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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3327872 No.3327872 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/,

I have an interesting question that may have an answer in 72 hours.

What happens to the stock exchange and the cyrpto markets if the United States were to say...stop a significant portion of its trade with China or, alternatively, place heavy tariffs on Chinese goods?

Is it a good time to short certain cryptos? Or is it time to buy in and HODL?

Something is happening soon. That H-Bomb test was a game changer for the economic world.

Picture 100% related.

>> No.3329014

well to answer your question 3 things will happen.
1. gold will go through the roof
2. bitcoin will hit 10k in an instant
3. nukes all over the world gonna get polished and ready to launch pretty damn quick.

>> No.3329034

Who cares about point 3, when i am rich. LUL

>> No.3329058

trump is a fucking moron...good job you fucking fat pieces of shit burgers

>> No.3329070

The less free market rules applied by and between the governments, the more people and money come to crypto. It's a fact, a natural turn of events and proven to be correct in cases such as Venezuela.

>> No.3329073

If he is implying that he will stop trade with china stocks will flatline, crypto will soar. The short term effects would be devastating to everyone. American companies would have to frantically search for new suppliers and distribution, china would frantically search for new customers. The entire world would probably lapse into a recession. For how long, can't say but trade would be seriously disrupted. In the mean time Kim would still pursue his weapons program and laugh as he's inflicted a serious wound to world trade.

>> No.3329095

no he's a great president cuck nu-male faggot nigger
stop being so mad that Hilary lost dude go back to reddt cuckold blacked JUSTfag
fucking europoor kikes suck True White American dick, too bad white women don't
I hate feminism btw and also women

>> No.3329120

Triggered cuck, praise Trump, praise KEK

>> No.3329138
File: 1.35 MB, 500x500, Trump60s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going back shitskin.

>> No.3329161

I voted for trump. he immdiattely collapsed the dollar and went to party with the saudis who his minions in .gov say did 9/11. Trump was an undisputable train wreck from the second day. But since we aaare ld into only one choice, I felt it was the only choice. our politicians like trump are jew puppets doind the jews bidding to destroy america through banking media and law. its a disgrace our government is a tragic disgrace. trump is a disgrace. wipe out the polititicians, kill the jews, and restore america

>> No.3329203

At this rate you and all your shitcoin are going to burn in a nuclear fire. If you're one of the lucky ones anyway.

>> No.3329246

china would rather blow up both koreas than lose American business, you really think china would risk losing us?

>> No.3329257

You can't burn electrons they're already on fire or something. Right?

>> No.3329263

What happens when cheap crap stops flowing in from China? America puts the I back in RCI. Invest in manufacturing and automation.

>> No.3329281

>trump supporter
>post almost entirely buzzwords
Christ, you people are embarrassing.

>> No.3329282

It's called proof of burn.

>> No.3329283

Really? Because they already said they'll go to war for North Korea if the US attacks first. I mean, if america isn't concerned about china in the slightest, mobilize your army and take North Korea, With no interference from china it should be a piece of cake.

>> No.3329291
File: 21 KB, 250x250, IMG_0314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is setting up the deal with his boisterousness. China would never pick NK over US

>> No.3329311

Right, and it's been super effective with this 6th nuclear test. I mean woah dude whatever he's doing it surely is working on stopping Kim from getting those weapons.

>> No.3329551

Anyone who has ever read The Art of the Deal knows that this is textbook negotiation. But shitskins like you only real the Koran I guess. Kys sandnigger faggot.

>> No.3329571

>H-Bomb test
Uhhhhh... what??? I haven't been following the news.

>> No.3329585


This is coming from someone who voted for trump