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3546977 No.3546977 [Reply] [Original]

>Bitcoin is unique because you can't just create more bitcoins out of thin air like FIAT.


>> No.3547012
File: 49 KB, 1125x1115, IMG_1697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut your whore mouth. Crypto is the future.

>> No.3547030


I agree. Future of FIAT that is.

>> No.3547075

just because more coins can be "created" doesn't mean they are bitcoins, and it doesn't mean they will have any value whatsoever
the DAO is a perfect example of this

>> No.3547196

You seem to be mistaken, BTC are bitcoins for people of colour.
When we say bitcoin we mean BTC, the one for humans.

>> No.3547236


What is MEANS is the whole premise is flawed. "Bitcoin 2.0" may no be able to be created, but it can be replicated.

>> No.3547244

have more?

>> No.3547249

The iq of this board tests my patience sometimes

>> No.3547341
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and pic related is what I've been doing with Bitcoin 2.0 and Bitcoin 3.0 and etc. and so on

so yeah

go kill yourself or something

>> No.3547377

so if i go buy a shitskin country and start a new currency called nigbucks thats tantamount to printing new fiat? wow CRYPTO BTFO

>> No.3547447


Well then you tell me where $8.5 BILLION in "value" came from?

>> No.3547507

Biggest red pill: if a majority of stakeholders agree, the 21 million cap can be raised with a fork. If the banks get a hold of >50% of coins, we're back to shenanigans.

>> No.3547575

when you measure things in dollars you loose

>> No.3547624


The world runs on dollars, dipshit.

>> No.3547634

for now

>> No.3547637


>> No.3547665


Tell me you don't actually believe bitcoin has a chance in hell of changing that fact...

>> No.3547695

the petro dollar is done but I don't know what the new international monetary agreement will be

>> No.3547715


The petro dollar will not fall unless the US military falls. It's really that simple.

>> No.3547735

as far as replacing the dollar, i think we're far off form that ever happening. as far as replacing 3rd and developing world currencies, its already starting to happen

>> No.3547760


Nonsense. What the fuck good does ANY crypto-currency do in a 3rd world shithole where 80% of the population lives in shacks and mudhuts?

>> No.3547773

i don't think you know as much bout the 3rd world as you think you do

>> No.3547790

what do you think is happening in north korea? it's the beginning of that fight. the world wants to dump its us dollars

>> No.3547792

>what is a split

>> No.3547800

Fun fact: 4% of wallets own 95% of BTC available. Granted, those 4% presumably include the major exchanges, but still. Make of that what you will.


>> No.3547835
File: 157 KB, 850x583, thirdworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Riiiiiight. Cryptos will save pic related... where electricity is practically fucking voodoo magic. Just stop, idiot.


>A spoiled brat dictator presiding over a nation of starving, brainwashed people thumbs his nose at the USA because petro-dollar

LMFAO. Where do you retards come up with this shit?

>> No.3547875


is this ironic? you should absolutely sell at the tip on the right

>> No.3547908

you're the one that believes the brainwashing. north korea is a chinese nation state.
Believing the north korea narrative is like believing saddam had wmds, or gaddafi was killed because he was a dictator rather than he was gonna have a gold backed currency

>> No.3547931


I suppose the Japanese just imagined those ICBMs flying over their heads then, eh?

>Chinese nation state

Well, they seem awfully pissed off at themselves...


>> No.3547940
File: 239 KB, 962x644, 3692863F00000578-3706664-image-a-21_1469454696735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cherry picking photographs
by this logic the USA can't into bitcoin either
pic related

>> No.3547943
File: 28 KB, 312x300, 1501083422765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not understanding the concept of fungibility

>> No.3547952

The Chinese are playing the long game:
1. Take all the manufacturing jobs
2. Buy gold and real estate with depreciating fiatbux
3. ???
4. Profit!

>> No.3548024

more like
1. peg currency to us dollar by buying us debt to maintain export based economy
2. maintain highest growth rate in history on the back of selling americans shit.
3. begin transition away from export based economy. do not allow foreign companies
4. invest heavily in military for coming fight
5. accumulate gold for when you dump over 3 trillion of us bonds to collapse dollar
6. strike deal with countries to sell oil in yuan
7. fight US, if you win establish yuan as world currency

>> No.3548029


Let's compare GDP per capita, dipshit.

How is Yawovi Agboyibo of Togo, who lives on $900 year and doesn't even have indoor fucking plumbing let alone electricity, going to into bitcoin?

Christ you people are fucking dense.

>> No.3548052

China being pissed is part of the narrative
if you think an economy like north korea exists on the border of an economy like china's without china controlling all actions of that country i feel bad for you

>> No.3548062

>cherry picking a pinpoint on the globe
there are many other places in which it is possible to access bitcoin and many people already have/do.

>> No.3548078
File: 50 KB, 876x493, IMG_1593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with all your points but they don't fit the meme format. Sorry bro but for that reason, I'm out.

>> No.3548149


>cherry picking

Half the world's population lives on less than $2.50/day. Over EIGHTY PERCENT lives on less than $10/day.

Delusional doesn't even begin to describe your fantasy world. You are a straight up fucking space cadet, kid.

>> No.3548165

bitcoin is infinitely divisible so it literally doesn't matter how much per day you live on if you can afford internet access, which is much cheaper in the third world than it is in the united states.

>> No.3548203

poor people have no impact on any economic happenings.

>> No.3548205


Yeah, I'm sure people who are happy to make enough to afford a fucking rice cake for dinner are jumping for joy over "cheap internet" that they don't even have.

>> No.3548216


Correct. They don't have the wealth to impact anything. Derp.

>> No.3548246

your knowledge of the 3rd world is very limited, i encourage you to do more research. On the impact bitcoin and crypto has on it in particular

>> No.3548363
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>> No.3548367
File: 27 KB, 500x478, 1504219611241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit

>> No.3548417

this doesn't help your argument you moron

>> No.3548597

The fucker saw some article in Wired or The Verge about how poor Brazilian uma-farmers utilized deep learning and bitcoins to maximise their delicia production.
Now he's suddenly an expert on 3rd world economies and Return to innocence by Enigma is on repeat in his mid-end Sennheisers.

>> No.3548640


How. The. Literal. Sideways. FUCK

Do you think this "military" is FUCKING FUNDED YOU FUCKING BRAINLET

>> No.3548680

im making a t shirt

>> No.3548696

Imagine that fiat was still backed by gold. There's nothing stopping you from "forking" the USD - let someone come to you with cash, record the serial number and give them an equal number of McDollars. Did you just create gold out of thin air?

>> No.3548784

This was why the US went off the gold standard. The French in particular wanted to convert their dollars back to gold and the US had overprinted/overspent on the Vietnam war. The solution: raise the cap.

>> No.3548829


With dollars obviously. But the military keeps that system protected. It is a symbiotic relationship. You cannot take down one without taking down the other.

Try and subvert the petro-dollar? Our military brings you "freedom".

Try and defeat the military? It's the best funded armed force on the planet.

Do you not see the quandary here?

If you want to defeat the petro dollar you're going to need a resource in that will have higher demand than oil. It ain't fucking bitcoin. BTC does not power cars and heat homes.

>> No.3549055

1% of the population owns 90% of the fiat currency

>> No.3549086

Roger Ver did that bc bitcoin became so fucking illiquid.

Led to the rise of all the altcoins bc using bitcoin blew ass

>> No.3549140

China is only exporting oil for Yuan. They're not using the petro-dollar. This is a new development if you're not keeping up with the news. They're the first country to ever do this, even Russia uses the petro-dollar. They're doing this because the USA wants china to cut trade with north korea, who is one of their only trading partners. China said no. And they're separating themselves from the West. The international powers even threatened to exclude them from SWIFT. They don't care. They're obsession with suppressing capital flight is evident in their recent ban of crypto too.

>> No.3549160

from bitcoin.
we just had a 40% correction

>> No.3549177

>the military upholds the us dollar
>but the us dollar pays for the military
sounds familiar

>> No.3549181

Historically this seems to end really badly for countries that try. That said, China is in a bit of a unique position given the size of its economy and it's near monopoly on the manufacture of cheap shit. Sure will be fun to watch how it plays out.

>> No.3549184
File: 82 KB, 560x589, ethereum logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smart contracts will one day replace all lawyers because computer code is unchangeable unlike contract law.

>> No.3549214

you could have just as easily posted ethereum or any other altcoin. bitcoin is bitcoin, and there is only ever one bitcoin, by definition. you can fork, change, manipulate whatever you want, but on a pure technical level only one coin can be bitcoin, and on a social level nobody is going to accept bcash when they expect to be paid in bitcoin.

plus with the chinkies getting btfo theres even less of a risk of more inbred chink shenanigans like the kind that spawned bcash.

>> No.3549231

Can confirm I'm a 3rd world spic and I have 6 Btc. more than 99% of the US population