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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 225x225, john-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3507069 No.3507069 [Reply] [Original]

when one of the heroes of the /pol/tards tells them that cryptos are bad?

For John Oliver, he will focus on morals like how you can buy underage girls there with BTC for your sick fantasies to fullfil and that trading BTC is literally trading the souls of tortured children.

Alex Jones on the other hand will drool over the fact that cryptos make you gay / literally a frog / michael jackson before selling you man-up-pills out of dried up slaughterhouse waste for a couple of hundred dollars.

I mean... their heads will explode, won't they?

>> No.3507082
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>> No.3507108

crypto already has a cult though much like how mlm and pyramids do
>hodlers blind fauth that btc will forever go up evwn if nobody is close to using it irl

>> No.3507118

It seems that you have gotten lost, friend

>> No.3507133
File: 74 KB, 960x886, 1505088196369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw BTC is guaranteed to keep going up forever due to inflation

>> No.3507141

People are using it irl though. Especially out west in America where there's actually money circulating. Sorry if you don't have btc ATMs in Bulgaria.

>> No.3507180

Monero's taking over the real world use cases. We'll see how far Bitcoin can meme itself without much of a use case. I suspect it will be unreasonably far.

>> No.3507195

>btc to fiat
anon I just.... kek naw wont bother explaining it to you

>> No.3507202

Just wait until more /pol/tards realize the BAT could undermine Google.

>> No.3507203


/pol/ is too dumb for bitcoin

>> No.3507231

I'm from /pol/.

>> No.3507234


I was wrong

>> No.3507237

neither are pol heros you fucking retarded huehue monkey

>> No.3507238

go back there

>> No.3507240

Go back

>> No.3507241

Have you seen the state of this bored?

>> No.3507251
File: 131 KB, 816x404, 1505435312443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ respects John Oliver's opinion
Are you new or trolling?

>> No.3507255
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, unstoppable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't call me /pol/tard, respect my pronouns... or else.

>> No.3507257

And you are to dumb to live. Kys. Now. Really. No sarc.

>> No.3507266

low IQ, please fuck off

>> No.3507268


Go back there.
And we need a wall.
Around /pol.
And /b.
And /d.
And... actually, just build a wall around /biz. It is not about containing stupidity, it is about preserving the last bit of sanity and rationality on 4chan.

>> No.3507272

The left doesn't give two shits about bitcoin being used for drugs or child porn. Now let them know that they are being used to donate money to nazis, and then you have some traction.

niggers hate open boarders when it comes to their knitting blog but love importing the bbc irl. funny innit

>> No.3507287

If you cannot handle chan culture try reddit, you'll be right at home.

>> No.3507289

Start a bitcoin thread there see how much support there is.

>> No.3507304

>you trying to stop /pol/< < Dutch boy/ finger in dyke jpg.

>> No.3507316
File: 20 KB, 306x306, sdoisfoijs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And thats the reason why no smart oldfags are left
Newfags are all hurrrdurring the fuck out of everything that points out their hurrdurring.

>> No.3507317

>And /d

I don't understand
When has /d/ ever been relevant anywhere other than /d/?

>> No.3507332

Intelligent people don't use bitcoin lmao

>> No.3507341

Dumb threads deserve dumb posts, have an upvote.

>> No.3507354
File: 19 KB, 620x330, IMG_1694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh we're still here. There's a whole new generation of noobs to troll. Has anyone told you about Ark?

>> No.3507383

Yes, board the Ark before it is too late, infidel. Monday is The Day of the Moon, Infidel.

>> No.3507402

Iota Ackbar!

>> No.3507418


>> No.3507427

Nice. Just bought 100k

>> No.3507447

>bought btc at 2.6k
>visit /pol/ frequently
Granted, you start a thread on /pol/ and all you get is

>> No.3507451

As long as Bitcoin is secure and in demand, & fiat money remains uncapped, long term the price of Bitcoin will go up. It's not hard to understand. Especially once the mining reward gets cut down to only a couple dozen new btc per day around 2030.

>> No.3507462

>no new forks until 2030
>no new crypto btfoing btc before then
Hodling won't work forever, friend.

>> No.3507480
File: 79 KB, 960x846, 1484764122914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't buy antshares @ $5
>he didn't buy ARK @ $1
>he didn't buy I/O @ $1

/biz/cucks, when will they learn?

>> No.3507526

Libcucks embrace and enjoy being poor, so they avoid these three coins like the Bkack Plague. They know if they become wealthy, they will delete their freinds list and never look back.

>> No.3507569

That made zero sense for dozens of reasons which is not all that surprising.

>> No.3507571

>newfags not knowing that there were bitcoin threads on /pol/ in 2011

>> No.3507608

"For dozens of reasons". No citations. No proof. No explanation. Echoing what they heard. Typical. "That which is asserted without evidence, can be dissmissed without evidence."

>> No.3507626

There were btc threads all over 4chan since 2010 my man
Pol is still irrelevant as most posters there are leftist trolls or underage rthedonald shit posters

>> No.3507644

I ask all those things for your post dude
Some citation pls that all liberals want to be poor. Because a lot of the most rich and powerful elites in the states are liberals.

>> No.3507667

Typical Marxist socialist structure. Wealthy ruling hypocritical Elite worhipped by poor huddled masses plebs like you.

>> No.3507689

Thedonald didn't even exist until 2016.

I do agree that /pol/ is a reddit infested shithole nowadays (not unlike /biz/ or any other board) but it was GOAT back in the day (pre-2015)

>> No.3507698

/biz/ is reddit, much like the whole site for it's not like 4chan isn't infested already.

>> No.3507712

I assure you, in a battle of Wits, you are limited to flinging your own poo like a chimpanzee. I however, can return fire with a complete Nuclear Arsenal.

>> No.3507717

One of the reasons beings that """libcucks""" don't "avoid" antshares, ARK nor I/O. You probably don't know shit about those coins to begin with.
>two-digit portfolio

>> No.3507726

How is it any different to cucked right wingers supporting capitalism?
>No no don't raise the minimum wage, my billionaire boss should be able to pay me in foodstamps!
>No no don't tax them anymore! They'll take their business to China or mexico!

I recognize the idiocy on both sides bro so don't try assign me to either one

>> No.3507749


All the good stormfags left long time ago though
Pol is just a honey trap full of trolls and legit nut cases
The definitive death of pol for me was cuck posting.. rip

>> No.3507792

You out yourself, freind. The Liberal mindset of two permament classes you just exhibited confirms you for being at best a Liberal, and at worst a Socialist (distinction; as if). Your mindset is worker/ owner with a vast impassable gulf betwixt. The Capitalist mindset is allow business to fluorish so that every worker aspires to become an Owner. Sociaism suppresses this idea, and espouses the idea of the unnridgeable gap. Sad. Very Sad. Terrible People.

>> No.3507806

Cringefeed is Thataway, Slag. ---------->

>> No.3507814

Do you have imaginary arguments with yourself regularly or is this just a one off?

Liberalfags be like gibs me dats
Cuckservstives be like gibs me nuttin

>> No.3507816

>said the smelly welfare recipient

>> No.3507832

And, flinging "cringe" at me is just a chimpanzee flinging its own poo. Thats all you have. Sad. Very sad. Terrible people.

>> No.3507839

Project moar.

>> No.3507850

If it wasn't cringe then, it's definitely when you started copying the way Trump writes his fucking tweets.
>Sad. Very sad. Terrible People.
Like who the fuck even does that. On fucking 4chan. You're so retarded and dense.

>> No.3507873
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Pic related sugarplum.

>> No.3507940

Waterfilterman has actually shilled bitcoin before, did years back.
>not having a diverse portfolio of memecoins, guns, bullets, heirloom seeds, and porn

>> No.3508115
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>> No.3508192

"Present Year" is over. Gone. History. This is the year of The Rising of Generation Zyklon. It is their World now.

>> No.3508226

Enough people hate John Oliver that him coming out against Bitcoin would drive the price up.

>> No.3508752

This retards. Everything in the world has inflation: fiat, precious metals, ...

The only things that do not have inflation is stocks and crypto.

But stocks is not money, but cypto can be. Imagine the possibilities.

>> No.3508824

>price goes up 400%
>no inflation here m80s
You're worse than a central banker

>> No.3508850

so you're saying Bitcoin is the Facebook of crypto?

but what if it's the Myspace?

>> No.3508867

Inflation is the currency supply going up and the buying power of each piece of currency going down. You retard.

>> No.3508883

Hey! There is 1 BTC ATM in Bulgaria!

>> No.3508886

kys you utter retard

>> No.3508889

The forks have been profitable to btc holders so far.

Its possible another coin could come a long and take over number 1 spot. Eth came close but I think its momentum is over for a while now. nothing in the sights at the moment.

>> No.3508890

>not understanding the difference between monetary inflation and price inflation
How's high school treating you?

>> No.3508900

It's possible, just pay attention to crypto world every once in a while to see whats happening. nothing is going to overtake btc any time soon though. I think first mover/network effect/adoption & more importantly peoples motives for buying btc in the first place are more important than a lot of people think.

>> No.3508923

>play semantics because you got BTFO


>> No.3508942

>still doesn't understand that there are different types of inflation
Are you so simple that you need me to google it for you?

>> No.3510113

why do you redditors only use one forward slash for boards? Try putting one forward slash in the url and see what happens it doesnt work like your little subreddits faggot