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File: 19 KB, 900x817, Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30349441 No.30349441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Some retards here think it will. How the fuck should that work?

>> No.30349629

>an erc 20 token that gives prices of tokens to other tokens
yes, sure

>> No.30349708

The same retards that are paid 6 figures to do analysis at (((citibank))) btw

>> No.30349714

By the power of Kek

>> No.30349790

All will be staked reducing circulating supply.

>> No.30349794
File: 194 KB, 1494x1200, nhgjy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link's marketcap will be more than Bitcoin's marketcap --- not price per token. See, it is not that hard to understand how this works and is totally logical. Good luck OP - you are learning today.

>> No.30349805

It won't. They're retards and link is a token scam.

>> No.30349886

a 81k link is a meme until it isnt
2030 and the great reset is happening anon

but as always

>> No.30349916

Hypothetically, if link accomplishes what it sets out to do, then yes. But its a big IF and we're talking entire brokerages and banks worth TRILLIONS being destroyed.

Usually the answer is some where in the middle of the two extremes right? Unironically see it at 3k in 5 years and being as important as one of the smaller national sized commercial banks in the US.

>> No.30350020

>Link's marketcap will be more than Bitcoin's marketcap --- not price per token.
Yeah, I was not referring to the price of the token. But just explain to me how this should work? It is fucking laughable. I understand the tech and the concept, but no tech company is worth more than the marketcap of Gold. Bitcoin will be worth more than Gold marketcap one day. The defacto store of value where all the money goes. Why would anybody suddenly decide to buy LINK instead of BTC
>inb4 companies need LINK
yada yada I know that. But governments and hedgefonds and every idiot out there will buy BTC to protect their wealth

>> No.30350383

LINK market cap will never be worth more than BTC. Only biz fags seriously believe this.

>> No.30350488

If the network effect is more pronounced for Chainlink than for Bitcoin then it makes sense that Link could surpass BTC but this can only if adoption increases massively

>> No.30350796

It's not a tech company. It's an entire base layer of infrastructure for the next generation of the Internet. And you get a chance to own a piece of it. It'd be like owning a piece of all the oil fields before the world actually started to use oil. It's like owning a piece of not just a power plant, but of all the power plants in the world. Once in a maybe 10-100 lifetime opportunity, there are maybe 4-5 projects in crypto that will allow you this. LINK is 100% one of them. Bitcoin is PROBABLY another but it's not guaranteed, same with ETH. The others? Probably some privacy based protocol that allows interoperability for blockchains and tokenizes data in ways that are secure, private, and useful. And then maybe one or two use cases that have yet to be determined. Every other crypto project will be more like a "company", but a select few are infrastructure, are needed for everything else to exist.