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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 884 KB, 3948x2220, mayweather-mcgregor-fight-odds-e1503761790455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3221665 No.3221665 [Reply] [Original]

>40 yo vs 26 yo

why aren't you betting? it's free money.

>> No.3221676

> 49-0 professional, Black male (superior genetics), endorsed by President Trump
> potato

>> No.3221688

great logic
mcgregor is 29. that might be important in this kind of statical analysis.

>> No.3221698
File: 44 KB, 657x527, DIGNGHIXsAEf3Aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope mcgregor gets his half-chub bashed in
spoonfeed me on the most straightforward betting site

>> No.3221716
File: 1.97 MB, 290x195, youareafag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger iq average is 80
>whites dominate most sports
>superior genetics

>> No.3221718


>be 40
>want to date 29 yr olds

>> No.3221724

legit think mcgregor is going to win.
this shit has been like a wwe style event and i wouldnt be surprised if it ends like one

>> No.3221725

easy money if you bet on pretty boy floyd

>> No.3221735

> potatoes are lobotomized at birth
> blacks have 20 inch cocks to please white women
I'm white and I bend over for my black overlords, sorry you inbred cuck.

>> No.3221736



>> No.3221749

Too old

>> No.3221750

your a tard if you think old man floyd will win. Connor is a beast and always has been. This isnt just some hype trash talk this is how connor is and he always win. he is a beast in the arena and has the heart and eye of the tiger to win. it is going to be wild

>> No.3221755

I don't get why /pol/tards don't consider Irish white.

>> No.3221767

Notice McGregor is talking mad shit like he's going to destroy. Notice Mayweather is talking about how it'll be a tough and exciting match. Who do you think has a bigger percentage of revenue coming from PPV? Why would Mayweather want you to think that he stands a chance at losing to a rookie boxer?

>> No.3222416

Where can I bet with crypto?

>> No.3222442

Because Celtics are not white and angles are. Why is this difficult logic?

>> No.3222443

proud to have %3 african genes in me. it has contributed to my 7" penis. thank you my ancestors

>> No.3222549

I'm Welsh. Am I White?

>> No.3222563
File: 364 KB, 728x547, 564635463546354654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you bet against someone that's this excited for his coming fight?

>> No.3222621


>> No.3222631
File: 80 KB, 1333x900, 245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurry where can i see the live stream

>> No.3222644

mayweather will win
no ko
points and added round

>> No.3222654

What is up with the "blacks have bigger dicks" meme. It's just dudes with bigger dicks from any race being more likely to take part or cooperate with such studies. There are huge whites and asians as well as tiny blacks the world around.

Blacked.com is not representative of the black race.

>> No.3222664

>when ur dicc all hard ready to FUCC

>> No.3222669

MCgregor gonna accidentally kick in MMA. Get DQ"D

>> No.3222672

He's 28.

>> No.3222674

> t. dicklet

>> No.3222678
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, mouretsu_pirates-17-marika-pirate_hat-captain-space_pirate-happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gregor has beaten only these ufc ragdolls, basically amateur fighters they drag from the streets to this guy to beat. he has no clue what caliber of difference is to face world class boxer

>> No.3222690

nice bought 100k inches of black cock

>> No.3222699

So what time is the fight?

>> No.3222712

Jesus Christ ur a faggot

>> No.3222734

How are Celtics not white?

>> No.3222745

Because they're primitive gingers and have contributed very little to Western civilization relative to other white Europeans

>> No.3222761

Potatoes are some kind of proto-monkeys. Their "culture" and speech patterns are barely human.

>> No.3222765

McGregor was born on 7/14/88

He's destined to win

>> No.3222820

I know that ireland is basically the Africa of Europe in terms of scientific and cultural development but I would still consider them white.

>> No.3222826

Romans took the invention of the cheriot from the celtics its crazy to think how easily (((/pol/))) is eased into propaganda because they werent a bunch of christcucks. Even a tribe of blonde and blue eyed people aren't white to you fags because they didnt follow a bunch of jews and created a self destructing civilization

>> No.3222836

ETH will pump 5% tonight. Gayrunteed

>> No.3222878
File: 107 KB, 498x500, f87oway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw genetically inferior white men think they can compete in athletic competitions

>> No.3223035

>yfw all strongman competitions are 100% white

>> No.3223050

>b-but we excel in sports literally nobody cares about!

>> No.3223084

>most Olympic medals per capita come from North european countries
>only major event blacks excel is running, literally designed to be betas and run away
>even Bolt lost in that to a Scandinavian

>> No.3223097

Nice moving of goalposts. How is strength not athleticism, it's one the most important things for men and non-Whites cant hold a candle to literal White power

>> No.3223118
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x544, cage_laughing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post triggered white people hard. lol

>> No.3223132

You know that shower vs grower thing? It's all dependent on ancestral environments. Races from hot environments tend to have bigger flaccid dicks to keep from overheating, while races in colder climates tend to have tiny dicks that grow into regular size when erect so that their balls don't freeze off.

When you look at statistical erect sizes the differences disappear almost entirely.

Statisically Burgers actually have the biggest dicks and the smallest belong to Koreans and Pajeets.

>> No.3223153

>non whites cant hold a literal candle to white power
Is that why there were Asian and Afro Latino Olympic medalists 2016? Or how about the fact that the worlds strongest man competition isn't 100% white. You idiots take this racial superiority thing too far. The fact is some people are athletic, the vast majority of this board isn't, and you can thank your genetics for it, race having a far smaller factor then anyone ITT will likely admit. Also you might have fallen for the hype if you bet on McGreggor

>> No.3223162

sorry guys


>> No.3223163

its also why africans have longer limbs to dissipate heat and europeans have shorter limbs and a wider waist to conserve heat, nature is pretty damn amazing

>> No.3223202

>Is that why there were Asian and Afro Latino Olympic medalists 2016?
Are you steaming so hard you didnt read my post? I wasnt talking about the olympics in general I was talking about strongman competitions and yes they are 100% white go ahead and watch some, I've only ever seen one negro in it. The way European bodies are built are better suited for strength, kenyans have thinner ankles so their legs act like pendulums so its all thanks to physics for whichever race can dominate whatever sport its been evolved to be better at

>> No.3223215

Why are gooks so good at archery?

>> No.3223226

You know when you squint to focus on something?

>> No.3223238

>and yes they are 100% white go ahead and watch some, I've only ever seen one negro in it.
Your admission that there was a black person in the competition nullifies your previous statement. I read your post, but what you wrote by your own admission is false.

>> No.3223240

But nips and chinks aren't that good, it always seems like it comes down to a US southerners vs gooks in the olympics with the gooks winning

>> No.3223323
File: 6 KB, 250x188, 1497760277064s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Celts not White
>Only a Kike would say that

>> No.3223441


>> No.3223540

It's a dumb joke left over from the Gangs of New York era.

>> No.3223551


Plenty of people thought the same about betting on Hillary

>> No.3223560

> chinks aren't that good
> comes down to.... the gooks winning

>> No.3223563

Can someone link a stream?

>> No.3223570

Where to bet? I wanna throw in

>> No.3223581

mongol genes through rape

>> No.3223593

That only applies to whites and not potatoniggers.

>> No.3223607

this isnt fucking /sp/.........

>> No.3223655

What are you talking about? /biz/ is all about making money. Betting allows you to make money.

>> No.3223656

what link can I watch!!!

>> No.3223671


>> No.3223682

Noobs, download soda player and use this stream link: acestream://99e4657478e7b768ace5281ece419f9899e663e2

>> No.3223689


>> No.3223703

Yep, I can get behind this. Same thing was with asses IIRC. Black women are predisposed to distributing much more fat in their asses for better volume ratios, keeping the body cooler but also still maintaining enough for the body to properly maintain hormonal levels for menstruation etc. Also fat reserves for surviving famine, the African continental pastime.

>> No.3223712

Chinks are chinese, gooks are Korean.

>> No.3223714
File: 1.52 MB, 1614x1080, screen-shot-2017-07-28-at-1-21-35-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayweather will throw fight to pay the IRS.

He has large sums bet on his opponent in crypto.

>> No.3223723

They're sort of white, but just barely. Similar to Somalis.
>we wuz Mesopotamians n shieeet
100% proud Germanic masterrace

>> No.3223729

>lazed around for 6 gorillion years eating fruit
>survival of the niggest

>> No.3223765

one sec anon

>> No.3223781

Stream link

>> No.3223858

Ace stream doesn't work mate

>> No.3223892

Is Welsh the same thing as Celtic?

>> No.3223900

its in frog if you don't mind
also pls donate btc to a poorfag

>> No.3223959

whoever said youtube is an idiot it's all getting took down or just fake loop videos

>> No.3224106

no sound

>> No.3224128

You're welcome

Any ETH or BlockSpaceCats welcome:

>> No.3224129
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 23123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say a Celt is not White, you are not German. You are ((them)), and here to divide us.

You won't. And this time we will win.

>> No.3224174


>> No.3224209


>> No.3224212

wheres the link boyz

>> No.3224240


Here guys try this one



>> No.3224260

It's not English

>> No.3224293
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x925, 1200px-Conor_McGregor_Posing_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get him out of the ring quick lmao

>> No.3224296

Shits over m8

>> No.3224299


>> No.3224302

It's over. /biz/ is always wrong.

>> No.3225192

>cryptards think mayweather posted this to get normies into crypto
>it was really a ploy to get cryptards into boxing

10d chess this man is playing

>> No.3225203

In the end the """superior""" young fit tall white man lost.What a masterrace