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File: 433 KB, 439x519, 5264377348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3594070 No.3594070 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0

>> No.3594078

Daily reminder you took the time to post this retarded thread.

>> No.3594097

but i can't pay my camwhores in tulips :)
stay gay op

>> No.3594118
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, 12435342354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin is a ponzi

>> No.3594152
File: 2.53 MB, 524x276, 1408962495223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gif is way to funny not to be posted.

>> No.3594204

That's some uncanny valley shit there. She some black girl with whiteface makeup on?

>> No.3594710

>this is how no-bulbers cope

>> No.3594738

Mystery meat. The beige horizon. White genocide. It goes by many names, all of them will get you redirected to /pol/.

>> No.3595010

holy kek. So true

>> No.3595789

this downsyndrome bitch again blargh

>> No.3596204
File: 19 KB, 410x220, vkgrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send me .0023 tulips you fucking dipshit faggot. my add:


>> No.3596214

Cmon please, who is this girl?!?@?

>> No.3596220

You are full retard. Bitcoin is in a limited supply, while Tulips can be grown to an infinite supply.

>> No.3596228
File: 218 KB, 500x357, nocoiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor

>> No.3596233

Goldie rush aka Goldie Ortiz small tits huge ass.

>> No.3596277

based dubs

>> No.3596307

>Goldie rush
Thanks anon. Now I am satisfied knowing who she is. Not even gonna fap.

>> No.3596327

were all part time fapper here

its fine

>> No.3596328

Daily reminder that tulip mania is a coordinated 5 eyes PsyOp to cause the normie subconscious to overlook what could potentially become the greatest money grab in history.

Tulip mania never happened, but you missing out on Bitcoin will be a reality every time you allow them to wound your mind.

Never forget that some wounds never heal.

>> No.3596376

>Tulips can be grown to an infinite supply.

The growth is limited by many factors, such as the natural growth rate of the plant, its environment, etc.

On the other hand, supply of of Bitcoin is so large that it might as well be infinite.

>> No.3596463

>please god go back down to 2k so i can buy!!!!!!

>> No.3596722


>> No.3596731


>> No.3596887

Pretty sure she's just light skin latina that dyed her hair blonde.

>> No.3596899
File: 14 KB, 645x773, 150616038265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supply of of Bitcoin is so large that it might as well be infinite.

>> No.3596953

A tulip dies once removed from the stem/ground/water. Bitcoin doesn't. How is this a valid argument again? Its like comparing gold to flowers

>> No.3596956


Load a trailer full of crushed gravel. This is about as many bitcoins as can ever exist.

>> No.3597005
File: 81 KB, 640x640, 1475192752429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're at a point where humanity can no longer sustain flower farming and we haven't manufactured an environment where it can grow, we would be at a point of economic collapse and a non-edible perishable good would be worthless anyway. Farming technology is something which is improving, and techniques such as indoor farming and underground buildings allow an extremely larger amount of land mass which can be devoted to tulip farms.

In all effective regards, tulips can be created infinitely if:
- The target market (7.5 billion humans) for the tulips is less than their growth rate
- The land required to grow tulips isn't repossessed through force due to sustenance requirements

The actual thing you should be calculating is the inflation rate of the objects, i.e. "How fast can we grow tulips before they leave the economy?"

What are the use cases for your theoretical tulips? How long do these goods exist in the world before they self-destruct? How can you recycle tulips? How do you destroy the useless parts of the tulips, and how does the necessity of destruction affect the other portions of the economy, such as job creation?

Because the nature of tulips and currencies are inherently different, one being perishable and the other not, they don't really abide by the same rules. This is why entities like the Federal Reserve attempt to regulate the inflation of currencies through the destruction of fiat and a limited amount of printings.

>> No.3597153
File: 65 KB, 1267x509, syscoin_amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
