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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 250x228, D2FE335A-AD19-4571-ABC6-236B42FF22A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30215854 No.30215854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the Great Ponz pozzed?

Is the stable crypto finito?


You are all hereby doy-pilled.

>> No.30216298

>Run in an election and claim it's rigged as you're losing over an over again
>Last minute get Russians to leak emails
>Win an election with senate majority
>Have 4 years to propose election security mechanisms such as blockchain security
>Instead spout memes and claim election is rigged
>Lose the election
>Claim it was rigged

>/pol/tards flood into /biz/
>Lost all their money on drumf
>Continuously claim Bitcoin is going to go down to manipulate the market using 4 year old tether fud and other useless tactics
>don't understand it's a trillion dollar market and posting on /biz/ has an incredibly neglible effect on the global Bitcoin market

>be angry all the time shitposting thinking you're doing anything when really you're just an idiot

>> No.30216406


>> No.30216506


>> No.30216528


>> No.30216633

Fuck off I called thread first fag

>> No.30216635
File: 1.11 MB, 1816x1336, You Rejected This.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He attempted to shore up election security by forcing states to audit but they stonewalled him. His own "red Congress" wasn't friendly enough to try a national voter ID bill with. As it happens, it isn't enough to merely win the office of POTUS, you need powerful establishment allies all over the place to execute your will, and you're going to have to do favors for them too. He was a gimped, renegade President that could only do so much with his borrowed time.

>> No.30216676

Voice such a vulgar opinion in my prescence and I'll bury you, scum. You think it's a joke, but depriving tens of millions of Americans of representation is no joking matter.

Align yourself with the tyrants and you will pay the same price they will.

>> No.30216694

>tether crashes
>dai starts too moon violently
>going to get rich off a stable coin
I can't wait.

>> No.30216837

Lmfao he was a fat idiot who kept saying covid was a hoax and turned most of US's large economic powerhouse allies against us. Germany and the EU is siding with fucking Russia and China because despite being evil empires, at least they're stable.

Donald proved the United States to be a mentally unstable mess that could turn on them at any moments notice. Yet you cheer for him, and why?

...He didn't release his taxes. He didn't really do anything competent and instead of appointing reasonable people into positions of power, he threw lobbyists and crony capital partners into positions of power and out of hubris trusted his own judgment over that of medical professionals in dealing with a pandemic. If anyone turned American into a third world country it's this fucking idiot.

>> No.30216987

you sund lik q

>> No.30217064

Covid isn't a hoax, but it is a joke. Do you wear double masks faggot?

>> No.30217092


>> No.30217143

Found the Maoist

>> No.30217188

t. Chinese damage control salesman

>> No.30217231

Found the baggie

>> No.30217278
File: 375 KB, 750x738, 6770B2DB-D76B-458F-96EA-D4FF9D1E601E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama was Renegade you ignorant twat

>> No.30217384
File: 493 KB, 750x935, 44B853AB-89DA-4D79-9900-795ACE21A72E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you NPCs should be charged for the oxygen you consume
CHINA + ISRAEL = corona

Wuhan China = ground zero for production of ADRENOCHROME ((child blood in powder form))- being internationally sold on China’s Amazon (ALIBABA) {minimum of 1KG purchase ).

During this time 5G was being rolled out in certain countries- 5G poisoning mimics the symptoms of SARS virus (((conveniently)))

Our own govt didn’t supply its citizens masks. They forced us to buy from Chinese/Israeli entrepreneurs who knew corona was going to happen.

The masks force you to breathe your own bacteria in- if this is done enough your lungs acquire an ACCUTE respiratory infections - which can worsen without treatment .. workers participating in cardio respiratory effort (heart rate up sweating) forced to wear the masks were the first COVID-19 victims - our STATE governments enforced masks - —NOT FEDERAL——

The people selling the masks caused the pandemic.

Why was no1 taking corona serious until after 2 weeks we were forced to wear masks?

It takes that time for an infection to grow in your lungs.

>> No.30217635

Lmfao cope more dumbass. Donald held indoor rallies with tens of thousands of people not wearing masks and then bragged about his number of supporters.

A lot of them died, like Herman Cain, and he just kind of ignored it completely. He ignored everything. He is a stupid fucking idiot.

>Covid isn't real
>Covid is real, but

500k people are dead and the economy is tanking. Cope more, dumbass. Your leader made a joke of your party and it's embarrassing to watch you spaz out while I got rich on ADA and Bitcoin during the same period you were posting on /pol/.

>> No.30217724
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>> No.30217817
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>> No.30217828

Imagine believing muh Covid
Imagine believing muh Tether

>> No.30217926

Meanwhile, again, it's the Jews fault for your own inadequacies and failures of a human being. It is everyone else's fault except yours. You are the world's smartest race of people with no limit except for these pesky Jews that somehow keep outsmarting you over and over and over again and used 5G to implant Coronavirus into people. Donald will become president again today and fight back against the pedophile elite Jewish control blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Get real. Fucking retards.

>> No.30217996
File: 94 KB, 518x817, A8514B7E-F637-492A-9270-87F9E463A552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Good people need to die
2. You will never be a woman.
3. WHO and Fauxi are rogue Masonic entities
why are you niggers still screeching about trump? Didn’t biden win? Kek faggot shareblue kikes.
5. Kill yourself.

>> No.30218123
File: 343 KB, 750x845, 50CDFA9F-8B41-4D9E-B467-C6238604F7D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me why Israel is requiring Covid 19 vaccine passports? You kikes are schizophrenic.
The entire world is watching Israel
Turn into an authoritarian Covid-19 kike nightmare-
You jews really are scared of death aren’t you? You pathetic faggots are TERRIFIED of the Reaper

>> No.30218192


He was the epitome of an establishment puppet, until Joe Biden that is lmao

>> No.30218202
File: 282 KB, 1024x886, 9EB659B2-EAF3-433F-AAC9-B14739984192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll make all
The American niggers go after American Jews soon. Keep it up IDF

You lost you stupid Neanderthal vampire weak niggers.

>> No.30218307
File: 388 KB, 639x985, 0AA32A0A-AD41-4AB2-958A-F8A181A1B704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don’t even know what I’m telling you-

All these deep state niggers had code names

Hilary - evergreen
Obama- renegade

>> No.30218366

The best crypto project is $MCM

> post quantum secure
> fair and decentralized
> 3 million $ market cap and growing fast
> Original concept

>> No.30218387

1. Good people need to die

2. You will never be a woman.
I don't want to be, I'd rather own property and be a real man instead of a loser who spends all day gambling his money and posting conspiracy theories.

3. WHO and Fauxi are rogue Masonic entities
Uhhh...probably not?

...You're the one posting this shit continuously. I don't even make threads about politics. I just come into your thread to inform you that you're stupid.

5. Kill yourself.
I'm a millionaire because I understood the ramifications of new technology and studied white papers. I understood how a Bitcoin halving during an inflationary crisis would affect the crypto economy. You YOLO'd trump and continuously failed to realize any of the real issues at hand because you were being spoonfed propaganda by Russians. Lmfao. Later, loser.

You'll never be a real man. ;-)

>> No.30218408
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>> No.30218487
File: 115 KB, 671x451, AE6EAD50-5455-4A11-99AB-6036D0E8E6D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses smilies on /pol/
Your entire post I did not read faggot.

>> No.30218510


>> No.30218573
File: 516 KB, 750x1060, F7942FEF-5B7B-47B7-966F-6FB8A9D3EA22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not? Just stop IDF-

You are too low IQ to compete- your Jewish lies will all be revealed for the goyim public to know.

>> No.30218593
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>> No.30218700
File: 501 KB, 750x939, 1FCEDEB2-BE78-45B0-A602-22D50B919F55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s time we take back our country. This starts with harassment.

If you see a Masonic logo like this on a car in Amerixa, get out of your vehicle and harass the individual(s) in car with either irate yelling, objects thrown at vehicle , spitting at them , milkshakes are good for this —

Basically these masons advertise their subversion on their car vehicles. They identify themselves for you .

Make them feel uncomfortable in their owl country. In their own state. In their own city. In their own county. Make them fear again.

>> No.30218813
File: 53 KB, 800x450, trumpvover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao retard :-P

>> No.30218861
File: 510 KB, 750x1072, 5D5745C8-E9CA-48CF-9ED4-D9F873487056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posts a female Pepe meme mooning her clit

>> No.30218958
File: 380 KB, 566x774, 41A69E36-2745-49EA-8BE8-85DB57A7C92F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfaooo retard :00000000

>> No.30219041
File: 183 KB, 800x600, 3CB112C4-9087-4427-AB14-EAA3A160F3FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire word is watching you
Pumping useless stocks and useless crypto’s. All
You short legitimate currencies like BSV
— Tesla ceo shills to join China pump n dumps (GME AMC) ANd Shills cute useles meme dog token TO millions of followers on Twitter— TOTALLY LEGAL BRO
The entire market goes up and bsv stays stagnant-

You Jews and chinks need to gtfo my world. I’m going to execute all Chinese Americans all jew Americans all South Korean Americans all Somalian Americans - and the list will continue to be added to-

South African Americans are not welcome either. White or black. Fuck you.

None of you disgusting modern-day-satanic-jew-mindset beings will survive.

>> No.30219118
File: 461 KB, 1059x962, FeelsDeatgMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao have sex loser

>> No.30219255

wtf is this schizo shit

>> No.30219607
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>> No.30219721
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>> No.30220099

>depriving tens of millions of Americans of representation is no joking matter.
Didn't you niggers just do the same for 4 years?