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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3404271 No.3404271 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3404602
File: 65 KB, 320x252, 1504796425853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up deluded Arkie. There is no place for you on this board.

>> No.3404623

I was a NoArk once too, but I fortunately came to my senses.

>> No.3404637

Strap in boys!

>> No.3404639

All memes asides, I'd bet people that were talking shit on this coin are kicking themselves in their skinny asses. It went from 85 cents to $3 in 1 month and held through last weeks mini-dip.

And Ark is going to continue mooning!

>> No.3404649

It actually got to 3 dollars. Okay what next?
Can it go to 5? Or is that impossible?

>> No.3404656


>> No.3404662



>> No.3404665

It's gonna reach 5, minimum, just a question of when, not if.

>> No.3404668

70K ARKBROS!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3404671

This shit is going to $10

>> No.3404679

I'm holding onto Ark until it hits 10 bucks by next year (my best projection, but who the fuck knows with crypto), when it gets to 10 bucks I'll probably sell a small percentage of it, and continue to ride the wave.

>> No.3404691
File: 53 KB, 376x423, ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have nearly enough hilarious Ark memes in this thread

>> No.3404692

So glad I went all in

>> No.3404700

If ARK hits 10 bucks I'm going to get $100 per week from biz delegate.

No way I'd sell this money machine.

>> No.3404715

>biz delegate

Can you give a quick rundown for myself and others that don't know what you mean by this?

>> No.3404738

You vote for a delegate. If that delegate has enough votes, it produces new Ark and gives a certain percentage to you. It's basically staking withouth having your wallet open.

/biz/ delegate is the delegate created by /biz/

>> No.3404759
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>> No.3404761
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biz_classic can't be trusted

>> No.3404777
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>> No.3404795

I got my fair share which is good enough for me

>> No.3404810



>> No.3404828
File: 58 KB, 233x225, IMG_5739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Naw, fuck that. Biz delegate is legit. I get my free ark every day without no probs. The guy they banned is mentally ill and won't stop harassing them. He's pissed because he was delegate-hopping to try and get more free ark and he missed the cutoff date to be grandfathered into a special rate of free ark. Should have followed the rules that were clearly posted.

>> No.3404830

2213.8 ARK reporting in. I wish I had bought more when I realized how good this DPoS system works. I'm holding this until 2 b market cap.

>> No.3404861


Once I vote for delegate, if I change the amount of ARK in my wallet, do they update the payments automatically?

For example if I already have 2k ark, and add 2k more, my payments will automatically double?

>> No.3404868
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This is the most recent post by the dev https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1909839.msg18994433#msg18994433

>> No.3404872

>He's pissed because he was delegate-hopping
Weird how the story keeps changing.

>> No.3404882


>> No.3404895

Yes. Tho there's a tax if you're a whale


>> No.3404913

Holy shit it's actually legit mooning...$3.17 and rising.

I'm about to take a direct hit from Irma, but at least I've boarded the Ark.

>> No.3404914

The volume doubled in the past couple days and the price keeps going up despite negative pressure from the market.

A-are we finally breaking out arkies?

>> No.3404938
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>tfw only 1500 ark

>> No.3404964

Use this calculator to figure out what delegate would be best for you.


>> No.3405068

that calculator doesn't account for biz_classic's sliding payout scale

>> No.3405076

I'm doing better than quarkpool (considered best by that) with biz_classic as a 10k grandfathered holder.

>> No.3405090

biz_classic isnt included because theyre the only delegate with a history of not paying it's voters.

>> No.3405117

biz_classic doesn't pay all it's voters. That's why it's not included.

>> No.3405123

What about the other ~30 delegates that aren't included?

>> No.3405141

biz_classic always pays voters

>> No.3405147
File: 806 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170910-002056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw brought loopring and missed the ark dip.

>> No.3405171

I don't know if you remember him but there was an autist with ~20k ark that voted for biz_classic a day after we started staking then raged because he missed grandfathering.
He shitposted the discord to death and got banned, biz_classic kept his stake, I'm not saying that was the right thing to do but it got him to leave which is better for everyone.

>> No.3405190

Oh it's 20k now? How come the story keeps changing?

>> No.3405197

Fuck off heembro

>> No.3405208

They're lying.

>> No.3405210

2050 Ark.

>tfw woke up 1K richer

>> No.3405212

>How come the story keeps changing?
Because this is an imageboard not a census.

>> No.3405223
File: 12 KB, 252x240, 1378340705332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uncle Chang, who declined to give his real name, is a 23-year-old Chinese-American with a degree in computer science from NYU and is based in Midtown Manhattan. Like me, he grew up speaking Cantonese with his parents at home and English at school. He was raised in Brooklyn to immigrant parents. His mother scrubs toilets as a maid at a hotel and his father does manual labor.

>His mother scrubs toilets

>> No.3405229

lol which one of you assholes said ARK's going to 20 dollars today

>> No.3405255

I'll sell 10% when this hits $100

>> No.3405281

> Kid's a graduate with a degree
> Parents does lowest of the manual labor work

Sounds pretty normal for an asian to me

>> No.3405296

>family immigrate with nothing
>first western born generation gets education and mad crypto gains
These are the type of immigrants I'm ok with.

>> No.3405307

we've already established that this makes us like him even more

>> No.3405319

Do you think he ever uses her tongue to clean the skidmarks off the toilet? Gook are pretty stupid. They do that kind of thing.

>> No.3405329

lol would be funny if while she was on her knees in front of the toilet, someone stomped her skull into the bowl and made her drown on dirty toilet water.

>> No.3405331

your salt is pathetic

>> No.3405346

Did I hurt your feelings again, Chang? Not my fault your mom is a gook brainlet too stupid to do anything besides clean shitstains off porcelain.

>> No.3405351

>fat white boi
>his gf got destroyed by BAC and she loved it
>now he FUDs uncle chang for revenge

You're a sad man

>> No.3405361
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>> No.3405369

Okay only honest answers please. Will it moon even more short-term (within the next 2 days) or was that it? Elaborate why.

>> No.3405379

>graduate with a degree in compsci
This makes him more qualified than just about every other delegate, amusing that /biz/ has the best delegate.

>> No.3405380

no one predicted this pump, what makes you think we can predict the next one.

All i know is that there will be more pumps in the future, due to ark having active development, thats why i just buy and hold

>> No.3405386

how assblasted are you wite boy?

>> No.3405387

>note this is opinion not fact so I can be wrong even if I'm honest
I think it'll drop to around 45k when BTC goes below 4k or over 5k. That said I'm not fucking selling and will only be buying more during any dips, I currently have 1.5 BTC waiting for a dip.

>> No.3405392
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>> No.3405399

Noone is psychic so take this with a healthy grain of salt. I think it will continue to rise, volume is increasing, people are seeing that even when BTC dips ark remains more stable than most alts or even goes up, and youtubers have recently been making videos on it. To me this is all going to lead to FOMO from people not already in ark and drive the price even higher.

>> No.3405412

haem pls go.

>> No.3405418

Hahahahahaahahahaha imagine being this assblasted that a random chink with a toilet washing mother is more successful than you

>> No.3405421

>no one predicted this pump
I saw an increased amount of threads the last couple of days so I can say some people at least suspected it, I just want to know what caused it and if it's still a good time to get in. I don't want to buy at the peak.

>> No.3405425

lol computer nerds are a dime a dozen.

if he made decent money, his mom wouldnt be cleaning toilets.

>> No.3405468

>none of the other delegates have computer degrees

This statement shows how stupid you are.

Youre a broke little bitch, arent you? Post your ark wallet. I want to laugh.

>> No.3405490

>show your ark balance
I don't have any ark as I foolishly sold it all a bit ago. I do have 70 ETH and 6BTC though.

>> No.3405491

stop heem, you missed GF and you are salty, we get it, now get the fuck over it already.

>> No.3405499

He's no malarkie, at least malarkie is funny.

>> No.3405501

lmao called it

>> No.3405505

I'll stop when Chang pays me the ARK he owes me.

>> No.3405515

How much are you owed?

>> No.3405518
File: 54 KB, 991x902, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kys already

>> No.3405525

>called it
I'd bet I've got more money than you in crypto though you're welcome to post your wallet and prove otherwise.

>> No.3405531

You first, big boy. Let's see those 6 BTC.

>> No.3405535

your balance were like 1k ark, that's fucking nothing you hobo

>> No.3405540

>You're right, I'm not showing anything
Thought so fagggot.

>> No.3405553

it mooned in june

>> No.3405555

20k actually, see here >>3405171

>> No.3405563

I'm really thankful I was born to upper middle class american white people and not poverty level gook immigrants. Life is better when you're white.

>> No.3405564

Enough with this biz delegate shit already. Bunch of teenage chatter in here. The new delegate seems fine but vote for whoever. Cant we just be happy with the moon? Everything else pink wojack. Last chance to get on the ark!

>> No.3405566

it was 1.2k idiot

>> No.3405573

This lol

>> No.3405574

Prove it.

>> No.3405581

You faggot have been spamming /biz/ with your bullshit for long enough.
Give me your address I'll send you whatever chang owes you and let's be done with it.

>> No.3405584

Burden of proof lies with you negro as you are claiming you are owed. Luckily you are claiming to be owed a crypto with a public ledger so if you would just post your address this can all be shorted very quickly.

>> No.3405586

chang said it himself that when he banned you that you had 1.2k ark and theres no reason to believe he lied about that

>> No.3405613

Nah he's the one that needs to pay.

>> No.3405617

how much does he even """"owe"""" you

>> No.3405621

>Nah he's the one that needs to pay.
this is the worst revenge movie ever

>> No.3405623
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>tfw being ARKie who will have $10 coin by October

>> No.3405635

my name is inigo montoya

>> No.3405647

please seek help anon.
I don't know you at all but I can already tell that you're mentally ill

>> No.3405655
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Ahahaha the arklet only has 1200 ark wtf he doesn't even qualify for grandfathered bonus. I'm sure when he tries to sleep at night all he thinks about is how he forgot to sign up before the cutoff date. I signed up on the very last day. Feels comfy.

T. Arklet's Grandfather.

>> No.3405669

>funding a delegate
>delegate voting
>if a delegate doesn't pay, switch vote
>literally the entire point of the system

>> No.3405671


>> No.3405701

This is about to get dumped so hard

>> No.3405719

I hope so, it hardly dumped at all after the 15th August pump.

>> No.3405738

please, I need to accumulate more

>> No.3405790

This, the second I saw seatrips fucking me over of 0.4 Ark a day I immediately swapped.

>> No.3405865

Still LARPing as a non-arklet?

Your banned address was publicly posted, it's no secret that you were too poor for grandfathering to affect you.

>> No.3405945

>by people like me who sold neo at 15 waiting for "the dip"

>> No.3406015

Waiting for the dip on this around 63k. If you are a hardo that says theres no dip, do me a favor and look at the chart

>> No.3406034

Zoom out to the 3 day chart and rethink that opinion

It's been Chad fadding up even through the market wide dip periods

>> No.3406042

What 3 day chart are you looking at....

>> No.3406046


>>accumulating more bags

top kek

>> No.3406064

Sure wish I became a "bag holder" when it broke $1, $1.50, and $2.00

>> No.3406095
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Bag holder since $1.20 here, my arms are getting tired.

>> No.3406104

Chang needs to fucking pay me, haven't received ANY payment. Such a scam delegate where's my damn 100 ARK I should have by now

>> No.3406133

Go to sleep one year. See ark at 50 when you wake up.

>> No.3406148

Address? If you want anyone to actually believe you which could lead to chang being voted out then you are going to need to post your address so we can:
a) see if you actually voted for chang
b) see if you should have received payment by now
c) see if you have received payment

To prove it's perfectly safe incase you are a completely retarded newcoiner here is my address AeSzJj1MSEZbDANFrhT4NQzzZPsfX2aeJF

>> No.3406169

>Bases crypto price off threads from a cartoon image site

Holy fuck I didn't think the autism on this board could reach a new level

>> No.3406175

>not buying wojaks and selling pepes
It's like you want to be poor.

>> No.3406208

LALALAL let the dip begin.

>> No.3406209

Poor? I got in a whole dollar less than you. Suck my dick

>> No.3406259

The chinks are waking up.

>> No.3406262

>can't take a joke
How did you end up on an imageboard in the first place?

>> No.3406304

Here's my address

>> No.3406317
File: 84 KB, 720x979, Screenshot_2017-09-09-18-45-28~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

>> No.3406333
File: 567 KB, 600x595, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna fail, Arkies.

One day soon one of your pot smoking devs will release an update that crashes the entire ship.

You're going down.

>> No.3406335
File: 67 KB, 1280x1280, 1504890429066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to post your private address

>> No.3406342

What are you talking about? You've received two payments, seem to have it setup for weekly payments, and shouldn't expect another until the 11th.

>> No.3406350

meant 3

>> No.3406354

That is what I expected, you are a lying faggot.

That is my address not his, see >>3406148

>> No.3406357

The voices told me it was wrong

>> No.3406365

Shut up Chang, where's my money

>> No.3406394

Ask your mom to cash in your good boy points if you need more tendy money.

>> No.3406425

Is it worth staking with 50 ARK?

>> No.3406432


>> No.3406453
File: 145 KB, 646x700, greenery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was bad off with my 2k Ark. I forge a decent amount though.

>> No.3406461

Nope, it would take weeks just for you to earn back the 1 ark voting fee.

>> No.3406476

What's the use of the ark coin? I don't even buying a coin that has no intrinsic value. Does Ark have any?

>> No.3406487

gents we are in the top 20 currencies, top 25 overall (+assets)

>> No.3406499

You can use it to scam people on /biz/

>> No.3406504

Any reason for the moon?
ACES closer to release?

>> No.3406505


You can use https://classicdelegate.biz/calculator to see how much you'd get voting for biz_classic. You'll always get the amount you're worth, so it's up to you to decide whether it's worth it or not.

>> No.3406510

store of value, a growth asset as you essentially earn interest thru a moderate inflation & forging. proof of stake rather than give some fucking supercomputer group the block reward. they have a number of projects to add value to the project can view @ ark.io

>> No.3406511

Now my idiot mate will finally buy it after I told him about it @ rank 57. He's so shit at trading he only buys from the top 20 coins and only believes they are going to keep rising when they are already up.

>> No.3406523

Look at the volume since the 15th or August pump, the whales holding the price down have realized they are out of time and are now paying higher prices.

>> No.3406547

But what is it used for? Companies will buy Ark for what?

>> No.3406548

buy now or what for the correction?

>> No.3406578

I could see a correction but when everything crashes, ark goes down 5. when everything goes down 5, ark goes up 20. it's doing its own thing the more exposure it gets and people get the sick wallet and start earning more ark

>> No.3406583

Did the US just wake up? Fuck you cunts are useless.

>> No.3406584

buy now

>> No.3406602


Smartbridge. You don't have to go through exchanges anymore to convert coins. Want ETH into Ark without having to put a sell/buy order and hope for it to go through? Just smartbridge it from wallet to wallet.

>> No.3406610
File: 43 KB, 1380x264, Screen Shot 2017-09-09 at 1.26.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't buy very low and up $2500 or so

>> No.3406637

Isn't that the same as atomic swap?

>> No.3406663

Nah atomic swap has some stupid nigger steam punk name smart bridge is smart.

>> No.3406672

wait for correction..

>> No.3406675


>> No.3406682

Should I buy 23 ark? thats all I got
The calculator on biz classic said that im going to get 0.00663433
But how often do I get this? daily? Because its pretty low

>> No.3406683

Ark has a very healthy and involved bounty system. It is constantly improving due to having a real community behind it unlike all those shitty meme coins.

>> No.3406690

your fogot tell us were pathetic.....

>> No.3406692

It'd be monthly, and it's probably not worth the effort.

>> No.3406697


So what's the differences between atomic swaps and smartbridge.

Like really tho.

Also, if smartbridge is a technology that allows anyone to trade their ARK for any other currency without an exchange, wouldn't that drop ARK's value? Since they're basically offering a easy way to sell.

>> No.3406708

tfw gonna live off biz_classic dividends one day

>> No.3406711

>tfw only bought 300 ark when you purchased at $.70

>> No.3406750

I only bought 0.05 bitcoins worth (~$130 at the time) when it was 70 cents.

>> No.3406757

I only bought 100 at the time. Some anon chucked 8 more at me which was nice.

>> No.3406762

>Also, if smartbridge is a technology that allows anyone to trade their ARK for any other currency without an exchange, wouldn't that drop ARK's value? Since they're basically offering a easy way to sell.

Well if you hold your ARK you will accumulate more, therefore you can be able to buy more shitcoins. Also think of ARK as BTC now. We pretty much use BTC to buy alts

>> No.3406779

WHALEEEEabandon ship!!!!

>> No.3406798

Atomic swaps get you half way there, presumably to utilize some service on the other coin. Smart bridge allows you to use these services directly through Ark. Secondly, smart bridge is flexible. It doesn't necessary have to be used to request transfers or services, but it's really only limited to the imagination of the developers. lastly, I wouldn't say that smart bridge is "THE" major value proposition anyways. Ark is an unquestionable leader in user experience, and that tends to be what keeps people using it. Smart bridges will play an important role in improving the blockchain experience, and we will see more and more decentralized applications utilizing it.
Another comment: If atomic swaps become a new standard, applications built with ark can utilize those features by building smart bridge apps. That really means as far as an Ark user is concerned, it doesn't matter what other cryptocurrencies are doing. Passionate users of both Ark and the features of other coins will build decentralized services to provide these features to ark users.

>> No.3406805

Meme triangle coming to a point. Where's the whales move the wall to? We might see $4 today.

>> No.3406819

LMAO eat shit

>> No.3406831
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Fuck.. meme triangle closed in the wrong direction.

>> No.3406839

No need to be spiteful, noArkie.

>> No.3406902
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>> No.3406929

>buying ATH
>larping as a retard
Which is it?

>> No.3406974
File: 236 KB, 808x805, hard crying wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me to buy and then it dumps on my ass. You said it was going to 10 dollars today

>> No.3407030

No, this is what I actually said >>3405387