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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3607791 No.3607791 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ look

a 8 billion dollar market cap crypto that has less than 30 transactions a week

This worries me a lot.

Is this not a sign we are in a bubble?

>> No.3607797


Bcash? What the fuck is that?

>> No.3607798

it shows bcash is overvalued, yes.

>> No.3607815

Well how do we fix this ?

Going by marketcap BCASH is 8x larger than "biz approved" coins like OMG and Monero.

They are shilled constantly and they only just reached 1 bill. Bcash is 7bill.. In the space of 3 months

>> No.3607819

what coin are you guys talking about? What is bcash?

>> No.3607822

BCASH is a tard way of saying Bitcoin Cash.
Bitcoin Cash is the fork from bitcoin that solves the congestion problem ( blocks filling too fast = slow confirmations, high fees and slow TPS 3 tbe) It has 10 minute confirmations, cheap fees and 3x the TPS of Bitcoin which is controlled by blocksteam

>> No.3607830

Bingcash, like the search engine

>> No.3607841


Right, why the fuck are they calling it bcash? It sounds fucking retarded

>> No.3607842


Bcash is a shill way of referring to bitcoin cash without saying "bitcoin". Its only used by complete faggots.

>> No.3607858

"average no of transactions per block" you subhuman

>> No.3607862


I see. Paid shills? Sounds about right. Otherwise why not refer to Bitcoin Cash as BCC?

>> No.3607866

lol bcash faggots getting triggered because we don't bother to write out "bitcoin cash" every time like a cuck. your coin sucks, get over it.

>> No.3607872

nice just bought 100k

>> No.3607874

Realised this after, still aint pretty.

Expect there isnt really any congestion issues currently, and fees are reasonable.

Blocksize/TPS scales linearly, its a waste of time. Even with 4GB blocks it wont come close to VISA/other cryptos

Off chain is the future

>> No.3607882

Bcash is the worst crypto in every sense of the word. The % gains are abysmal, because bcash is WAY TOO OVERPRICED.


>> No.3607886

The ride is over. You should've sold when it started dipping.

>> No.3607909


I think we already established you're referring to Bitcoin Cash, please use the correct name to avoid confusion.

Also it may be overpriced at the moment but your biased vitriol leads me to believe you are fearful of it, thus I will be buying in when the price drops a little, thank you.

>> No.3607929

Avoid confusion with what? The real bitcoin?

I think youll find most of the vitriol stems from the Bcash community.

the whole btc/bcash thing is as much anti-core decision as it is a technological philosophical one.

They disagreed so strongly with core that they forked off right?

>> No.3607973


I still don't understand why you're referring to Bitcoin Cash as Bcash, the name is simply incorrect, if you don't want to confuse the two Bitcoins then use their tickers. This bias can only be explained by fear, or a paid shill. Which are you?

Thanks for the information though, I promise you I will now be buying Bitcoin Cash.

In future instead of attacking a coin with baseless FUD, perhaps instead provide actual evidence to convey an opinion.

I simply do not believe that a coin that is generating so much hate in a particular subset of the cryptocurrency community is worthless, in fact you've convinced me to invest.

Thanks champ.

>> No.3607990

What confusion? Bcash, BCC, BCH, Bitcoin Cash, this piece of shit has like 5 names, everyone knows that.

I don't care about this crypto though, I only care about numbers, and the numbers don't add up:

1) Too overpriced.
2) % gains are the shittiest among ALL altcoins. Day trading it is stupid, and holding it is even more stupid because of the evident downtrend.

There was a moment for this shit to shine, and that moment is gone. Nobody is fearful of your dying crap dude, keep telling that to yourself to justify holding a failed project, like the idiots who held XRP, DGB, etc. after the dump.

>> No.3607994

Per block you fucking numb nuts.

>> No.3608016

bcash will be better once they add segwit support

oh wait, that's bitcoin. I can't believe so many people got hooked on the bcash stupid train.

>> No.3608026

Look at how many people in itt asked what the fuck is bcash. Communication requires sending and receiving of information. If no one knows what your talking about then you're not communicating. Knowing this and continuing to use the word that confused everyone when you could just write bcc is about the most autistic thing I've seen here. You must be fun at parties

>> No.3608037


BCC/XBC are the accepted tickers according to Bitcoincash.org

The name is Bitcoin Cash, not bcash or zedcash or dcash or whatever gibberish you want to make up.

If it is overpriced, don't buy it.
% gains are the shittiest? Don't buy it.
Day trading is stupid? Don't day trade.
Holding is stupid? Don't hold.
If it is in a downtrend, don't buy it.

I don't understand you baseless hatred, don't use it if you don't want it. I don't understand Lol.

You must be a paid shill, where did you get the job?

>> No.3608046

lol your sperg attack at people calling it bcash is delicious.

>> No.3608061


this thread is proof no one here can read a graph, let alone know how any of this shit works

>> No.3608067


Doesn't matter, I do it intentionally because the more you respond the more people will read about Bitcoin Cash, generating awareness and most probably a lift in the price, eventually.

>> No.3608070
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this the most

>> No.3608078

nobody hates the coin dude. we're just calling it a shit coin, which it is, like 99% of coins out there.

>> No.3608083

Personally, I prefer the name too-stupid-for-segwit-coin, though I admit it doesn't roll off the tongue as easily as bcash.

>> No.3608087

its an average of 30 ************************per******************** block for the week, not a total. I probably did 30 myself

>> No.3608094

How much btc does jihan have rough estimate

>> No.3608101

I don't need to get paid to determine the FACTS that your coin is OVERPRICED and that it has THE MOST ABHORRENT % returns between all alts.

All I needed was an excel table.

Look for conspiracy theories somewhere else.

>> No.3608105
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Lol you take investment advice from random people on the internet internet. Pls keep us informed on your mad gains sir.

Well 30 transactions a day is still terrible innit?

Bra. Its called BCASH on bitfinex.. I dont know if uve heard of that exchange before

Thats cool man, although you sound like Roger Ver (if you dont like our community, dont post there - noones forcing you)

He got mad triggered.

>> No.3608120

>thinks his posts on 4chan have influence on prices on an $8 billion marketcap coin

>> No.3608124


this is coordinated fudding attempt from the blockstream kikes who want bitcoin transactions to be off the chain so they can get your shekels.

Its bitcoin cash and will be the star of the flippening.

>> No.3608166

bitcoin cash is the superior bitcoin. it does everything bitcoin does and gives you more money via lower tx costs and higher data limit. BCH or BCC depending on the exchange is simply better. It also had a more appealing name according to 9 out of 10 hot naked chicks working at a seedy bar.

>> No.3608173

"Average transactions per block" not "average transactions for 7 days". There are many blocks every day.

Please rent a brain and stop visiting /r/bitcoin.

>> No.3608201


I already made 10k by buying up a bunch of Bitcoin (Cash) at $200. Thank you very much.

Also as it is the real Bitcoin I can safely say I have made the best investment decision of my life.

Bitfinex are fraudsters, obviously aligned with kikestream so I couldn't give a fuck what they call Bitcoin (Cash).

The weirdest part is that somehow you morons expect Bitcoin (Cash) to simply disappear because you say so, it isn't going anywhere but up, even shitcoins like dogecoin are still around and Bitcoin (Cash) isn't even an altcoin.

>> No.3608213
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How many blocks are there every 10 minutes?

How many minutes in a day?

>> No.3608220

Only reason "they" call Bitcoin Cash BCASH is because they want stupid sheep to think its like any other altcoin and not the fork (fix) for Bitcoin. Thats why you seen so many shills " I cant wait to sell my BCASH for more BTC HUR DEDURRRRR" point proven

>> No.3608228
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I know I am a master baiter.

>> No.3608258
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One more thing: I had 50/50 BCC/ETH when they were the same price. I sold the ETH for BCC and now they are at 420 and 295 respectively.

>> No.3608266

Why would I want to visit a subreddit which actively discusses bitcoin tech as a whole, its adoption, and real world examples of usage..

Id much rather visit a subreddit like btc which is 40% "I hate CORE Postz" 40% "/r/bitcoin censorship QQ" and 20% "Why Big Blocks are Great 101"

30 TX a block, a day, who cares LOOK at the divide between the # of TX real bitcoin has and bcash. The fact you ignored that to quip about a technicality shows you have been brainwashed

>> No.3608274
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You have to go back, Roger.

>> No.3608298
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But... but muh flippening...

>> No.3608300

enough for 9 out of 10 hot chicks at any fine gentlemens cryptocurrency polling establishment with champagne rooms and 100$ bottle specials

>> No.3608324

Once again, do your homework. Bitcoin Cash is the superior Bitcoin. .7

>> No.3608349

how dare they!!!! this COMPLETELY negates any points about noone using the network despite every btc holder instantly getting a stake in it!!!!
anyone who thinks this is a r/the_donald way of change the subject, (HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH style), you are WRONG!!!!
fuck off you stupid nigger cunts, noone gives a shit if its called bcash vcash ccash bitcoin cash niggercash or shitcash, noone has time for these semantic fucking arguments and noone gives a shit
when one side starts arguing about these retarded petty little shithead things, thats how you KNOW they've lost.
I'm thoroughly ashamed to have believed in big blocks in the past. fucking retards all around me, unsavoury company.