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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3434400 No.3434400 [Reply] [Original]

So why exactly is this being shilled so hard?

>> No.3434435
File: 11 KB, 150x150, Madotsuki_Sitting_Big.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this for my private slack:

The team will be presenting at Fintech to showcase IOC and I expect the price to shoot up. DIONS block call around the end of the month or beginning of October (Joel is in Florida) so be ready.

DIONs Function
Aliases: Through DIONs people will be able to make aliases for their bitcoin addresses.
Instead of long strings it could be simple like pajeet-io
AES 256 Messaging System: Private and Uncensored Messaging
Storage of Data within the Blockchain & Chameleon: Allows you to encrypt and upload your files to the Blockchain. Allowing Businesses to create Blockchains through I/O Digital but maintain full control of said blockchains.
Powers Dapps: Expect a large ecosystem

But what is really important about this coin is that it is in all one. The convenience of this coin reminds me of the smartphone. When the smartphone came out we no longer needed to carry around mp3 players, buy separate cameras and camcorders (Unless you are a nerd), use a computer to send an email, etc. It essentially nullified some of these technologies since you could get it all in one place

Stats and Info:
No Premine No ICO
Its been in circulation since 2014
Proof of Stake (2%) and Work
97th on CMC
Total Coin After Proof of Work - 22 Million
Circulating Supply - 16 Million
Market Cap - 44 Million
Volume in the Last 24 Hrs - 150k

>> No.3434486

IOC is the official Pajeet Hurricane Shitcoin of Bizz

>Better buy Obsidian

>> No.3434504

Any way i can join your slack?

>> No.3434507


That's all fine, but why shill it? All of this would happen by itself and if anything you'd want to keep quiet about this coin while it's still cheap. It's hard to shake the feeling that it's being very heavily promoted.

>> No.3434577

>why shill it
Why ever talk of coins in a coin forum, then?
Everyone already accumulated long ago, friend. This is not a pnd.
Just do your research and make your own mind.

>> No.3434579

Its not...if there is any one problem I see with IOC its its marketing. They have a genius idea and the tech and skill to back it up...and have been working on it for years now. They nees to start marketing it and shilling it, if they don't its incredible tech will never be utilized

>> No.3434597

They just descended on the board one day and have festered like an obnoxious tumor, spreading their retarded memes wherever they went.
At one point they had a fucking poem dedicated to the coin. A FUCKING POEM

>> No.3434627

IOC has been on this board for a while anon. You want the board to be filled with OMG, NEO, ARK, DGB, and pink wojak threads?

I remember when I tried to tell people about ANS when it was 1 dollar but I got the same response. Your loss.

>> No.3434647

>Allows you to encrypt and upload your files to the Blockchain.

How will the node size be kept under control?

>> No.3434659

They're desperate. >>3434435 description just shows that the coin is going to always be an OK investment but its not going to go anywhere or make any big impacts because it doesn't innovate or specialize. It's already at a large enough marketcap that growth will be minimal. I would avoid IOC, there are way more promising projects out there.

>> No.3434742

Its not paid for its just me and my friends.
Okay. I don't see how aliases aren't innovative.
Not sure anon go ask them on their slack.

>> No.3434758

The "shills" you guys mention are probably IOC holders trolling ODN threads. They're retarded and shouldn't be taken seriously, but it all started because of this individual >>3434486 which fuds IOC in literally every thread it's mentioned (you can look it up).

Most of the legit IOC holders don't come near /biz/, and for a good reason. I don't care if you buy or not but I'm telling you right now this one is at least worth researching.

This anon's post is an amazing summary >>3434435 but there are other great things behind it. I've looked into every little thing about this project for months now, and this is the one for me.

>They just descended on the board one day
I'm guessing you're new, then. IOC was posted here a long, long time ago, but probably only me and a few others listened. Most were circlejerking ETH, bitbeans and other (now dead) coins memes

>It's already at a large enough marketcap
>it doesn't innovate or specialize
Now you're just too obvious.

OP and other interested people, you can clearly see most of the IOC fud has no fundamentals.
I don't need you to buy, but don't listen to people here, for your own sake. Do your research about it.

>> No.3434806

IOC has a lot of bagholders that need to dump their worthless shitcoins.
Only one big problem, there is no volume and buy support because people are not interested.

>People are waiting to buy Obsidian
Even the IOC bagholders want Obsidian.

Obsidian is Stratis Monero IOC on steroids.
Top 10 capcoin within a year

>> No.3434855

The livestreams for this coin are the most ghetto thing I've ever seen

After sitting through 5 minutes of hip hop background music and the lead dev Joel rambling and reading from his Powerpoint presentation verbatim (as if he didn't even know how to speak about his own product), I dumped all my IOC

This coin is a low-key scam

>> No.3434938

I'm not sure, but I remember Joel saying that once Chameleon rolls in, file storage will be kept in a specific sidechain as to not bloat the main I/O Blockchain.
You better ask the slack.

What pleasure do you derive from this?
Literally every thread...

If you think so, good for you.
Joel used to be a hip-hop artist before running a computer repair shop and self-teaching programming and blockchain dev for a few years.
English is not his native language so the way he talks about the product is exactly like anyone of latin based languages would ("poss" when talking about POS, I now this because it's how I say it).
Even though he is capable of coding, he's not the lead developer, that's Derek Hatton. Joel is the project lead, the face of the foundation.
Now I ask you to compare his live presentation to one of other coins and tell me it was a bad one.

>> No.3434988

Ghetto Miami Hurricane Music
He needs you to buy IOC so he can rebuild his ghetto Manson

>> No.3435011

You can't handle the truth!!!!
IOC is garbage.

>> No.3435012

Obvious? LMAO. You're the one that's obvious. How are aliases all that great? Gimmie a break. IOC's features make me yawn. A jack of all trades is master of nothing.

I mean talk about obvious, look at you, you're clearly a bagholder, responding to every commen like its your job. Enjoy bagholding IOC while more exciting projects like Ark, OmiseGO, Qtum moon, even smaller caps like CV2 swapping soon, kek, this coin does fucking nothing special.

Oh and ODN of course

>> No.3435140

It's so clear you're not from here, it's sad.
I'm telling you, it doesn't work if you don't put as much effort in your arguments as you do in shitposting every IOC thread.

It's so funny triggering the ODNfags discord.
The way they all come together to defend their little scam is so cute.

Listen newfag, I wouldn't sell you my IOC with a gun pointed at my head. I'm clearing out the effortless fud you guys are doing here so other people can consider at least researching into this, as I did.

>IOC's features make me yawn
That's funny, considering the only purpose of the coin you faggots circlejerk so much is one of the many things DIONS can do.

More than half of the coins you mentioned is gonna get you fucked real soon, so you have fun with that.

While you baghold ODN as they commence platform development, IOC is going to release theirs in less than a month.

>> No.3435328


>16 lentils have been deposited into your curry pot

>> No.3435463
File: 171 KB, 913x771, 1505045295195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why

>> No.3435647

people really should stop using this fucking picture.

>> No.3435670

I agree, bad pr.
I wouldn't care if it weren't for a serious project.

>> No.3435682

It's incredible to me the amount of shit that gets pumped for no reason while this sits stagnant

>> No.3435773

>Worried about pr because of /biz/ memes

>> No.3435774

pumps for no reason != quality projects

>> No.3435811

Hope people wake the fuck up. This is a pretty terrible statement.

Seeing all the shit surrounding IOTA lately, people should understand that the community has an impact on the coin and the last thing we need is some "news" about this fucking picture.

>> No.3435830


>> No.3435840


It's a fucking picture on shill central /biz/. Now if people running the coin would retweet some picture about it then you'd have something

>> No.3435885

I don't care if it would be a picture retweeted by a fucking pajeet. You can't excuse the message behind the picture. Grow the fuck up. It's a bad "joke" and not really a joke at all. I still don't understand how rape can be funny...

>> No.3435908

>12 BTC volume

Holy shit literally half the shitcoins on cryptopia have more volume than this lmao.

>> No.3435924

Now there...
>calls people pajeet yet complains about rape
I'm all for free speech, everything deserves to be made fun of. But I also know how easy it is for something like this to be taken the wrong way.

>> No.3435985

I'm all for free speech too but I've had enough of this picture and just saying it out loud. You can have free speech and still be sensible.

>> No.3436008

Muh Dions!!
>12 btc topkek

>> No.3436018

Because you're a faggot op, its saying turn off your computer

>> No.3436043

>coordinated ODN fudsters strike again
Stop typing, you have bags to hold.

>> No.3436061

DIONS is never coming out. They keep pushing back the release date. I just want to sell this shit and but ark, which is an actually innovative coin.

>> No.3436214

>Grow the fuck up.

Where did I say I think it's funny? I think it's retarded

>> No.3436312


The person you linked isn't the one calling others pajeet. That's me. Some pajeet keeps shitting up the streets in these threads and then shills ODN.

We get it. ODN is a competitor to IOC. No need to come and shill it here and then continue to be an abrasive asshole about it. I'm trying to take the high road and have refrained from shitting up ODN threads myself, but am not beyond it.

For your sake I hope work on ODN commences soon or you'll be posting memes about being ready to talk about launching 7 years from now in 3 years. While facing significant dilution because you bought a premined ICO coin.

>> No.3436422

There's no volume for this shit coin, just check it... So sad

>> No.3436478

It's just a funny picture calm down, go to Reddit if you're offended by stuff like that. Real life rape is bad but cartoon photoshop rape depicting crytos getting raped by I/O digital is funny.

>> No.3436492
File: 96 KB, 576x515, ioc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PoS idiot.

>> No.3436505


Do we have a comparison with other PoS cryptos on how much they're being staked?

>> No.3436511
File: 20 KB, 329x357, feelsgoodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people used to talk the same shit about Verge and now it's up 400% from what it was in July.
If that shitcoin can 4x I can only imagine how high IOC will be in 90 days.

>> No.3436553

Yeah but Verge is THE memecoin of /biz/. I never owned any and I shill that piece of shit.

>> No.3436561

This is actually a 10x'er and people know so they FUD it like crazy. Whatever guys keep buying I'm sitting comfy at almost 11k IO

>> No.3436571

I think it would be funnier if the other cryptos getting raped were guys too. The fact that it's a girl makes it cringey and offensive. Yes it's a double standard, sorry but we are bio,optically programmed to be more defensive toward women. That's why prison male rape jokes are funny and jokes about raping girls aren't.

>> No.3436624

>White knighting a 2D girl that represents cryptocurrency

>> No.3436654

Verge is a copy paste job of literally every coin that came before it. They ripped everything off. They just happened to get lucky and have graphic designers invested in the project that do their marketing ads for free. Best example of a dressed up shiny scamcoin iv'e ever seen.

>> No.3436655

>being too inept to realize how it'll look to normies

>> No.3436740

>being too inept to realize that edgy memes on /biz/ mean fuck all in the grand scheme of things

>> No.3436763

When did all the faggot normies invade /biz/ ??
Jesus take a fucking joke and get >>>/r/out

>> No.3436889

/pol/ pls

>> No.3437005

ODN people in denial right now at their threads

>> No.3437040

Everything that obsidian does. Buy Obsidian.

Poloniex delisted these fuckers for a reason; no development.

>> No.3437189

We've got Bittrex.
Trust me, we're better off without the scammy exchange Polo is.

>> No.3437387

You do realize that people are leaving Poloniex in droves ever since they got shut down right? They drop coins that don't get Pnd by Suppofag.