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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3103492 No.3103492 [Reply] [Original]

Welp, I might get fired from my job /biz/, and it sucks because I'm this much in debt:
Car: 27,582.42
Discover: 1808.32
Apple Card: 1857
Black Card: 4898.51
School Loans: 7719.88
Paypal: 981.49
Bestbuy Credit: 2581.03
TOTAL DEBT: 47,428.65

I'm 24 years old, still live with my parents. In the middle of getting a college degree....what can I possibly fucking do? Declare bankruptcy?

>> No.3103539

Why did you buy such an expensive car you fucking retard? Your dad must be thinking right now he'd be better off had he shot the load into a pillow instead.

>> No.3103552


Are you literally retarded?

>> No.3103553

it was originally 47k ;_;

pls help

>> No.3103555

Sell your car.
Whore yourself on Craigslist
Sell drugs

>> No.3103574
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>> No.3103589

DON'T do this

>> No.3103596

Wow dude you are clearly just really irresponsible with your money.

>> No.3103615

WTF is up with the car? Sell it, use any proceeds to payoff the card with the highest interest rate.

Minimize your life man. eBay whatever the fuck you bought with all those CCs.

>> No.3103616

I fucking know. Now how do I dig myself out?

>> No.3103626

>Apple Card
What is that? No info on a quick search.

>> No.3103628

2016 V8 Mustang. I bought it for 47grand and pay 586.86 for it monthly...

>> No.3103641

Don't get fired.

>> No.3103642

Apple Credit card

>> No.3103659

Go and buy mooncoin. If you are reeeally lucky you can still get it for 1 satoshi. In few hours that opportunity is gone because on twitter there is an official twit about news shortly (before the end of the week).
Everyone will jump on the wagon to the moon. Last time it went to 10 satoshi.

>> No.3103665

I figured. Here's a hint to your past self: buy only what you can pay with cash.

>> No.3103673

Top goy op.
Keep it up, you're doing fine, just consolidate and pay it down. Here is a new line of credit for you too!
New iPhone out soon

>> No.3103693


maybe you shouldnt have piled up a bunch of debt OP
has that thought ever crossed your mind?

>> No.3103714

Get a new job and keep trucking along.

>> No.3103715

Hahahahahahahaha get fucked Chad

>> No.3103721

Nice LARP, no one is this retarded.

>> No.3103722

And I thought I was bad. Good luck OP, it'll be a valuable lesson for the future and you may come out of it better for the experience.

>> No.3103723

become a monk

>> No.3103737

>living at home
>gets a $27,000 car loan


*deep breath*


>> No.3103738

what fucking job can I go for that pays 45-50k a year?
I currently sell cellphones. It was a decent paying job...do I go for a fancy waiter now or what?

>> No.3103754
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Take out a loan for a pair of these. You gonna need them.

>> No.3103755

this is sound advice

trade in the retarded mustang for a $3k civic and pay off your credit cards

>> No.3103772


Fancy waiter
Oil fields
Alaskan Fishing

Top wagecuck jobs for a brainlet to pay off debts fast. Rough neck jobs have the added benefit of being in bum fuck nowhere so you don't get deeper in debt.

>> No.3103775

you posted on /b/ too Stop being racist bro see where it got you I know some races are f up we all know that but why have the hate in your heart

>> No.3103796

Did you at least get laid a lot bcuz of your car?

>> No.3103798

Why, because he's better off becoming a drug-dealing manwhore that doesn't even own a car? Fuck off

>> No.3103808

>24 years old
>Got debt like a Boomer

Jesus fuck, this is why the country is going to shtf. Being this young with this much debt is literally slavery. Also stop using credit cards ffs. If you still live with Mom and Dad you don't need to be buying expensive shit, you need to be saving so you can move out. What you need to do before anything is learn personal finance so you don't fall back in the shitter or make shit worse like getting a loan to pay some of this debt

>> No.3103809

You're seriously a college student driving a $50k v8 Mustang on a $600/mo payment.

What are you thinking?

Here's my advice: sell the car before it depreciates more. Get out of that loan. Ride a fucking bicycle or buy a shitbucket. Stop mortgaging your future to look cool, dude. Fuck.

Find another job and don't get fired from that one. If you made decent money selling cell phones you were probably good at it. Why are you getting fired? Theft? Absenteeism? Negligence?

You're probably better off resigning and finding s position elsewhere selling cell phones.

Straight up, though: stop wasting your money on a depreciating asset. Think of it this way: you're paying 150% of the retail price for something that'll have 30% of its value by the time you're done paying for it. Stop. Now. Save yourself from yourself.

If you choose to ignore this advice now, burn it into your memory so that in 3 years you come back to it and remember what I said. You'll regret not listening, but maybe you'll learn the lesson.


>> No.3103817

now here is my advice, get that resume ready start looking for other opportunities asap just in case, if you have any heart money and balls left Open up a Coin Base account asap put the Money in NEO and OMG coins they are going to DIP and Moon.Either that or buy knee pads in Amazon should get there before next week end right before the action

>> No.3103836

These are my favorite biz posts. Someone always manages to go full retard on personal finance

>> No.3103842

That is actually some great advice. OP listen to this anon.

>> No.3103847
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Holy shit OP, can you explain what you thought process was during all of this? Was it worth it? You might have to file.

>> No.3103856

what kind of idiot are you?

The only necessary loan would be the school loan, but everything else is on you. I hope you declare bankruptcy and are forced to live in poverty for the rest of your days.

Max out credit cards. Have fun for a bit. then kys

>> No.3103859

lol!! almost happened to me was living a life style i tough i could keep up but realized shit im going to go deep bankrupt if i keep this up, I tell whores and beer are great but when you mix them you can go full retard 0-1000

>> No.3103865

Living at home, yet buys brand new $50k car. The only way this gets better is if you tell us your interest rate

>> No.3103867

no..I never have time to go meet girls cuz I'm always working

>> No.3103881

I'm (POSSIBLY) getting fired for making a remark at work when I said white people have I IQs and asked why are Africans still living in mud huts around a black coworker

>> No.3103887

SOmeones gotta do it

>> No.3103888

>I currently sell cellphones
But you can afford a $50k car... Lmfao

>> No.3103894

zero interest for 60 months

>> No.3103896

Sell the car.

>> No.3103915

Africans live in mud huts for more reasons than their IQs. While it's funny to some that's a blantantly racist remark OP so careful with the "red pills"

>> No.3103945


>> No.3103946
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You're getting fired. For sure. Maybe not for the remarks, but you're done eventually.

Racist shit man, Africans live in huts because they lived in a fertile land and didn't need to develop technology to survive. Europeans migrated into hostile landscape and needed better shelter / tools to live. Later Europeans used that technology to dominate the world and extract wealth from others. Anthropology 101.

Thing is, you can be just as happy living in a mud hut eating dung-heated lentil stew as you can be driving a 50k mustang selling cell phones because happiness is a state of being not based on material possession.

But here's my advice: sell the car, stop being racist, snowball your credit card debt and live within your means.

Picture related: my financial situation because I'm not retarded with money.

>> No.3103950

Literally acts "nigger rich"
Hate to break it to you, but you're the nigger

>> No.3103956

Same reason they never learned how to use paper in Africa, the white rhino kept them oppressed

>> No.3103997

Don't feel bad OP, I signed on for $35k in student loans when I was 18 because of stupidity and pressure. I don't have any credit card debt, have paid everything for rent and bills on time my whole life , have a great 401k plan, and generally don't spend money on dumb shit. My gf and I spend about 40$ per week on groceries and my phone bill is $23 per month for a decent phone (since I stay under 2gb per month and get a $10 credit on each bill).

But non of those good financial decisions matter because I fucked up as a dumb high school kid and signed away decades of my life to loan sharks

>> No.3104006

that's not true. African's starve all the time and died in much higher numbers do to lacking basic medicine than other places. Africans are low IQ niggers

>> No.3104008
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thanks for the laugh you fucking retard

declare bankruptcy and go live on a ranch tool

>> No.3104047
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When I got this job, I was just a fucking idiot who was told I could make a ton of money.
I was still a virgin, made money, stacked a lot of it, then thought it was wise to invest in silver rings, gold necklaces, nice clothes...I still didn't get laid when I had the chance to talk to girls.
Time passed, and I started to get in more and more debt. I'd invite girls to eat with me so I wouldn't be alone and try to impress them in hopes that they'd like me with my piece of shit 2001 altima that always broke down. In time, the clothes or the rings weren't enough.
So I bought a nice car. An overpriced car.
Still didn't get laid.
I started to go to the gym. Shaved all the shit off my face..and what do you know, I got laid.
Then I realized that sex wasn't anything special, and I envied that the world was filled with guys with no debt and living with their girlfriends humbly driving their shitty cars and loving eachother for who they were, and with my acknowledged shitty personality, I've learned I only lost my virginity because I tried everything else, and with my new body, spent a lot money on whores with hotels and fancy places to eat at, only to be left depressed in my never ending debt interest pay offs living with my parents driving my fancy car back and forth home.
And with all this stress, hearing politics at work made me eventually snap on everyone and I gave the racist remark, and here I am. Hoping the guy won't report me to HR...

hah, fucking hell

>> No.3104057

So... the difficulty of survival (evolutionary survival, not individual survival) of other environments required the development of more advanced technology?

Holy fuck.

What I'm saying is that species survival in Africa we so fucking easy that development of advanced technology / medicine / etc wasn't necessary so it didn't happen.

Surviving in Northern Europe was a lot fucking harder than surviving in Central Africa from a food / resources / climate perspective.

>> No.3104061


>> No.3104080

Great. You realized material possessions aren't required for happiness. Now sell the car and start unwinding your fucked debt situation.

>> No.3104091
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>> No.3104093
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>> No.3104094

i thought i was bad for spending $20k over 4 years on a car. thanks OP i feel better.

>> No.3104123

Debt is just a number bro, just coast off credit your whole life who cares

>> No.3104134

Grow up emotionally, stop endorsing consumerism, and buy NEO

>> No.3104142
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was this a bit? were you doing a thing?

>> No.3104160

be a hobo op.
have you never heard of the Big Rock Candy Mountains?

>> No.3104167
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>50k$ debt at 24

>> No.3104195

seriously? your debt is also 47k. you know what you gotta do. how much value does it have now?

>> No.3104220

don't wait for HR to get involved.

either apologize profusely and hope for the best or lie and deny everything that happened.

>> No.3104233

>you know what you gotta do
He's gotta suck 47k dicks. Better get on that, OP

>> No.3104247

welp he's at work today and I'm not at work lel

>> No.3104279

I've been wondering if I should sell my car too. I bought it in 2015, borrowing about $20k. I still owe around $8k. I can afford the payments no problem. My interest rate is only 1.49% and my total cost of borrowing is only $600 over 4 years. But the thing is I barely use the car at all. In two years I only have 7000 miles.

I bought a brand new car because I was driving a bucket before and my financial situation allowed me to finally drive something nice, but I ended up getting way more car than I needed. I would have been better off buying a slightly used but still nice car and not spending so much. However if I sold now I'd be losing all of my sunk costs.

Should I just keep paying it off? I've already paid off more than half my loan, but I've got another 16 months worth of payments to go. Or would it be wiser to ditch it and get something cheaper?

>> No.3104292

>not at work
>owes 50k
Shiggidy diggity

>> No.3104300

well the fact that you are waiting this long means the first option is out. you better have a convincing poker face and deny whatever he said happened.

>> No.3104324

Lmao Americans are literally this stupid. That money could be crypto

>> No.3104334

Should have bought a stoic book instead, now your life is fucked.

>And with all this stress, hearing politics at work made me eventually snap on everyone and I gave the racist remark
Funny considering you are basically a wigger

>> No.3104416

tie a fucking cinderblock around your neck and jump in a lake you dumbfuck

>> No.3104428
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>tfw in the black

>> No.3104465

And I thought I was a fuck up because I'm 23 and have 100 euros in cash lol

>> No.3104496

What racist remark did you give?

>> No.3104523


>> No.3104531

You must've fucked up, did you forget to check your white male privilege?

>> No.3104550

Lord al-fucking-mighty, you actually followed that retarded "how to be an alpha" MSPaint comic, didn't you?

>> No.3104552

/pol/ here. I can't give you financial advice, OP,but I can give you political/social advice.


that is all, thank you.

>> No.3104579

This is sound advice OP. Fucking listen to this guy right here. 110% legit.

>> No.3104612


Thanks for making me feel better about myself, bro.

>> No.3104672

Ditch the car and buy a cheap Honda that will run for 300k miles and you can save/invest the savings with no stress and forget about the stupid fucking car that depreciates and doesn't give you any return.

>> No.3104757

maybe mudhuts are actually quite nice

either way op is dumb/has poor impulse control

>> No.3104977

Start by selling your car

>> No.3105082

Normie life is the ultimate meme.

>> No.3105367

>it was originally 47k
How did you even get the loan, you fucking idiot?

>> No.3105507

What app is this?

>> No.3105594

OP. You're really an idiot. Like, I can't even understand.

Sell your car. You're only untitled to a bike now, moped at the very most.
Never use credit again. Your IQ is obviously too low to handle it.
Pay off highest interest rate balances first. Get another job, or two. Within 1 year you should be fine if you stay at your parent's house.

yeah you're fired.

>> No.3105639

This has to be trolling.

wtf is apple card ? Apple pay just charges whatever card you have linked there.

>> No.3106073
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Correct. Choose a better girl

>> No.3106592

Those werey numbers when I was like 27, but it was not car mostly credit cards.

You'll get there anon...

>> No.3106608

OP is fired but he isn't wrong.

>> No.3106623

beg for free flowing capital. Get in on the AVALON ICO and pray the 10x gains is enough to get you whole

>> No.3106754

If US stock growth is based off of earnings produced by indebted people like OP, then I think we might have a problem once the Fed starts moving to increase interest rates.

I think it's an even bigger problem if, despite their loose monetary policy and people like OP spending heavily on debt, there's not enough inflation. That would force the Fed to keep rates low, and the overspending on debt problem will just get bigger and bigger.

>> No.3106803

I hope with all my being that your die a slow, painful, burning death.

>> No.3106817

35k isn't really that much. It's no more than a mid range car. You should be square within 10 years on that.