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File: 800 KB, 1021x580, LBRYcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3029969 No.3029969 [Reply] [Original]

Library Credits is a sure fire win. Whales have been dumping it the past few days to accumulate a ton as low as possible. Open Source youtube platform with no censorship in the times we are living in? Yes please. This thing will be the Netflix/Youtube/Amazon video of the future. Big youtubers like Pewds will move here to avoid Youtube cracking down on people's content for PC shit. Once this thing is out of beta and ready for mass adoption the value of the coin will skyrocket. LBC hit a 250 Million market cap when it was first announced with just a white paper. Its now sitting at 30 million and its got a pretty good open beta app out that works really well. Just needs a few additional features and some bug fixes and its ready to rock. Get in on the action before you get screwed. 7-10x gains in the next few weeks easy. Looking for a good coin long term that isn't pumped sky high and about to dump ? This is it. Download the app and see for yourself what this can do:


>> No.3029996

Didn't this shit already pump and then dump due to kinda wonky product that didn't quite work as smooth as people would like?

>> No.3030021


OP, I want to know the answer to this question. I also want to know if I can use LBRY to watch a bunch of copyrighted shit. Why can't it just become the new pirate bay for movies? Looks like on their website they don't want that, but couldnt it happen?

Shill me, I am ripe for the taking

>> No.3030048
File: 70 KB, 850x567, 1502457716333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big youtubers like Pewds will move here to avoid Youtube cracking down on people's content for PC shit

Also, since I care for anon bags because I want all of us to make it no joke - I don't appreciate this kind of speculative projection.

Maybe if you dialed it down a bit I would "bite", probably not but you know, figuratively speaking...

But saying Pewds will jump on LBRY.io .... I don't want to insult you but that sounds pajeetish, anon

>> No.3030059

>>3030021 The core app for LBRY won't include copywrited content, but literally anyone can make some small code changes and make a version of the LBRY wallet that includes it. Nothing is stopping you from uploading literally whatever you want to LBRY right now. Nobody can take it down, totally decentralized.

>> No.3030073

Why wouldn't he, there is nothing stopping him from using both youtube and Library. All he has to do is upload the same videos to both places. Stefan Molyneux and Jordan Peterson area already putting content on it and its only in the first week of beta.

>> No.3030095

>Stefan Molyneux and Jordan Peterson

I didn't know that - sorry anon. But how does one go to Peterson's LBRY channel, link me up

>> No.3030096

All of the edge lords and Right wing media will be forced to move there due to youtube censorship. That alone will spread the platform like wild fire. You can't tell me you don't see LBRY atleast going to 100 million market cap when STEEM is 300 million and that's just a fucking blogging platform where 90% of the people posting on it crypto investors more or less.

>> No.3030113

Download the App, pretty sure his channel is @JordanPeterson, he did a live stream on it with that guy from Google who got fired for not being an SJW that was big news this week. Might as well beta test, they are giving out free library credits to beta testers right now anyways.

>> No.3030135


Here is a link to the video Jordan Peterson did on Library. Spee.ch was built on top of the library platform that lets you share free images and videos on Library without downloading the app.

>> No.3030154


>> No.3030173
File: 21 KB, 821x594, lbryyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trying it out for the first time.

> hate the green color
> UI not best
> load time obviously, but I'm ok with that I know the compromises

All in all, there is room to grow. Speaking from strictly subjective personal standpoint, regardless of crypto price and anything, maybe some mild rebrand, make it look bit more...I don't know...neutral...and intuitive...maybe the loading screens should be spiced up with some light graphics or channel-owner preset jpg slides or anything to keep you happy while waiting

But - that's just aesthetics.

The load time is pretty hefty though...but the concept of freedom to share the content is scary. I was already in LBRY back in june at 15K...sold out with some mild profit.

Hope this project wins I really do, regardless of crypto gains or whatever.

>> No.3030184


I get very amped at that clip, especially at the MY HEARTS BIG, HOT BLOOD, GOIN THRU IT FAAAST!!!

>> No.3030214


So why isnt it already filled with piracy anon?

>> No.3030230

Yeah in order for the currency to be worth anything the app has to be actually used. Speculation and hype can only keep something going for so long. Keep in mind this is an early open beta just for testing but you can see how far along its already come and development is very active on GIT Hub. The key to the whole thing is that its not just an app, its an entire protocal that anyone can build different browsers or video applications on top of using Library Credits. This is just what the Core dev team has done so far. Spee.ch is another cool app in progress on top of library. The potential is limitless. Once adoption kicks in and the coin value goes up, more people will add mining power to the network making it faster and smoother. Its already pretty damn slick for a Beta test IMO. They just gotta tweak the search and add the bells and whistles every other social media platform has. Lots of room to improve still. Definattelly one you want to keep an eye on.

>> No.3030235

Scam Shit Coin

>> No.3030236

why do i have to download the fucking videos?

>> No.3030244

>The beta version is promising
So this thread peaked my interest, I decided to download the Beta...


It's not... normie friendly yet....

Normies want to type in a URL into their browser and get where they want to go, or use a phone app. They don't want desktop applications anymore. Facebook, instagram, youtube, all this shit works cause normies are smart enough to at least type in a web address if nothing else.

I think this is far far from market product yet, and will suffer due to needing to download their client.

All in all, 3/10. Would not invest personally.

>> No.3030290

The application is just the wallet. Building a web interface/web wallet for LBRY is relatively simple infact its already being worked on. The core value of Library is that its a decentralized hosting platform that can have all sorts of websites/apps on top of it without the overhead cost of having to store all of that data on servers and pay for hosting. The miners take care of that.

>> No.3030300

Download the app and navigate to lbry://@JordanBPeterson

>> No.3030306

>will suffer due to needing to download their client

Well normies are 100% on board installing app for literally anything on their jewphones, so...mobile app is no brainer.

Desktop app might be cumbersome, but what if the benefits outweigh the cumber? It's not 2006 normie tier anymore, kids and normies know how to install stuff.

>> No.3030316


>> No.3030326

Did you even read the artical? You are a fucking idiot if you think LBRY is a scam coin. It's already further along in development than 90% of the over valued vapor ware out there.

>> No.3030334

It's p2p, you serve to others and are paid for doing so https://lbry.io/faq/host-content

>> No.3030346


what about that spee.ch website? it uses libry and is an address and would therefore be normie proof

>> No.3030374

Yup I am an idiot and the you are the smart one.

>> No.3030389 [DELETED] 

This one >>3030321 must be idiot too.

Oh smart wise one. Teach use your secret.

>> No.3030416

This one >>3030321 → must be idiot too.

Oh smart wise one. Teach use your secret.

>> No.3030592

I read the article, it has nothing to do with LBRY at all, get the fuck out you FUDer

>> No.3030628


I was just trying to help but if you want to get fucked .. then go a head
the guy mentions about the LBRY and he banned it.