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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3371856 No.3371856 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ has ruined my life.

Before I say all this I just want you to know: I'm not stupid. I've always gotten good grades and have excelled in everything I do. I used to be one of the best pianists in my state. I got A's all through high school and got into the college of my dreams.

About a year ago I was in my third year of college, on track to graduate, with a 3.8 GPA. This is at a very prestigious school, too. As you can imagine, my resume is pretty impressive, so I easily landed a high-paying internship at a prestigious investment bank last fall.

For the first time in my life I had spare income. I had been browsing /fit/ for a while at that point, and ended up over here in /biz/.

For all my success in life I've never been successful with woman. It's not that I'm ugly, I'm just shy and was never in good shape. I vowed to change that. I had access to a really nice gym at my internship. I went all out for 4 months. I got in really good shape, but whenever I'd look in the mirror, I'd still see the same scrawny me. I wanted to take things to the next level, so I started looking into buying steroids. I know the risks, please don't preach at me. I figured I'd buy these through the internet, using bitcoin. This is how I first got into crypto. I started to get seriously into it by Christmas that year, and even got in on ETH pretty early on.

Things were looking up. My supervisor really liked me and kept me on as an intern for the spring, even mentioned a job offer. If I could edge out my peers I'd be set for life. I just needed to find a way to get myself that edge.

What comes next sounds irrational. In retrospect I know it's the moment that set a long chain of events in motion, events which would ruin me financially, mentally, and physically. In my defense, I was on a pretty rigorous steroid cycle and my mind was not in the best of places.

It all started at a New Years Party hosted by a coworker.

>> No.3371868
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>> No.3371872
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dont bother finishing this OP

>> No.3371882

i hope you don't expect me to read all of that drivel

>> No.3371897
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>tfw brainlet that barely scraped by highschool and dropped out of community college
>tripled my money this last month

>> No.3371901

Biz ruins everyone's life. I think over 50 people suicide a day because of this board.

>> No.3371903

come on now

>> No.3371927
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We pretend not to wanna hear the rest but secretly we are very interested.

Hint : Biz didn't fuck you up. Your impulsiveness did.

>> No.3371953

resume that shit, totally not worth reading all that

>> No.3371956

finish the story OP

>> No.3371958


>claims not to be an idiot
>writes like a drunk teenage girl on her period

get to the point idiot

>> No.3371961

I already completed 50% of my time in uni, im studiyng biology

Now i want to quit because of the mad gainz

>> No.3372036

I'd never really been to much parties. I always had friends but our parties were mainly drinking beer and playing video games or watching movies. I'd been to a couple of college parties but nothing like my coworkers party.

He was a rich kid who had a penthouse (a lower-end one, nothing insane, just an apartment with roof access really). It was packed that night. In line for the bathroom I was offered some acid. I declined but started talking to the guy, learning about his business. He sold to a bunch of rich kids who paid way over normal prices. We ended up talking about crypto, too. We exchanged numbers and became good friends.

A week later we're hanging out and he starts telling me about adderall and other uppers. Says it helps him when he studies. I had a lot of difficult classes that semester alongside working my internship, so I bought some.

I used them for the first time at work. And it worked. I felt so good, got so much work done. But after a couple weeks I felt I was building a tolerance, and needed something harder. So I looked around online, bought some monero, and bought myself a whole buffet of uppers. Too much, if I’m being honest. I underestimated the volume of what I ordered and needed to unload some of it.
I started going to more and more parties, networking at each one. It was easy to find people who’d buy. Soon enough I had a decent side hustle going – eventually it eclipsed my legal income.
But then, in March, we had a surprise drug test at work. I panicked. I bought some expensive anti-drug test drinks and cleansers the day before, but apparently it did not work. I was fired. I tried to apply elsewhere but it turned out I’d been blacklisted.

>> No.3372064
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dont do drugs

>> No.3372070


Write your pathetic sob story beforehand in a text file then copy and paste

>> No.3372078

>becomes a junkie

>> No.3372136

who the fuck want to work at a job where you cant be on drugs in your PRIVATE time...fascists! (im not being ironical)

>> No.3372223

At that point I had moved into a more expensive apartment, and bought a car. I needed to keep up these payments so that my family was not suspicious that I'd been fired.

I was at a party selling when a big dude came up to me. My memory is fuzzy but he dragged me outside and a group of them beat me up. They even fucked up my fingers, to the point where I'll never play piano again. One of them told me to stop dealing, or next time it would be my legs.

I'd lost all my sources of income except one: crypto. I started browsing /biz/ 16 hours a day. I'd stay up for days on end doing uppers and day trading. All this time I'd been ignoring my schoolwork, and ended up failing all my classes. I lost my scholarship.

But by June, I did not care. I officially dropped out, even though I could have returned in fall and appealed my scholarship. I was making so much money off of crypto that I did not care. I was on track to retire - seriously, I got in on ETH so early that by the time it was approaching $300 I was planning out a whole life of leisure.

But then July came. I daytraded away a good part of my small fortune. I bet half my portfolio on Decred and watched as my work eroded away. I held on to my ETH even as it plummeted, convinced it would experience a revival. The dream was slowly slipping from my grasp.

>> No.3372259

my condolences OP

>> No.3372279
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>> No.3372317
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It always comes down to these monkeys being
1. Impulsive

>> No.3372338

At one point in late July I had a breakthrough. I took a bunch of psychedelics and thought about the future. I thought about banking systems and the idea of currency. The next day I decided the best thing to do was hold, and just move on with my life in the meantime.

I put all my coins into physical wallets, and locked them away in a safe. I went to my parents house and stored it in the basement.

I finally had peace of mind - until about a week ago. I decided to take a nice vacation and flew out to California. I turned off all my social media and did a nice retreat in the wilderness.

But when I came back, I saw that Hurricane Harvey had, over the course of a few days, gotten extremely powerful. It went from a tropical storm to a record-breaking weather event. My parents don't live directly in the path of the storm, but their house got pounded with rain. And the basement flooded.

In a panic, I flew back and drove to their house, but my instinct was right - the water had seeped through the safe all my crypto wallets were destroyed.

I'm living with my parents now, with only a few hundred dollars to my name. Sometimes I cough up blood but I'm afraid of going to a doctor because I don't want to admit to all the drugs I've done, and still do. I can no longer afford steroids so my muscles are starting to feel really weird, and my skin is starting to visibly sag. Some day my heart pounds rapidly for no reason. Other days I wake up and feel off all day - extremely tired, breathing weird. Who knows. I can never play piano again because my fingers are mangled. And I've been blacklisted by every major company in my industry. I wish I had a time machine and could go back and do it all over.

>> No.3372355
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>3.8 GPA

>> No.3372359
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>crypto wallets were destroyed.

a-are you saying you hodl crypto like cash? now thats insane :)

>> No.3372360

>Its your fault /biz/
Funny I must have missed all the, "Sell drugs" threads.

>> No.3372374

stick a sharpie up your asshole if you want donations

>> No.3372379

Which stims did you use OP?

>> No.3372385

brool corey sto

>> No.3372387
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>> No.3372392

Hahahah sorry OP this is a good story though. Hopefully you learn self control soon

>> No.3372395 [DELETED] 

entertaining story OP It must be difficult to stomach. Is there any silver lining? Did you have sex with grills at parties.? Is the meme that grills like bad boys real? What will you do with your life now?

>> No.3372408

>blacklisting people for doing a bit of drugs
>land of the free

>> No.3372412
File: 512 KB, 532x782, 1500476782578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP that's a tragedy but I have a solution to your problem.

Buy DGB.

We Digimarines are welcoming to outsiders willing to bask in the glory of our god. And most importantly, we are NOT fucking selling.

You are distressed, angered and desperate. But you can change all that in an instant. DGB can offer you peace of mind, forever.

It's not too late, anon.

>> No.3372417
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>never play piano again

>> No.3372419


>> No.3372442
File: 46 KB, 540x540, sadcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude this is so sad oh my god i actually feel super sorry for you man. this isnt right, you were on the right track, man i cant even describe my pain for you man. i thought my situation was bad where my father hits me and stuff all the time until i read this. i really feel ur pain man, wow, god this is so sad man. :(

i run a discord with +2000 crypto trader people, maybe some can help, please talk to us man and get some help, i feel so sorry for you man, message me man can i help you in any way?


>> No.3372443

listening to op's story warms my soul

>> No.3372448

There's gotta be some twist to this fictional story

>> No.3372454

This. Why would you go through all the trouble of using hardware wallets in a safe and then not even make a single backup?

>> No.3372465

Dont buy random shit off web to inject yourself with it dumbass. Take a prohormone then a pct and you dont have to wonder whats in yourshit

>> No.3372476

what stuff did you play on piano

>> No.3372488

> heres my sad story anon
> gibe moni plos

>> No.3372555
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>> No.3372576

How are you still alive?
Why haven't you necked yourself?
You've hit rock bottom. There's no point in hiding from the doctors.

>> No.3372607

OP What will you do with your life now? This is a very sad story but it is entirely your fault. The most logical step forward in your life would be to go back to college, become a wagecuck in another sector to investment banking. Your life isn't ruined. You are still young. Either that or become a NEET with unemployment benefits or commit suduko. I recommend becoming a wagecuck in another sector. As for not being able to play piano ever again, can you begin learning any other instruments that dont rely on movement of your fingers. Trombone, violin, drums? Don't lose hope anon.

>> No.3372622

>they weren't dead inside already

>> No.3372633

entertaining story OP It must be difficult to stomach. Is there any silver lining? Did you have sex with grills at parties.? Is the meme that grills like bad boys real? What will you do with your life now?

>> No.3372637

His body and mind are fucked from his experiences.
He's also a junkie. I don't think he can recover from this. He's probably gonna be a NEET and maybe commit sudoku

>> No.3372642
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You don't deserve this OP

>> No.3372645

Welcome to five eyes.

>> No.3372647
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>> No.3372671

kek, saved

>> No.3372733
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my favorites were brahms and arvo part

Should I? The only crypto I have left to my name is a handful of litecoins in bittrex. I have maybe ~$600 of savings in fiat.

I have some acid tabs I could sell but I've been doing a little every day because I hear silicon valley people do it. It doesn't seem to help it just gives me more anxiety and I keep hearing voices, but maybe if I keep at it I'll get used to it and it will help me think of some creative way to solve my life.

Fuck it, I need a moonshot. This looks reliable. I'll go all in DGB.

Maybe if this doubles my money I can afford to get some healthcare. My parents are nice people but they only believe in weird alternative medicine. My mom found some bloody shit in the toiler when I forgot to flush and has me taking eucalyptus oil every morning to fix that.

>> No.3372737

what the fuck

>> No.3372754
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holy shit this is the most elaborate DGB shill thread i've ever seen

>> No.3372762

So you put all your eggs in one basket when you quit taking school seriously and focused on day trading.

Then, you took that single basket of all your eggs, and put it into another single basket. Singular copies of paper wallets.

Cmon anon. Did this possibly not cross your mind beforehand? And you claim to be smart? If this isnt pasta or larp, then it sucks and I do feel bad..but what you did was foolish.

>> No.3372767

Decent pasta desu.

>> No.3372792

I want you to know OP I laughed all the way through your shilling.

god damn.

>> No.3372800

In case the story's true you need to realize that while money is important it's not everything. Also your failing health can probably be fixed if you accept where you are and a) fix your sleep schedule and b) stop stressing out, because that shit destroys your body. If you're as smart as you say you are, you'll be able to live a decent life in a few years if you get it together. Crypto will probably keep its upward trend for a long time anyway.

>> No.3372802

wow, all of this to shill dgb

>> No.3372815

we are the digimarines

>> No.3372834

Digimarines are cunning fucks

>> No.3372849

At least you taught yourself to trade anon. I know its depressing starting from the bottom, but just get some start up capital and start trading full time again

>> No.3372852

>not bringing in someone else's piss

>> No.3372864
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DGB shills are advancing.

>> No.3372933

So what I'm getting is
>Had a bright future
>For no reason at all sought drugs
>Befriended a drug dealer for some reason even though it's almost garunteed he just wants to push drugs on you
>Became addicted to drugs after said dealer pushes drugs on you
>Become a drug dealer just because?
>Go through the hassle of buying/selling drugs but not ever bother buying a gun or thinking maybe this isn't okay
>Pay more money for rent and get a new car for literally no reason at all
>Give up on drugs after literally one bad scrap with a couple nobodies
>Somehow this is all /biz/s fault

You should blame your mother for dropping you too many times as a child desu

>> No.3372943

>But by June, I did not care. I officially dropped out, even though I could have returned in fall and appealed my scholarship. I was making so much money off of crypto that I did not care. I was on track to retire - seriously, I got in on ETH so early that by the time it was approaching $300 I was planning out a whole life of leisure.
you should have just cashed out here.

>> No.3373012

Looks like we have reached the cannibalism phase where only the snakes will escape. The rest a guaranteed to lose everything.

Don't look at them anon they are nobodies.

>> No.3373032

Damn. I fucking love /biz/.

>> No.3373134

>so I started looking into buying steroids [...] then drugs
biz hasn't ruined your life, you were already deeply fucked up inside.
>not storing your private keys encypted in your email address
absolute brainlet

>> No.3373137
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>> No.3373238

>I'm not stupid.
>with a 3.8 GPA
Your GPA is a measure on conformity. It has little to do with your intellect. Good job being able to memorize things for 5 months at a time.

Oh hey look. You're so smart that you thought it was a good idea to do illegal drugs.

Oh look you used your illegal income to live above your means, huge red flag in the IRS's eye.
You're so smart that you couldn't make, consistently, trading crypto.

>i'm so smart I'll do more drugs
>i'm so smart that I didn't back up my cold wallets
>I'm smart
>3.8 GPA

You're right OPie, this is all biz's fault

Oh I get it now. This whole thread is a DGB shill. The real story is that OP bought DGB at it's ATH. Poor OP. He's so smart.

>> No.3373242

Buy the Komodo dip!

>> No.3373266

I have been exercising and sleeping on a normal schedule and it's just getting worse.

I've found a really good nootropic I'm on, but it's experimental and not recommended for anyone. The last nootropic stack I had gave me migraines (which was scary as fuck, I've never gotten migraines before in my life), so I had to give it up.

I didn't mention this before but my libido is basically gone. I don't know what happened but it's just disappeared. Back in June I was putting a lot of chemicals into my body, I must have put in a bad combination or something. Oh well.

>> No.3373329

not using encrypted containers via veracypt and putting them all over the web....seriously.....who even prints out to paper? Do you know why they use vellum even...?

>> No.3373375
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Should I? I can go 50/50 DBG/Komodo but I'm slowly losing ground to fees. Or should I go for a safer investment like BNB or Walton?

>> No.3373556
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Maybe you should chill with the drug experimenting? There's other things in life, kinda sounds like you found something interesting and are doubling down on it. Why not try something a little more standard like... video games and energy drinks, I don't know. You don't need to keep branching into new types of uppers and acids.

>Or should I go for a safer investment like BNB or Walton?
these coins are /biz/ memes. Coincidentally they both crashed recently after /biz/ got bored with them. /biz/'s pump was the only thing they had going on.