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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 95 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
304199 No.304199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>301578

>> No.304200

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 103 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.304202

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))


Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=568529
Twitter: /PandacoinPND
Facebook: /Pandacoin.PND
Reddit: /r/PandacoinPND
IRC: #PandacoinPND on freenode

Want to help PND?
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND
Cryptsy voting: https://www.cryptsy.com/coinvotes
Vote for PND on this useless exchange. https://coinano.com/vote

Website: http://thepandacoin.net

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin


Normal pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:


IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)
Forum: http://forum.bamboohouse.info

Tipbot for 4chan:

>> No.304207
File: 37 KB, 967x221, unable to adjust the size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.304209

It's a feature - http://git.bamboohouse.info/pandacoin-official/pandacoin/commit/555976
Basically it's Qt4 screwing up the result.

>> No.304211

>it's Qt4 screwing up the result.

shouldnt there be someway of reversing that?

>> No.304213

Reversing the patch or compiling with Qt5.

>> No.304215

First for fuck Blackcoin and it's entire community.

>> No.304216


whatever that allows it to get the address column to be viewed properly whilst making the wallet workable

>> No.304217

Actually it seems like I can select the qt version used right in the source. I'll try that.

>> No.304219

that's racist

>> No.304226

is this your heart icon?

>> No.304227


>> No.304230
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>> No.304234

i wonder if these threads might be a bit intimidating or boring for noobs. maybe a header post in these threads explaining the babby basics, might attract a few more anons.

>> No.304235
File: 60 KB, 1000x563, yukari happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to anon how brought me the magic of growing numbers 31min ago ;)

>> No.304236

>babby basics
There's so much to write, it wouldn't fit in one post.

>> No.304239

yeah this is true, every answer leaves two more questions, but i think it's worth keeping in mind that a lot of people have never installed a single wallet. maybe just a paragraph or two explaining what a wallet is, what mining is, a link to tutorials maybe. i think people are too proud to admit they want to get into this but don't know wtf it's all about

>> No.304242

>what is a wallet
A wallet is what you keep your coins in. It's self explanatory.
I don't think we would need to explain that

>> No.304249
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Will be considered. Thanks for the input anon.

>> No.304250

I started out using the mining guide linked in the first post, I just used it with bamboohouse as a pool since it was for PND and not DOGE, so its possible to start out with the current OP. If someone can come up with a better one maybe send it to amDOGE

>> No.304260


are you going to release a newer version of the wallet ?

>> No.304262

Whats going on with PND? :(

>> No.304264

I can do a quick recompile if you want me to.


>> No.304266

>I can do a quick recompile if you want me to.

if it fixes the column width bug then sure

>> No.304277
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On it.

>> No.304281

how to crosscompile?

>> No.304282

gitian. It's pretty good.

>> No.304283



>> No.304286
File: 35 KB, 918x252, Screen Shot 2014-04-27 at 14.01.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks ok?

>> No.304287

if i can see the full address then its perfect

>> No.304290

Files should be updated in that case.

>> No.304294




>> No.304295


>> No.304302


it werks ;)

>> No.304322


it's cheap and easy to manipulate right now, prepare for a massive pump which I imagine they're waiting to do once amdoge adds PoS or merged.

>> No.304325


>> No.304360


whales, pumpers, people with lots of litecoin.

>> No.304386

I'd say:
1. How to install the wallet
2. How to recieve through faucets, and pointers to other sources(mining, trading tipping)
3. next steps

>> No.304387

I'm sorry, we're still in beta and there are interruptions at times.
1# is up now. Working on BTC-e API.

>> No.304426

Hows your hoax coins going? Looks like Doge is already dead in the water. Pandacoin never lived to begin with.

>> No.304430

such creative.
very subtle

>> No.304431

nice and steadily

>> No.304484
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>> No.304499

mining on the multipool is the most profitable.

pls mine there ;_;

>> No.304511

I am

>> No.304515

I am too. Since beta.

>> No.304517

It may or may not be the most profitable.
Current PND difficulty is 1 and it's actually competitive compared to the multipool

>> No.304520

Indeed. Been great to help increase the value

>> No.304524
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>> No.304533

just checked my wallet, thanks for the 10K PND

>> No.304535



>> No.304553
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Ludacris - Bitcoin theme.mp3

>> No.304554

Is bitcoin dead?

>> No.304555

Let it die more, then buy cheap and sell high.

>> No.304556
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No, it's low ;)

>> No.304561


>> No.304562

is doge kill

>> No.304571

why did jesse shoot that doge?

>> No.304574


>> No.304576

Have you made your vote for PND on cryptsy yet?
If not, do so here: https://www.cryptsy.com/coinvotes

>> No.304584


already did

need more cryptsy points to vote

my trade key is below:

>> No.304594

How to buy steam vidya using Doge?

>> No.304598


>> No.304599


vote for PND. I vote now with tor proxy.

>> No.304610


>> No.304659

I wish the prices for crypto-only stores weren't so damn inflated. They usually charge anywhere from 10-20% more than if I were to pay in USD.

>> No.304730

So it begins... the great dumping of our time.

>> No.304737

PND or Doge?

>> No.304745


>> No.304752

k back to multipool

>> No.304792
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, 1dashupdate39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1# Update!
>wtf is 1#?
1dash.net is a website I'm working on, with crypto related data, in which *you* decide what data you want to see and how you want to see them. You can rearrange and resize your layout with drag&drop. Premium features will be PND only.

This is a feature update.

1# has now added support for the Kraken exchange, and thus
You can now chart data for USD and EUR

Since Kraken's chart color was colliding with swisscex's, Swisscex got an update to their log's shade of red.

Have fun!

>> No.304810

time for multipool

>> No.304817


can i know why you decided to call your site 1dash and not 1hash ?

or can you atleast refer to your site as 1―

cause it severely tingling my autism

>> No.304821

do you even know what a dash is m8?
"#" is known as pound, hash, bang or number sign
"-" is a dash

are all cryptofags this dumb?

>> No.304826

>doesn't contribute anything to the community
>complain about one minor detail that means nothing
you disgust me

>> No.304838

Why is there no donation address for PND on Crypshit?

>> No.304841
File: 220 KB, 1024x771, dogecar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dogecar complete, but i dont think rednecks can into digital currencies

>> No.304843


yeah thats wierd, some coins dont have donation addresses

its like they hate money

>> No.304846


>Every 0.0002 BTC sent to the respective address received will count for 1 vote

>Every 0.0002 BTC

fuck that shit, you can just buy up the PND dump than donating that much money for just some votes

>> No.304856


Looks terrible, what a waste

>> No.304857


does anyone have the 3D preview? I kinda have the feeling the font is off.

it looks a little like the printing guys didn't have the same font installed and the computer chose a random one.

>> No.304861


if they are the libertarian types then they sure as hell will

>> No.304862

>buying votes
not even once

>> No.304867


Cryptsy is such a jew that, it wont even allow more than 1 free vote... for members even. Its not even like free vote per hour, its 1 free vote per coin PERIOD

rest of it is just cryptsy points bullshit or paid votes

>> No.304868

I'm sorry for the tingling. I AM aware that in the character "#" is read different in different contexts. In the past years twitter has marketed it to the general public as "hash" (I never caught on to that), in could actually be "sharp" and some other things.

I know I'm streching things a little here, but picture this:
># is the shape that emerges from the background when you place lots of panels on your dashboard.

I have considered 1 &em;, but it doesn't have the same impact, I suppose.

Bare with me here, anon!

My first hater! I feel so flattered


>> No.304871

fuck cryptsy then.

>> No.304873

Guys chill. Just place your vote if you like.
They'll add us without voting once PND rises some more and they measure the volume they're missing on. An other exchange already did that.

>> No.304875

>In the past years twitter has marketed it to the general public as "hash"

# was referred to as hash before twitter , maybe twitter popularised it but hash always would be symbolised as #

>I know I'm streching things a little here, but picture this:
>># is the shape that emerges from the background when you place lots of panels on your dashboard.

oh is that the logic behind it being refered to it as 1#

but dont you think 1― would be more appropriate especially to people who would not be aware of it

>> No.304880

>Guys chill. Just place your vote if you like.

Already voted, feel frustrated for not being able to vote more for PND on cryptsy

>They'll add us without voting once PND rises some more and they measure the volume they're missing on. An other exchange already did that.

i dont think cryptsy will just add us if we rise in value unless its like 100 times currrent price. The other exchange was a small one and added us because it liked us

>> No.304881

>feel frustrated for not being able to vote more for PND on cryptsy
You can buy cryptsy points with btc. It's not recommended thouh.

>> No.304883


>> No.304884


let me rephrase that then

>feel frustrated for not being able to vote more for PND on cryptsy without paying a bunch of jews

>> No.304896

Have PND a future?

>> No.304897

>implying I want to contribute to a cryptocoin thrread
top kek
cryptocoin threads are the cancer on /biz/

>My first hater! I feel so flattered
it's not hate, I am literally just pointing out your ignorance
I do hate cryptofags, but you're not anymore special than the rest of the idiots in this thread

>> No.304901 [DELETED] 


PND is all about now thats why its called Present

>> No.304907


PND is a gift which is all about the now, thats why it called the Present

>> No.304921

Does the multipool accept sha-256 miners?

>> No.304925
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Yeah it was "hash" before twitter, and some other things
>but dont you think 1― would be more appropriate
Idk, it just doesn't do it for me. It resembles a minus sign, it doesn't have a great appeal.

I thought about adding a short description to the FAQ, but forgot about it.

If we're able to show them that they're missing out on volume (and thus profits) they will add it. The only question is when.

>> No.304927

I like the DOGE feature and how it is always at 1.0000


>> No.304932


>all this autism

It looks just fine.

>> No.304933
File: 348 KB, 925x940, 1dashupdate40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actual real live data from

Proof in pic related.

>> No.304939
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>cryptocoin threads are the cancer on /biz/


>> No.304946
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>> No.304950

Anyway, does anyone find the today's update (Kraken) useful?

And a friendly reminder to dry out the faucet while the timer is still low (until tomorrow)

>> No.304979

best time to BUY

>> No.304996
File: 32 KB, 210x359, is that youre blub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying during nascar, when the price will probably go up
Other than that, yeah, those are pretty good ideas. Right now is a great time to buy too.

>> No.305014

pnd threads have been the most popular threads on /biz/ for months. it's far from ogre.

>> No.305027

then, no.

>> No.305194

this fucking coin depression sucks. 80% of my coins are down. Guess I come back in one month

>> No.305241

Shit happens every other weekend, you should be predicting it by now. Buy the dip for where you think it'll rise most.

>> No.305248
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>> No.305258

Dogecoins are ridiculous. I hope none of you have put any serious amount of money into this giant scam. Some smart/lucky guys may be able to make some money trading, but most traders lose in the long term.

>> No.305259

We're miners, don't worry.

>> No.305261
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

received ;)

>> No.305266 [DELETED] 
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>> No.305269

Please create your own thread if you need to advertise mona.

>> No.305278

is doge dead?

>> No.305280


>> No.305292

what about dogecoin?

>> No.305293

What about it?

>> No.305296
File: 17 KB, 303x326, saddoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not selling your kidneys for DOGE

>> No.305297

is it dead?

>> No.305300


>> No.305302

whay about panda?

>> No.305304

What about it?

>> No.305305


Fuck. I hope he wins. lol, I can tell the team is poor based on the jackstands they are using. I wonder if they need more people for pit crew or something.

>> No.305307

is it dead?

>> No.305309


>> No.305311

what about pandacoin?

>> No.305317

Which one?

>> No.305319

amDOGE's one.

>> No.305321

What about it?

>> No.305324

is it dead?

>> No.305325

PAND was never alive in the first place, was a still born

PANDA was killed off, with no devs, inactive community, low volume. It's only time before they get removed from mintpal

PND is alive and well anon.

>> No.305327


>> No.305330

I've been mining in your pool by the way.

>> No.305333

That's good. What made you stop?

>> No.305337

Computer in my room, and electricity too expensive.
Those two things are now fixed though.

>> No.305349

I see. Should you still be mining PND then it's advisable to use the multipool right now.

>> No.305352

I've been mining doge on the multipool.

>> No.305354

That's fine as well.

>> No.305371

Doge threads were so much better back when they were on /g/.

Now it's just shills and the dead corpse of that indian stablecoin goy.

>> No.305372

Then do something to make them better. Bring in more discussion and the like or stop complaining.

>> No.305381


Everyone that disagrees gets banned, /r/dogecoin spirit of censorship and cultism is alive here as well, enjoy your circle jerk to hell.

>> No.305382

Then do something to make them better. Bring in more discussion and the like or stop complaining.

>> No.305392
File: 36 KB, 960x540, price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have. Some may know me as OC maker, the greatest ms paint user in history.

I have been here since the beginning of doge, and I have seen a scary trend uprising.

You may not realize it yet, but unless we act fast, dogecoin will kill.

Pic Related: Graph of Jew, MS paint and dogecoin prices in the last month, clearly showing a trend.

>> No.305395

Oy vey, it's annudah holocaust!

>> No.305398

As you can see from that chart, the green doge line has hit the bottom. This means it will bounce, in fact it can only go up. Buy now.

>> No.305902
File: 14 KB, 252x234, HelpUsDearPumper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great PND pumper of last week, where art though?

>> No.305904

I feel like any question you might have has already been answered very well and is easily googled, should they actually have enough genuine interest to try.

The only thing I would think is worth the time, is a single, albeit large, infographic on the gist of cryptos, and *maybe* a pnd/pndoge supplement.

However, I am a bit of a jerk when it comes to this sort of thing, so my opinion may not be the best.

>> No.305921

i was until my card started crashing. i had to cut off a small section of the plastic cover to make it fit in my case, so I don't even think I could send it in at this point :'(

Worse is I can't find out for another couple weeks because I'm so busy with finals coming up.

>> No.305933

i am >>304861 and i dont think my comments can be taken as autistic in way or form

>> No.305943

go find new ones. pnd is as successful as we make it. sitting here waiting for others to do it for you isn't gonna help. can't you (anyone) think of anywhere outside of 4chan, to get some new recruits on board?

>> No.305956

>can't you (anyone) think of anywhere outside of 4chan

>> No.305966

>can't you (anyone) think of anywhere outside of 4chan

Timing to get new recruits is this week after either POS or MM.

>> No.305973

You have to admit that cryptos aren't very stable in price, so the admins have to charge more for taking the risk of a coin plummeting in price after they accept it.

>> No.305975

wow crypto coins are so awesome. you can use them in only a few places and they charge you extra for the privilege. i'm surprised everyone hasn't caught the crypto coin fever!

>> No.305980

you can buy anything you like using cryptos, if you try hard enough. due to the anonymity they provide, i've bought drugs, porn, viagra, banned books etc, i'm saving up for a laptop which i'll buy anonymously, and i'm ordering some flowers for the chick i'm stalking, all completely anonymously. were it not for silk road, bitcoins would still be worth a few bucks each. anonymity is one of many valuable features.

>> No.305985

>i've bought porn

>> No.305987

>anonymity is one of many valuable features.
Thank you for reminding me about that, because that's very important to remember as well. You're paying for anonymity, while the vendor also has to charge more for market volatility.

I really don't want to think about what sort of porn you'd buy anonymously.

>> No.305988


well, what a degenerate piece of pnd you are.

>> No.305991


well, what a degenerate piece of pnd you are.

what the pnd did you say?

>> No.306024

Maybe he has a film projector and likes to watch the classics projected mechanically on a screen like they were meant to be seen.

>> No.306048

he dumped it right to the beggining why would you want him back? now we have to rebuild walls

>> No.306054

pornsite passwords, siterip torrents take too long on my 2mb connection.

it at least raised awareness and inspired a few more to get on board, and the price is around double now, what it was before the pump. people are starting to gain faith. there are new innovations coming soon too.

>> No.306058

Well somebody dumped. Not sure if it was the pumper. Could be lots of people.

>> No.306080

Stop Wolong's Panda from getting revived by voting for the other coins here:


>> No.306086

too bad i dont own any of those coins... lol
maybe ill buy some and the vote for that one or are they dead dead?

>> No.306088

Last chance to buy PND on ebay


>> No.306089
File: 8 KB, 87x32, peka5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.306096
File: 37 KB, 1587x328, Screenshot from 2014-04-28 13:23:01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your very important reminder.

>> No.306098


What's this?

>> No.306099

betdoge.net and panda.betdoge.net.

>> No.306101

Friendly reminder to backup your wallets.
It's as easy as 2 clicks in the interface.

>> No.306103


>> No.306104
File: 361 KB, 1200x754, train.fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.306131

Thanks for the tip ;)
PANDA has now been disqualified.

>> No.306142


no worries, looks like we destroyed it very quickly together. Battle is won but the war is not over yet, thread still has a bagholder that is trying to get it revived.

Check it on here and there. Think the nail is in the coffin though...

>> No.306150

Oh, you re-replied. I did also xD

>> No.306151


pretty sure the foundation guy knows not to touch it with a 10 light year stick now.

>> No.306153
File: 141 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.306159

Is the 1.6.1 PND wallet available for windows as a .zip folder or is it an install only program from now on?

>> No.306160

The zip is available at http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-latest-win32.zip

>> No.306162

Oh, okay. I went to the github address and it was only 1.6.0 so I wasn't sure.
Thanks for the link.

>> No.306195 [DELETED] 


>> No.306196
File: 76 KB, 699x446, chow-chow-puppies-panda[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.306200

>thread still has a bagholder
how do you know...

>> No.306201

sorry nevermind, misunderstood, muhbad.

>> No.306224

Let it just die. Mission accomplished, for now.

>> No.306226

what if the poll ends with most voted POS, but MM is really the better option, and POS might actually send us tumbling backwards, what do then? WHAT DO?

>> No.306240

While on the topic of merge mining, what if we bring PANDA under our wing? Have PANDA be merge mined with us. We have defeated the evil, and maybe now it's time to rebuild?

>> No.306242

i love pos. but i wonder whether it might be a bit early for pnd. personally i think multi is the way to go for now. more people need time to get onboard before pos. there's no need to rush, i'd rather we get it right, took our time and ignore the dumpers. we've survived them so far.
once it's over, it's over. these threads are gone. we're back to the NEETdom, with no familiar pndoge threads to give us hope. this is a rare opportunity for us to escape, to make some fucking money.
all the people dumping for a couple of hundred bucks, i both pity and hate you. it's entirely up to you how successful pnd is. shitting yourself every time we're not rocketing through chartmoons for a few fucking hours, is costing you money. behave, take a valium, and realise that the success of this coin is directly proportional to the faith and the effort each of us puts in.
skilled php devs: create (amongst other things) mypndcams. recruit online. i'm so fucking certain that an mfc-style site with it's own coin would be such a vast success, that i'm now learning php myself. there are so, so, SO fucking many opportunities to make money in the cryptocurrency world, that those already capable, should hurry up and set the ball rolling, which will one day elevate you to ebay/google/rothschild status. i'm stunned that so few have boarded already, hence my deciding to learn a completely alien programming language, as since 2012 i've been telling myself "meh, why bother trying, soon everything will be done a million times over".
it's now 2014 and it just won't seem to happen. there is no decentralized exchange, no optional centralized blockchain, no reliable black market, and most lucrative yet unexploited of all; no sexualisation of any one coin.
1.2 billion dollar went through SR1.
94 trillion bazillion dollars are spent on porn every 12 seconds.
almost none of this has yet to be exploited.
this is the new dotcom. bitcoin is solid, regardless of exchange failures. believe.

>> No.306245

They refused to take the patch I gave them and reverted to the broken wallet instead. Guess how it will turn out when completely taking over their project.

>> No.306250

did they out right reject your KGW patch? or is the community simply too dead to notice?

>> No.306253

A bit of both.

>> No.306254 [DELETED] 

oh, i completely failed to answer your question.

do what they want. that's what do. but first, tell them what they way.

>> No.306256

oh, i completely failed to answer your question.

do what they want. that's what do. but first, tell them what they want.

>> No.306268

Just read the threads...it might not be worth the effort.

>> No.306270

That's what I'm saying.

>> No.306271
File: 109 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard this post.

>> No.306278

Nobody can know what will ever happen in 1 month, and if PoS is a better solution than MM, but one thing is clear:
there is only one way of doing things with most transparency: through comunity consensus.
It's not amDOGE or any single person taking decisions. Sure, the people that voted for the discarded option will not be pleased, but IT'S A BET WE'RE ALL TAKING AS A COMUNITY. Though majority consensus.

>> No.306282

You are right, have more faith in humans. The pnd community is pretty agile, we ll adapt and survive one way or another.

>> No.306286
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>> No.306291

Yes, yes, I know. I'm late to the party. But that's besides the point.

I've just discovered the awesomeness that is Neutral Milk Hotel. They are a great fucking band. I'll spare you the Wikipedia copypasta, but I highly recommend you listen to some of their stuff. Their second album, In the Aeroplane over the Sea, is particularly amazing.

>> No.306295

I was thinkig it earlier.
Certainly PND was made to screw the PANDA devs, not the PANDA miners.
Even tho they did give trust to a proven scammer.

Maybe we could net some of their "comunity" by exchanging their dying coin with ours, at market value (1/4)? This way we permanently clear Pandacoin(PND) name, permanently kill Pandacoin(PANDA), have new people involved and redistribute wealth.

Just an idea I had moving on my mind, feel free to bash me mercilessly.

>> No.306297

it's a nice idea, but it'd put pnd in the hands of the panda holders. how many pnd do you want wolong to hold?

>> No.306299

wolong is kill (sry)

>> No.306302

>sexualisation of a coin
You're probably free to do that if you want, I think. Don't expect me to support your endavours, tho. Anyway, good luck with your learning.
But you should check out dogecoin's subreddit for sexual content first, if you haven't already.

>> No.306309

No exchange won't work. who will hold PANDA? If we want to help PANDA they need to be able to stand on their own, or they provide some sort of function and be merge mined with us. A simple exchange is bad for both.

>> No.306316

The tipbot on reddit is working again.

>> No.306318

yay. What is the situation on POS/Merged mining?

>> No.306319

Looking at the poll it seems like PoS will make it.

>> No.306320

okay, i know selling porn is a bit uncomfortable for many people, but china loves porn, and sex sells.
i'm high. i'm something of a junkie fuckwit. if you tell me this won't work, i'll probably believe you, but i've achieved conversion ratios of 1:28 on porn sites, with ~3k uniques sent daily, from a mere 20k uniques to my site daily.

if one hot gril were to post on /b/, offering pics in exchange for pnd, and especially if that girl had a site of her own, people would buy. expand beyond 4chins and who knows where the price might go.
> tfw no sister

>> No.306321

That's a shame. Oh well

>> No.306322

Both are good options.

>> No.306326
File: 22 KB, 600x567, CAPTCHA_SAYS_monewas_our.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>Ctrl+F "halv" in this thread

Son, I am a disappointed father.

>> No.306329
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>> No.306333
File: 43 KB, 599x449, tf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<lel am i doing it right

>> No.306334

sent :^)

>> No.306342

doge=$1 when?

>> No.306346

Depends on how hard you advertise it.

>> No.306348
File: 53 KB, 390x430, _.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOGE pump ~might~ be over, but BTC is rising a bit.

Nein, this < is an "upvoats to the left" arrow.

>> No.306355

find someone who will do it pro bono for exposure

>> No.306367

>Date Arab Women.

>> No.306427

I don't feel it's "a bit uncomfortable", like in "I'd like some more profit but not dare go into the porn zone".
I am ethically against this idea.

As I stated, you can do with a currency what you like, but don't expect for a currency to endorse your idea.
Well, you could certainly make a coin dedicated to this, but idk if somebody maybe already made that.

>> No.306524

Hey guys, the owner of Fedaykin's pools here reminding everyone if you want to play something a bit different with your Doges, try out http://shibesquares.fedaykin.us!

I didn't realize there was a similar game out there, called SatoshiButtons, but I've been hearing things about payouts not working on that one, which is a shame. Mine works great and I've done some tweaking on it, bumped up bets now to 10 Doge. When I'm able to get more Doge into it out of my own pocket, I'd like to bump bets up to 100 and 1000.

>> No.306530
File: 2 KB, 194x59, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which am I supposed to deposit? BTC or DOGE?

>> No.306543
File: 25 KB, 392x399, jnwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halvening happens

wow, it's fucking nothing

>> No.306547

Doge.. Sorry, haven't hunted down some little Doge icons yet.

>> No.306562
File: 7 KB, 70x30, peka8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why cant i buy before halving and make easy profit

>> No.306613
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>> No.306664

PoS when?

>> No.306670


>> No.306685


>> No.306686
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>> No.306688
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>> No.306691
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>Double dubs

>> No.306692

so handsome

>> No.306700
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>> No.306711

3 hours to go.

>> No.306713

To what?

>> No.306714

Till the countdown ends.

>> No.306716
File: 49 KB, 640x480, very suspicion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which countdown?

>> No.306717

The one that ends the poll.

>> No.306720

What's the results at the moment?

>> No.306723


>> No.306724


>> No.306725


>> No.306727
File: 303 KB, 1200x900, 1390529278784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked because the results does not show on my computer.

>> No.306733

Strange. I'll copy them over for you :)

Question: Do you want to see (pure) Proof-of-Stake in PandaCoin (PND)?
Yes! - 70 (57.9%)
No! - 10 (8.3%)
Bring merged mining with DOGE instead! - 41 (33.9%)

Total Voters: 121

>> No.306735

You need to be logged in.

>> No.306738

70 votes for PoS only
10 votes for no PoS
41 votes for merged mining
And now I know why people say that losers always hate democracy

>> No.306741
File: 497 KB, 1600x1200, 1392334734752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, thanks.

>> No.306742


Hi amDOGE kannst du mir mal auf Deutsch erklären was es mit PoS zu tun hat? Verstehe das irgendwie nicht und du bist doch hier der deutsche Kumpel :P

>> No.306744

Both are good options, but merged mining would have given us the possibility to do both. Oh well.

Was genau verstehst du nicht? Was PoS ist?

>> No.306746

Merged mining did seem more interesting to be worked on at the moment rather than PoS.

>> No.306747

>Was genau verstehst du nicht? Was PoS ist?

Genau :)

>> No.306749

I know both are good options, but it's always a little hard to see the thing that you voted for losing.

Anyway I support PoS so bring it

>> No.306765

Da würde ich empfehlen mal auf Wikipedia nach Peercoin zu suchen, wenn du ne bessere Erklärung haben möchtest.
Momentan benutzen wir PoW (Proof of Work) zum verifizieren von Blöcken und Transaktionen, das heisst dass alle Arbeiter (CPUs, Grafikkarten, ASICs) im Netzwerk nach einem bestimmtem Hash suchen welcher der Blockchain angefügt wird. Je schneller deine Hardware ist, desto schneller hast du die Möglichkeit den nächsten Block vor allen anderen zu finden.
PoS (Proof of Stake) macht die Verifizierung nun ein wenig anders - und zwar mit der Anzahl an Münzen die sich bereits durch die PoW Phase in deiner Brieftasche befinden. Die werden benutzt um dein Gewicht im Netzwerk zu bestimmen welches dich dann berechtigt zu "staken".

>> No.306772

Okay, sprich haben die Leute ein Vorteil dann die eine dicke Brieftasche haben. Da komme ich mit meinen 2 Millionen PND nicht mit :D

>> No.306775
File: 124 KB, 640x480, 1398608123784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you all fluffed up your doge today?

>> No.306781

Genau. Ausserdem schalten wir die sogenannten Dumper aus die den coin nur aus Profit minen und dann gleich auf dem Markt verscherbeln. Hinzu kommt auch der Multipool der dann alle 4 Stunden einkaufen kann, also das Gegenteil von Dumpern macht.

>> No.306782

I have always liked the work genau.

>> No.306783

Also habe ich dann mit meinen gerade mal 2 Millionen gar keine Chance mehr?

>> No.306784

the word*

>> No.306785

Warum solltest du keine haben? 2 Millionen ist besser als keine Millionen.

>> No.306787

Chance auf was?
So richtig reich wird man mit coins sowieso nicht mehr

>> No.306788

>olltest du keine haben? 2 Millionen ist besser als keine Millionen.

Naja ich denke mal an die Leute die 100 Millionen oder mehr haben. Da sind ja dann 2 Millionen hingegen wenig aber wenn du meinst da geht noch was dann bin ich sehr erfreut :)

>> No.306789

Hast du denn Hardware mit der du die 2 Millionen produziert hast?

>> No.306793

How so?

>> No.306796
File: 15 KB, 342x261, 41u4Ve1SlAL._SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hast du denn Hardware mit der du die 2 Millionen produziert hast?

Die ersten Millionen habe ich mit meiner CPU und die zweite Millionen mit der ZOTAC GeForce GTX 750 Grafikkarte. Ich war ja hier und habe gefragt ob die gut ist ;)

Würd ich nicht sagen, man muss sich nur mit einer Coin intensiv beschäftigen

>> No.306797


>> No.306799

Ah richtig. Du kannst natürlich auf dem Multipool weiterminen.

>> No.306800

>man muss sich nur mit einer Coin intensiv beschäftigen

naja und neben dem know-how auch unglaublich viel glück haben

>> No.306801

>kannst natürlich auf dem Multipool weiterminen.

Okay danke für die schnelle Erklärung. Dir noch einen schönen Abend.

>> No.306802


>> No.306804
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>> No.306808

Idk, it sounds good, and the sound of the work kinda completes its meaning.

>> No.306809

Ich sehe.

>> No.306814

1# update coming in 10 minutes

>> No.306824

Ist dass Ihre döge?

>> No.306825

shite my tripcode is wrong

>> No.306837


>> No.306840
File: 368 KB, 1278x1002, 1dashupdate40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1# Update!
>wtf is 1#?
1dash.net is a website I'm working on, with crypto related data, in which *you* decide what data you want to see and how you want to see them. You can rearrange and resize your layout with drag&drop. Premium features will be PND only.

This is a feature update.

We now have a new kind of panel: Twitter panel.
You can set up a single Twitter user to follow, but you can have multiple independent panels on the page. I'll add custom lists sometime soon.

It's great for people that are not much into social networks, as you don't have to sign up to see the updates (I have never used twitter before today).

Also, there is a small but very handy usability update: the navigator has been disabled for small charts, so you can see more of them (you can see that in pic related)

Have fun!

>> No.306865

If you have problems with the new panel, it's probably because the javascripts are cached in your broser.

Just hit crtl+f5 and you should be fine ;)

>> No.306893

you guys still dealing with that crypto stuff? i took a look at some trends, damn that looks sad

>> No.306895

This is a problem somehow?

>> No.306900

>not "dealing with crypto stuff"
>thinking he could see something when looking at charts


>> No.306905

no problem, just here to give you some advice maybe. i work at wall street, wanted to see what this crypto is about and after doing some research i can say you should sell your DOGE and buy whitecoin

>> No.306907

Sent because of the quick reply :^)

>> No.306908

You should buy PND while it's cheap.

>> No.306909

Thanks. Doing that now.

>> No.306920
File: 9 KB, 147x269, whitecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on, is this some sort of ruse?

>> No.306923

The birth of whiteshill?

>> No.306928
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I lol'd heartily

>> No.306936

It is whitecoin, the value is on the white space.

>> No.306945
File: 16 KB, 229x160, laughing_khajiit__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is whitecoin, the value is on the white space.

guys, seriously

>> No.306948

There's lots of in then!

>> No.306975

Goodnight all


>> No.307005

whats the best btc multipool for 1mhs?

>> No.307023


>> No.307028

Make it so we can monitor our miner stats.

>> No.307036

So are we POS now?

Should I switch over to multipool now or later?

>> No.307038

Not yet.

>> No.307040

It will take some time to update the wallet

>> No.307041

15 minutes to go.

>> No.307045

How long will the wallet take to update

>> No.307048
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How long do you think?

>> No.307049

what is the fist x11 coin??


>> No.307051

Weeks. by my understanding the current POS wallet isn't the most stable thing in the world.

>> No.307053

I think it is.

It shouldn't be weeks.

>> No.307067

Do you own any?

Im thinking about investing some BTC in it and was wondering what everyone here though about its future?/

>> No.307070

Personally I couldn't bother with that coin yet.

>> No.307088


No, it was DRK, Hiro got it from DRK, i'm an expert in the subject having followed the threads since the beginning and having mined both in my potato APU

>> No.307090

Nevermind me then.

>> No.307092
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>> No.307098

About investing, all I can tell you is that the dev is a real one, he actually codes (did lots of commits to the git), updates fast when a issue happens (looked for kgw alternative, patched heartbleed exploit), is active in the coin thread and did no premine or ipo, which are prerequisites to even considering a coin to me.

That said, I would only invest if you believe that in the future there will be over a dozen coins with significant use in commerce, the coin offers nothing much inovative, its a good coin with a solid honest dev, but thats about it. If in the future there are not many different cryptocurrencies widely used, then I dont see why Hiro would be worth anything in this future.

tl;dr good coin, but I dont see any potential for a lot of value in the future

>> No.307109

Indie88 is hosting a billboard thing.
Vote dogecoin?

>> No.307110


>> No.307112

Is x11 even that innovative? Does DRK have a future in the few coins that will make it past this wild west era?

>> No.307148

sleep well

>> No.307150
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, shot0055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is x11 even that innovative?

No, its a set of cryptographic algorithms the developer picked from the entrants to the NIST hash function competition. His stated reason was having a proof-of-work algorithm unused so far by any coin and thus with no comercial asic even in development, so at least in the foreseeable future coin distribution would be fair. It turned out that right now x11 mining stress your gpu way less than scrypt mining (probably because noone discovered yet how to optimize the mining software properly for it), so this was unintended but became a useful current property.

>Does DRK have a future in the few coins that will make it past this wild west era
In my opinion yes, because of a competent dev working towards the goal of anonymous transactions, I think there is a big market for a coin with this feature working, same one that first made the value of bitcoin rise dramatically. Thats just my opinion though.

>> No.307152


>merged mining with doge

shibes would rather angrily tip you to death than letting this happen.

>> No.307159

>implying their approval is necessary

>> No.307162

what exactly do you imply? not even the approval of palmer?

>> No.307203

>this nigga

>> No.307248
File: 32 KB, 1464x318, mining_intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multipool profitability has been bad lately yet hashrate is still going up

>> No.307267

because doge just halved

>> No.307331

Could this be the sign for a new coin, FROGE, that will be merged mined with DOGE?

>> No.307534
File: 40 KB, 555x444, 1332633298644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dumped all doge at 250+
>tfw its all shinny mona and grs coins now

>> No.307539


so that was your plan all along, what a megajew, you make want to trow up.

>> No.307636




>> No.307664


we all know you are a ltc millionaire and is just exploiting the masses at this current point with PND.

>> No.307665

Can you rephrase that for me?

>> No.307675


you suck

>> No.307676
