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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3404617 No.3404617 [Reply] [Original]

You want to know why rent is still crazy high and keeps going up? Want to know why housing prices never went down after the bubble burst?

This shit right here is why. Everyone was told the housing bubble came about because of all these people owning homes they couldn't afford and it needed to be fixed. It was never fixed.

Now you can get a $200,000 home for a $2,000 down payment. The old 20% down payment rule kept it so that only those that could afford housing and were responsible with their money could pay. Now any retard can buy a home, greatly increasing prices and increasing demand for renters who now see it as the only alternative to not living with their parents.

So the question becomes, when will the next crash happen?

>> No.3404756
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Of course it was never fixed. It's the same reason we have fiat currency. If people saved their money instead of going tens of thousands into debt, the entire system would collapse. The only way to keep a system the size of the federal government going is to take 66% of a person's yearly paycheck. People joke about debt-slavery, but it's the entire basis of keynesian economics. Why spend tomorrow what you can owe today?

Next crash is just around the corner. Several high profile billionaire are pulling out of the stock market. Tens of thousands of people never really recovered from the last one, only burrowing deeper into debt. Only reason it hasn't already happened is Trump winning, giving the economy a much needed positive outlook boost. But it's not going to last forever. This was (((their))) plan all along, to drive everything into the ground so that your dependence upon the State is so complete that you have no choice but to queue up for the bread lines. And now they're pressing the pedal to the floor in the hopes of pinning it on Trump, so they can point and say, "See? If you'd just listened to us in the first place we could have avoided this entire thing. Now give us another 5% of your paycheck, goy. It's for the starving black children. They're Americans too. You don't hate black people, do you?"

>> No.3404855



>> No.3404908

the jews made a permanent error. they thought people would blame corporations and courts not the jews who use them as a weapon against America. Now everyone with half a brain or more knows the jews are a criminal organzation not a religion. The jewish system is dead. law became crime with paper. the rule of jew law and jews is dead. Call in the cleanup crews and the army rangers. Its time to kill jews

>> No.3404917
File: 343 KB, 1446x1080, so right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a loss for words and I think I know why.

>> No.3404965
File: 334 KB, 642x808, Screen Shot 2017-09-09 at 16.01.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a business owner in Belgium and I pay a little over 70% in taxes. Not all of it is called taxes, but there's social security contributions etc. On top of that I got 5% fees on payments I receive from Paypal.

I've been telling myself to move my business to Estonia (10% tax only upon withdrawl) and switch to Stripe from Paypal but I'm too fucking lazy to do it. Instead I gamble with crypto, lol. And that's why I'm a loser.

>> No.3404974

>You want to know why rent is still crazy high and keeps going up?
The FED's monetary policy over the last 9 years.
>when will the next crash happen?
1 month after the 2y/10y US T-bond = less than 1
It's trending down, currently at 1.2 or something. It's close.

A large problem of the crash is that the mortgage backed securities were being rated incorrectly. I don't know if that's fixed. But if shitty loan holders are now rated at a CCC or C then in that respect the market /should/ work fine.
the trump bump is priced back out.

>> No.3405080

Down payments are a meme.

The entire time you spend saving up for a down payment, you have to rent. Or do something retarded like buy a really tiny house and work your way up.
Or you have to get financial help from family.

If you have the income, you can pay off your house even if you don't pay a single cent as down payment.
If you don't have the income, you can't pay it off even if you pay 90% down payment.

And suppose you have a couple of tens of thousands of $ saved up, if you don't dump it all into a down payment and buy a house with 0% down payment, and suddenly lose your job; you can use those tens of thousands to bridge a year or more while looking for another job.
If you dump it all into a down payment and lose your job, you have virtually zero wiggle room and pretty much have to forcibly sell right away.


>> No.3405101

I'd rather not pay double the value of my house over 30 years sorry. I'm putting 50% down. I'll have the other 50% paid off within 2 or 3 years.

>> No.3405154

Sounds like you're buying a very cheap home.
Relative to your income, at least.

And double the value? I just bought a 630k house, and after 25 years I will have paid 808 exactly.

Also, fiat will be worth about a third or something after 20 years.

>> No.3405181

>I just bought a 630k house
>25 years pay off 808

Are you legitimately retarded?

>> No.3405199

But if 20% down kept the prices lower that would mean 20% of that lower price was LOWER. Now 3% is the new $20,000

The real problem is FHA for dindus and lender paid mortgage insurance resulting in 6%+ interest rates. That is why prices are so high.

>> No.3405219

>not saving up for a down payment AND an emergency fund
>Basing his net worth on a housing bubble
>t. debt fiend

>> No.3405230

what cult is jannet yelen ben bernanke larry summers alan greenspan et al in? the jews are the enemy of all things animate and still.

>> No.3405244

Yeah it's only slightly over 100k, 3 bedroom - midwest. Going to live in it for a year, then rent it out. I'm near a college. The $ difference between the total paid after 30 years, and cost of the home is ~80%.

&yeah, inflation is hovering around 2% this year. I guess the smarter thing to do would be to invest the money and put 0 down. Then I'd earn 6% annually, maybe, on an index fund over the life of the mortgage. The invested 100k would appreciate faster than the interest + inflation on the mortgage, a net gain of an annual 2%. But, reducing monthly costs sounds so good.

>> No.3405265

there hasnt been a crash because the next crash is THE crash. it will be the red pill that alerts people to the great western scam. they may be able to prolong the next crash for DECADES. they will do everything they can to stop it from happening

>> No.3405278

The big problem leading to the 07 crash were loans given to people who did not have good income history credit or assets( sub prime). I agree with you about the low downpayment issue we are seeing in todays market. 20% should be required because the owner has more skin in the game and more to lose. This equity also serves a buffer from market conditions. Also there is no mortgage insurance required. The big thing leading to increased rents and sale priced is a lack of new inventory being built for the 25 to 30 year olds.

>> No.3405599
File: 183 KB, 743x711, Drink the Koolaid Awoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been saying this for years. The next recession is building, and it's going to make the "Great Recession" little more than an interesting footnote in history. If it's even mentioned, people will look back at the 2008 crash and ask themselves, "Why didn't they fix anything? Why did they just keep driving straight off the cliff? Couldn't they see the signs?"

America looks like it might be able to weather the storm, if only because we still own the majority of the world's wealth. There's going to be a lot of lean years, but I believe we'll make it through. What form that takes afterwards is a fucking coin flip. It all depends on how well the collectivists and their Democrat and RINO shills managed to sucker the general public into submitting to the State. If Universal Basic Income starts entering the public discourse, start stockpiling ammo, because they're coming for you next.

Europe? Europe is grade A fucked. Their entire system is built on bleeding the top 10% dry so that the bottom 40% doesn't even have to work. They're throwing billions at people who don't speak their language and have no intention of integrating into their culture. Europe (with the possible exception of the eastern Euro bloc) is dead.

All in on crypto. At least then you'll be able to keep something resembling your original value. If BTC reaches 500k, it's because the dollar has entered hyperinflation and the world economy is in ruins.

>> No.3405629

>Jews as a criminal organization
Damn, never thought about that tbqhao

>> No.3405848

>too lazy to literally triple your profits
you deserve to fail