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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3450855 No.3450855 [Reply] [Original]

What are your goals in life? Not necessarily talking about a bucket list, but just things you want to accomplish.

>> No.3450904

how many btc for 1 gf?

>> No.3450912

day trade crypto for the next six months so I can record music full time for the rest of my life

>> No.3450953
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>Start my own reno company
>Be my own boss
>Don't worry about money
>Travel the world
>Maybe own a rental property
>loyal qt to have kids later on

>> No.3450965

i want to have sex with a woman

HARD MODE: she has to actually WANT to have sex with me - this means no whores and no rape

>> No.3450966
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your role model.

>> No.3450979
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>> No.3451029

If I ever make 100k in crypto I can live as I want forever...

My real goal is 30-50k, but if I could make 100k, I'd be set

>> No.3451130
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>get a lexus lc
>get my own place to live so i can escape my father hitting and yelling at me
>have enough money to yolo some into something that pays dividends like visa, xrl, or a rental property and let my brother not have to worry about money
>reach over 2.2k members in the friendly awesome /biz/ bitpam cryptocurrency trading/mining/coding discord server


>> No.3451154

> community college
> state college
> degree
> marry well
> work
> use money from work to start a business
> buy (commercial) real estate
> live off of passive income
> divorce
> depression
> suicidal
> alcoholic
> drug induced psychosis
> noose
> fail at school
> fail at crypto
> noose

>> No.3451429

dont do noose man :(
noose is never the right option

>> No.3451568
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I really want my own family. I'm an only child raised by a single mother so I have come to romanticize having and tight family unit and being a father.
I'm 19 now, socially crippled, and nutritionally neglected. I peaked at 290lbs when I graduated highschool, now hovering around 220-225, I really think i'm good looking (and well dressed) , and if I were more toned I really think I could be killing it with the ladies. So in my journey to getting toned I'm hoping I can stop being such a fucking retard socially, but I think I will be attractive enough for my faults it to kind of be a cute thing to some girls. I just want someone that I can be sincere/intimate with, I feel like I can't talk to anyone.
I'm going to a community college right now, and by the time I get to a state college I think I can start getting women, I don't want to miss out on college girls now that I have already missed out on teens.
But being a faggot does have its perks, I'm free to invest nearly all of my income from my job and the dumb amount of financial aid (grants of course, not loans) I get.
So for right now I want to get my crypto networth to 2 BTC and also start looking into the stock market + get a sexy body.
Longterm I want kids, solid income, and a wife

>> No.3451626

and if things dont work out im going to sell everything I own and bug out to some third world wilderness.

>> No.3451634
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respectable man, good luck in your journey, you will make it fellow anon

>> No.3451647

Restore honor to my house.

>> No.3451660

Get the fuck out of wagecucking. I'm
not like one of these normies. I never get along with them. They don't like me. And I'm not bad looking or not autistic. They just pick up on my indifferent vibe and don't befriend me usually.

Sometimes I wish I was dumb as a rock so I wouldn't know any better. Ignorance is bliss.