.

>> No.3638755

That's genius, anon.

>> No.3639015

Lol at anyone using indicators here. Why do you anons care about what happened a minute/hour/day ago? Price action is the only way to day trade.

>> No.3639047

NEO opens public ATM's in Korea tomorrow in an attempt to ween their people off paper currency. We'll see how it plays out.

>> No.3639265
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If it was a money, erm crptotree, do you think they'd keep it proprietary and utilize the shit out of it or do you think they'd try to sell it to as many normies as possible at a price normies could afford? They're trying to make software sales, and the caveat they include is it is a tool and you need to have market theory understanding and application to use it.

Basically it could help you automate your trading strategy if it's already sound and making you money, and easily able to be transmuted from your fleshy biological self to the software.

>> No.3639282
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>Implying price action traders don't study what happened hours/minutes/days ago.

>> No.3639361
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Fuckin hell, its my first time trading using indicators. Feels good to be right, beginner's luck or it is that easy?

>> No.3639384

how do i trailstop in bittrex?

>> No.3639393

got source on that? couldnt find anything formal

>> No.3639441

has anyone made a machine learning model for some altcoin forecasting?

i'm studying it now at the uni and i think it would be cool try to write one

>> No.3639563

If someone has some pointers how to code when my bot should sell out, do post

>> No.3639726

exchangers have apis where you can download, tradingview has one too. Thats how you can download all the data and use the system.
Then just make your own bot that interprets whatever method you want to use, give it some fake money to test for a few days and done you're a millionare

>> No.3639863

yes, I do this regularly see >>3624865
I would generally advice you to stay away from blackbox models, especially when money is involved. What are you majoring in?

>> No.3639888

pls gib pointers on how to identify good sell out times.

>> No.3639945

computer science.

teacher wants me to use scikit. i started literally 2 days ago so it will take me a couple of months to learn the stuff

>> No.3640231

Not gonna lie anon, you got a long road ahead of you. Python is good, but you'll find its severely lacking as far as stat analysis is concerned. Fortunately (or unfortunately) theres R. Look into that. This is gonna sound really vague, but the best thing you can do in general is look past the implementation and rather focus on the underlying principle. In other words, before you jump to keras and start fitting LSTM models on random time series data, try to understand what it is you are trying to reduce first.

>> No.3640285

yeah, i kinda suspected it will be a long road. meanwhile i'll try the ichimoku stuff

>> No.3640535

easier said than done anon...
Look at it this way, a time series, be it financial or whatever other temporally correlated data, is nothing more than a reflection of an underlying generative process. It will exhibit certain properties throughout time. Now any time series will obviously show extrema, minima and maxima, so called "shocks" in the time series. These can be explained away by news breaking on twitter, whales doing their thing and so on and so forth.

What you are interested in is basically taking this data and transforming it into stationary data with a constant mean and constant variance. If you can do that, you have effectively explained away the statistically significant lags. And by doing that and working in reverse, you can now use those latent variables to make your predictions.

Think about seasonality for example and how you could fit a model to explain away seasonal correlation. With financial data, the process is no different, you just have a ton of variables to consider. But keep in mind that none of it must be set in stone, you really only need to estimate them. Assign them some probability and a distribution.

Answering your question directly, you would first need to identify a diversion from the mean and then act on that. Usually markov processes for regime change detection are applied here. Another basic concept is heteroskedasticity (volatility clustering) of financial data. Look into that too.

All of it is a fucking rabbit hole desu that might consume you entirely lol. But I gotta tell you. Its interesting and really worth it.