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30251784 No.30251784 [Reply] [Original]

>finally make it
>get diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer

>> No.30251826

everyone dies man up

>> No.30251874

it do be like that sometimes

>> No.30251889

all that eating ramen for years while buying link catches up to ya. thats why i always eat good. my true wealth is my health.

heres the bright side, you get to spend all that money in a short time now instead of making it last 50 years

>> No.30251951

Damn stage 4? You’d think you would feel that shit creep up. Go and fuck hookers might as well.

>> No.30252001

Stop eating garbage and detox your body

Yes you can cure your own cancer fuck the FDA

>> No.30252041

Honest to god this is my biggest fear. To finally have all my dreams come true, and get some fucking news like this..

Anywho whats the survival rate for this cancer? I know stage 4 is pretty bad news for cancer patients, but people can still survive it.

>> No.30252198

lol bye

>> No.30252281

I know someone who got diagnosed this around the time WoTLK expansion launched, they died during that expansion.

>> No.30252286


Fuck vaccines and fuck "vegetable"/seed oils

>> No.30252373

I'll just say that cancer can only survive off carbohydrates. You need to fast on and off and eat a very simple diet with extremely low carbohydrates and fresh organic fruit when you aren't fasting.

>> No.30252430

This seems legit

>> No.30252461
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>> No.30252496

>no carbs
>eat fruits
Kek I'd unironically rather die to cancer than such down bananas like a faggot

>> No.30252528
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This place wont be the same without you anon.

>> No.30252539

Pretty sure it's a death sentence

>> No.30252550

bananas have tons of carbs.
i would know i stay under 20 carbs a day.

>> No.30252562



>> No.30252569

>your immune system failing to destroy cancerous cells is caused by pasta
you're fucking retarded if you believe this. also fruits contain fructose which is sugar, much like carbs.

>> No.30252592

except my virginity.

>> No.30252599

You’ll pull through. Fight it and celebrate with an tight hottie

>> No.30252634

if you're 100% dead then you better spend up that money to make sure your last few years (or months) were good anon.

>> No.30252636

>Honest to god this is my biggest fear. To finally have all my dreams come true, and get some fucking news like this..
Same. Got Lyme disease and thought I was dying for months. Was so fucking relieved it was only Lyme even though I’m gonna be miserable for life now

>Anywho whats the survival rate for this cancer? I know stage 4 is pretty bad news for cancer patients, but people can still survive it.
It’s over. My grandmother died of this shit. Sad.

>> No.30252637

Wanna get more cancer and play League with me?

>> No.30252670

is that you Jim? Fuck off you can't die yet until after you complete internet insanity video

>> No.30252690

go get some nice escort girls, trust me.
pay em well, repeat

>> No.30252717
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How did you find out?

>> No.30252724

I'm sorry to hear that anon. Don't waste your time with "alternative therapies", no one survives this thing. Do a couple of things you've always wanted, leave the money to your family or people who have been good to you and the most important thing:

Go on a DMT trip. Do it before you get too sick. You have to see the other sode while you're alive.


>> No.30252764

Live it up and set your family straight bro.

>> No.30252774

Lyme is treatable though if correctly diagnosed early. Did the docs fuck up? What are your longterm damages?

>> No.30252784

Much love. Please go on a psychedelic bender. Godspeed.

>> No.30252790

You are not oncologists or RDs please shut up.

>> No.30252792

Pancreatic cancer has no cure. With treatment life expectancy is 6 weeks. Almost 100% death rate.

>> No.30252804

dumb boy, stop shilling this trash here
I am not tard who believes in this trash
I use julswap for juld staking and my purse makes income

>> No.30252805

>Same. Got Lyme disease and thought I was dying for months. Was so fucking relieved it was only Lyme even though I’m gonna be miserable for life now
CUT OUT 100% OF GLUTEN PLUS ALL OATS. I'm serious. The "lyme" symptoms are your body reacting to gluten. Try it for 3 weeks, you'll feel 10x better.

>> No.30252833

Probably around 10-15% if OP is not 50+ years old

If this is not a larp OP, good luck and keep fighting and hope you can beat the odds. I also recommend turning to God and the church for comfort. There's nothing really anyone of us can say to make it any easier, but just fight like hell and don't take anything for granted.

>> No.30252872

You may die in this temporary life, all of us do, but there is an eternal one waiting, invest in the right one, anon.

Repent and believe in Jesus Christ our lord and savior. Unironiclly will pray for you.

>> No.30252891


Moraitis was a Greek immigrant to the United States. Like many others, he worked hard and built a new life in the “New World.”

In 1976, a cancer diagnosis, “six to nine months to live” and the high cost of funerals in the U.S. convinced him to pack his bags and head back to his native island where he thought he would spend his final months alive.

Moraitis refused chemotherapy and medication that was prescribed by his American doctors and chose a different therapy — nature, community and some of his own good old-fashioned brew.

During what he thought would be his final months on earth, all Moraitis cared about was his garden, his parents’ vineyards and his homemade wine. He did not drink enough, he said jokingly, to be considered an alcoholic — just two or three cups a day.

Six months went by and he did not die. Not only that, but he felt stronger and his health actually continued to improve. He ended up living almost 40 years after his doctor-prescribed expiration date.

Suck my fucking dick faggot

>> No.30252936


>> No.30252954

Don't waste time in church. Spend time with your friends and family.

>> No.30253002


>> No.30253018

Those aren't mutually exclusive, retard.

>> No.30253090

Trust science!!

>> No.30253092

This better be a larp.
Fuck Cancer.

>> No.30253107

Interesting but anecdotal

>> No.30253121

Hey there guys.

Can you check out Mochimo?

I have seen it posted all over but I need to know can I get in now?

>> No.30253129

sorry man

>> No.30253168

stage 4 is basically a death sentence
stage 3 is anywhere from 10-40 years

>> No.30253172

Ok so hes one of the 2% that live over 5 years.
I worked on pancreatic cancer for treatments for years. Go ahead and get mad at me for not sugar coating it.
Suck my dick faggot

>> No.30253178


>receives death sentence
>only a few weeks left
>biggest crash in history starts
>die poor

Life is sometimes pretty based

>> No.30253225

Don't waste time in church. Spend it with your friends and family. A man's true wealth is in his relationships with the people he loves. The people who will carry on his name.

>> No.30253239

sure you did asshole

>> No.30253249

The body can still eventually heal itself randomly you know.

Millions of people would have got cancer without knowing it and healed without knowing it

>> No.30253262

OP read John Armstrongs the water of life and start urine fasting ASAP, it's a complete mind fuck to get around but it helps if you already believe the Medical industry is a business that only cares about profits.

I vouch for this myself and I hope it helps you anon

>> No.30253267

You guys are only now figuring out that we're all in Hell? Your thirst will never be quenched. You thought you made it, but you didn't. You think you will die and this torment will cease, but you will be back. Figure out why you are here in the first place. We have not been abandoned. We create our own Hell.

>> No.30253288

I fear stuff like this
Like finding out im infertile when i make it enough to have a kid

>> No.30253307

Nah pancreatic cancer doesnt start showing up until it reaches stage 4 usually.

>> No.30253318
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Trust the science!

>> No.30253319

These redditors are making me seeth. Some faggot insults me. Now another faggot is calling me a liar. This website is a bunch of "liked and subscribed" zoomers now. SURE YOU HAVE MONEY HAHAHA. SURE YOU ARENT A STUDENT HAHAHA. SURE YOU ACTUALLY WORKED HAHAHA.

>> No.30253356

just drink some lemon water with pink salt and cayenne pepper you'll be good

>> No.30253358

Not that kind.

>> No.30253366

And not only did i work on it i worked on the best current treatment

>> No.30253371

drink baking soda in water
drink apricot seed flour
drink nigella sativa oil

fast and intermittant fast ( to starve the cancer of glucose)

avoid animal products for a time

eat a ketogenic diet (to starve the cancer of glucose)


>> No.30253393

give your money to some kid.

>> No.30253412


>> No.30253422

This. Never lose the value of life, chasing it for the money doesnt always work out well in the end. If your music stops, or you make some bad, reckless choices. It can and will comr down on you harshly. Love, life, family, friends. Everything has value. Even dirt does. You can grow something from dirt.

>> No.30253436

would a full protein meat diet work?

>> No.30253465

Not Lymes but I had Rocky Mountain fever extremely bad off thought I was dead within the week. Been years I’m fine now but can’t take hot showers I get sick

>> No.30253469

I worked on onivyde is what it goes by now

>> No.30253477

Anon please don't tell people that, it doesn't work and you're wasting some of the precious time they have left.

>> No.30253493

We all have to go eventually. If you have family you can make sure they're looked after. I will pray for you anon. Christ loves you, everything will be okay.

>> No.30253527

Look into Dry Fasting. Seriously. The Phoenix Protocol is 1 hook that comes to mind

>> No.30253546

Doesn't red meat lead to colon cancer or some shit? I don't remember the broscience behind it

>> No.30253563


Free copy of John Armstrongs urine therapy book in her videos description OP

>> No.30253567
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Some advice anon
>order some LSD from dark web
>take around 400ug, preferably with a guide in a nice set and setting
>realise what life is
>spend your wealth to make future life better for you (in collective terms)

Screenshot this and read it back after your trip and you’ll thank yourself for it.

Also to mention that studies show that people with terminal illnesses generally feel much better after taking psychedelics. Both LSD or mushrooms would work.

>> No.30253618

Only reason i really found out was my skin tone changed to a kind of yellow hue. Also ig ive lost a bit of weight, but those types of symptoms just creep up on you, i never really noticed i was eating less..

Also according to drs this shit can metastasize really fast.

>> No.30253663

eating assholes doesn't count as working on pancreatic cancer

>> No.30253671

the treatments you work on accelerate cancer and make sure the possibilities of survival become close to zero suck my fucking cock.

>> No.30253694

You have to remember those survival rates are based on all ages. If OP is young, his odds are significantly better (like 3-4x higher). The stats are also a few years behind and cancer survival rates are continually increasing, so 2021 survival rates are higher. Additionally you can bump your survival rate more by seeking out the best doctors, diligently following your treatment, and leading a healthy lifestyle.

It's a very bleak situation and OP should prepare for the worst and get his affairs in order, but he can still definitely beat it.

All of these alternative treatments people are posting are just a way to victim blame; it's just a coping mechanism so people can blame others for factors out of their control. It's easy to say "well you could have done x, but you didn't" and now you've "justified" it in a way, and feel like you would be unaffected since you would have done x.

In reality, it's almost completely out of OP's control, it's just an extremely unfortunate event that he could not have realistically prevented, he has no idea what will or won't work, and sometimes bad things just happen to good people with no justification or excuse for it. All he can do now is just live his best life, diligently follow his treatment, find comfort in God and family, and pray that he beats it.

>> No.30253718
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uh, IMO.. organic / vegetarian/ lean meats if needed& if you can
RAM DASS lived to be 88 and very healthy
i know many people who lived to be old and healthy but sometimes it comes down to genetics.

Raw nuts as a snack
Acai bowls when you want sweets

just don't eat pre-packaged corporate foods, anything you see on tv is not good for you, anything owned by coke etc... no good

you want organic (When possible) and raw

fruit, veggies, bread is ok in moderation, nuts,
as for meals - you can have a cheat meal every once n a while (moderation is key)

take care of yourself people. don't overdue anything, life is too short and too unpredictable to sit around moping or doing things that will harm you.

>> No.30253755


>> No.30253786

high dose vitamin c 15-20 grams per day (liposomal capsule) if richfag intravenous through clinic if poorfag replace your food with OJ for the next 4 months and good luck OP

>> No.30253821
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What’s up with all the Ameritards in these types of threads always recommending some bullshit exotic treatment that is recommended by a dangerously unqualified person?

It’s fine and all to recommend diet changes in addition to standard treatments, but everything else is so fucking dangerous to recommend if you aren’t a fucking doctor.

>> No.30253822

Genuinely wish I could stomp that pajeet shitcoins shiller to death

>> No.30253839

Unfortunately I had it for years and didn’t show symptoms until around 2018. Taking some herbs which help but just gonna have to wait until the better treatments come out down the line. Trust me bro I’m relieved I thought I legit had weeks to live or something

Huh. I’ll try that, might as well. Thanks anon

>> No.30253840

How do you east coast fags avoid getting lyme disease? Isnt it literally caused by bugs in the forest?

>> No.30253849

>>finally make it
>>get diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer
Just die now, faggot.

>> No.30253863


>> No.30253865

Cancer researchers deserve your scourn. This is why i quit waging, no respect.
Ok. I didnt invent it faggot who is obsessed with me, a man. I was a cog in the pharma wheel making a pay check.
Theres always hope.

>> No.30253905

You can barely type you fucking schizo. The only treatment you came into contact with are the neuroleptics administered to you by your loonydoctor.

>> No.30253907

>I'll just say that cancer can only survive off carbohydrates. You need to fast on and off and eat a very simple diet with extremely low carbohydrates and fresh organic fruit when you aren't fasting.
Fruit has a lot of carbs you dumb faggot

>> No.30253911


i dont about your country but in america doctors kill people so we're kinda on our own okay man so don't judge

>> No.30253913

at this point i'd rather have the cancer. at least people would talk to me.

>> No.30253948
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>trust facebook moms

>> No.30253954

KYS cunt

>> No.30253961

>at this point i'd rather have the cancer. at least people would talk to me.

>> No.30253965


>> No.30254002

If i ever run society people like you will be punished severely. You dont make false accusations

>> No.30254044

You got this bro. Research top doctors, diligently follow your treatment, and a healthy diet and exercise should be IN ADDITION to your treatment. I highly doubt alternative treatments actually work effectively, but it wouldn't hurt to research, but I would be very skeptical of anything that is just hearsay or anecdotal.

US has some of the best medical treatment on the planet. It's just the billing and cost that is shit, and most of the time those exorbitant fees are intended for insurance companies and not the average customer and can be negotiated down substantially.

>> No.30254123
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This is the book that will save you OP.

TLDR: Your gonna have to go on an aggressive fruitarian diet with regular fasting. Its really as simple as picking 1 high water content fruit and eating it until your cured

>> No.30254126
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>> No.30254186

That’s rough bro, spend your time with your family and make the best of it. I don’t have any alternative medicines to offer you, just condolences. I know if I were dying, I’d want to go in it knowing somebody will just remember me and I didn’t just cease to exist.

>> No.30254193

This is something a housewife buys when she's checking out groceries at the register

>> No.30254202

Get the tick off of you asap, one got lodged between my toes for days and I broke it off and some of it was in there still and it healed over.

>> No.30254214

It has the best but there is no approved cure for pancreatic cancer.

>> No.30254244


Sorry to hear that man. Terminal disease is my biggest fear right now to be honest because I’ve made it too. You just have so much to lose, and the odds are so low at a young age but you just happen to be unlucky and get a disease like cancer. I hope you recover man, no one deserves that.

>> No.30254249
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Do this anon. Psilocybin particular is supposed to be a very powerful experience and is supposed to help you understand life in a way we can't comprehend in our day to day rat race. I'm truly sorry you were dealt this hand in life. I hope you can find peace and make the best in what time you have left.
>tfw you realize how you were meant to live only when you're about to die

>> No.30254268

It's why those crazy success stories are from those that quit the chemo. You hear so many of them. Hey OP, were you talking about your cancer in another thread last night or are there multiple stage 4 cancers now on biz?

>> No.30254291

Oh is that unhappy face? BETTER PUT THIS MAN ON LITHIUM

>> No.30254308

So i never did drugs before, only ever drank alcohol. So after my diagnosis a friend of mine wanted me to have some edibles. It was indica or some shit i think? It actually made made me sad. I remember sitting on my porch just zoned out feeling the breeze and thinking how I would eventually not feel this. I mean ig i was relaxed in a way but idk. Granted I know LSD is quite different than Marijuana shit, but still.

>> No.30254334

OP if you're not larping, I'm sorry about all the people in this thread who are telling you to do some meme diet or miracle cure, it's mostly a way people cope by imagining that since they have particular habits something like this will never happen to them, and that you brought this on yourself in some way

You should find a good doctor and do what he says, other than that spend as much time as you can with your family and friends and try to make peace with death. psychedelics are a meme but they do seem to be potentially helpful for people in your situation, might be worth exploring with someone who specializes in that

>> No.30254362

>Only reason i really found out was my skin tone changed to a kind of yellow hue.
That’s how my grandma looked, will never forget it. Sorry bro. At least you will get to see what is beyond this bullshit life and you won’t slowly lose all your memories and be unable to recognize your family, I’d take cancer over that any day

>> No.30254363

I'm very curious what would happen if you just stopped eating. Like eventually your body will eat away everything. Do cancer cells get eaten last?

>> No.30254392

If youre going to do marijuana as a treatment youd need to take grams of pure distillate every day

>> No.30254395

How many people have already died of pancreatic cancer on biz?

Almost every week there is a new diagnose. Is biz cancerous?

>> No.30254433

>find a good doctor goy
It's 100% death rate

>> No.30254447

You should study meditation and try to work on ascension.

>> No.30254455

>THIS... is a

>> No.30254487

Andreas Kalcker. Chlorine dioxide while fasting. Not much to lose, right?

>> No.30254489

you have to go back

>> No.30254499

I'm mostly just saying he shouldn't think much about the disease or treatment himself, it's a waste of time. A good doctor would tell him that and focus on palliative care

>> No.30254518

theres a time stamp in the description OP. Big Pharma exists to make you sicker, anybody telling you to take a doctors advice is telling you to basically give up and die. Good luck op. The journey to health is simple, but difficult


>> No.30254535

fruits are not part of keto, people have claimed to reduce tumor size with ketosis. look into it op

>> No.30254540

take your meds schizo

>> No.30254563

I took mushrooms on my 19th birthday and it was the best experience of my life unironically. It was beautiful beyond words and transcendental. I have never worried about death since then. You should try psychedelics OP they will help you for sure.

>> No.30254600

U need apricot seed extract my coworker did it

>> No.30254630

You realize how many animals are abused and how much toxic waste it produced to make your zombie pill treatments you want the whole world on? We used to torture and kill beagles of all animals

>> No.30254647

How old are op?

>> No.30254648
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The five year survival rate just recently hit 10% and that's for all ages, with the survival rate being around 3-4x higher for those who are younger (vast majority of those diagnosed are 50+ with most even being 70+). For example, pic related shows just how much it varies by age, and keep in mind that was 15 years ago and cancer treatment is always improving. Obviously note that is for all stages though, not necessarily just stage four, although pancreatic cancer is one of those ones that tends to be asymptomatic until later stages.

Again, yes it is a very bleak outcome, but it is not just an instant death sentence and that mentality is very harmful.

>> No.30254654

Yeah that’s a rough feel man. You might not feel like that you will ever feel that again now, but that’s what you’ll understand upon experiencing psychedelics.You’re simply experiencing life from your current perspective. You will again, but from another.
I know this seems like hippy bullshit and all that, and I would have thought that too once upon a time, but hey what’s the harm in trying out the experience to at least see what you think yourself.

>> No.30254683

It’s about the bodies PH levels. Cancer cells can’t live in an acidic ecosystem. Or I forgot...I think it’s cancer cells can’t live in a basic ecosystem.

One of the two for sure. Had coworkers get their cancer cured in Mexico this way. Some kind of seed helps.

>> No.30254771

Well....you're not surviving that. Sorry OP.

>> No.30254797

Many cancers have high survival rates particularly at early stages or for young adults. Anecdote and hearsay is not helping anyone.

>> No.30254825

What kind facebook boomer shit is this? Kill yourselves.

>> No.30254839

thats rough man, unironically, cash out and travel the world, I can show you around the world's coke capital if you'd like ;).
Point being, just try to enjoy, as much as you can, and good luck

>> No.30254856

literal retard

>> No.30254892
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checked because true and wisdompilled

>> No.30254972

Permethrin on my pants, never wear shorts in the woods.

>> No.30254976

Also adding to this, I would suggest you do your own research on this and not take it from stranger on the internet. You can check out Imperial College of London, MAPS.org, John Hopkins psychedelic research unit and actual scientific papers around these things.
And another thing, best of luck OP, I hope you make it out of this fren.

>> No.30254997

OP, if you're legit not scamming, make peace with your Lord and prepare to meet him in humbleness and peace. I wish you ease in this time.

Try Nigella Sativa Oil, (Black Seed) and or the seeds daily in the morning. I've heard from wise men they cure every disease known to man except death. So seeing you still draw breath, it'd be wise to take it, in either oil form or raw seeds.

>> No.30255031

Fight it anon. Give it your all. I was diagnosed with crohns and my biggest fear is developing lymphoma from the meds I'm taking. Coincidentally my dog just died of lymphoma.

>> No.30255096

I second this. This is how Steve Jobs died. You're fucking retarded. You cannot cure cancer with pseudoscience

>> No.30255104

virginity is a choice

>> No.30255227

There are very few cures to cancer in modern science either, so in many ways holistic is just as good. Cutting it out is best which doesnt work for pancreatic. Some specific cancers have cures like herceptin but very few. Most get generic poison and hope it kills the cancer first.
In many ways as someone who was in the treatment world if i got it id skip the irinotecan and go right to high dose marijuana (THC and CBD) and lots of vitamin D

>> No.30255249

stop taking pharmaceuticals nigger

>> No.30255304

>bro, you gotta pay my uncle moshe $500k to get zapped with lazers. Don't try making yourself healthy on your own, that's illegal.

>> No.30255366
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F to pay respects boys

>> No.30255448
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I’m just here to tell you that I love you, anon
Thanks for sharing the ride with me

>> No.30255456

>anon makes it
>most is spent on trying to keep himself alive
jesus christ, i fucking feel bad for you dude

>> No.30255853

Logic and reason don't support your argument. Although I would not want to die sober
And have my disease damage my body? That's kinda stupid

>> No.30255903

Sorry OP. Did you regularly get blood tests?

>> No.30255940

Death is freedom and is, in fact, the only freedom. Shoot yourself in the head and be glad of your liberation from the Demiurge's prison.

>> No.30255979

Shit op, that fucking sucks. Can I offer you a drawing in these trying times? If you can think of anything you want me to draw you, I'll post it at 11:30 (CST) tomorrow.

>> No.30256022

Yeah, pancreatic cancer is basically game over, just like with bowel cancer (unless discovered early via colonoscopy).

The nigger is dying and you have nothing better to do than try and make him miserable with your fucking nut-based diet. Shame on you. OP, get high as a kite every day from now on. Weed, cocaine, benzos, fentanyl, whatever your heart desires. Then shoot yourself. EZ PZ.

>> No.30256045


Check google news for latest on psychedelic research and end of life healing. Finally getting into mainstream again after prohibition. My mom is stage IV ling right now and it's so tough to watch. You need to accept death so you can live however long(hope for a long time!).
DMT won't hurt you and can show you what you need to know to get through this.

>> No.30256101

Theres no logic to believe high dose marijuana wouldnt work. The elites banned it for a reason. It is the single wonder drug on earth. The max dose is 1g/kg. OP is on 4chan so lets say 100 kg, he could be taking 99g of pure marijuana distillate safely every day. It has never been tried because of the expense due to it being illegal so long. Marijuana flower is incredibly cheap to produce and in 100 years they will have access to this much of a dose and i predict will have lower cancer rates

>> No.30256151


maybe try this? i have no idea if it really works but it looked promising the german doctor got shut down though without being given a real reason
and i'm not even sure if this thread is serious

>> No.30256211

I think it either masks symptoms or may lower inflammation, maybe. Needs more research imo

>> No.30256219

Just shut the fuck up already with your pseudoscience bullshit. It's just a coping mechanism.

>> No.30256259

>99g weed/day
He'll cure his cancer because he'll be so high so fast, he'll surpass the speed of light and travel backwards in time, to the time before he had cancer.

>> No.30256283

how tf is it pseudoscience if it's being researched by real doctors you twat

>> No.30256295


>> No.30256310

I take it you don't follow science?

>> No.30256382
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>> No.30256481
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anyways.. buncha idiots ITT. I feel for you anon. I know you've probably already tried everything, researched etc. Hope you can enjoy your last moments with meaningful things. Or at least try. Godspeed, please punch jesus in the nuts for me

>> No.30256532
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>fractured spine in the gym 3 years ago, basically destroyed my L1
>no paralysis but the nonstop ache fucking sucks and I never have any energy for anything
I'm much better off than some anons in this thread but my mental and physical health are completely fucked up, how do you get to grips with chronic pain?

>> No.30256620

psychedelics help you accept death. sorry you're mad, poor, and third eye closed

>> No.30256625

1. A lot is "being researched". This is all exploratory research that offers possibilities, not firm conclusions. There is a hierarchy of evidence in medicine:
>anecdotes (my brother's cousin heard suchandsuch)
>case studies (we tried this with this one guy)
>cohort studies
>randomized controlled trials
>systematic reviews
One guy trying out something does not conclusively demonstrate that treatment X brings you back from death's door; it's just throwing shit at the wall and seeing whether anything sticks.

2.There isn't even a clear proposed mechanism of action for methadone or DMT, and cancer isn't a single disease, but a hundred different ones that are grouped under the umbrella term "cancer". Even if we knew that a certain treatment cured, say, a certain type of kidney-cancer 100%, it might be wholly ineffective against pancreatic cancer.

3. People routinely ignore effect sizes. Steve Jobs died taking CBD. There is some evidence that CBD might be beneficial in treating certain types of cancers, but even if we suppose that it is, "beneficial" doesn't mean "take it and you're cured, no problemo". It might simply increase 5-year survival time by 10%, for instance.

>> No.30256665

what evidence do you have that it doesn't work.

the documentary i posted has an oncologist who used the baking soda treatment to treat stage 4 cancer successfully. a doctor informed me about the use of nigella sativa. the documentary i posted as numerous examples of it working.

you simply have a nhilistic cynical outlook where if bill nye didn't say to do something then it must be stupid.

>> No.30256688

>how do you get to grips with chronic pain?
Death by self-inflicted gunshot.

>> No.30256841

I took LSD and prayed with my mom couple months ago, phaggot. I'm just not a phag like you

>> No.30256843

howd you do it?

>> No.30256896

>what evidence do you have that it doesn't work.
What evidence do you have that quartz healing crystals don't work?

>the documentary i posted has an oncologist who used the baking soda treatment to treat stage 4 cancer successfully.
Is this a real oncologist? Did the patient indeed have cancer? Did he indeed survive long-term? Did he receive any other treatment in addition (like chemotherapy)? Was this treatment applied to other patients? How many? What sorts of cancers did they have? What was their survival rate over what time period? By what mechanism is this treatment supposed to work?

Anyone can spin up some bullshit story about anything.

>> No.30256936

Lol jesus christ there's so many retards in this board. Being young is the worst possible thing for cancer patients because it spreads faster.

Sorry OP. Pancreatic cancer is awful. God speed fren.

>> No.30257053

You can pay some med students to develop your own CAR-T if you've made it

>> No.30257064

Look into manifestation concepts. Neville Goddard, and reality transurfing. There is also a daily thread on /x/ about it.

>> No.30257078

need a higher dose

>> No.30257096

the only actual advice in this thread. also, keep some 10/10 thot on your dick 24/7

>> No.30257146

Learn to check yourself for ticks during tick season is all you can really do.

>> No.30257217

So any plans to donate that wally to the board or nah

>> No.30257239

Also this >>30254972 try and limit skin contact if you're doing innawoods type shit.

>> No.30257241
File: 39 KB, 640x457, tedsrevenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive taken LSD, DMT, shroomies. prob 10x total. tripped hard most times. hope you crap your pants, humanist pussy

>> No.30257323

At least you made it bro. Via con dios

>> No.30257565

Relax. You’re healed in Jesus’ Name. Amen

>> No.30257648

Also since you made it, buy Rick Simpson Oil and eat that every day or whatever the instructions are. If you can afford it, might as well try right?

>> No.30257684

>t feeling the breeze and thinking how I would eventually not feel this
fuck dude that made my stomach hurt

>> No.30257720

you are a good person. maybe. i hope.

anyway thanks for giving me a new perspective on life

>> No.30257773
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>what evidence do you have that it doesn't work.

>> No.30257789

I would try cold exposure + dry fast until failure desu

>> No.30257904
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Good luck anon. <3!

>> No.30257943

I love you bro I am with you in spirt. Be good and know there is more than this life.

>> No.30258001

Send me some btc

>> No.30258195
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>> No.30258275


Yo OP I hope you're still here, how did you find out? Was there a type of test and how old are you?

My girlfriends grandma suffered from cancer and beat it by eating cloves of RAW garlic everyday. Raw ORGANIC garlic chewed with water and washed down with more water is known to cure many diseases and possibly may kill cancer.

Please check out the gospel in brief



>> No.30258446

I hope you are larping for your sake, I’ve got terminal cancer and degenerative diseases that will take me out soon, I’d say I hope you get better but it looks pretty grim for both of us.

If anyone wanted to help anything would go towards just not having to stress about working as hard each day while I suffer, only posting this because I got duped in another thread and responded to a giveaway and was reported but I do hope you are larping stage 4 pancreatic isn’t curable.


Godspeed anon for both of us.

>> No.30258484

Yes, and you can do it more efficiently with Biblical standards and a God to worship, carrying it on to generations to come.

>> No.30258699

weed cures cancer

>> No.30258732
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i dont want anons to die

>> No.30258738

dry fast

>> No.30258795

That's retarded. Meat is the healthiest food you can eat.

>> No.30258854
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>aunt also dying out due to stage 4 cancer
>can't visit her because chink virus

it's not fair, bros

>> No.30258913

You are more likely to die younger the more times you visit a doctor. That said, the body is more than just flesh, it survives off of intangible inputs as well. The primary factor in people who lived long happy lives was healthy relationships.

>> No.30258951

>current year
>unironically believing this

>> No.30258969

I will pray for your soul (or survival) for cash and by cash I mean bitcoins


Honestly we should set up a /biz/ prayer group where we pray in exchange for bitcoins

Good luck anons

>> No.30259036

What a fucking retard....literally exactly what Steve Jobs did with one of the few forms of very survivable pancreatic cancer....yet he told his docs to fuck off.....fruit will cure him. He ultimately went back to the docs, but it was too late.

Now your diet does obviously matter in prevention, and to some degree while actually fighting cancer given the benefits from eating a healthy diet that most people don't eat normally.

>> No.30259061

Didn’t Steve Jobs do this and die?

>> No.30259095

lmao check how this dumped genius tries to get some cash from these poor people

Fuck that.
Already took part in yield farming on YVS Finance and their smart staking model with low fees. That’s what you should check first now

>> No.30259140

Eat the bugs.

>> No.30259171

maybe facetiming?

fucking jews holy christ. this proves god and the bible is fake just another jew scam

>> No.30259199

literal retard....red meat in limited quantities or in true moderation is perfectly fine...it's not a healthy diet however, and science has proven this out. Look up what blue zones are, look at their diets....if that doesn't convince you that a diet consisting of leafy greens, legumes, other various veggies, beans, and nuts, fish, and lean meat sources in moderation like chicken, or turkey. Red meat is the devil for your digestive tract, and leads to all types of cancers in those regions of the body.

>> No.30259224

Yes some anonymous faggot proves the Bible is fake. You're a kike.

>> No.30259276

look one post above yours kek

>> No.30259300
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would change place with you instantly op

>> No.30259323
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In the middle ages the catholic church would pray in exchange for cash

Not only that but if you paid enough money you could buy a get out of hell free card

We must return to tradition

We must start a /PRAY/ general

>> No.30259392
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you can cure anything. Stop believing those kiked doctors and their shit medecine

>> No.30259488

Did you smoke/drink OP? How old are you?

>> No.30259506

weird how china and japan don't even practice western medicine and all do variants of TCM and have better survival rates.

>> No.30259508

Heres some binaural beats OP idk if this shit works but fuck it it sounds reassuring


>> No.30259550

Dr. carmelo Lombardo

he had stage four cancer that reached his lungs. the chemo therapy that he received earlier in the process did not work and it progressed to his lungs and reached stage four, he stopped taking chemo therapy and instead starting applying baking soda treatments. he survived long term.

the mechanism by which it is supposed to work is theorized to involve increasing the alkilinity of the body, attacking candida and other fungal infections, and increasing carbon dioxide levels in the body.

you can't say something doesn't work just because it hasn't been proven to you yet that it works. and telling an anonomous person on an internet taiwanese basket weaving forum not to say something is gay as fuck.

to say something that something "doesn't work" rather then "isn't proven to work" means that you have some sort of evidence that it "doesn't work".

>> No.30259573
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Sorry to hear it bro. That sucks bad. Unfortunately pancreatic cancer has one of the worst survival rates. Prepare for the end and if you get lucky that's a bonus.

Were you a smoker? That's the biggest contributor usually.

>> No.30259593

>baking soda treatments
I bet you believe in Q too huh?

>> No.30259614

He had AIDS

>> No.30259649

Those fucking faggot drones are basically just trained to follow “THE” current science and directives. Doctors don’t do any critical thinking or decision making, ,they just prescribe shit based on the current incentives and shit.

>> No.30259683

hey man, i hope it all works out for you brother, seriously.

>> No.30259713

Does fungus actually affect cancer?

>> No.30259740

>just lay there and get irradiated and die
>oh and don’t ever lift more than 10 lbs
If there’s anything the past year has shown me, it’s that medical training is fucking dog shit and doctors are stupid fucking faggots that don’t have any critical thinking or problem solving skills. They’re just trained drones.

>> No.30259743

>no carbs
>eat a shit load of fruit

fucking retard, go buy your rubic dip

>> No.30259762

Anon check out this gem.

$MCM Mochimo
> Quantum Proof
> Scalable and Fast
> Decentralized and Fair
>Price going crazy right now =)))

>> No.30259763



*possibly in exchange for bitcoins

>> No.30259811

Phoenix tears + chemo is your only cure. Dyor.

>> No.30259814


>> No.30259834


This but psilocybin, I swear to god those little mushrooms have some power to help you find peace

>> No.30259863
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mom died from that.
Perfectly healthy but only made it 5 months. Had insurance, so doctors milked the fuck out of it. Total charges were ~$500k. She was put on some research chemo trial that worked well, but required she used no alternative therapy like radiation. As soon as that experimental treatment stopped working it spread everywhere and she died 2 weeks later. Literally used her as a lab rat.
Medical system is unbelievably fucked

>> No.30259910

>Total charges were ~$500k
Sometimes I think Canada sucks but then I hear stories like this

>> No.30259920


do you have binance wallet?

>> No.30259933




suck my dick retard.

bill nye only has a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering, many truths are hidden from the public, many lies are told to people from the mainstream media and you will never be a woman.

>> No.30259934


Yes boys. If only you knew how right you all are. Only advice i can give is be ready to find yourself and learn and study because doctors don't want to help you and are literrally useless. I had a huge issue 2 years ago, went to see a supposed doctor with a god like status on the issue i supposedly had, well, turns out he didn't understand shit.
Then learned myself about alternative medecines, literrally took a class, and cured myself in 2 years. Doctor had no clue what the problem was

>> No.30259951

Shit bro, really?? I hope this is a larp but off it's not, I'm so sorry and I mean that. Please try to have a good time with your gains, forget about everything else. You've done good.

>> No.30259964

sorry anon. i hope you can make it

>> No.30259995

my father died of pancreatic cancer. he had no hope and yet we had him go through chemo and various homeopathic bullshit. all in the name of hope.
in the end, we only caused him fruitless suffering during his last year of life. i regret this so dearly.

>> No.30260006

not to sound like a fag but unironically try Christ. People seem to have recovered from a lot of weird shit from a change of faith. It all stems from life not being just a physical thing, maybe watch John Ramirez on yt. But even if you don't make it it'll feel better to dedicate your life to spiritual awakening and love than regret

>> No.30260017

every tumor is full of candida over growth and while mainstream narrative is that its an "infection of oppurtunity" many scientists believe their is a causal link between candida and cancer, and alkinity such as brought about by sodium bicarbonate has long been used and known to be a remedy for treating fungal infections.

in addition, cancer cells require glucose to derive energy, so fasting, intermittant fasting, and ketogenic diets starve the cancer cells of glucose.

everyone here is says "your holostic remedies and energy crystals don't work homo" haven't actually done an hour of study in the subject in their life and are chronic masturbators.

>> No.30260044

just because you tried something else and it didn't work does not mean no other way can work. Medecine and health requires studies, and it will take you time to find viable alternative ways to cure disease especially when the truth is suppressed by the medical establishment and politics

>> No.30260050

also my friend was diagnosed with this same thing and I prayed for them in the span of weeks, later the diagnosis turned out to be wrong, not saying it was me but prayer does move things metaphysically

>> No.30260057

I have a friend who has this condition, I can’t remember the name, it’s fairly rare, basically makes him have this sensation that he’s out at sea on a boat rocking on the waves at random times. He’s been going to see specialists and they literally just give him shit that he straps to his head that’s like a vibrator. This is modern medicine.

>> No.30260067


again, fasting, intermittant fasting, ketogenic diets to starve the cancer cells of glucose

sodium bicarbonate to attack the acidity of the tumors and the related candida over growth.

take nigella sativa and apricot flour.

avoid animal products.


watch this video.

>> No.30260072

This unironically, snake oil peddlers get the rope

>> No.30260100

meat has an enzhyme which prevents cellular suicide which is an essential biological safety mechanism to destroy malfunctioning cells, such as cancer cells.

meat has lots of vitality effects but can negatively effect longevity, so its got health benefits and detriments. everything has trade offs.

>> No.30260104

pancreatic cancer literally uncurable in the late stages. if it's inoperable, it just can't be cured.
not everything is in our hands. God is in control - not us.

>> No.30260122

I respect you for providing sources

>> No.30260131

Give me your btc

>> No.30260157

Fuck off

>> No.30260159
File: 78 KB, 767x960, 136336598_208987810939519_370167129306244379_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes the worst is that there is probably a solution and a correct understanding for your friend's issue that these "10 years study" morrons have no clue about. And it will be difficult to find someone competent in alternative medecine because it is being suppressed, not correctly taught because not recognized.
I don't think there is more than one competent alternative medecine practitionner for a hundred thousands of people.
But if you look you will find. I did it for me.

>> No.30260166

Go to the Phillipines, knock up every girl you can. Die. Profit.

>> No.30260176

just becuase you don't understand something because you haven't done any research because you look at lolicon porn obcessively doesn't mean that its fraud you giant dumb ass. invest in $ROPE

>> No.30260200

Don't let man get between you and Christ, anon. :)

>> No.30260209

pancreatic cancer is unironically the end. Hope you make it to the other side.

>> No.30260214

it takes a big man to admit they are wrong.

>> No.30260233

Clearly you aren't a believer in the prosperity bible.


>> No.30260241

He didn't say it caused it moron. Only that it feeds the best off of it. Carbs and sugar are labeled differently BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT IN FACT THE SAME THING YOU DUMB FUCKING MORON.

>> No.30260269

Still, am I supposed to rub it on tumors? Inject it with a needle into the tumors?

>> No.30260315

Look into immunotherapy. It's often combined with chemotherapy, surgery or other treatments. It's not over yet, bucko.

>> No.30260336

Job died of AIDS, look it up on WikiLeaks

>> No.30260355

fruit has its sugars housed in a fibre matrix so it is digested differently from the body. it being high in fibres and containing isoflavosinites and hormetic compounds provide it with alot of health benefits.

reducing the over all levels of free floating glucose in your body, which carbs and sugars generally are converted into, starve cancer cells in your body, which literally require glucose to survive.


>> No.30260367

With no treatment he would have died within 1-2 months, at least you gave him some extra time with his family and time to come to terms with his fate, you don’t think that mattered to him?

>> No.30260408

there are several different methods that have shown to have postive effects.

directly application to tumors have been shown to have positive effects. topical application. putting baking soda in water and drinking it.

as well, there is a method where you fast for several days and then take baking soda mixed with mollasses. the cancer cells, starved of glucose, absorb the mollasses for energy and in doing so, absorb the baking soda.

>> No.30260430
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You have a 75% chance of making it by lowering your body glucose below 90 mg/dL

What this means is you can't eat any carbs anymore, only (animal) fats and meats..

Starve the cancer of glucose, go keto carnivore like you ancestors.

>> No.30260462

i would personally reccomend against chemotherapy, which is designed to destroy all the cells in your body and would likely weaken your immune system and involves the chemicals used in mustard gas.

many people die simply from the chemotherapy.

>> No.30260463

I'm sorry to hear that, anon. Don't fear, there is so much more to existence than this life, spend your time with family and God. I'm with you in my prayers.

>> No.30260484

read the Bible and drop ~4 tabs of acid on a sunny day in the forest. Alternatively try fasting methods but it's a little late to start worrying about your health now, is it.

>> No.30260486

>Deploy ze tumors

>> No.30260560

jobs was vegan/vegetarian

>> No.30260565

I mean its on the list of disproven cancer treatments

>> No.30260568

Here's the tl;dr from an uneducated layman:

Get a high fever, cancer reintegrates into the immune system to survive fever, immune system itself kills the cancer.

Have some reading material on the house too:


>> No.30260592

ive found mantradao, not sure its 100% gem but dudes r dropping a new feature monthly, worth checking

>> No.30260637

Here you go big dog, https://youtu.be/hsRVQWfqjms go find someone that can do the stuff he describes

>> No.30260666


>> No.30260669

>what Steve Jobs
he fell for some californian hippy-science and ate only fruit for years nobody cares what he thought/did.

>> No.30260679


>> No.30260706


this is a wikipedia article, which lists supposed denouncments by cancer foundations, you know, foundations that derive money from cancer being an ungoing widespread severe health threat that is uncured.

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, "there is no evidence to support any of these claims."

i literally posted studies that are evidence. there are more where that came from and case study evidence. i literally posted a documentary where an oncologist cured his stage four terminal lung cancer with baking soda.

always consider the source, the methodology, and the bias when looking at evidence and try to get information from multiple sources. .

>> No.30260707

>10 years of chronic back pain

Marcus Aurelius said:
Stand tall or be made to stand tall

Live life supporting and strengthening your weaknesses. You're not a strong body anymore, rely on your mind and don't be physically foolish anymore

Don't live scared to feel pain but don't search for it either

>> No.30260754


>> No.30260759


>> No.30260787
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first samuel now another anon gets guaranteed death after finally making it and being happy, we really are here just to suffer aren't we..

>> No.30260791

be high constantly I suppose

>> No.30260806

Too bad the liver will keep producing glucose no matter how little glucose you eat.

>> No.30260825

Dang bro if you wanna throw my some crypto I'll spend it in your honor. Rip man sorry you got the shit straw. Live large while you can

>> No.30260836
File: 267 KB, 1080x1349, 60975496_339992343378952_5560921757038149632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid advice from a wise anon

>> No.30260846

I swear to God op I've heard the whole thing and Its good shit from medical insider. Sseth might be a memer but his medical field and speaking skills is completely professional.

>> No.30260886

Consider the following anon
I wish you well

>> No.30260903

I'm not going to make judgements either way but there are many snake oil salesmen out there

On a side note I cured my pre-diabetes through keto


I'm not completely closed minded in terms of alternatives but cancer is more dangerous than diabetes so if I ever get cancer I'm probably going the route of mainstream medicine

>> No.30260908


>> No.30260936

Good luck anon before the thread closes.

>> No.30261004

yea because its not like you can create varying levels in your body or anything.

>> No.30261043



>> No.30261080

>stage 4 cancer
Thats fucked try and live a happy life.

>> No.30261146

research dry fasting and autophagy

>> No.30261166

You nigger, you're only a bit ahead of me. I've already intuited that God will kill me at the finish line rather than give me a life outside of slavery. We were the Jews in Egypt, we always were. And the Jews of today were the Egyptians back then and they mock us for our enslavement by demanding sympathy for stealing our title.

>> No.30261184

i had acute pancreatitis last year from 10+ years of drinking, 3 yrs of bottle of vodka a day..hospitalized for a month, worst pain etc... doctors said not to eat high fat or protein rich food, i went no carb instead, lost 100lbs in a year and full recovery of health..doctors are looney tunes...not advice tho pancreatic cancer isnt the same as pancreatitis

>> No.30261239

So he was misdiagnosed, happens a lot.

>> No.30261306
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ah fuck

>> No.30261320


This is fucking insane. Are people actually this retarded!? Like seriously? The reason why late sta pancreatic cancer becomes inoperable is due to the local vessel involvement you fucking retards. Venous involvement is risky af but there’s some cases where’s it’s possibly operable (not curative). If the artery is involved though it is game over for surgical options. That’s outside of distal mets (which this poor chap has given s4)

And for the complete retard who said dent your body of glucose, the reason why the main staging investigation in cancer is a PET-CT is because tumours have a much more primal carbohydrate metabolism. It’s not efficient, they use glycolysis instead of ox phos for a much lower glucose generation but at a very high rate which shows up on pet-ct using fdg. It’s known as the Warburg effect.

I genuinely thought people were joking, but fuxking hell. You guys are literally retarded. I’m only a reg, but the only curative options ever are pretty much surgery and/ or certain antibiotics for infections. Everything else is mediation.

Fuxking starving yourself and forcing your body into a ketotic state with stage 4 cancer. Honestly there needs to be an online social credit system to dissuade these posts. You’ll kill people. I bet you hold hoge or rubic or something. Do you guys believe in flat earth as well? Hurr durr take this turmeric. Best thing you can do for your body is treat it like a temple, don’t smoke, watch your drinking, and have a white meat based diet. Honestly I’m embarrassed to even be on this board of people think like this. Fucking pajeets

>> No.30261346

so every incident of a person recovering from a terminal cancer diagnosis is a misdiagnosis? anything to believe that mainstream culture isn't lying to you? what levels of cope is this. you would rather ignore evidence that treatments are undeniably being suppressed and restricted from the public rather then admit you are being lied to.

you are weak.

>> No.30261376

YOLO half, spend the rest

>> No.30261386

autophagy and GMO yourself bro 100%... love you anon i hope you heal and if you die I hope that you find utopia. much love

>> No.30261459

>ketogenic diet
>avoid animal products.
lol whut

>> No.30261480


Lol that means nothing. You were a fucking bench monkey. “Cog in the wheel”.

Tell me how forcing your body into a ketotic state; when you’re body will just use gluconeogenesis to get its carbs will help a stage 4 pancreatic cancer? Better yet tell me how it will stop chromosomal translocations? Or the erosion of pulmonary vessels in the cases of bronchial carcinomas? Does it stop malignant melanomas from their aggressive mets? Absolute fucking regard. You should be breeded out by a eugenics program.

Low iq conspiracy regard did some qa work in pharma and thinks he has it all figured out lmao

>> No.30261512

you mentioned the warburg effect, that literally describes how the cancer requires glucose to survive.


the ncbi is a free public resource, learn to fucking read you retard before you shit talk other people who have studied longer then you have. stop jacking off to porn all the time and then calling your self a genius becuase you watched bill nye videos in science class in high school.

fucking idiot

>> No.30261530

i'm sorry op
try some shrooms in a controlled setting, studies show it helps
it might not mean anything to you but i believe this life is just one of many, death is not real

>> No.30261533

>I hope you are larping for your sake
He is. There's always some faggot talking about dying from Pancreatic cancer on here.

>> No.30261547

get covid-19 it fights cancer

>> No.30261560

OP take 5-10k vitamin C a day (liposomal if you can afford it). it works for preventative uses but there’s some research to suggest it can slow or stop cancer. good for the immune system too. doctors won’t tell you this bc they are gay and pharma pilled

>> No.30261583


The reason why they say no fat and proteins is because your pancreatic exocrine function is to produce professes and lipasea to break down those macros. This is what causes the auto digestion of your pancreas. It is literally what causes the massive acute pain.

And unfortunately I can tell you you’ve haven’t had a full recovery lol. You have absolutely increased your likelihood of both pancreatic cancer as well as cholangiocarcinomas.

Come back in 10 years fren

>> No.30261590

The circulation is a closed loop so no you can’t create ”varying levels”. If cancer cells need glucose they will take that glucose from your blood stream, then the pancreas will sense the lower blood sugar and release glukagone, glukagone will tell the liver to make glucose out of other substrates for instance free fatty acids, and then blood sugar levels return to normal and cancer cells have new glucose to feed on. If you don’t believe me you could go on a zero carb diet and compare your p-glucose before and after, the level will be exactly the same minus reduced insulin intolerance if you had such problems before going on a diet and lose weight during your diet.

>> No.30261600

i second this . fast/go keto/carnivore plus take A lot of vitamin c

>> No.30261601

olives, avacado, nuts, seeds, above ground vegetables, leafy greens, mushrooms, low glycemic fruit, the list goes on.

literally just look up vegan keto.

>> No.30261608

Pop some V. Do some coke. Fuck a bunch of hookers raw. Do whatever makes u happy from here on out. Fuck it

>> No.30261621

God bless anon I don't know what else to say

>> No.30261644

ah yes have 10 servings of carbs and no meat goy

>> No.30261685


This is embarrassing. I watched one minute and it talked about how cancer kills more now compared to 100 years ago.
My rah because infectious disease was the massive killer back then, and also the fucking staging. People who died due to cancer complications weren’t detected with cancer due to poor an inability to stage and diagnose correctly.

You should be castrated and shot for your misinformation you absolute pajeet kike

>> No.30261698

>. You will again, but from another
do you mean with reincarnation or because of the Lsd experience?

>> No.30261705



it takes five minutes to look up studies that show that reducing carb consumption is helpful in cancer treatment.

" Three and seven patients showed complete and partial responses, respectively at one year. Median survival was 32.2 (maximum: 80.1) months, and the three-year survival rate was 44.5%. After three months on the ketogenic diet, the serum Alb, BS, and CRP (ABC) score could be used to stratify the patients into groups with significantly different survival rates (p < 0.001, log-rank test). Our ketogenic diet regimen is considered to be a promising support therapy for patients with different types of advanced cancer."

>> No.30261742

pray off you fucking vulture

>> No.30261753

This. Doctors run a business and do what makes them the most profit. I fucking hate vegans but I heard going vegan and taking cbd oils will clear your cancer up. Doesn’t hurt to try. What u got to lose.

>> No.30261764


"i watched five minutes"

confirmed for low iq adhd retard.

theres lots of information discussed in the documentary and also cancer has increased in even the last few decades let alone one hundred years. thats one point of information and its not wholly discredited by your little diatribe of how there could be insinuating circumstances.

you will never be a woman.

>> No.30261774

consider though just how much more carcinogenic shit we have in our environment and food

>> No.30261818


“Get high” stay degenerate you heathen. It’s always Americans who have this fucking wild approach to medicine because of your industry over there. You are right to it medical system doesn’t care about you because your primary care and psychiatric services are less than third world tier.

Stay poor (mentally and fiscally) fag.

>in b4 I watches a 90 min bitchute video and now I’m the king of oncology.

Hitler needs to come back and wipe you kikes oit

>> No.30261862

90 minutes of a bitchute video is a vast improvement over 0 minutes of any research and acting like you know everything and getting boners from the smell of your own farts.


>> No.30261864

if people only understood the rigor of med school + specialization + residency. Data speaks for itself but, anecdotally, I just had my lymphoma cured.
I feel for anon though... Find hope in God. Paradise will be waiting for you.

>> No.30261904

I'm not saying weed would cure you, just take the edge off pain, fuck off

>> No.30261928

Swiss-cheese plant

>> No.30261974

"you guys aren't experts"

we live in a greater access of information then the world has ever known, just because you haven't been propagandized in specialized environments that are focused on profit margins doesn't mean that you can't learn anything and make decisions on your own.

most if not all mainstream studies are motivated by profit seeking and trying to control public opinion to engage in societal programming. there is literally a replication crisis where over over 70% of studies can't be recreated because of problems with statistical methodology and bias.

also "only experts should get to decide what helps and what doesn't"


"find faith in god"

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.30261985


> all my knowledge comes from bitchute videos.

You are literally a confirmed retard. We both know you were too stupid in life to advance anywhere close to having an impact of purpose in society, so instead you seek out “ the grater truth hidden from the masses” in a sense to lie to yourself and give yourself a false sense of superiority to mask your actual inadequacy.

Post stack and career.


Yes I agree with you massively here. Western diets alone are prob the numero uni cause. Apologies I thought you were a confirmed retard like the other poster.

It’s carcinogens to an extent, but massively due to the shit food causing obesity. Obesity is basically an ongoing inflammatory process in your body which is pretty much a breeding ground for oncogenic mutations; if you’re heart doesn’t blow out first.

Best diet is fully organic with sticking to white meats (mainly fish). Hard to do as a young man, but definitely lose the red meat when you hit 35ish. No so much for the heart, but for colorectal issues

>> No.30262010

thc and cbd has literally been shown to have anti cancer effects.

>> No.30262031

Lmfao bet op didn’t even smoke

>> No.30262084


Happy for you. Was it NHL or a HL subtype? Afaik the chemo options are R-CHOP and ABVD respectively. I hope they caught it early and didn’t need chemo and just used radiotherapy. Take care in life anon.

I’m a cardiologist so my onc knowledge is quite limited, make sure to look after yourself physically. If there was one thing I would like to be mandated by law, it would be exercise. Like chainlink Ed marry contracts that penalise you for not burning x amount of calories per day

>> No.30262112


Lmao a weed shill. Hahahaha fucking hell I’m out

“Anti-cancer effects” wow that’s so incredible specific anon thank you so much for the insight, fucking hell lol

>> No.30262196

not all my information comes from bitchute videos you giant disappointment of a human being.

i have posted ncbi articles that support the information that i have discussed in this thread.

"its carcinogens to an extent". like what carcinogens, what is the mechanism by which they cause cancer, could the inverse mechanisms then fight cancer?

so if glucose is a mechanism, could avoiding glucose help fight cancer.

if acidity is a mechanism, could alkilinity fight cancer

if fungal infection is a mechanism, could fighting fungal infection fight cancer

if malfunctioned cellular suicide is a mechanism, could doing things to aid in cellular suicide fight cancer.

if you haven't caught on yet by now that truthes are indeed kept from the masses on a massive scale, then you are retarded.

what is weapons of mass destruction, incubator babies in the gulf war, the gulf of tonkin incident in the vietnam war, this covid 19 "pandemic" that we are going through right now, the holocaust, the time that the cdc conspired with sugar companies to blame health problems on fat that could better be blaimed on sugar. or the time that tobacco industries paid scientists to try and discredit studies that showed a causal link between cigarettes and cancer.

you are a giant retard. read a book.

>> No.30262203

Soursop Leaves can be said to be the most popular herbal medicine for cancer treatment in the world

>> No.30262225


Gods speed annon, I hope for the best. I will pray for you.

>> No.30262313


"In animals and in the lab, studies have found that THC and other cannabis chemicals can stop the growth of tumors. These lab studies have looked at cells related to lung, skin, breast, prostate, and other cancers. They've found that cannabis can in some cases stop the cancer cells from spreading."

"Other research on THC and other cannabis compounds shows that they may kill off cancer cells while sparing healthy cells."

>> No.30262349

>mainly fish
Fish is toxic dr anon. The oceans are giant sewers filled with chemical refuse.

>> No.30262411

it’s incredible how ignorant you are with how medical science works in a developed nation.
firstly, i’m a leaf a didn’t pay a cent for treatments, appointments, meds, homecare, nothin; nada. My doc prescribed normal drugstore senna for constipation (natural) and allowed me to use CBD/THC caps to reduce discomfort and nausea. Secondly, funding for medical studies is transparent and subject to criticism RE: bias. Armchair research doesn’t cut it when it comes to medicine; there is no substitute for a residency and first-hand experience. Did you go to post-secondary?

>> No.30262452

every chemo cocktail is different...
also, the poison is in the dose

>> No.30262602

have some fun, but also seek beauty and the sublime
idk if this helps but just remember that if youre here, death is over there
*You* have nothing to worry about, as long as *you* are here, get what I mean?

>> No.30262733

>extremely low carbohydrates and fresh organic fruit
Thanks for the laugh I needed this

>> No.30262748

Thanks, man. I’ve been taking way better care of my body since beating Hodgekin Lymphoma. AVBD was my cocktail. For what it’s worth, my favourite person to deal with was the cardiologist. She let me look at the screen and answered all of my curiosities about what I was seeing. I used to work in a Body Worlds exhibit so I thought it was the coolest shit ever haha Hope you make it dude

>> No.30262950

Dang, i'm sorry anon. May Christ be with you my friend.

>> No.30263088


Hahaha literally webmd. Lol. This is not research. “Stops the cancer cells from spreading”

How? What spread does it prevent? Local spread? Lymphatogenous spread? Hematogenous spread? Which ones? By what process? What stage? In situ? S1? Is it for specific TNM staging cancers or ones with specific staging criteria?

I can’t believe you just posted a normie tier webmd article lol, fucking hell hahaha. Thc is useful as an anti emetic for sure, and there are probably anti inflammatory properties associated with it, but my admitting this, you’re also admitting how a chronic inflammatory state contributes to an oncogenic environment, which is what you were against originally. So which is it anon?

I can’t believe you outed yourself to be a <70 IQ dimwit who searches webmd hahahaa.

Glad to hear man. Yeah cardiology is dope. Not to scare, but keep an eye on yourself if you had radiation therapy, as I’m sure you know a worrying complication is secondary malignancy (and down the line accelerated atherosclerosis).

The best medicine is preventative, treat your body for the unique one shot deal that it is. Train it and keep it clean; and obviously never start smoking. Best of luck anon. Hope you have some LINK