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File: 141 KB, 900x580, campuscoin_HaydenIrwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3440729 No.3440729 [Reply] [Original]

Bancor is literally UNSTOPPABLE

>> No.3440738
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>> No.3440741
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>> No.3440755
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>> No.3440786

OP is literally a FAGGOT

>> No.3440803

>3-4 new projects a day in contact to use the protocol
>50 currently in various stages of implementation
>mainnet should be ready october
>update on the 21st confirming target launch dates

>> No.3440818
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>> No.3440821
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>> No.3440916

Bancor has the hottest babes in crypto

>> No.3440974


>> No.3440986

Unstoppable in its decline.
Just looked at the charts since the ICO and it's purely downward, do people still hold onto this piece of shit?

>> No.3441021
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I am the bancor marine. I hit the wall for 20k. I AM BANCOR.

>> No.3441042
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>> No.3441095

Nobancs be hating.

>> No.3441115
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At which point was the best entry point?

Just look, it's not rocket science that everybody has lost money on BNT. Stop holding bags and jump ship, save what money you still have in it, as it's just sinking every week to a new low.

Why do I care? You've been Jewed.

>> No.3441131
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Broke kid detected.

>> No.3441134

When is this shit going to be live on the mainnet? It has no value until then really.

>> No.3441156

I would be if I had bought into this scam.
Luckily I bought NEO at 80k and sold at 1400k.

Stay salty.

>> No.3441180
File: 25 KB, 669x514, 1505106172769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that 100 dollar investment your mom gave you for a birthday gift... whats it 2200 now?

>> No.3441185


Oh boy, time to buy a pocket bike!

>> No.3441195

That $100 you put in BNT is worth what now?

>> No.3441214

I started with 25k USD for ICO and arbitraged up to 90k USD at what its worth now. While taking money out for hot pockets and rent.

>> No.3441292

I suppose that's acceptable to you. I've already taken out 4x my original investment and have $320k in BTC/ETH and various shitcoins. None in BNT though, I could see it was all bullshit when seeing they tied it to the ETH price. You may as well have just kept your ETH and bought in now.

Check out TRIG if you want to make some short term gains.

>> No.3441320

It’s literally just bleeding cents, when the day comes it will raise dollars in mere hours, when it fomo hits it’ll raise dollars in minutes there is no sell walls and very little in the order book and everyone who’s accumulated is smart enough to hold long, for all we know this could be the very bottom Bancor ever goes, I have just been buying a few 100 every week and trying to get them as low as possible.

This is not a short term flip. Sorry you’re too much of a brainlet to realise that, but I do hope you remember this message when you’re fomo buying at $30 when you had all this time you could of been accumulating

>> No.3441337

>This is not a short term flip. Sorry you’re too much of a brainlet to realise that
Which is why I said you may have well just waited and bought in now. If you purchased at ICO, it was a bad idea. Think of the gains to be had all over the crypto market in the same time.

There's absolutely no chance I'm buying this coin.
To me the whole reason to get behind Crypto was to escape the Jew banking system.
Fucked if I'm going to give them my money in crypto. Infact, is everyone that fucking stupid?

>> No.3441343

Anyone know how much sharpe capital reserve buy will increase the price? Assuming they reach hard cap at least $15 million going into the contract

>> No.3441375

I respect you. But im a fucking bancor marine. I do it for her.

>> No.3441675


>> No.3441864

>Check out TRIG if you want to make some short term gains.
Did anyone take my advice?
Probably not.

It went from 32k to 39k in this time.

>> No.3442186


>> No.3442194

It's about to hit 60k, anyone making money from my tip?

>> No.3442195

You can literally write bots to destroy currencies for profit easily.

>> No.3442204

Check out this autist:
Yes, Bancor is shit, but the idiot doesn't see you can literally write a bot to to pump and dump at no cost.

>> No.3442214

Worst currency ever.
"Buy. Wait. If no other buyers, sell. If buyers, wait. If more buyer's buy than contract, sell" Profit.

>> No.3442226

What an ugly bitch. Please. I know you bought this campaign, but you aren't good looking.

>> No.3442239

Bancor is literally pumping its own coin here. Fucking incredible. How is this allowed?

>> No.3442293

y u salty tho?

>> No.3442310

Scam coin. The only doubters that have not been shut down by lawsuits are idiots. I can, and may, write a robot to milk Bancor coins. It is fucking stupid easy. I just don't think it will be profitable because the company is a joke.

>> No.3442347

Whale here.
Shorting this shit next Weds. Be there or be a fucking square.

>> No.3442575
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>> No.3443062

Bancor is going straight to $100?

>> No.3443105
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>> No.3443123

Bancor straight to $200?

>> No.3443258

more like 2000
this is a 4 digit coin
You'll see soon enough

>> No.3443362

are you serious man.... with barely 100 btc volume on trex..... she is gone with 150M in eth....i mean they hitted exchanges at 120k sat right.... let's say btc where -80% from today....

>> No.3443392

well shame on you since i made (as everyone) 1000% with ANS

>> No.3443394

So anyone with basic understanding for investment can make good returns on the breakout.
I prefer to see an obvious support levels first.

>> No.3443424

holy shit fuck off pajeet

>> No.3443519


>> No.3443651




>> No.3443910


Gtfo a four digit coin? I'd be happy with double digits at this point and I'm a huge supporter of Bancor. We gotta be realistic if anybody is going to take our shill jobs serious.

>> No.3444142

>doubting galia

you are not gonna make it

>> No.3444319


I'm not doubting them at all. I said I'm a huge supporter. I'm holding 900 BNT. Let's hope for $1000. But $100-$300 is more realistic once they accomplish the long tail.

>> No.3444569


after daily wank and hard days wagecucking

possibly the most dedicated pajeet on /biz

>> No.3444796

I see outlandish predictions for Bancor. When will we see any action? Such a fucking tease this coin. We all think it might explode upwards but we really don't know what's up their sleeve

>> No.3444932

Buying too soon is better than to late at this point. Unless Ether takes another 100% dive we won't see sub $2 again. Bancor is one of the very few erc20s that actually do something and it would be wise to start stacking now

>> No.3445444

>When will we see any action?
Not until a proofs of working token changers or tokens buying their reserve bancs. Maybe.

>> No.3445536

I'm more interested in the proof of burn for those 6 mil tokens they keep refusing to talk about..

>> No.3445688

what 6 milion coins? anon explain

>> No.3445734
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mildly kek´d

>> No.3445978


>> No.3446107

Too bad you invested in a scam project and not ARK

>Bancucks are this delusional