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30432319 No.30432319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is not a rubic thread. This thread is about literally any other shitcoin in the whole goddam world. This is not about rubic
This thread is a test to see if pajeet bots with spam
To keep it alive like the other threads
Please either ignore this thread or talk about any coin other than rubic

>> No.30432368

You can't tell me what to do

>> No.30432414

This copypasta is getting crazy. Lets just wait and see how the team responds to the problems. Im not selling.

>> No.30432450


>> No.30432455

cardono 10$ when

>> No.30432471
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>> No.30432485

Friend. My rubic.....

>> No.30432510


>> No.30432521
File: 52 KB, 750x1086, based dep call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a call for you

>> No.30432527



>> No.30432560

Just loaded up on 10,000 more Rubic. Good thread, OP!

>> No.30432621
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>> No.30432637
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There are no bots, OP. It stays cubic.

>> No.30432713
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>> No.30432728

stays cubic

>> No.30432750
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Ruuuuu... bic! Check iut my meme

>> No.30432773

What should I buy right now, then?

>> No.30432835
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Buy? I hear buy i say rubic.

>> No.30432839

I typed this myself faggot
What do you hold rn and what is it worth?

>> No.30432868
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>> No.30432922
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Why should you buy anything else kek

>> No.30432928

how much these pajeets get paid to spam biz 24/7 and how i can start?

>> No.30432945
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>> No.30432956

Give the rubic shills a rest
All those retards bought late into the game and are trying their hardest to break even on this pajeet scam
>-17% on 24H
>not even close to half of ATH
>Clear downward trend for weeks without a single sign of reversal
These bag holders have it rough, dont antagonise them more

>> No.30433014

So uh... hbar is a good coin?

>> No.30433016

They are paid in RBC and have to cover the gas fees kek

>> No.30433042
File: 56 KB, 478x475, b0d797eb166d29ef061f1c0afcb937b7pepe-cries-happily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubic holders will unironically kill themselves when their shit coin gets rug pulled. Actually crazy that they tried to rug and they all got fucked over so now there's a whole new set of bag holders trying to sell.

Get fuck tranny pajeet rubic holders.

>> No.30433086

I’ve seen it around here but haven’t given any attention to it. What’s the story for it?

>> No.30433103

The price was actually consolidating and moving in an upward trend before the fake FUD.

>> No.30433142

kek, tell me more please looks interesting

>> No.30433170
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>upward trend
you might need to learn how to zoom out because you're clearly wrong

>> No.30433173
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>> No.30433233

Hey Guy we're a Rubic board now so you better get on board or you'll rope okay buddy?

>> No.30433254

>lower highs
>lower lows
yeah looks like shit ranjesh

>> No.30433282

Zoom out for BTC from when it began and the same would be true.

>> No.30433340

can you explain to me how i start in this marketing bounty/shill program? i wanna earn some crypto too spamming biz 24/7

>> No.30433364
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>> No.30433424

>kek, tell me more please looks interesting
I’m honestly curious how their system works
Is it by the post? Is it in a call center type setup, where they feel most at home, or is it form their own homes? What are they paid in?

>> No.30433431
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>> No.30433477
File: 209 KB, 640x418, burpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*BURPS* rubic

>> No.30433494

Im only attempting to antagonize the bots with this thread
It has proven incredibly successful

>> No.30433561

weak FUD m8

>> No.30433674

My Rubic stays cubic

>> No.30433726

Oh, [s that real|are you serious|are you joking}? Why do you complain about this trash?
Wanna to save your pubic just put your brains back to your head and listen to me lil boi
>Cubic Rubics - that’s what youneed since you came to crypto!
So be smart and get cubes here, no broken limit orders or pajeet burps, just a clear moon model!