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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3371735 No.3371735 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.3371762

This could be it.

>> No.3371765
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>> No.3371771

I'm 12 and what's and etf?!

>> No.3371787

no time for your meme shit >just bought 100k LMAO XD
This is a serious thread

>> No.3371798

Okay. What is an ETF, my very serious sir?

>> No.3371799

Electronic transfer format ? Splain

>> No.3371809


>> No.3371810
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Posting in an epic thread.

now comes the fun part

>> No.3371818

dO i buy 5k of ethereum on cuckbase right now

>> No.3371820

Oh.. it will be on NYSE?

>> No.3371826

>Prior to this offering, there has been no public market for the Shares
what did they mean by this

do crypto exchanges not count as public, or are these 'share's not the same as eth

>> No.3371832

It's something normalfags put their money in.

>> No.3371834

God dammit. Can I please have the old /biz/ back? ETFs are something you should learn by like middle school for fuck's sake.

Jesus christ.


It means BIG money might start pouring into ETH soon. very soon.

Yes. Now is the time to buy a LOT of ETH if there ever was one.

The shares are part of the ETF, which is based on the price of ETH. That's all.

>> No.3371836

It's still under review. BTC had the same thing and then got denied. But that was a long time ago, maybe things are different now.

>> No.3371838


>> No.3371843

Exchange traded fund... it means Ethereum is going on the fucking stock market for purchase... it means ETH is about to fucking MOON

>> No.3371845

100 ETH here, am I gonna make it?

>> No.3371869

Yes start looking for a lambo

>> No.3371873

So ETH going onto the stock market as its ready to collapse? Yeah, that'll make it moon for sure.

>> No.3371878


>> No.3371881

Goood...MNE will soar even higher

>> No.3371888

This is just under review right? How long does it take for these things to be OK'd?

Does Vitalik need to be apart of this or aware of it?

>> No.3371889

rexne tiene tetas

>> No.3371891

Big if true

>> No.3371900

Start looking for 100 ft yachts my man.

>> No.3371904

tremendous if trustworthy

>> No.3371908

I'm still hurting over this.

Hoping it makes ANT moon too though.

>> No.3371910

Why does this site look like shit, how am I supposed to read that retarted cancer wall of text.

>> No.3371915

I have 76 ETH. I wagecuck at my uncle's 76 gas station and repair shop. I bought 76 ETH as my ticket out of this hellhole. Based money skelly, please help us.

>> No.3371918



>> No.3371924

government employees don't understand web design or formatting

>> No.3371935


>> No.3371942

>muh design

Keck yourself faggot

>> No.3371951

when will this actually move the price?

>> No.3371964
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Oh fuck, should I just go all in on eth now? I had $300 in neo and other shitcoins and sold. Now I have around $1100 in BTC.

Please I just want to get out of this shithole.

>> No.3371983

Honest question, why buy an ETF instead of the crypto directly?

It is easier, I suppose. Like I wouldn't want to buy and deal with storing gold, but I might buy a gold ETF. Is there anything else to it?

>> No.3372001

normaldos understand it, current finance industry don't need to add new infrastructure

>> No.3372008

I sold half my OMG and bought ETH.
I really hope it goes up at least today so i can buy my OMG back.

>> No.3372011

I sold all my shitcoins... and long-term holds... anything I didn't 100% believe in. BCH, XRP, RDD, XVG, and POT and went all in on ETH.

My portfolio is BTC, NEO, LTC, ETH, ADX, and UBQ... and a couple others I'm ashamed to admit.

>> No.3372021

I can't read dis someone gib explains plz

>> No.3372022

Answer this, you cunts

>> No.3372039

It says "Buy ETH now or be poor forever."

Also buy some ANT unless you're a cuck. That's good too.

>> No.3372042
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tell us your shitcoins anon

>> No.3372044

You wouldn't, point is that boomers would and it could cause the price to jump up a lot.

>> No.3372050
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I just did the same, I'll just buy back in if anything.

I hope we all make it skellybros, and I'll see you on the moon.

>> No.3372063

>Also buy some ANT

>> No.3372074

crypto is fucking hard to get in/out of.

Company applies as an ETF and buys ETH. Issue "shares" of their ETF as a function of ETH price. As ETH price fluctuates, so does company's ETH-based ETF.

This opens up ETH to a much broader audience... not just the above average tech-savvy population that's currently exposed.

>> No.3372085

SIGT and EMB... feels bad

>> No.3372094


Stock exchange is much better regulated at least

And more convenient if you already regularly trade on it

If it tracks ETH closely I might buy some shares since I don't want to have to deal with all of the other bullshit

>> No.3372133

They filed in July 2016. They will accept or deny this month.

>> No.3372139

just like how well the bitcoin etf did, right guys????????????

>> No.3372171

>ETFs are something you should learn by like middle school for fuck's sake.

Not everyone on /biz/ is an amerilard

>> No.3372173

Literally says they filed yesterday sept 5th at the top of the document.... are you fucking retarded?

>> No.3372183

Big if true... i think? never heard of ETF to be honest but I'm not a burger and never had to do anything with stocks either so.. yeah no clue

>> No.3372188

kek you're a dumbass

>> No.3372191

This is old news, articles show the proposal being made 5+ months ago.

Why the Hype?

>> No.3372194

the lawyer who was representing the etf is now the person in the sec making the decision

>> No.3372206

This came out like today. It's finally coming.

>> No.3372212


>> No.3372227
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>signed on september 5th, 2017

>> No.3372243

How come the markets haven't reacted yet?

>> No.3372244
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I want to believe OP but where does it say anything about an etf?

>> No.3372275

Sure kiddo, whatever makes you feel better.

>> No.3372293

>sold his shitcoins only to buy more shitcoins

>> No.3372295

what makes you think the SEC is going to approve an ETF for a scam coin?

>> No.3372298

Dont fall for the hype. I was posted 5 hours ago on reddit. it is not a fresh news.

>> No.3372304
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>> No.3372391

godspeed anon, you're going to make it

>> No.3372403

One thing I don't get is, won't the boomers be put off by the wild swings? This roller coaster is going to give them all heart attacks...

>> No.3372435

Is anyone here NOT already balls deep in ETH?

>> No.3372449
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>normies money get in
>ETH moon hard
>we dump it the day after
>we lamboland now
>normies panic sell and loose everything
>we become the kangz of the new world
What a time to be alive

>> No.3372507
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remember to buy the inevitable dip and do the same shit again

>> No.3372510

Me, I'm a poorfag that own just 0.73 Dash and 23 OMG, what should I do? ; _ ;

>> No.3372514



>> No.3372518

>normies buy into ETF like crazy
>Eth price stays exactly the same while ETF skyrockets

>> No.3372536

Is this happen before

>> No.3372543

yes, look at how GBTC gains are separate from BTC gains.

>> No.3372546

>creates a massive ETF bubble
>we sell at the top
>it crashes
>Buy in again

>> No.3372549

It's to buy into a POS pool. The people who filed for this have a ton of eth and are going to stake and sell etf that pay a fraction of the POS awards.

>> No.3372565

proof of stake violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics though, so this will never work

its just another day in cryptoscam land

>> No.3372569

when is the ETF ICO?

>> No.3372577


the virtual world is not beholden to the laws of the physical world you baboon.

>> No.3372604

wtf I hate science now

>> No.3372621

eth moon

>> No.3372649

>when you don't really understand what you're talking about but want to sound smart

>> No.3372672

Look up "emergent properties" and then realize that emergent properties have value.

>> No.3372740

This must be the big one boys. The one we've been waiting for. Money skellers has been laying his plans for a long time. This is only the beginning!

>> No.3372756

Check gold-based ETFs when the market tanks...

>> No.3372769

>when you can't see a joke if it hit you in the face
>when you want to pretend you know what he's talking about but expose yourself as a friendless downs neet who cant recognize simple humor

>> No.3372774


do you even know what cryptocurrency is? do you know what free/decentralized means? of course he doesn't they can do whatever they want

>> No.3372777

>we can get shit for free because interwebz maine

ethtards are actually this stupid. lmao

>> No.3372782

Remember kids, once in a while /biz/ actually gives some valuable info and/or good advice.

>> No.3372804
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huge if true

thanks for the heads up OP

>> No.3372865
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Basically if approved I can have Eth exposure in my 401K and/or IRA.

>> No.3372895

Buy in coinbase bub ;)

>> No.3372903

If nobody cashes out and everybody thinks what they own is worth X in value, the crypto market cap could basically go to infinity, and be worth almost none of it (see: "Wow! It's Literally Free Money!" written by Everyone Who Received and Held BCC).

>> No.3372944

chill out bruh i'm smarter than you are. and i'm not a neet when I have a comfy job as a software developer. you're right about the friendless part though.

>> No.3372953

gargantuan if guaranteed

>> No.3372961

Should I put in 500 bongs or 1000?
What's the best place to get them?

>> No.3372968

>needing to say he's smarter than someone he's never met
how pathetic anon.

>> No.3373020

How high's ETH gonna moon from this? $1000?

>> No.3373028

Because it's obvious. If you were smart you would know that.

>> No.3373083

Also when's this actually going to happen?

>> No.3373131

same reason i just bought a bunch of shares of a silver etf

>> No.3373150

If the ETF actually gets approved, it could easily go to the $2000-5000 range before the end of 2018.

>> No.3373302

>when you have never actually gotten a joke in your entire life and you just laugh when other people laugh and even that you had to practice by laughing along with the laugh track in sitcoms

>> No.3373425

see you in lambo land anon

>> No.3373464

>107 posts
>every creaming their pants with moon memes
>not a single argument as to why it will pass

hear ye hear ye
this will get denied just like the bitcoin etf

"The Commission believes that, in order to meet this standard, an exchange that lists and trades shares of commodity-trust exchange-traded products ("ETPs") must, in addition to other applicable requirements, satisfy two requirements that are dispositive in this matter. First, the exchange must have surveillance-sharing agreements with significant markets for trading the underlying commodity or derivatives on that commodity. And second, those markets must be regulated."
nothing's different with eth on either 1 or 2

>> No.3373472

Really depends on if Microsoft helps by throwing in some lobbyist weight.

>> No.3373478

The crazy thing, this is a completely reasonable number. This would be immensely helpful for the crypto community as a whole.

For normies to be exposed to the exponential growth on crypto, and see it side by side to their 2% annual growth shitstocks...Crypto market cap would explode.

>> No.3373484

>thinking the government is consistent and not corrupt as shit

They just put the Winkevoss ETF consultant into the position to approve this ETF. Do you think that's a coincidence?

>> No.3373485
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If this happens, ETH will set the stage for widespread normie adoption of cryptos.

>> No.3373502

They rejected the BTC application because they hadn't accumulated yet. Now they have their bags (see: Eth rise from $10 to $400 this year) and are ready to unleash wall street.

>> No.3373509

Already priced in. This is known.

>> No.3373516

bitcoin has had multiple ETF filings denied by the SEC.

why would they accept ethereum?

>> No.3373530

OMG will hit $20 before this happens.
I'll buy eth then.

>> No.3373533

for the meme

>> No.3373542

All of you screaming "moon" are retarded.

If the SEC steps in, crypto will be regulated and yall can kiss your moon missions goodbye

>> No.3373597

Bingo. All this thread did was remind me to buy more $XRM and 0x
I wonder if all the bootleggers back in the day spoke of moon missions when prohibition was overturned.

>> No.3373602

Nope. Unregulateable currencies will moon.

Block, zrx, xmr, odn.

>> No.3373624

even if eth goes to $1000 it wont make me rich

need to get in on ground floor to ascend

>> No.3373670

ETH vs BTC price is very low at the moment anyway, dont look at the USD price

>> No.3373802
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Can't say i'm surprised that seemingly half of this board doesn't know what a fucking ETF is. The price of the etf after the first week or so will move in reaction to the price movement of eth mean that when eth goes up people will start buying shares in the etf and that will go up. When eth starts to dip people will panic sell and the etf will dip hard

bottom line is this will not influence the price of eth, eth will determine the price of the etf. what >>3372518 said

>> No.3373856


>> No.3373874

etfs are an easy way for people who trade in the stock market to invest in eth, im guessing it will bridge a lot of people into the crypto market... also just the fact that its happening will cause hype as well as make crypto seem more legit to normies

>> No.3373889

easier than buying a bunch of physical silver... etf will make it easier for people who dont want to set up a wallet, remember addresses/keys or dont trust crypto exchanges, etc.

>> No.3374037
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All in on Ether...

>> No.3374134

at least we know whats going to cause the next GFC now

>> No.3374205

My prediction
>Most investors don't trust Bitcoin
>They would love to short this ETF if their fund allows
>Regardless of whether it's justified or not, a lot of people will short the ETF
>ETF will shut down fast because of one-sided flows
>ETH will crash through no fault of its own because of Wall Street kikery

>> No.3374410

>real investors wonder why the fuck meme coins are 300+ dollars
>crashes to actual value of 7-15 dollars

>> No.3374433


Like you'd know Eric you fucking faglord

tell your sister i'm coming over after football practise

>> No.3374519

If you get long remember to set a stop and get out as soon as the etf launches to lock in your gains. Do not trust the ETF it will expose ETH to a lot more short interest in the short to medium term.

>> No.3374529
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>> No.3374537

you know this is a year old right? the date is for the amendment and this thread is full of shills.

>> No.3374768

Good buy-in price coming but it isn't now.

ETH is going to get wrecked even faster than BTC and LTC tomorrow and possibly into the weekend.

Thursday always dumps and this will be the worst Thursday any newfags can remember.

>> No.3374810

Show me your open short position, faggot

>> No.3374852

I have over $8k in ETH right now. Is this going to make me rich?

>> No.3374855

dont trade on margin

If theres anything we can agree on, it should be that ETH has been rising slower and dropping faster than BTC.

Thurs will be ugly and we might start seeing weekend drops again. ///////////////////////the normies are already here.

>> No.3374931

what color lambo you want?

>> No.3375029

So this is how we finally win and take all of the normies money. Nice.