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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 600x450, Sexy Bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3155105 No.3155105 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your dreams /biz/.

Why are you doing it ?

>> No.3155117

I want girls to like me

>> No.3155122
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Used to think it was about the money, now it's all about the ride.

>> No.3155131

you can pick these up for <6k

>> No.3155139
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>tfw europoor

>> No.3155187
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Because if you arent striving for greatness, why even live.

>> No.3155222
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it's okay anon.
this is my dream car btw

>> No.3155236

Have a house without a mortgage. Just to be debt free.

Do I really need to explain?

>> No.3155251

if your dream car is a celica and its not an Alltrac KYS

>> No.3155255

I've set a goal to get to 50 BTC, and once I get there, I'm going to quit my day job.

>> No.3155268
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Toyota make some beautiful cars

>> No.3155278

Then, I'm going to trade for a living while writing software to help my friends who are fighting the (((enemy))).

>> No.3155281

I am just trying to become better at my job, make some work friends and make enough money to get a girl that doesn't mind laying in bed all day.
It feels impossible, but two years ago I was a NEET and now I have a degree, my car almost paid off, a place to live in the city and a bar that knows me.
I just feel lonely and even if I don't get a gf ,I just want someone to hangout with on the weekend and experience things with.
At 26, I just hope it is not too late.

>> No.3155352


>> No.3155426

I don't fucking know man

im so directionless

thoguh im doing pretty well with 28k in assets at 22

i just wanna be better than 99% of the world

>> No.3155455

50k pc setup

>> No.3155464
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that's honestly one of the ugliest cars i have ever seen

>> No.3155478
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A bit of money to trade.
BTC: 1MVuhPb1sZ5VsEL38tGKSmaLk1MX1QqACz

>> No.3155500

unbelievably pleb

>> No.3155528

I just want to have enough capital to live off dividends so I don't have to be a wagecuck forever.

I just can't justify spending my fleeting existence on this earth slaving away to make rich people richer.

>> No.3155538

I'm tired of being a wagecuck. Just want to buy my own house and work part time from home on projects I find interesting. Not even trying to be rich just tired of working 9-5 already and I'm only 24

>> No.3155551

buy land in the countryside and build a house powered by solar energy

>> No.3155552

I don't want to be a wage cuck, I want to be in charge of my own time, and I want to be able to have as much vacation/free time as I want

>> No.3155561

my eyes hurt when i look at it
like wtf
at first i thought u were kidding

>> No.3155587

I want to be like a reverse Soros and fund lots of nationalist groups like Golden Dawn.

>> No.3155625

Passive income of 50k a year.

Paid for small house/apartment in nice city, haven't decided how close to the centre. Few friends that live in the same city up for going for beers or coming round mine. Not too far from my family so can visit them a couple times a year.

Good computer system I can do my hobbies on and focus on some business ideas, not worried if they don't work out, just about having the free time to focus on them.

Enough cash to go abroad at least once or twice a year.

Maybe a gf or someone to have a relationship with. Doubt I'll go for a wife or kids.

All of this and as soon as possible. That's my dream pretty much. My motivation is the knowledge that some people are born with enough cash to do this easily without any work, if I can get to their level through work from the shit poor background I've come from, then I'll be happy with myself.

>> No.3155648

I had a car like this once, best car i ever had, it was a 328i with a 5 speed manual box,

>> No.3155656

I want to pay off my house

And also get a 25-inch fantasia

>> No.3155674

all cars at stock ride height look like shit to be honest.

>> No.3155686

Interesting to see how similar a lot of these answers are btw...

Not "wanna do coke and fuck hookers".

Says a lot about the state of the world and economy in general. I work a decent job with decent pay but seeing the profits the owners get every year when I slave extra hours etc is a bit painful. They have zero involvement in the running of the business, just own it and sit back and watch their money grow. Know a lot of friends that are in even shitter positions too. Only thing that keeps me going is my dream.

>> No.3155691

Because I've reached the milestones of stable relationship, well paying job, secure housing, and financial health and my life is meaningless and devoid of any growth pillar to look forward too outside of climbing the corporate ladder.

Win or lose, coins make me feel excited when I wake up in the morning.

>> No.3155702

Split my time between Portugal and Brazil whilst trading

>> No.3155715
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>> No.3155727

desu bro im really just trying to pay back my debts and be confident in making rent each week.

>> No.3155804

Make enough money to start a bouldering gym. The climbing scene is slowly dying here and it fucking sucks.

>> No.3155842

>run some sites that people find useful
>nice mansion and sell my current house
>nice 100k or less car
>week long vacation every ~3 months

>> No.3156430

I figured out how to day trade but for some reason i cant focus worth shit and the last week blew by and ive accomplished nothing for 7 days and now I have homework thats due next week as well.

>> No.3156449

The promised lambo desu

>> No.3156535

>Tell me about your dreams /biz/.
I want to get on the lambo train like everyone here

>> No.3156642

im at the moment 98% infertile and i want biological children so i have to save up some for the clinic

if the 2% happens then ill just go into retirement with the money instead

>> No.3156647

>Tell me about Bane

>> No.3156663

I find modafinil helps me trade, very focused and can work longer hours and intake more info.

Ritalin sometimes but it can make you too confident and fuck up if you're not careful.

>> No.3156685

Holy shit, are you me?

>> No.3156726
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This is not just a car

>> No.3156727

My nigga, Celica driver here. 03 model tho. Imo literally one of the coolest cars Toyota has ever made

>> No.3156756

I fucked up college and working for a company is hard because I'm bipolar and have mild ass burglars

My only other hope is to finish teaching myself CCNA

>> No.3156878

Same here, started doing it to buy my dream car.
Then when I made enough money for the car, I didn't cash out.
Instead decided to continue to trade so I can reinvest and leave my family a small fortune once I figure out the best way to commit suicide in the next 2-3 years.

>> No.3156889

To have a wife, 3 kids, and enough income to have no need to worry when spending it on food, clothes or electronics, that's around 40k eur per year. Just a comfy life.

>> No.3156907

Sennheiser Orpheus.

>> No.3156908
File: 61 KB, 640x480, Toyota-Celica-GT-Four.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice anon. I'd want the carlos sainz model but they are literally 10x more expensive

>> No.3156947

I wanna fuck lots of hot pussy.

I want to be wanted and desired by females that I find desirable.

I know money can't make that happen but whatever.

Then it would be nice to own a chill house, not have to worry about money.

>> No.3156967

I lost the girl I love. It hurts real bad /biz/. I just want to achieve all the dreams I used to have before I met her.

>> No.3156981

Ff you have ass burgers then isn't tech a good route?

Loads of jobs and money in it, don't need social skills to get by (helps if you want to get higher up though).

Most of the techies I know are autistic to some level, the best at their actual job are very autistic.

Just throw some modafinil into your life and learn to code/start learning about tech jobs, getting yourself into a company/job will be the hardest part at the start. Try and reach out to everyone you know to get an interview somewhere, friends/family/reddit (they love an autistic sob story and pretending to help people out). Start in the shittiest job role you can find as long as it has anything to do with tech, learn VBA for excel which is easy as fuck and then get a shit job as tech support somewhere. Then just work your way from there.

No offence to your autism btw, blame your parents for shit-genes.

>> No.3157024

>wife, 3 kids, and enough income

Yeah those things don't normally go together depending on which country you live in, unless your wife is bringing good income in too (unlikely due to gender-pay gap + her having 3 kids).

Wives are expensive but kids are the real killer to your money. Each one will drain anywhere between 250k-1.5m from you in their lifetime depending on various factors.

A man can always dream though.

>> No.3157074

I just want a pilot licence and some land/forest in the middle of nowhere.

That is all

I want to be free

>> No.3157100

I need to get rich doing crypto, there is no other option for me left. It it's not crypto, I will live a fucking normie wage life for the next 60 years. I don't need a big house or new car, I don't give a shit about those things. I just don't want to spend my time on earth working a fucking Job 8 Hours+ every day forever

>> No.3157102

I to have been thinking about it

>> No.3157106
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want to have my own art studio.

want to have my own ecological garden

want to live a genderfluid lifestyle..

>> No.3157141
File: 25 KB, 320x198, IMG_2152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also fuck your lambo

>> No.3157147

Buy a big plot of land near a growing exurb and build a modest house on it. Worst case scenario is that real estate stagnates and I get to live on a giant plot of land. Best case is that I can flip it down the line.

Buy air-cooled porsches and toyota land cruisers.

Have an attached workshop for woodworking. Get good at woodworking.

>> No.3157161

I just want enough money for a hair transplant

>> No.3157196

Comfy little estate with an attached greenhouse. I'd spend my days playing guitar, learning language and software dev, and drawing anime girls

>> No.3157780

I just want to help out my parents and give my daughter a good future. Not working 12 hour days 4 to 12 days a week because I have to, but because I want to, would be nice also.

>> No.3157804

>buying cars

You might as well dump your money.

>> No.3157858

i need a new jeep cherokee 4x4

>> No.3158071

make 5 million dollars and give it to my family, all of it, i want to make them happy.

>> No.3158097
File: 119 KB, 640x640, tumblr_npylg0DZtX1sr16rao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next goal: Own apartment in the city. Having a few years of savings.

Honestly it's not far away and if I think about that 1 year ago I had nothing, it's amazing. So now I'm not afraid to dream a little bigger.

Bigger goals: A house in the best part of my hometown and having savings that enough for a lifetime of comfy life.

Saw a few of you posted dream cars. Pic is mine right now (Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe).

>> No.3158121

I'm a slightly winning live poker player. My dream would be to travel the world and visit poker rooms while enjoying the food and culture of the cities I visit.

>> No.3158152

I have 45k in student loans i want paid off asap.

>> No.3158163

I wanna build my country up from the ashes the scandicucks left for us

>> No.3158255

I will become a billionaire, buy land, make a country like America but with no fags and shitskins.

>> No.3158296

Just want to buy myself a car

>> No.3158299

Realized money did matter when my saintly grandmother fell ill and only received basic care.
She passed away but now I'm committed to taking care of my ageing dad and self-destructive brother.
I want to buy my dad a house in the south of France, and a house for my brother.

>> No.3158406
File: 62 KB, 640x480, f92e3d96a55878455a181d7dde94a45d--lamborghini-for-sale-cheap-used-cars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earn enough by end on month to have my lambo fixed, dam

>> No.3158456

i just want a car. any car so that i can go outside the shitty city i live in and see something beautiful once a while.

and in the long term, i just want to feel less stress and anxiety about money. get one or two nice things. never cared about money that much, really.
i'm definately not a "lambo" person.

>> No.3158550

I paid 3k more for the gts model and I thought that was a lot! Man that thing is sick. Such a fun car to drive.

>> No.3158615


I want to quit wagecucking and never work just because I needed the money again. That's the short version.

Long version

>Accrue minimum $400,000 in investments.
>Build a small cabin on the mountain land I recently bought.
>Live on a conservative 5% a year.
>Use any returns above 5% to travel and reinvest.
>Maybe spend some time lobbying for space development.
>Maybe run for Sherriff of a small county.
>Hope space colonization gets started during my lifetime.
>Liquidate all assets and investments to go live in some destitute shithole as far from Earth as possible.
>Become extraterrestial industrial baron or die trying.

>> No.3158842

Making enough money to bring my father from the city shithole he lives in to the countryside and buy a big house for him me and my wife.

>> No.3158911

I want to impregnate more women than Genghis Khan and in 1000 years a few percent of humanity will trace their paternal ancestry to me.

>> No.3158938

3+ kids (most important thing for me). Adoption later on is fine, too.

Lake house.

Political influence.

40 vacation days per year.

Being able to work on whatever dafuq I want to work on.

>> No.3158942

Now that escalated quickly but I love big dreams:D

>> No.3159008



>> No.3159076
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tfw wagie

>> No.3159171


You gotta at least have a far reaching game plan, don't want to get caught with your pants down.

Realistically, I know I'm probably a little to early to live that dream. I just need to make it to living comfortably in my little cabin, doing odd jobs and freelancing here and there when I want to earn a little extra to buy something nice. I can be happy with that.

I do feel very strongly though about the future of the species being beyond the confines of Earth, so if I see an opportunity I'm getting in.

I'm 25 now and I've been working since I was 16. The amount of existential pain and general ennui that my 10-6 M-F office job gives me is pretty disgusting, and I want out. I want time to ride my motorcycle. Time to read the books in my home library. Time to shoot my guns. Time that I'm handing over to some 65 year old fuck that could have retired 20 years ago if he wasn't greedy and living beyond his means.

Not me man, not me.

>> No.3159203

Hang in there anon. I got friends but I yearn for deep connection, or just any connection with another (gf) so I can relate with the feels. 23.

As for me I just want a nice housenear nature, raise some chickens play guitar grow some crops and have kids with a qt traditional wife.

>> No.3159220

dare to dream

>> No.3159230

Take up a team sport or something like that. Something where you meet every week or so, great way to make friends

>> No.3159242


>> No.3159245

to pay for college and contribute to research bros that's the life.

>> No.3159255

Child molester

>> No.3159267
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i have difference dreams for different monies
1) earn 200k a year and be able to fly anywhere with me and friends(i only have 2) to really nice places
2) have enough where i can buy a 105 120 ft motor yacht (around $1.5 to $2.8million) and have hot model bixxes in bikinis frolic around my yacht playing hide the sausage.

>> No.3159298
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30 y/o here

I have literally bitten a small laceration in my tongue while at wagecuck position controlling my rage.

People ask me.. Why don't you just quit?

Because 70k a year is near the top of my range and I'm drained of any motivation to do anything else when I get home.

I question why I bought a house? I'm never there to enjoy it. My job has killed all social connections I had outside of work.

I had a gf. She dumped me because I was always at work and always had to bail on social stuff.

I regularlly work 60+ hours a week at salary so I get no OT.

I want a wife and kids... but I always ask myself why?

What's the point in having wife or kids if I never get to see them?

Hopefully crypto can take my student loan/house/credit card debt off of my back so that I can find a job where I can work less or work for myself in a side hustle.

I don't have to be rich. I'm just trying to get out the debt game so I can enjoy my life and not be a total slave.

>> No.3159306

ya im gonna add that to my list

>> No.3159336

I honestly just need 20k. I have a job which many would call a dream, i work on a cruise ship and travel the world. But i just dont enjoy it. Unfortunately i have some debts that need paying off. As soon as i hit 20k i will be out. I can clear my debts, and get a job back home and maybe return to school. Id like to try my hand at coding i think.

>> No.3159343

Some top shelf dreams in this thread.

Some real shit tier dreams in this thread.

Proof that not everybody deserves to make it.

>> No.3159357

the world needs average people too faganon

>> No.3159381

instead of a cruiseship you ever thought of getting a gig as a deckcrew for luxury yachts. Good pay and work 6 months a year with bonus

>> No.3159413

Huge blog post incoming, I apologize in advance but this is something I'd like to get off my chest, and it does tie into the thread topic in the end.

>as far back as anyone can trace, my family's been poor and dysfunctional af
>grandfather would be locked in a closet, beaten with chains and other terrible things as a child
>meanwhile he had to watch his brother be showered with affection and praise by the same parents who abused and neglected him
>this upbringing would turn him into a sociopathic monster
>grandfather survived it all, and would grow up and go on to rape a 14 year old girl
>the girl he raped was my grandmother, he'd impregnated her with my aunt, my father's older sister
>grandmother's father was super traditional Christian, forced the two of them to get married
>grandfather would horribly abuse my grandmother, beating her, humiliating her, torturing her with needles
>at least for the time he spent with her, which wasn't long
>he left her, but not before they conceived another child
>apparently my grandmother thought if she gave him a son he would stay
>they did have a son: my father
>but my grandfather didn't stay


>> No.3159424


Im a casino dealer, i have arguably one of the best jobs on the ship, so much free time. But its just the being away from home i hate and i wanted to be in a good relationship by now

>> No.3159427

>considering how horrible a person he was, perhaps the best thing he ever did for my father was to be absent from his life entirely
>still that can't be much consilation to a father figure-less child
>my father would go on to have an awful childhood
>he was bullied and ostracized, overweight and friendless
>even his mother made fun of his weight, despite being responsible for it by overfeeding him, and his sister joined in on the abuse
>mother was schizotypical, borderline nutjob
>she wasn't exactly a strong minded person to begin with, I don't think she was able to handle what his father had done to her
>she'd bring criminals and pedophiles into her home, and would ignore the rapes of her own son and daughter, so desperate was her need for a man in her life
>while my grandfather had been forcefully imprisoned by his parents, my father would confine himself to the basement willingly, because it was the only place he felt safe from the outside world
>his sister would eventually develop schizophrenia, and commit suicide at the age of 21
>my father would escape when he was kicked out by his mother, acting on the advice of another one of her deadbeat boyfriends, when he was 14
>he would get into plenty of misadventures, and have many experiences, good and bad, after that
>I won't go into to much detail on that
>started hanging with a bad crowd, joined a group of skinheads because they made him feel he belonged
>got into drinking, drugs, criminal delinquent stuff, etc.
>would eventually conceive me with my mother, a union which I'm glad to say was consensual
>him and my mother didn't stay together long, but one day he saw her from a distance, walking down the street, her belly swollen with the fetus that would eventually become yours truly
>he renounced criminality and vowed that he would be there for me, just like no one had been there for him

>> No.3159463

>he provided for me and my mother, even though she wouldn't let him actually be a part of our lives
>when I was around 3, my mother dumped me on my father and fled across the country
>I'm not sure about this story, but from what I can piece together she committed assault at a party and went on the run from the law (parents were still young and stupid. When I was born my dad was 21, my mum was 17)
>now it was just me and Dad

>he did his best to shield me from the bullshit, the abuse, the criminality, all those things of his and the family's past
>and considering where he came from, he did an alright job
>but it still wasn't perfect
>a shadow of the past still hung over our tiny family unit
>despite his best efforts to mask all the pain and scars, the mask was cracked, and on occasion would just slip off entirely
>I was never beaten or physically abused in any way, thank God
>nor was I ever raped, so if anything can be said for my father it's that he put less evil into the universe, into me, than was put into him
>but all that had happened to him had engendered in him deep insecurity, as well as seemingly irreconcilable rage at the world
>very often he would use me as an outlet for this rage

Gotta go eat supper, be back in a sec to post the rest

>> No.3159466

You're probably going to make it.
Might be quite soon too.

>> No.3159483


>> No.3159502
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I want to found a small town or village in the Midwest of America and operate it as an Epicurean commune. As part of the commune, we will have a library devoted to esoteric or fringe interests in both theology and science. We will try to live as autonomously and self-sufficient as possible while living content lives of peace and knowledge seeking.

>> No.3159586

I work in a soul crushing job as an attorney. The hours suck, the pay is fine, the people are horrendous, but I'm probably too anti social to make it very far. They're probably going to fire me in the next 2 years for being too autistic.

I want to make around $250,000 in crypto. If I can do that, I plan to put down down payments on as many rental investment properties as that can afford me, all near colleges or nice parts of cities.

With the rental income, if I can get near $7k a month I'll quit my job and never look back.

I want my freedom back. I wasn't this miserable when I actually had time on my hands. I have no time. I never even think about how to solve my social problems or do anything fun because literally all my time away from work is spent resting for upcoming work.

I absolutely hate the life that lies in front of me. My fear and rage propels me to be successful at this.

Now if only this board gave any good tips that'd be helpful.

>> No.3159607

Scream at me for extended periods of time, sometimes lasting over an hour. This would happen often.
> he would project his insecurity onto me and yell at me for doing things I didn't even understand, for "insulting his intelligence" in some inconceivable way, or not respecting him
>as a child I had no idea what was going on, I guess I just thought it was normal, that every kid went through this, that I really was in the wrong and my dad was right about it all
>but it terrified me, it felt like I was always walking on eggshells with him, never knowing what innocuous, offhand remark might set off the powder keg
>it felt like I was trapped with a monster, a monster that couldn't be appeased, and no matter what I did or how hard I tried, it would just keep hurting me
>I never talked about it with anybody, not friends or authority figures, partly because I was ashamed, partly because I barely even thought about this stuff outside of when it was actually happening
>I just kind of put it on a shelf in my mind and never looked at it, because examining it would just make me feel the hurt all over again, so I just internalized it all
>when these episodes of yelling would occur, especially when I was younger, I would usually just cry
>this would only make him angrier, he'd say things like, "why are you crying!" "you're just making me feel guilty!" "You're just making me out to be the bad guy here"
>I guess it didn't occur to him that crying is a child's normal response to such elevated, prolonged hostility
>it wasn't just the anger that hurt though, it was the things he would say as well
>he'd get strangely personal with his attacks, he'd belittle me and my character, he'd talk about how I was just like everybody else, treating him like dirt like all the rest of the world
>he said a lot of shit that would really mess with my head

>> No.3159647

>it wasn't just me he'd get mad at of course, he'd get enraged at the smallest, stupidest things and smash and break things around the house, which would always make my heart race for fear of the anger turning towards me
>he'd smash video game controllers when he lost the game, he'd break keyboards over his knee when the Internet wasn't working, he'd punch the computer tower
>yes, you read that right
>he would sit on the floor in front of the tower and repeatedly punch it when it didn't work
>it would have been fucking hilarious if it didn't trigger a pavlovian response in me
>I remember my heart would race whenever I heard his key rattling in the door as he came home
>for fifteen years of my life this was the status quo
>mostly I just buried what was happening and carried on with my life
>what else could I do? I was just a kid, there were no solutions, I wasn't even fully aware there was a problem
>and I actually kept up the facade quite well
>I went to school, was a straight A student, and when he wasn't in one of his rages my father was the picture of a proud parent
>it took some doing but I made friends, and was healthily socialized for the most part. I was bullied but I overcame it and was stronger for it
>but near the end of my school career things started to slip

>throughout my adolescence, my cognitive abilities increased
>my child's brain was slowly morphing into an adult's, and the farther I got in that process the more I began to understand, at least subconsciously, my abuse
>gradually I grew to hate my father, the more he yelled that I didn't respect him, the less respect I had

>> No.3159672

>then, on the cusp of manhood, at age 18, all the repressed abuse finally started to manifest itself
>i became depressed. my grades started to slip. I finished grade eleven with 80 averages instead of 90 like I normally did
>in grade 12 I barely passed my first semester. In fact, im certain my teachers just let me pass out of the goodness of their hearts
>my second semester I barely attended school at all
>of course this only added fuel to the fire of my father's rage
>things between us were nearing a climax

>then one night, it all clicked in my mind
>I was lying awake at night, and my mind had wondered to all the>incidents of my father's rages, from recent episodes, to ones that had happened more than a decade ago that I could still remember today, despite not thinking about them for years
>I had an epiphany
>suddenly I realized, and consciously accepted, the full extent of what had been happening to me, and the profundity of its effect on my psyche
>and I finally had an answer for why I couldn't find it in me to finish highschool, why I was fucking it all up at the last crucial moment
>so long I was agonizing over what the hell was wrong with me, why was I so depressed? Now I knew
>I'd always rationalized, justified or just straight up ignored what was happening, "he's not beating me so it isn't abuse," "if I'd just done the dishes this wouldn't have happened, I brought it on myself,"
>I started to try and confront him on this, with as much diplomacy as I could muster, but each time I was just met with disdain
>soon I realized the futility of it all
>I accepted that as just an adolescent myself, it was neither within my ability nor my responsibility to fix my father's issues, that it was my duty to myself to do just what was right for me
>and then I knew what I had to do

>> No.3159684

I'm bored with a disposable income and this is just a hobby, I don't have any concrete plans

>> No.3159688

I don't want to end up like my Grandfather; brilliant, yet stuck in a land of no opportunity taking care of the family business with barely anything to his name, doomed to end up working until he dies.

I don't want my family to have to worry about money constantly, and if I decide to have a kid, I don't want them eating generic Mac & Cheese because there were 3 boxes on sale for $2.

I don't want to be a wageslave, and I just want to work on myself, for myself, and eventually maybe have a nice waifu who's happy with a frugal yet worryless lifestyle.

>> No.3159689

>I spent a few days preparing, planning, packing, scraping some money together, etc
>then I left for the streets
>I knew there were hard times ahead, I was very afraid
>but I couldn't keep on living the way I'd been my whole life, something had to give
>especially now that I fully understood what had been going on, to continue to allow it to happen would be to willingly submit, and the pride which sprung from my newfound manhood wouldn't allow that
>I'd rather die on the streets than live with him for another day

>It was June 3rd of this year when I left
>for a few weeks I lived in a stick shelter in the woods, surviving off ramen noodles cooked over an open fire
>it was tough, but it was also some of the most liberating days of my life, discovering I didn't need anyone but myself to survive
>eventually I got a job, with great people, doing work that I love. It's only minimum wage, but there's opportunity for advancement and I've already been told I'm being considered for a leadership position
>right now I'm staying at a friend's place, just trying to work and save some money, improve my station in life
>I still have rough days. Sometimes it feels like I'm lost in a world of darkness too complex for me to understand, like I'm blind and drowning in an ocean void, grasping vainly for something to hold on to
>some days it's hard to have hope. Like I said I only get minimum wage, and I haven't had much of a chance to develop skill with money, I find myself spending money on weed and fast food more than I like
>then yesterday I was walking down the street, thinking about money, about that saying, that you have to spend it to make it
>I thought about how I could make my small amount of money into a larger one
>maybe I'd invest in the stock market?
>then I remembered that 4chan has a business board

>> No.3159691



to be debt free in this era puts you in the top 1%.

>> No.3159705

So here I am. That's why I'm here today. Yknow, there's this girl at my work that I've sort of become infatuated with. I've talked to her a little bit, and there's a gentleness, a timidity about her that endears her to me. Sometimes I catch myself observing her from a distance, I get lost in the care and grace of her movements, and fantasize about what it'd be like to buy a house, start a family, maybe even with her, with no needles, no rape, and have a whole brood of kids, 3, 4, even 5, and there would be no yelling, no abuse, just love and health and happiness, and then she catches me looking at her and she smiles shyly, and I smile back and I want so badly to go up to her and tell her how I feel but then I remember I'm just a broken man, a poor, homeless vagrant, that I'm not worthy of her and I think how could she ever love me if she knew what I am, so I just look away.

Anyway, there's my dream. I don't know about any of this crypto currency stuff but hey, I'm just a transient with barely 1000 dollars to his name. What on God's green earth do I have to lose? So I'm starting my research tonight.

>> No.3159706



what happened?

>> No.3159727

Unironically this. Life is sad for autistic lanklet manlets.

>> No.3159731

Well, that's my life's story, the whole thing, from several decades before I was even born to right now, two months before my 19th birthday. If youve made it this far i want to thank you for caring enough to reqd all that bullshit. Sorry for just vomiting it all out on you guys like that but it's been tearing me apart for a while; I can't really talk to anyone about it. I wish you all the best of luck in your lives, and know that I'll keep on trying my hardest, too.

>> No.3159793

>I don't know about any of this crypto currency stuff but hey, I'm just a transient with barely 1000 dollars to his name.

And there it is.

Pretty pathetic that you wrote all that bullshit just to try and use pity to get someone to advise you on which crypto to invest in. Lazy fuck.

>> No.3159844

we are all big complaining pussys

i quit my wagecuck job

i got a gf that sucks my dick every day for the past 8 months at least

and im still on 4chan like all yall

get used to it faggots

>> No.3159858


tru dis

in fact, it needs many many more of them

>> No.3159876

Keep going, anon. We're gonna make it.

>> No.3159889
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I have nothing to lose.

>> No.3159962

>gender-pay gap

>> No.3160074

Got married last year. We both want kids but don't have great jobs or wealthy families. All that matters to me is our future and children, but we won't get there just wage cucking.

>> No.3160184

Sorry you feel that way m8, it honestly was not my intention. To be honest I'm confident that I have the smarts to figure it out on my own, after all I've made it this far, and despite being homeless at points through it all I haven't once had to stoop to what I consider "begging."

>> No.3160271

My wife and I live with her parents on their 40 acre property, we own a bus we are refurbishing into a tiny house (like bare minimum "stay somewhere while we don't spend a dime" tiny house, none of this "trendy" tiny house shit), and our goal is to pay off our student loans and buy a chunk of their land from them so we can have a proper house (ideally underground).

Once that's done, I just want to invest to live off the dividends and spend my time tending the land and enjoying my life. I got a taste for the farming/ranching life, and I fucking love it.

There's also a biological component to my dreams, I want to get the house shit figured out as soon as possible so we can start planning for a family and we can't do that if we are both saddled with debt living in my in-laws craft room.

>> No.3160848


Thank you for sharing, anon. Everything will work out in the end.

>> No.3160888

It's basically a supra but slow and for LGBT community

>> No.3161034

27 year old friendless virgin from a poor retard family I just want money to buy some property or properties and live the rest of my shit life out with comfortable passive income and hardly ever have to interact with people in person again.

>> No.3161078

I want to have enough startup capital to open a recreational cannabis dispensary when it becomes illegal in my country.

>> No.3161283
File: 66 KB, 554x400, AyyyyLmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few years ago I was divorced, and at a pretty all time low.

Fast forward 3 years, own a house, bombshell girl, and paid off the rest of my alimony.

House is a big victorian in the middle of town.

Paid 170k, fixed up all of the rooms(floor installations and shit) myself. Painting house myself and the only thing I'm gonna pay for is the roof.

House is gonna be worth 320kish at that point or more.

I'm set. Rent out 3 of the rooms my gf and I don't use, and sit back and relax. I could sell it and keep going but I haven't really thought about how to catapult myself into gorillionaire status.

I've got a few good ideas (chemistry & electrical related) that I think will catapult me but I'm still doing studies on them.


>> No.3161389

Good luck out there, we're all gonna make it.

Have you ever thought about joining the military? It could set you up for the whole rest of your life. Training, travel, experience, an okay salary, and friends for life. It was the best choice I made as a young man, it was a solid foundation to build off of when I was just starting out at 18.

>> No.3161451
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>Rent out 3 of the rooms my gf and I don't use

Inb4 Muslim gang rape. Don't let them into your home.

>> No.3162092

ric flair money

>> No.3162330
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will you accept LTC tho?

social interaction is the eternal nightmare. until you just b yourself, that is.

you'll find it quite difficult to invest in crypto then

my friend, your sexual energy/libido is the greatest force you own, do not squander it away in indulgence for a momentary pleasure that over time lessens

a lanklet AND a manlet, now that is an accomplishment

concrete plans are required for any success, lest you allow fate to control you as a puppeteer does a marionette

>Now if only this board gave any good tips that'd be helpful.

yet you keep coming back. what is it they say about doing the same thing expecting a different result? heh heh

blessed are the meek

and who are you to judge friend? think carefully

>I have literally bitten a small laceration in my tongue while at wagecuck position controlling my rage.

that is because your emotional restraint is that of a child. allow the rage to dissipate much like a puddle does on a nice day after a storm

no my friend that is the meme

>Win or lose, coins make me feel excited when I wake up in the morning.

losing excites you? interesting

>> No.3162418

I want my kids to grow up with a better education than I had and for their dreams to not be crushed by financial burdens.

>> No.3162540

Big house with a big back yard and big garage, a wife, a nice car, a dog, and being able to engage in my scientific hobbies.

>> No.3162606

Dude, when asteroid mining hits I want in. I don't mind working for you so long as you don't treat me like a cunt. Just a comfy little one would do it, so I can set it up orbiting around somewhere serene. Some gas giant we can siphon off for fuel elsewhere I guess.

>> No.3162995

I want to never worry about money ever again, and I want to break out of the wagecuck lifestyle

I also just want to train twice a day like a real weightlifter

>> No.3163220
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>tfw theres literally one in town
Fuck me I had those 4500 on me I'd pick it up on a heart beat

>> No.3163250
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>> No.3163274

I just want to get out of debt as fast as possible. Feels like i might.

>> No.3163293
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Make enough money that I don't have to work so I can contribute to the destruction of capitalism.

>> No.3163340
File: 15 KB, 376x235, m5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e28 m5
>meet girl
>dance to drum n bass
>become paramedic

>> No.3163349


>> No.3163362

Pay off my parents debt

I was such a cunt to them as a teenager
Now I'm 26 and feel like an asshole and want to give them a peaceful retirement

>> No.3163988


>> No.3164036

>buying an apartment to live in
>buying a house to live in
>buying an overpriced shit car

Have fun being middle class for the rest of your life.

>> No.3164059

Enough passive income so I can save all of my earnings and not HAVE to work

>> No.3164070

So you work 3000 hours a year for $70K. That's $23/hr. Very shit for a 30 year old experienced individual.

>hopefully crypto can take my student loan/house/credit card debt off of my back so that I can find a job where I can work less or work for myself in a side hustle

Alright, so you are crippled by debt and can't do anything about your situation. How the fuck can you make 70K a year and not have anything left? Do you have a wife? Pro tip: get a divorce.