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3317459 No.3317459 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone redpill me on universal income from a tax perspective?

>> No.3317478

Direct cash payments could eliminate the complex bureaucracy involved in enforcement and administration of means-tested safety net programs, resulting in savings that could potentially result in budget surpluses and tax cuts.

Also studies have shown that direct cash payments are the most effective form of aid, instead of restricting it to certain products.

>> No.3317499

It's now good if not implemented everywhere at once.
It discourages working beyond what your neighbor does.

That being said, America is so short on health care support and free education, a socialist push in that regard wouldn't be bad. That's different than encouraging single mothers via free money, though, which just came with the push for everyones (womens) independence

>> No.3317513

now --> not

>> No.3317515

>Direct cash payments

Tyrone goes to buy crack and hookers with his cash money..

>> No.3317524
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>That being said, America is so short on health care support and free education, a socialist push in that regard wouldn't be bad.

>> No.3317526

hookers are good for the economy I ain't even mad

>> No.3317571

Any tax payments to one group is money taken from another group, the group that works and produces. So you are subsidizing behaviors that dont support themselves with the productive capacity of those that do. This is why bank bailouts and welfare handouts are part of the same concept just applied to different subgroups.

That concept is moral hazard

>> No.3317596

I doubt anyone will want to work if UI if is implemented. Just imagine 80% of the workforce spitting their boss in the face and dropping out altogether

>> No.3317597

What are you saying?

I mean I'm from Germany and don't actively pay for doctors visits and university was 300€ per year. I'm a /sci/ bot and always read horror stories about university costing thousands and people not going to the doctor because of money.

>> No.3317614

how about we let people starve if they refuse to work and if they try to rise up death squads are formed to kill them.

>> No.3317620

uni is fairly cheap if you're in state and doing a public college. otherwise, you better look for a scholarship (if you are not white or male, it is fairly easy). if your parents are poor your chances of scholarship are higher, but your public high schools are likely shit.
as for health insurance, the thing itself is a nightmare.

>> No.3317630
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>> No.3317635

it also goes to people who are unable to work...

People with cancer or people with no legs and arms...

>> No.3317647

IF but only really IF! :

UBI of 200€ a month and not more.
To make sure that nobody has to starve.
If you want luxury, go get some work!

Set the time back decades and we can be happy again.

>> No.3317669

it doesn't work like that in Germany dude.

>> No.3317674

Ding ding ding

>> No.3317675

AnCap here. From a utlity standpoint it actually ends up being ok if we eliminate ALL welfare. Just give people a check and let them piss it away, but it shuts liberals the fuck up. Honestly that sounds worth it

>> No.3317681

This would only work if 100% of the services and production were conducted by robots.

If there were literally no reason for humans to participate in the labor force, then a universal income of some sort would be the only way to have an /economy/.

Now? I see no way to implement socialism/universal income when no government on this planet is sustainable. Every single one is running a dietetic. It's simply not possible with a debt economy.

>> No.3317697

I don't know where you're from but you can't live with that money. You would still have to work but employers will pay you 200€ less now

>> No.3317701
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First off it's important to remember that the really really rich have elaborate means and capacity to move their assets around and tax dodge to hell and back, that's why they like to come out in support of UBI. It means more revenue into their pockets (through their businesses) thanks to dumb consumerism with hardly any of the tax setback.

Who pays then? The upper middle class, the middle class, the producers and creators and people who are going to be seriously demotivated to "push" their earning potential if it's being heavily curbed by stupid high tax rates.

This leads to less productivity and growth across the board and while all of your poor get some free extra money for Jordans and McDonald's your national economy at large begins to suffer and regress because people simply do not believe their extra work and effort at making money (through constructive and creative endeavors) is worth it.

Not to mention all of the money that is going to get totally wasted in even more fat bureaucracy.

>> No.3317738


Not to mention how fucking lazy we're going to get (as if it isn't already bad enough) if you get paid to simply exist.

>> No.3317749

If we didn't have blacks and mexicans here I can see it working. Those 2 invasive species just ruin all that is good.

>> No.3317772

in the UK they pay you 140 pound every 2 weeks.. so that's 280 pound a month..

As a result people start stealing, robbing prostitutings, selling drugs e tc..

>> No.3317774


(no commie)

>> No.3317776

You can't live, but you can survive.

The UBI should be NO tool to live a nice life.
It should only provide BASIC needs.
If it is so much that you can sit at home, drink some beers, go to the cinema and buy stupid shit, then it is too much.

>> No.3317820
File: 568 KB, 1409x810, bjijVY2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean I'm from Germany and don't actively pay for doctors
Yeah, except a few things
1. Wait times
We move quicker, better, and cheaper(point 2)
>The average length of hospital stay in Germany has decreased in recent years from 14 days to 9 days, still considerably longer than average stays in the U.S. (5 to 6 days)
2. Cost
Government involvement is what causes extreme prices.
3. Germany has only since reunification
"Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money"

>Drug costs have increased substantially, rising nearly 60% from 1991 through 2005
>Despite attempts to contain costs, overall health care expenditures rose to 10.7% of GDP in 2005, comparable to other western European nations, but substantially less than that spent in the U.S. (nearly 16% of GDP).
You think you're fine, but you're slowing falling into the same trap as America.

College is expensive because the the government backs loans. A college can charge how ever much they want, because no matter what the student does, the government has told the college that they will pay for it.
It's a blank check situation.

Don't only get your information from an image board or the internet.

>> No.3317830

Dude where are you from that you can survive on 200€/month? I'm in Greece and my rent alone is more than that.

>> No.3317834

exactly, the question is the answer
>how do we get universal income
tax the rich
>...ok, the rich leave. what now?
dont let them leave
and now you're Stalin

>> No.3317864

why should they get enough for rent? 200 euros is enough for food, clothes and a gym membership to shower
if they want a home they should get a job

>> No.3317888

Burger here
Social Security Disability fund has upwards of 50% fraud
If you spend time in the workforce youll see first hand how Unemployment insurance is abused by even blue collar white males
yes it does do some good but it would be far better if it was eliminated and replaced with voluntary charity. Charity that is accountable to you as the doner instead of at gunpoint by the Govt.

>> No.3317909

Social Security of a perfect example of not thinking into the future
More stuff on it
>Social Security fraud judge gets 4 years in prison

>> No.3317912

If you still have to work to provide for yourself what's the point of UI then? The whole point of UI is that you can live without being forced to work. What you proposed is essentially a government subsidy of every business in the country since they now get to pay their employers less.

>> No.3317927

> The whole point of UI is that you can live without being forced to work.
i already told you 200 euros is enough for food and clothing
>What you proposed is essentially a government subsidy of every business in the country since they now get to pay their employers less.
back to /leftypol/

>> No.3317941

negative income tax

>> No.3317986

>i already told you 200 euros is enough for food and clothing
So having enough money to eat but not enough money to live in a house does not force you to work? wtf

>back to /leftypol/
Are you dense? There isn't a single thing in that sentence that implies i'm a leftist.

>> No.3318078

maybe it'd result in nicer bosses?

>> No.3318160

everyone wants to work to some degree. it's a basic human need and people become depressed without it

>> No.3318203

You cut down on bureaucracy/taxes by not having to track people's circumstances. You incentivize work by getting rid of minimum wage, having negative invome tax, and imposing wealth taxes to keep things liquid. People who do nothing still have mediocre lives, people who control production still pay wealth taxes, people who engage in rent seeking get fucked by the wealth taxes because they are not creating value.

>> No.3319214

UBI income should be enough, that everyone can afford rent +daily living?

Rental price goes up by 50% suddenly.
Daily shit goes up 50% too suddenly.
Why? Because now we KNOW that everyone has enough money so we can charge more.

Where the fuck should we get all the money from?
The last 20 years people where trained to be lazy fucking slobs.

UBI and any nation will crash.

"Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money"


>> No.3319258

This. Work or starve. Faggot commies and NEETs are drain to society and need to adapt or die.

>> No.3319270

>Can someone redpill me on universal income from a tax perspective?

perpetuum mobile

totally works. trust me....
the great Führess will leap us forward into a great future, where we all are equall, by force.

>> No.3319271

Wtf I love Rob Schneider now.

>> No.3320104

You are stupid and people like you are stupid.

>> No.3320116

People are poor because they don't know how to handle their money. Giving people free money has never, ever solved any problems. EEEEEEEEEEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

>> No.3320256

So what? Then the hooker goes and buys stripper heels and lube. The stores buy more supply and pay their worker, the cycle continues.
More spending is better for the economy, but only as cash. Overuse of credit just leads to a bubble.

>> No.3320268

Just tax them less than the other countries would

>> No.3320281
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>take resources from wealthiest
>give to poorest
>ignore any correlation between wealth and intelligence
>ignore any correlation between reproduction and education
What could go wrong?

>> No.3320324
File: 122 KB, 900x300, PBF179-Special_Delivery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>valuing the right to medical bankruptcy more than doctor visits

Yeah let's keep sacrificing the poor to our god, capitalism.

>> No.3320349

>valuing 50% taxes, hate speech laws and big government/corporations over the ability to have cheap healthcare if I WANT it

>> No.3320394

>hate speech laws
What, are you worried you can't fly a nazi flag without someone getting mad at you? Fuck off.
>over the ability to have cheap healthcare if I WANT it
>if I
That's great you've got yours, but what about others who can't afford it, including those that lost the ability to work for a while because of a debilitating and expensive condition?

>> No.3320483

theres no business without banks
theres no banks without money
theres no money without social contract
theres no social contract without law
theres no law without enforcement of law
theres no enforcement of law without the state
theres no state without tax

the concept of not chipping in for the stability of the state is beyond moral hazard, its an actual hazard.

>> No.3320532

>no business without banks
This is where we should all agree to stop reading.

Bernie can still win, right faggot?

>> No.3320555

ok so you got your small loan of a million dollars from your dad instead but the entire top half of the dependencies was not the point.
the point is the entire system of society is built upon taxation. it all comes crashing down without it.

>> No.3320596

The US didn't have an income tax for the first, what, 90 years? The notion is un-American, this country was founded to escape taxation. If you'd told those men that some communist kikes were going to redistribute the wealth of white, working males to unemployed negroes they would point to the 2nd amendment and laugh at you. The United States has been kiked to unrecognizeability.

>> No.3320628

>The US didn't have an income tax for the first, what, 90 years?
there were still taxes.