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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 1093x614, CEBC7740-B323-40C2-AAFC-6860813346B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30375205 No.30375205 [Reply] [Original]

DFT just skyrocketed from 8$ to 15$, smart money always finds its way.

Hacken audit will be done within a few days, UI will be out and Anystake is days away.

Do your own research.

>> No.30375265


Shill your ponzi somewhere else

>> No.30375293

Everybody is still sleeping on this gem
With a mcap of 2,8$ it is an easy x10 -20from this point!!!
Cant wait for the announcements anon

>> No.30375473

‘ponzi’ yea right, so every fucking crypto is a ponzi since the early people make more money, are you retarded anon? I’m not forcing you to buy, but please screencap this and wait a few months, then cry.

>> No.30375593

We know you

You make every DFT thread

Your bags must be so fucking heavy

>> No.30376044
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already done a 10x for me and I'm not gonna sell a single one until $100 each. I'm sure it will at least see a fairly significant pump after all this shit comes out the next week or so. hope this was a better bet than any of the flavor of the week pump and dump food scam coins everyone is crazy about lately

>> No.30376398


>> No.30376466
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What is this pattern called?

Get a hobby, autist.

>> No.30377533

hope we hold at 15 but either way this is a gem w/ a low mcap so I'm holding either way

>> No.30377721
File: 19 KB, 428x368, 9484984984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay fee to stake/unstake ERC-20 tokens to DeFiat platform
>earn staking rewards from fees of people who do the same after you
>DeFiat doesn't actually do anything with staked tokens...
>just hope that more and more people keep staking to keep generating those fees...
>will pump
>will dump
>will go to zero
>smart money is already in and the trick will be to get out in time

>> No.30377916

This thread is one of the wildest threads in recent /biz/ history:
Genuine schizos on both sides. Read through this thread, know what you're buying. You're playing a game of chicken with DFT. You can make good money off it but know when to jump out of the way or you're going to get obliterated.

>> No.30378244

>You can make good money off it but know when to jump out of the way or you're going to get obliterated.
The same can be said of all low market cap coins. 99% of these aren't going to survive the cycle, so it's a little obtuse to allude to DFT being any more of a ticking timebomb than any other sub-10 mil microcap. There are risks with any low cap coin, like you said, but not because DFT is uniquely skeevy.

As for fees, that's how it works. "It doesn't generate money out of thin air!" is a goofy argument to make, because of course it doesn't. People pay into the system, so the system works. Is taxation a ponzi scheme? I guess if you want to characterize it that way, many banks are ponzi schemes, too. Is Uniswap a ponzi scheme because it generates revenue through fees but simply shuffles shitcoins around for people?

>> No.30378358

i dropped 20k on this at $10 bow to your king you piss ants

>> No.30378378

At least most projects pretend to actually provide some sort of service...Uniswap provides a real service. DeFiat doesn't. It's just a game of musical chairs, and that's fine as long as you make sure you're fast enough to rush to one of the few seats when the music stops.

>> No.30378427

It's not even back to it's to ATH lol

>> No.30378464

We're not sleeping, the smell of shitty streets keep us up on this shitty ass coin.

>> No.30378513

Jesus you are never gonna make it lmao

>> No.30378564

I fudded the shit out of it so I can accumulate more, lets go guys the bags are loaded

>> No.30378693

>Uniswap provides a real service. DeFiat doesn't
Not yet. That's the whole point of getting in early is there are gains to be made before widespread use. Again, the same risks as all untested coins.

>If the liquidity dries up, there won't be any more liquidity and the coin will fucking die!
Right, and if a business fails to sell its product, it dies. If a bank lacks initial investors, it dies. If a government can't tax, it dies. I don't see what's so hard to understand about incoming "revenue" through fees being this big horrifying thing when other, far huger coins like Bancor use similar models.

>> No.30378800

Who gives af if it doesn’t have a use case?It’s a scam but it’s a clever one desu. Get out after a 5x and go to the next shitcoin. If you’re not buying link, you’re gambling lmao.

>> No.30378877

>Not yet. That's the whole point of getting in early is there are gains to be made before widespread use. Again, the same risks as all untested coins.
Ya but the devs have literally admitted that "what you see is what you get" and when asked what plans they have to actually create a platform that provides a service they said "we're working on it". Uh, okay...cool, that fills me with confidence.

>Right, and if a business fails to sell its product, it dies. If a bank lacks initial investors, it dies. If a government can't tax, it dies. I don't see what's so hard to understand about incoming "revenue" through fees being this big horrifying thing when other, far huger coins like Bancor use similar models.
But a business actually provides a service or product that has intrinsic value...DeFiat just redistributes entry fee and exit fee tokens to a party with no music or entertainment, just an empty room.

>> No.30378915

Hoge better

>> No.30378948

This. Probably better odds than Vegas as long as you're quick on the draw and know how to sell at peak euphoria and before liquidity dries up and you're left with dust in your bags forever.

>> No.30379241

>Ya but the devs have literally admitted that "what you see is what you get" and when asked what plans they have to actually create a platform that provides a service they said "we're working on it".
Non-sequitur. I don't care what you think a service is or where your goalposts are, and you don't care what I think a service is or where my goalposts are. Time will tell whether people actually use it.

>But a business actually provides a service or product that has intrinsic value
See above. Redistributing entry and exit fees is, shocker, a service that people will pay for if it makes them staking money. Moving money around to give people money (in the form of valued coins) is a service to me, and potentially to lots of other people too.

This goes back to "what, you think money grows on trees?" People pay in to get something back out. This is a far cry from 10,000% APR BSC scammery, that's for sure.

>> No.30379243

It’s literally guaranteed to hit $50. That’s when I’m selling and never looking back. I’ll make a cool 5K and move tf on. Sell before the “MOONING” FOMO waiting room threads start to pop up.

>> No.30379501
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>Moving money around to give people money (in the form of valued coins) is a service to me, and potentially to lots of other people too.
The funny thing is that I hold a bag. The difference is that you're ultimately going to get stuck with yours because you think you're actually "investing", you don't realize that the game here is just to dump on Reddit fags when this thing moons.

>> No.30379661

>The funny thing is that I hold a bag.
I guess that makes you some kind of crypto genius, huh? The rest of your post is meager cope and false assumptions from someone who has been beat the fuck out but is trying to save face.

>> No.30379803

this faggot with 1k invested thinks he’s some kind of genius

>> No.30379967

Who tf puts 20k on a shitcoin? Have you noticed all the rugs going around? 5K is still a good profit. You’re literally gonna get greedy, “DIAMOND HANDS” you’re way to the bottom and sell for 6K.

>> No.30380283

Beat the fuck out? I'm arguing with someone who thinks a platform that shuffles Chuck-E-Cheese tokens around is intrinsically valuable. It's funny because you're smart enough to be in early, but you'll be too retarded to get out in time. Almost tragic.

>> No.30380647

It's pretty clear you were involved in the histrionic fudding over at >>30126234, so not sure why you're still here posting nothing of worth considering you both (allegedly) own the coin and consider it destined to fail.

>This coin sucks!
>But I own it
>But I'm gonna sell it at the right time!
>But not yet
>I won't be left holding any bags, like you!
>I just need to see it rise a little more...

The rest, again, is meager cope. "You won't sell at the right time." "You'll lose it all." etc etc. The same tired statements any chump can make about any coin, whether it's DFT, BTC, ETH, MCDC, take your pick. People do the reverse too, it's shilling 101: "You won't buy when it's low - you'll miss out!" Kids stuff.

Go on and sell right now if you think there's no future for this coin. Put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.30380857
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DYOR anons, and keep in mind what devs admitted in pic related. Know what you own.

>> No.30381052
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Oh no no no not again !
the INITIAL staking rewards that were collected over months are a laughable amount, not even 1 million $ worth of tokens. Once these are used up good luck generating enough value for your ponzi niggers because the volume of this coin is an absolute joke, it can't even break 100k on most days. You niggertards seriously think someone is gonna stake their link and give up 10% of their entire LINK stack (5% for staking, 5% for unstaking) just to get some worthless ass DFT token as reward? Nobody is even gonna hold DFT, they will just dump it as soon as they get it.
This is literally a worse version of BSC foodtoken farms. Foodtokens generated value by endlessly minting their shitty ass token and paying them out to stakers. This thing generates value by trading which barely happens and having people give up a large portion of the stack they are staking to trade into a worthless token and hope it doesn't freefall. No smart money will fall for this.
Only donkey money will invest in this.
Good luck anons

>> No.30381058

>You're english is a telling sign, hows the weather in mumbai? If you don't think this coin is going to moon (which you do that's why you're spending so much time and energy in this thread) you're a fucking idiot. Defi is all the rage and this will be easy as fuck to market once the platform launches, five minutes of research told me that and i chose to invest. I don't think you realise that your blatant fudding is actually bullish as fuck and I'm now convinced you're trying to get the price lower, kill your self.

That thread is a good read though!

>> No.30381194
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>> No.30381284

Hmm this seems like an interesting po-
>oh no it's the same filename of the same fudder from days ago pretending he's not on another IP

Redpill me on Strain while you're at it. You like that shitcoin vaporwave aesthetic, huh?

>> No.30381406
File: 121 KB, 1261x844, pffhahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell, the guy fudding DFT is shilling THIS? Talk about a rabbithole. What the fuck are you thinking, man?

>> No.30381619
File: 21 KB, 761x506, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, looking at this chart and the link in >>30381284, you started posting about Strain about 5 hours ago. So you got in as it was pumping. I hope you sold in time and fudding DFT didn't keep you too busy, haha.

>> No.30381737

There's a big time gap between these two posts, so that means you must've sold. That's a relief.

>> No.30382201

Can you provide a source on staking fees? From what I understand there is no fee to start staking, the fee comes when withdrawing. I don't see anywhere on the DFT site stating what the fee % actually is.

>> No.30382709

Wow, he shut up fast when he got called out about his choice in shitcoins. Seems like a PND scammer with a particular obsession about DFT.

>> No.30383420

stfu nigger this isn’t my first rodeo

>> No.30383455

fuck off stupid investor cuckcoin
>I will never visit your shit you try to give
no one will believe in this dum[
smart users chose juld, just check this stat for last year. ez 220% plus

>> No.30384028
File: 70 KB, 1280x1199, 9d0ae4ad-2206-42e3-89fa-dcbb4dec4eb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump. Is there info on the fees anywhere?

Also I'm looking into the big sell off after the huge buy this evening. From what I can see, this address sold ~2500 DFT right after the price spike. https://etherscan.io/address/0x78a9a263f22ea8ae4a8756ff034aa0dcc7942cfc

This address has been selling small amounts the past few weeks. Interestingly its first and only inflow of DFT was via token transfer, >8000 DFT or more than $100000 USD value.

The transfer came from the largest DFT holder at the address below. I assume this is the rewards pool.

Can someone confirm if this is the rewards pool, and why or how it transferred 8000 DFT to this address to sell on Uniswap?

this is not FUD but a legitimate question. Just trying to understand the token before I buy

>> No.30384402

You should probably try asking in the Telegram too, since people here probably won't know. Stir things up over there.

>> No.30384633

Yes, please go on TG and ask this question

>> No.30384658


Should I invest in Strain?

>> No.30385067

Unironically realistic about this being 99% a ponzi, but set realistic exit plan and sticking to it. Argue all you want, but dumb money will pump my bags and allow me to exit and never look back. Ponzi is only bad for the ones holding the bags when the music stops. DYOR

>> No.30385700

if it is a ponzi, then it isn't a very good one