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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 1402x890, chrome_2017-09-02_17-02-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3313991 No.3313991 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3313998

It was due eventually,meh

>> No.3314003
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>> No.3314023

>tfw vet ready for this day
>Swing trading and have a open short

Comfy times

>> No.3314031

Can't wait for wealthy China man to see this.

I'm the first to say, Ni Hao!

>> No.3314041


>> No.3314046
File: 8 KB, 225x225, wheeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes the dip.
Or the correction.
Or the crash.
Whatever, it goes down and I like roller coasters.

>> No.3314056

You should close the short I closed mine at 3500 and bought bitcoin

>> No.3314070

It's Ghost Month. Should we ask /x/ for advice on how to satisfy the 2spookys into giving us our gainz back?

>> No.3314133


>> No.3314183

It will be back up by monday

>> No.3314214


wtf you are talking about???

BItcoin just hit $ 5000, of course little dip after that, but looks like Bitcoin is about 10 000 end of this year.

>> No.3314225

using caps lock in 2017 is ultrafag

>> No.3314269
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>> No.3314276


Inevitable correction bruh short and buy the dips we are all going to make it wow..

Now is your chance to load up on cheap everything

>> No.3314280

It's a holiday, everything dumps holiday weekends.

>> No.3314295

>down 9%

not even close to a crash faggots. price has only fallen to what it was at like 3 days ago. are you all newfags?

>> No.3314300
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Step aside with your virgin graphs.

>> No.3314309

But everyone on /biz/ are virgins...

>> No.3314320
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>> No.3314324

Of course, people are finally waking up to the ponzi shit that is crpyot lloooool

>> No.3314341

The bigger the dip the higher the rise. :)
You know nothing about this business.

>> No.3314358

OP is really desperate for some cheap coin eh?
heh..fuckin plebs. stick to the ICOs and shit you can afford on a minimum wage salary

>> No.3314360

It literally only exists on paper anyway

>> No.3314363
File: 10 KB, 963x421, psychohistorical_analysis_of_bitcoin_future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3314368

Like every single currency nowadays. This argument doesn't mean shit.

>> No.3314373

cashed my 40k out at 4900 which i bought at 740 in november

>> No.3314386
File: 119 KB, 1024x512, C_Zci2SXUAA2hTz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the bottom. Get back in if you sold. Good luck

>> No.3314404

The bottom is when you will be seeing blood from your eyes norm

>> No.3314411

I'll have you know that I used some of my gains to fuck an escort.

>> No.3314420

how was it

considering this or will just kms at wizardhood

>> No.3314448

>normies entering crypto
>BTC crashing

>> No.3314477
File: 262 KB, 600x600, 1491573871880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FUUUUUUCK! I took a loan of 30000 Euro and bought at $4943 because you people said it would go up forever. HOW FUCKED AM I???

>> No.3314489

I read your newfag post with a bitter grandma voice.

>> No.3314490
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>> No.3314495

Nigga you done fucked up.

>> No.3314500

Kind of awkward but she was really nice, though she should have been since I paid her $1,000.

>> No.3314501
File: 229 KB, 780x438, 21244469_10155596920183563_2081848060_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah dude if you just le hodl xd you will be a ok my friend! we are all gonna make it future millionaires :^)

>> No.3314513

jesus christ, for 1k I hope he was a 9/10

>> No.3314522

Don't sell. You're stupid as fuck if you think a price will ONLY go up every second ESPECIALLY when it comes to BTC.

>> No.3314565

>dying when you've just obtained wizard powers

>> No.3314583
File: 308 KB, 2232x892, actual graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it

>> No.3314594

Very fucked. In fact, you are kind of idiot sheep that natural evolution disposes itself of

>> No.3314609
File: 179 KB, 774x500, 1499786390890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double down and do pic related
there are many like you and hopefully there will be many more come next correction

serves you right for being a latecomer

>> No.3314634

holy shit settle down you fucking fud-happy spastic—open up a candle chart of bitcoin prices by month
this literally happens every other weekend

also, this isn't "free money", you piss-slurping brainlet

>> No.3314645

He's some newfag fuck who thinks he knows it all

>> No.3314665

I think it's finally time for me to buy some coins

>> No.3314744

Buy Bitbean

>> No.3314767


>> No.3314790

>for sex once


>> No.3314804

sex is worth like 20 bucks tops and only if she does all the work

>> No.3314818

Enjoy your AIDS

>> No.3314846

t. no-coiner

>> No.3315023

coper detected

>> No.3315220

Still enjoying the crash fools mmm m ?

>> No.3315450

we are between 0 and 1 desu. Institutional investors aren't even in yet. The first sell off will be in november.

>> No.3315517

> Institutional investors aren't even in yet.

Are you stupid. They have been long in for a while now

>> No.3315617

which one? im talking about banks, funds and nations

>> No.3315712
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>> No.3315741

Goldman Sachs, Winklewoss Twins, lots of billionaires. Pull head out of your ass. They have been here for a long while, you really think big boys will be buying your overvalued coins? LOL

>> No.3315871

it will go through 5k next week or the week after.

>> No.3315910
File: 94 KB, 1868x1016, BTCUSD 1H Coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price is between the hourly 100 (blue line) and 200 (orange line) simple moving average. Sellers couldn't break below the 200 SMA and now buyers have pushed it to test the 100 SMA. Break above and buyers are in control. Fail and sellers will bring it down to test the 200 SMA with a break below soliciting more selling.

>> No.3315941

>WTC up
>TRIG up
>got cheap LSK
>everything else recovering.

wut man

>> No.3315946

>meme analysis
get drenched in blood the next few weeks

>> No.3315970

Good, I hope it does happen so all you retards can just sell your bags because you're impatient as fuck.

>It's not though, this happens how many times a year?

>> No.3316026

why you salty?
did you not gain from the boom?
dry yo tears

>> No.3316028

Hold you fucking retard, it will be back up in no more than 2 weeks

>> No.3316049

Are you blind, stupid, or both? Look at the chart and see how the market leans on technical levels, I even mentioned a one of them.

>> No.3316101

Just like the original picture told us.

>> No.3316165

lol exactly

>> No.3316192

made when bitcoin was 1.8k lmao

remember this picture getting circulated

>> No.3316204

its not that the market fits your sudo science "technical levels" its more that you fit that into the chart and then draw conclusions from it

you can always fit some shit into a chart

thats complete nonsense

also your so called technical analysis only fits when you select some very specific timeframe. as soon as you change the timeframe all your lines, arrows and triangles wont fit anymore

its also funny that you who took the least scientific approach to trading call someone stupid and blind

just compare past meme analysis predictions to what actually happened. you will find that aleast 50% of predictions were complete bs and not even near reality

as i said. get drenched in blood

>> No.3316206

>look ma I posted it again lmao

Fuck off

>> No.3316225

Blind and stupid got it.

>> No.3316249

do read this: https://pastebin.com/ZUxTmR99

>> No.3316266

sorry that i had to bring it to you that way.
cry in silence tho pls

>> No.3316282

not an argument.


>> No.3316290

Good luck with your fomo strategy

>> No.3316374

so you still cant come up with a single counter argument?

poor guy

>> No.3316388
File: 163 KB, 1184x653, bitcoin history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the correct chart. You need to use a log-scale when plotting month-by-month data.

>> No.3316412

Wouldn't be surprised to see it fall and meet resistance around $1500. Wouldn't worry me a bit. Long term it's still a buy and hold more (I'm not using that idiotic reddit word).

>> No.3316426

Markets lean on technical levels. The chart I posted clearly shows it. If you can't see it then I can't help you, sorry.

>> No.3316435

You could say the same of the first peak

>> No.3316436

speak for yourself poor fag

>> No.3316468

now instead of giving a counter argument you start to repost?

nice try but try harder

>> No.3316489

Hits three zeros, magicaly crashes because weak hand faggots think 5000 is significant.

>> No.3316500

all my money is safe in alts, may you have a blessed day

>> No.3316505

nice try but were still in the stealth phase

>> No.3316511
File: 280 KB, 664x602, shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying crypto has not already crashed 50 times and came back stronger each times.

>> No.3316562
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>> No.3316606

>drops 5%
>drops 10%
>drops 15%
>drops 20%
>drops 25%
>drops 50%

Fucking retard.

>> No.3317210

This you literally should KYS if you hold when market drops

>> No.3317333

the price is constantly going up because of holders, fucking faggot noob.

>> No.3317402

you are a retard too. If everybody sold during a drop, the price would constantly go up and down to 0. We are at 4500 thanks to people holding during dips, low IQ moron.

>> No.3317416

Still doesn't excuse you being a useful idiot

>> No.3317427

you wouldnt make any money without holders so just shut the fuck up and be grateful to them.

>> No.3317451

looool fucking loserrr too pussy to sell the market, pathetic

can't even time these obvious dips loool

>> No.3317468

you're really a lowIQ moron aren't you ? What would happens in any market if everybody sold during a dip? That's right, a crash down to 0, over and over. Kys fucking noob, you must be 13 and too young to post here.

>> No.3317581


How do I know You're been trading crypto for a week? Because crypto follows illogical patterns and trying to sell "obvious" dips for profit will eventually lead to you being BTFO.

>> No.3317875

I believe it will go up elyes. But because you took out a loan and have to pay interest on that you are foolishly trying to time the market. Something you should never do.

>> No.3317897

No bitcoin will not be worth a million that would give it a market cap of 21,000,000,000,000. You people are fucking insane.

>> No.3317948

I can see it breaking $10K in a year and a half, maybe maxing out at $25K. But who knows with inflation

>> No.3317949

f you moved just 1% of the cash balances from offshore tax haven bank accounts, which currently hold estimated 30 trillion dollars of value if you move just 1% of that into bitcoin you are looking at 2.8 million dollars per bitcoin

>> No.3317956

Mass adoption is just beginning. WERE GONNA BE RICH!!

>> No.3318846

do you trade with your eyes closed? lol newfag doesn't understand Technical Analysis. Trust me all the big boys are looking at 100 and 200 moving averages. fucking idiot.

>> No.3319347

It's funny how wrong everyone here was about what the chinks would do
>hurr durr they'll sell everything
They're buying low, whil the jews try to drive it down to make people believe what Goldman Sachs predicts, so they can crypto prices at the podium.

All you faggots who sold should buy in now or miss out.

If everyone sod like you, BTC would crash to zero every reversal and noone would ge back in. You faggots should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.3320045

>implying the USD wont be hyper inflated by then

you cucks i swear