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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3093303 No.3093303 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't SALT getting more press? Is it because it's just in the early stages of funding?

Do poorfags not recognize an actual idea worthy of investment when they see one? Being able to take out USD loans against your crypto without paying capital gains to sell the crypto and while still being able to get your crypto back at the end of the term. Not to mention this is lead by Erik Voorhees of Shapeshift.io fame instead of some cucks just looking to make a quick buck (looking at you Tezos team)

When this is on exchanges for 10x pre-sale price remember you saw it here on good ol' Biz in its early days.

>> No.3093319

Where can we buy it, and for how much longer?

>> No.3093321
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>> No.3093340

Pre Sale Investors bought in for 0,25$ per Salt.
Stay away if u dont want to get dumped on

>> No.3093342


Look at the whitepaper, look at their employees. They're not shilling it as an ICO because they are trying to stay legal so the SEC doesn't assrape them.

>> No.3093353


This guy fucks. How did you even?

>> No.3093364

so current price is 30x pre sale investor price?

the fuck?

I like their concept too

>> No.3093377


This is still the presale. It was tiered and AFAIK nobody got that 25 cent price. It was literally a round of actual VC sold to actual venture capiltalists.

The earliest I have seen real people getting in was the $5 tier.

>> No.3093435


This. SALT is a total scam/handout to their buddies, and given the extremely low entry point, you are *their* profit.

>> No.3093466

Yeah, I got in the $5 tier as well, that's basically what most normal people got into. I don't like the fact that some people got hooked up but it's a good project and I sold my ICN at a minor loss for it anyway. Very happy to be out of that shit tier project and in something much better.

>> No.3093489

What's the current and max circulatory supply of salt? Not seeing it on market cap.

>> No.3093638

Good question I'd like to know as well.

>> No.3093675

120 mill tokens, it looks like


idiots buying now are gonna get dumped on, at $7.5 per SALT

>> No.3093728

Yeah, that can't hold up. That would make it a 900m market cap and it's not even on exchanges yet.

>> No.3093770


They're only selling 45% of the total supply so less than 900m market cap by a good amount.

Read that whitepage and tell me it doesn't have more actual, real world use than most of the /biz shill shitcoins that do fucking nothing lmao

>> No.3093778

lmfao fuck this scamcoin

could have done good with it but you have greedy execs. Feel bad for the retards who bought these bags

>> No.3093813

The fact they sold this to people dirt cheap turns me off.

I'm not gonna get dumped on, I do the dumping.

>> No.3093821


Yeah I was considering buying until I looked that up.

The SEC is gonna tear them apart, there's no long term potential. Short term, maybe, if you're an early buyer; but I won't be.

If people really did buy at $.25, they would be fools not to dump everything as soon as it hits exchanges

>> No.3093843


If you bought a random crypto in December 2016, yes you could have had a small amount for 25 cents. Even then, it was tiered. We're now about to hit exchanges and the presale is ending at $7.50 a coin. I feel bad for those of you missing the rocket.

>> No.3093871


Why is the SEC going to tear them apart? What makes you say that? The whitepage goes out of its way to stay on the legal side of the SEC very clearly. It isn't shilled as an investment, the tokens aren't at all marketed as any ICO gray area.

If anything, the fact that they are trying to stay on the right of the SEC is hindering them by not pumping the shit out of it like every other coin does.

>> No.3093892

the fact that it needs to be marketed in a misleading way in order for them to not get their door kicked down isnt a good thing lol

>> No.3093940


How is the SEC going to tear them apart? You're stating that what they're doing is obviously on the wrong side of SEC law. What in particular are they doing?

>> No.3094019

I'm a real person and I got in at 1.50. There was a $3 tier that went by fast too. The $1.50 tier was weeks ago around the 25th of July.

>> No.3094040


How many did you get? You're going to be sitting pretty when it hits exchanges.

>> No.3094118
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I got in at $5, then read about the millions of tokens that already got sold at $0.25 for the "early" investors and asked for a refund. Happy to say they accepted and I got my BTC back.

>> No.3094391

I think this has promise. Will get some after the early investors dump.

>> No.3094498
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>> No.3094662

I'm in for 100k for the Vorgod

>> No.3094690

Only 1150. I only bought them because it would be an easy 4x if not 6x.

>> No.3094924
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