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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30304751 No.30304751 [Reply] [Original]

Next week's bond auctions MUST be rigged. There are numerous powers that benefit immensely from kick the crash can down the road for another 1 or 2 months. The amount of money that can be protected in that time frame is immense.
If they do nothing, they will lose dozens of times the amount of money they would lose in the hour following a 10 year auction with low foreign subscription.
Multiple parties, maybe or maybe not in collusion, will subscribe for billions vs Euro zone accounts to the treasury auctions. The reason for the recent correction was low foreign subscriptions making people realize that not only are commodities going up globally, but the US is self dealing in its debt.
This can easily be fixed by a single major player putting in a billion dollars of buy orders for each auction. Would it be illegal, yes, but so is virtually everything that governments have done in the past year, and historically in times of chaos.

Cap this post. The blowoff top in ALL risk assets will begin either after the 10y auction or the 30y auction.

But if it doesn't and the world blows up, I've already got my puts.