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329982 No.329982 [Reply] [Original]

NEET master race reporting in

>> No.329988
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I'd actually be curious to discuss this but I'm thinking this is probably just an attempt to frazzle up folk.

>> No.330006

What do you do if your NEET lifestyle threatens to leave you without shelter?

>> No.330008

get another mental disorder

>> No.330010

I don't get it.

>> No.330014


>> No.330015

How do you do things like buy food, purchase games, or have a place to live if you have no income? Did you start with money and game investments or what?

>> No.330016

What about girls. Have you guys managed on coming to terms with having to lower your standards on the physical side successfully?

>> No.330025


How many NEETs actually spend their time reading Nietzsche or Aristotle, or leaning a language? Not many, I would imagine.

>> No.330027

Let us start with the word 'Necessity'.

Let my fellow posters share citations of evidence covering how much man-power is necessary in the 21st century.

I would think that if it turns out that all of humanity can be fully supported (every individual having their needs meet: healthy food, clean air and water, good clothes and shelter, love and respect from their fellows) with less than full employment then it is time to start shifting away from the goal of full employment...

I am of the (not-backed-up-by-evidence-because-it-is-just-4chan) opinion that factors such as a shift away from Conspicuous Consumption and consumerism, increased machine automation, cybernation, networking, big data etc. that in fact all human Needs can be met with a very low percentage employment, once these already existing methodologies and technologies are actually put to use in achieving this goal, rather than the current goal of Profit Over People(TM).

Of course the system of survival being dependent on monetary income has to end. A transition away from our present predicament might be through the global implementation of Universal Basic Income or whatnot.

In such a system many (most?) people would be free to follow the pursuits of their hearts, and the few that did work would be held in high esteem for being the people who make this system run - this and the simple desire to make the world a better place would likely act as the large driving forces for seeking employment...

>> No.330031

Live with parents who pay for housing and food etc.

Have a PC, pirate everything, the internet supplies the rest of life's necessities ;P

>> No.330033


>> No.330034

>Live with parents who pay for housing and food etc.
And what if they're no longer with us?

>> No.330045

If your parents weren't complete losers, they'll have left you with everything you need to live the rest of your life.

>> No.330046

>People responding seriously

The exact same image has cropped up numerous times. What the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.330047

That image is total bullshit but I admit it does rustle my jimmies a bit.

>> No.330049

When I was a NEET I couldn't do anything. I had no money at all.

Now I have a car and ultimate freedom. I can go anywhere I want. I can buy anything I want. I feel freer than I did when I was a NEET.

>> No.330065

>well behaved
>making may may to justify pitiful existence

>> No.330076

I wonder if I had no desire towards material things. If all I needed was simple and cost very little. If I had no desire to find a woman and if I didn't care what people thought of me. It'd be even better if I had friends just like me... Then, and only then, I'd be truly happy.

Even having tons of money, girls on my dick, a house, early retirement, successful friends etc etc will not make me truly happy, I know that. I'll have to work so hard for that shit, I'll be grinding myself to please other people, I'll forget about what I think or who I am or want to truly be... Trapped around social norms and competition, to die have only pleased other people.

I'm not a NEET, but being one is being truly happy.

>> No.330083


the argument isn't that they do those things, but that they can do those things. But they choose to watch anime,play LOL or DOTA and masturbate to waifus.

I imagine a NEET not as a living thing, but an existing thing. Like a lamp.

>> No.330085
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One of my friends is a NEET. Here's how most of our days go:

Me: "Hey man, want to grab some dinner?"
NEET: "Sure, if you don't mind treating me."

Me: "Hey I just got off work (it's 6-7 pm), want to hang out or play some games?"
NEET: "Wait until my raid is over, want to play at midnight?"

NEET "Hey anon, one day can you just give me some of your paychecks so that I can buy more stuff to let me do nothing for months at a time? Thanks."

>> No.330127

Currently NEET and I want to snap out of it, being 19 and a professional slacker is the god damn american dream and just by playing smart and not getting someone pregnant or getting an addiction or arrested puts the entire world in front of you. But now I'd rather work towards anything than just float around bored 24/7.

>> No.330132

In some ways you're already subsidizing him indirectly by paying taxes.

>> No.330139

Not everyone is from Denmark you know.

>> No.330167

> Everyone becomes NEETs
>No-one to ride on
>Internet goes offline
>No electricity
>No supply chains
>No food
>No running water

Your "freedom" is the apocalypse.

>> No.330224


It shouldn't NEETs would be masterrace if they actually did something with their abundance of the most valuable asset (time).
Unfortunately most don't. So while there is some merit to what that trollpg is saying in that people who work sacrifice their most valuable asset (time) for one of lesser value (money) at least they are more productive than your typical NEET who does nothing with themselves

>> No.330351

>i can do anything i want with my spare time
>proceeds to do nothing

>> No.330409

>yfw all those things are supplied automatically with only intervention of the >1% who continue working

>> No.330411


Well, I worked for about ten years, and saved furiously, and paid off my house and vehicle. Now I have enough money to live frugally for decades, indefinitely with a little under the table job.

>> No.330412

>yfw the most productive people on Earth say fuck it and all migrate to the moon to watch NEETs fight each other over the last rolls of toilet paper

>> No.330425

Why would they want to leave? They have a much better lifestyle than NEETs, and have their pick of mates.

The NEET problem is a temporary one, in any event. It is caused entirely by central bank policy, and will quickly end once they can't prop up their fake economy any more. The more NEETs there are, the quicker that collapse will come.

>> No.330426


For the world you know it to exist it takes about 70% of people working near full time.

It would definitely take more than 1% of the world working to farm, generate electricity, manufacture, mine, teach, pick up garbage, etc.

The world is a lot more complicated than you think.

>> No.330429
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>I imagine a NEET not as a living thing, but an existing thing. Like a lamp.

>> No.330436

>Implying automation won't eliminate a huge and increasing number of jobs over the coming decades

The >1% are there for maintenance. They aren't farming or whatever else.

Really, we don't even need teachers anymore. Online education is superior to what you get in a classroom. Everything else on your list is primed for automation.

When that happens, NEET could easily become standard, only at that point, NEETs would have far more economic power than they do now.

>> No.330456

Its an interesting dilemma. I work 40 - 48 hours a week at a job that gives me no skills and has a glass ceiling preventing me from ever being in charge of managing the actual place. I sacrifice the most valuable asset (time) for another asset (capital). Ive worked there 3 years so thats about 6200 hours and realistically probably slightly higher than that. However its important to point out that 1 hour is spent getting ready for work and 1 hour is spent winding down from it. So really that actual number for time sent as a result of work is more closer to 7800 hours. 2200 more hours ( 1 year of work) and that's 10000 hours which is the magic number for time spent needed to master a skill. So if i spent the last 3 years living on welfare and with parents doing something like say learn and instrument while studying music id probably be pretty good at it. Maybe enough to join a small time band or orchestra team which could be the kickstart to a fulfilling career. However the trade off this is since i spent that time learning a skill i would have no money saved which means im not financially secure (or free). This could result in stress to perform which can be bad for health.

To be continued?

>> No.330473

The point im trying to make is its a trade off and people are always fearful of regret. Im afraid to quit my job not because im afraid ill starve. I saved $23,000 in 3 years which is about 3 years of workless living so im not going to have to hand out resumes soon. Im afraid to quit my job because im afraid of it ending up being the wrong choice down the line. This concept actually dosnt make alot of sense. How can a personal choice be wrong? I think alot of it is because ive been conditioned to take orders and be fearful of the idea of choosing for myself and living with the consequences.

Ive been think of working for another year and then ill have enough for 4 years off work. If i practice something (i dont know what yet) for 8 hours a day for 5 days a week ill develop a skill and maybe become self employed. The job i work offers no skill development anyways so if the 4 years i spend learning something fails i can just find a similar job because i already know im capable of doing it.

>> No.330527
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>be in 16th year of education +1gap year
>work part time
>6pack +muscles, 7.4inch penis, 5'10"
>15% of my generation are NEET, 30% obese, 60% overweight
>10% have no qualifications, 20% left school at 16, 20% a level, 10% doing some shit tier manual labor apprenticeship/army, 40% University, but 20% of those are doing a not real degree like dance or art, and many in technical or ones that require basic maths/reading are still retarded sub80IQ
>The older I get the fatter everyone else gets, the more friends and my generation watch tv, and get addicted to drugs, have children, prison etc
>they laugh at the idea of reading books
>they laugh at the idea of reading anything
>they laugh at the idea of a pen
>learning how to twerk
>bragging about being caught and getting sent to prison
>they are proud to have wasted free education
>tfw overhear men I think my age discussing pokemon in a serious fashion
>tfw overhear men significantly older than me in a heated discussion about Kane breaking someone through a table in the WWE

fucking shit faggot fuck this gay earth, this isn't like the movie I watched when I was 12 I want my money back.

>> No.330544

>Online education is superior to what you get in a classroom

This is incorrect. The best performing classes are a hybrid of online and in-class.

>> No.330598
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>> No.330603

>find a way to profit from the sheeple
>wipe your tears with hundred dollar bills while receiving fellatio from a super model

honestly you just need to think of the next "cool" thing and wait for everyone to jump on board. good luck to you!

>> No.330609

I was an edgy internet militant atheist one summer when I was 15 or so,

I think I should start a cult, a new religion, and sucker in all the people without a religion and try to steal some from Muslims and the idiots in the west

Islam is apparently still growing and above the rate of population expansion...which suggests there's a market

>> No.330610

Neetdom really is the ultimate goal for most people, just not in the way most basement dwelling anime enthusiasts go about it. Check the FIRE thread, if it's still up.

>> No.330614

Do they laugh at you being a manlet?

>> No.330618

>Women overall

5ft 10in to 6ft 1in was in the ideal range of all women, on average
all three groups of women have a range in their ideal of five to six inches, on average
the shorter the woman, the taller the start of her ideal range is, in relative comparison to average and tall women

Also theres a 1977 study about average men being rated more attractive in person, but taller men being rated more attractive in person

Averageness=attractiveness, since thats what evolution selected for

composite faces=more attractive

genetic distance between parents=attractive

>> No.330660


I was a neet for several years after dropping out of high school. Worst years of my life. I don't even remember much from it because I did nothing with myself and every day was the same and it has all melded together in my mind to this big pointless hole in my life. I pissed away years of my life for nothing. Being a wage slave definitely has some downsides but it has taught me to put my free time to more productive use, and I'm putting aside a lot of money each month so when I one day figure out what I want to do with my life, I'll have the funds to make it happen.

>> No.330674


Different guy and actually shorter than the dude you were replying to. I've had sex with quite a few women and they've never had a problem with my height.

>> No.330689

Why the fuck would you take a job for 4 years while not developing any skills/taking classes when you live in a knowledge economy?

Do you realize how much time you've wasted?

>> No.330698

but what if you get kids?

>> No.330718

wat do?

>> No.330724

>If i practice something (i dont know what yet) for 8 hours a day for 5 days a week
dude, you need to ease yourself into a regimen like that. from such a cold start, you'll burn out in no time. just get some shitty part time job and then work on whatever you want to develop with the spare time. it will give you the motivation to structure your time better, and it will definitely keep you from running your plans to a likely screeching halt due to a combination of unpreparedness and over-ambition.

>> No.330740
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>> No.330749


"dating 3d" ruins the subtlety of the troll

>> No.331060

being dependent on someone else doesn't sound like a virtuous life.

>> No.331076

>I.E as much as 99%

Thankfully we have mathematicians in that 99% to save us from your awful calculations.

>> No.331090

>tfw NEET but dont want to be
>tfw can't seem to break out of NEETdom

>> No.331092

Would you be willing to learn a trade?
How are your social skills?

>> No.331093

What have you tried to do to break out?

>> No.331108

I already went to uni and got a STEM degree. I can't seem to get hired for a job despite having had several interviews already. My social skills are shit however, so that is likely a factor in keeping me in a state of NEETness.

>> No.331113

i do agree with the authors perception on most employees being "slaves" to the capitalist system and sure the exploitation of the working man by the 1% is a bad thing. what i don't like about it is that it mostly encourages egoism and lazyness. there just has to be a functioning eco-system.

also the statement on "3d girls" is just pathetic, what immature autistic faggot did even write this up?

>> No.331140

this image always make me rage because it fails to put forth the notion that one needs to eat, sleep and have shelter to survive, and it order to do that one needs money and some form of stable income.

>> No.331154
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You clearly do not live within the border of the civilised world, also known as Europe.

>> No.331163
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lel. Go to bed, Edgar.

>> No.331169
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While I realise it's a fundamental part of you Americans culture, I must ask you to stop fatposting.

>> No.331176

Oh look, it's another internet skilled trade warrior who thinks skilled trades are actually in demand.
>b-b-b-but Mike Rowe said so!!!!!!

>> No.331179

Holy shit. I knew from the drawing with the blond hair, blue eyes, and chiseled jawline that this is exactly what OP believed.

Ironically, OP, you are hell bent on making yourself a "slave" far faster than the people you ridicule. You are taking away all of your own options in life by making yourself completely dependent. And apparently you feel so insecure about it that you had to draw up that retarded bald guy to serve as some kind of strawman to replace the rational people who are telling you that you're making poor decisions. Well, I guess you showed that bald guy what's up.

>> No.331181
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success breeds jealousy

>> No.331185
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Velma is not skinny and flat chested. You take that picture to hell when you go there.

>> No.331186
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I laugh.

>> No.331190
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>> No.331398

>was a NEET for about a year
>crushing boredom and no money
How can you NEETs life like that? This was the worst year of my entire life, it was terrible I'm so happy that I have a job and that I'm no longer a welfare abusing leech

>> No.331402

laugh on scandichan parasite

>> No.331436

>they laugh at the idea of a pen
Say what... sell me this pen.

>> No.331457

Dude he's not even American he was born in West Germany

>> No.331469
File: 72 KB, 711x960, 299045_10150373522024059_749679058_8172891_174643841_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are over 18, living with your parents isn't free - it costs you your dignity.
While you're lounging around your parents' house playing vidya, do you ever have a little voice in your head that says,
"Am I still living in my parents' house? I should put down the controller, gather up some self-respect, and get my life together, like a man."

>> No.331498

I don't understand how anyone sane could stand being NEET. I was in-between jobs last year for about three months, and I was going insane by the end. For the first few weeks it was fun, but eventually it got so boring and feelings of worthlessness came on.

>> No.331519

>paying for rent in a high cost of living area.

When the average rent is $1800 per month, staying with your parents while saving money like mad to buy a house is the smart thing to do.

>> No.331555

What if i'm in college and live at home rather than pay 10k for a shit room + food at the college which is 10mins from my home

>> No.331561

It's not really about the money, it's the feeling of self loathing for not doing anything and squandering your life.
However adamant neet try to defend their lifestyle, that self loathing will came every night when you try to sleep.

>> No.331562

I think as long as you don't have a real job but are going to school and help out around the house, it's okay to live at home.

But once you get a full time real job, it's time to move out. Don't be one of those 'hurr durr I make 50k a year, but I need to live at home for 5 more years to save for a house' faggots.

>> No.331584

I know, it was depressing as fuck.

>> No.331592

>Don't be one of those 'hurr durr I make 50k a year, but I need to live at home for 5 more years to save for a house' faggots.

No that is just stupid. If all it takes a 5 years of saving while living at home with parents to buy out-right your own home vs moving out and get stuck with a 30 year mortgage. I'd rather be the hurr durr faggot anyday.

>> No.331594

thanks for the valuable social tip MrMcPussyFlaps

>> No.331598

Trip notwithstanding, the advice is still legitimate. The other anon is a dumbass to suggest you should cripple your financial future over something as silly as pride/ego "hurr durr lol you're a faggot who still lives with your parents".

>> No.331600

Oh look, a loan/real estate shill trying to sucker idiots into going into debt to buy a house/be a slave for the rest of their life!

Tell us how multiple generations living in a large well maintained house and pooling their income is somehow socially negative when that has been the norm in society forever, and families actually have grown rich and by doing this.

>> No.331620

>Master Race

Ahahahahaha, this poorfag.

Enjoy having your mediocre life in below average living conditions.

>> No.331641

>I imagine a NEET not as a living thing, but an existing thing. Like a lamp.

my sides no longer exist

>> No.331654


Your parents must be real proud, son. How old are you?

>> No.331657
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>> No.331658
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>> No.331659
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Have you literally ever had to complete and assignment or project on a computer attached to the internet? Do you know how unproductive that shit is?

Wait, what am I saying, this thread is one giant bait.

And gentlemen, we've all fallen for it.

>> No.331660

>parasitic relationship with society
>master race
I wouldnt be talking shit on the "wage slaves" whose money makes sure people like you can exist without working if I was a NEET

>> No.331686

The technology currently exists to automate most things and lower the working week to around 16 hours.

However the profits that are needed to make this happen go into the pockets of the companies that could facilitate it.

>> No.331714

tradesman are always in demand around where I live... But I'm no tradesman

>> No.331726

why does this board use a forced trip?

>> No.331767

>why does everyone else suck so much!
>proceeds to list off a bunch of their qualities in a desperate attempt for validation

Self awareness is key

>> No.331781

I've been unemployed for over 2 years now and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
All that time for gaming and getting drunk starts off fun but no longer being self reliant and having no money and future starts to wear on you in time.

>> No.331785

Anyone who tries to justify being a NEET is a hypocrite, and a leech.

You don't want to be a slave to the world, but it's alright for your parents to slave away just so you can be comfortable.

>> No.331804

Yeah, the only reason I was ever NEET was because I felt like killing myself all the time.

No energy to do anything, just wanted to die.

I would have too, if I didn't start feeling guilty about my brothers and possibly mom feeling shit if I killed myself.

Being a NEET isn't cool.
It isn't being free.
It isn't better than working at some shitty job that you hate.

I still feel like killing myself sometimes, but now I mostly feel nothing. Kind of a numbness.

Don't even lie to yourself, no one WANTS to be NEET.

>> No.331823

nope, 6'1"-6'4" is

>> No.331830
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>hurr my time on earth is valuable
>spend your autismbux on anime figures and jack off on them is valuable time

>> No.331839
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> spend your money on fucking a fake 4/10 used goods ape in a wig

I truly pity plebs who cant appreciate the perfection of 2D.

>> No.331845

Cut him out of your life. Seriously associating with people like that is only bringing you down. If you want to be a winner hang out with winners. That phrase "you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with" goes beyond the 5 people.

>> No.331857


Valuable is subjective. One could argue that doing whatever it is that you enjoy is spent as valuable time. Be it fucking fake 4/10 used goods ape or jacking off on anime figures

>> No.331959

i haven't worked for the man in 5 years and just make odd cash selling shit on ebay when i need it. it's the life! i spend my days doing whatever i want. chilling with friends, reading books, studying german, interneting, making music, it's fucking awesome. the only problem is that i can't technically save for retirement into those nice tax free IRAs without a real job, but i'll be getting some part time gig soon.

if you can't find something to do with all your free time, then you've got problems son.

>> No.331962

i meant to quote:

>> No.331971

also for reference. i live with the p-units. they pay for my food and i of course don't have to pay for room, but i do give them some cash from time to time. i help a little around the house like vacuuming and doing dishes. my only expenses are internet and odd shit like eating out and going to shows. i live VERY VERY VERY FRUGALLY. i don't spend more than a grand a year. i love living like this. also i don't care about women! they are not worth the loss of my freedom.

>> No.331985

See I'm at uni now, next year I guess I'll move back in with my parents, and pay them something for living there... will still be much cheaper than living on my own.

You should really give them what you can... Your parents I mean.

How is your crippling lack of wealth making you feel?

>> No.332001

>How is your crippling lack of wealth making you feel?
it's not something i value, so it has no affect on me. my only monetary concerns are future ones, like health care and retirement, and i'm going to do something about that by getting a part-time job and putting all of my earnings into IRAs and HSAs. money outside of that is meaningless to me. i wouldn't have anything to spend it on even if i had any. my consumer life is minimalist, and i own almost nothing besides some clothes, a computer, and a few synthesizers for my music hobby. and traveling to distant places doesn't interest me, i can find a world in my own back yard. i wouldn't have it any other way.

and yeah i do like the idea of giving my parents more money, but they're pretty wasteful and don't really need it as it is.

>> No.332104

Wow its like people really think you decide to become a NEET or something. If you went through the stuff I've been dealing with you'd be a fucking NEET too.

>> No.332177

>Still wasting money on toilet paper
Keep pleb.

>> No.332192

The parents are most likely the reason why someone becomes a NEET. they didn't raise you properly, and most likely abused you when you needed their help. They're simply paying the price for not raising you to be a functional member of society.

You fags should stop blaming the neets, it s not like these people can one day get up and decide to be a non-neet. What they need is to be left alone and be given the chance to figure out how to live the way they want.

Ridiculing NEETs just makes the problem worse.

>> No.332199

Majority of NEET-ers aren't NEET because they decide to be. I don't know why people think that they are.

I've seen NEET become so from extreme circumstances, or just having absolutely no support whatsoever (which contributes to NEET having difficulties making decisions for instance).

So you're absolutely right.

>> No.332271

I almost lost faith in 4chan completely, and was about to discard the whole site completely as being just full of edgy 14 year olds, until I read your post. Glad to see there's at least someone on here who can think like an actual person.

>> No.332280

>You fags should stop blaming the neets, it s not like these people can one day get up and decide to be a non-neet. What they need is to be left alone and be given the chance to figure out how to live the way they want.

How long? Ultimately, I suppose, the parents determine that.

> If you went through the stuff I've been dealing with you'd be a fucking NEET too.

Please enlighten us to your struggles. I was a NEET for two years and managed to get my shit together. I've had a pretty rough go as well, interested to help out.

>> No.332582

anyone can get laid, seriously.
I bet they weren't 10/10s

>> No.332587

>6'1 master race reporting in
>actually 6'1 and not like americans who add 2 inches to their height...

>> No.332720

>It's not my fault.
>It's someone else's!

This is exactly how blacks think. It's not their fault they are poor ghetto trash. It's how blacks are raised in a white privileged world.

At some point, most people grow up and take responsibilities for their own actions.

>Oh, I'm a loser in life? Well, I made some bad decisions, but am working to make the problem better.

But NEETs on the other hand:

>Oh, I'm a loser in life? It is all my parents' fault. Stop ridiculing me! Just leave me alone in peace while I masturbate to My Little Ponies. The problem will probably solve itself.

>> No.332817

That was before Obama and the economic collapse.

And just like the blacks, when you stop taking care of NEET's they turn to a life of crime because they're the only ones willing to hire.

Think about which one you'd rather have.

>> No.332836

This thread is really sad, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to feel sorry for the NEETs or just laugh at them.

There is nothing more depressing than wasting your entire life dependent on your parents and spending your entire day on the internet.

You're going to blink twice and wake up 35 years old one day and realize you've wasted the most valuable thing in your life.

Keep calling people who work wage slaves. Keep blaming feminism, jews, politics, etc. It still doesn't change how depressed NEETs actually are.

>> No.332858

So we have to support NEETs because they may become criminals?

In reality, the law of 'survival of the fittest' takes precedent. NEETs will either adapt and gain marketable skills or die or go into criminal activity eventually winding up in prison. You can't just continue to support someone else's unhealthy lifestyle because of muh feelings.

>> No.332863

>Change "NEETs" to "wage slaves"
>Change "dependent on your parents" to "dependent on your employer"
>Change "entire day on the internet" to "entire day working"
>Change "...work wage slaves" to "...don't work NEETs"

Unless you got lucky and made it big your "freedom", while in a different area, is no greater than that of most NEETs.

Congrats if you did though!

>> No.332870

You're still taking care of them when they're in prison. In many cases prisons take better care of them than they would ever find in the real world and they won't need marketable skills.

>> No.332877
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>> No.332942

i don't even want to be a NEET

i want to quit my job to try my own business and develop other skills. but i can't because then theres a gap in my resume, and guess what i never get hired again. i hate this shit

work life balance my ass, modern living is slavery. if i have the money to take a year off why is it considered a bad thing? because i won't be some corporate slave that doesn't have a mind of his own?

>> No.332949

Fuck all you waste of space NEETs.
A great man once said, work will set you free.

>> No.332955

>if i have the money to take a year off why is it considered a bad thing?

Because it shows that you are willing to just take off randomly. Employers don't want someone who will just say "going to Asia for the year, bye lulz" during their busy season.

>> No.332974

man, fuck it. life is too short for this stupid shit. i'm out.

>> No.332988

Just like a NEET.

>> No.332999

6 years in a 9-5 working my way up the corporate ladder, the moment i want to do something for myself i'm a NEET


>> No.333006

That's NEET talk son. Best go work some overtime to get it out of your system.

>> No.333010

How is one free living out of the wallet of another?

I'd rather chose my employer, earning money off the virtue of my work, than forced to the most convenient hand that will feed.

>> No.333073

American parents, nigger

>> No.333091

>Working for someone else

This is why wage slaves are worse than NEETs

Self-employed master race reporting in

>> No.333094

>I'd rather chose my employer, earning money off the virtue of my work, than forced to the most convenient hand that will feed

>than forced to the most convenient hand that will feed

that's what you are doing though. you are just a NEET that has being tricked into working for it.

>> No.333132

This entire thing is bullshit.

So we are supposed to be working constantly and never use our earned money for fun things when we feel like it?

The system is fucked.

>> No.333137

>hanging out with give people
fucking casual scum

>> No.333139

Money has no importance to me, (though it is a requirement in the things I like to do) so I work at a golf resort as a dishwasher. I love the job and I get paid really well, and there's a good chance I"ll end up being able to run a multi million dollar business in the next few years, so money won't be a concern, but I will work, making my own products, running a business, and investing. Once I'm rich enough, I'll do the things I love, which including physical activity and thinking, in general, and work at the production plant whenever I damn well please.
I'll be so fucking rich I won't care, and I'll still pay the person for working the shift, because being a good person is simply more important than keeping all the money.

>> No.333222

That's what retirement is for

>> No.333385

> be 25
> retirement age in my country is now 62
> will probably be 72 or higher by the time I'll be 62
yeah right buddy

>> No.334823

>having kids

>> No.334837

It's the sad truth. When I dropped out of high school I was giddy as hell about how I would spend my free time.
I was going to learn German, master woodwork, work out constantly. But guess what happened?
My body went into a "decompression" after 12 years of schooling and literally ALL I wanted (still want) to do was stay up late as fuck, sleep in to the late afternoon, watch TV and browse 4chan.
And with every day that goes by, mastering woodworking just sounds like more of a pain in the ass.
You see, the issue with most (not all) NEETs is their inability to see into the future. If you were a lazy, unmotivated fucker in school or at your last job what makes you think you'll be any different at home?
You have to know your mind. Things can get very real very fast as a NEET. Your father gets laid off, TIME TO FIND A JOB EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE NO WORK EXPERIENCE.
Your parents kick you out? You better hope to fuck you have good enough friends that will let you stay with them for any extended period of time with or without a job.
NEETs are incredibly vulnerable. Especially the ones who depend completely on someone else like their parents.
I don't believe in being a wage slave, and I would rather live in a commune with dirty hippies than work a job that I hate.
But as a NEET, it's essential that you maintain a realistic mindset and goals.

>> No.334856

There is no fucking way parents can save enough of money for rest of NEET's life. For couple of years? Possible. But no way for 30 years.

And that's before we consider inflation that will eat savings like hungry whore eats dicks.

And that's before we consider funerals cost. These bitches ain't cheap, anon.

There are hidden costs everywhere and you know what do you have as a result?

When we buried my grandma, in the end of the process we lacked one grandma and one grand of money.

If all my relatives will kick bucket, even if I sell all apartments we own and move to nowhere, I'll last only couple of years. Couple more if I'd start to take loans from shady banks and individuals first to buy food and then to cover previous loans.

Well, technically it's possible to live rest of the life this way, the problem is I don't want rest of my life being ended by shady loan sharks and their shady guns and knives.

>> No.335014

Getting a skilled labor job or making shekels by contributing something worthwhile to society like entertainment or ideas, isn't too far fetched for a NEET.

>> No.335300

I'm currently experiencing what a NEET is right now (just graduated and don't start work until July) and it's pretty nice for a couple of weeks or maybe even a month, but I honestly don't understand how you guys do this for months or even years. Just playing video games all day and browsing the internet gets boring as fuck.

>> No.335338

That's what vacation is for.

Want to go to Disney World? Put in for a week's vacation a month or two in advanced.

People are retarded.

>> No.335367

That's why you sell the corpses and buy a cheap coffin.

>> No.335404
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I would hardly call what you do the "master race".

NEETs have been around since the beginning of time. I'd guess maybe 5% of NEETs are the Master Roshi, Leonardo DaVinci types. The other 95% of you are lazy, freeloading, parasites, that are happy being sheep. You have no purpose in life. No driving passion. Content to merely "be" and float around like a plastic bag in the wind.