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File: 79 KB, 658x438, HeaderChantelZales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3020595 No.3020595 [Reply] [Original]

Is pussy the biggest scam in human history?

>> No.3020603

yes, just jerk off

>> No.3020621
File: 44 KB, 676x676, 1502334617044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you pay for her dinner, /biz/?

>> No.3020641

It isn't a scam since her price will go down with age.

>> No.3020642

Yes. Sleeping with women who are out of your league will just make you miserable. You should marry a girl and only have sex for procreation

>> No.3020683

does the restaurant accept PinkCoin?

>> No.3020687

we banged before: yes
didnt bang yet: no

>> No.3020694

Only TenX pay

>> No.3020965

Considering it made you, hell fucking yeah. Your dad must feel ripped off.

>> No.3020989

why would you not do the exact opposite

>> No.3021311

boipussy is the biggest scam, but pussy is a close runner up.

>> No.3021460

No lol you neet virgin, good sex with a girl who loves you is by far the best thing in life.

>> No.3021525

pussy is the carrot on a stick that keeps us all moving. if not for pussy, we would be happy living in a trailer next to walmart

>> No.3021547

no because you can get good deals for it pretty often, like ribeye or spare ribs or other meats

biggest scam in human history (in absolute terms) is the typical American lifestyle

>> No.3021553


>> No.3021561


>> No.3021568


>> No.3021610

Try finasteride. Keep your hair and money.

>> No.3021750

fin ages you like shit. lol at bald faggots. luckily no bald faggots in my ancestory.

>> No.3021777

I'm just here to give bad advice.

Also, fin doesn't age you. Did you mean minox?

>> No.3021793

minox ages you? source?

>> No.3021812

Eh i disagree. I been a virgin for the longest time and thought i was a huge loser. Until couple years back i started faking confidence and actually leaving the house i realize i could obtain girls.. I actually had 3-4 girlfriend in the span of 2 years or so. Then i realized i didn't like the drama and the sex that much... I honestly enjoy being single..

>> No.3021818

Because both parties need to take the same amount of risk desu aka go 50/50 on a first date

Sounds fedora as fuck but still

>> No.3021819

It's an anecdotal claim at best.

>> No.3021855

ass feels nicer

>> No.3022032

Maybe, but we are hard wired to chase it.

>tfw when you realize that everything you do is to get pussy.

>Going to gym -> I want to be healty. BS you want pussy.
>Getting rich. -> mah freedom. BS you want pussy.
>etc etc...

>> No.3022075
File: 375 KB, 792x475, 1502256021878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only true in the 1960s and prior. nowadays women are free to have sex with anyone they desire (read: 8+/10 Chads only) and no longer have to reward good, civilization-promoting behavior of males by participating in marriage. women now have their own jobs; they don't need some smart but ugly beta to support them.

>> No.3022124

that nose produces a wincing effect in my soul. methinks it must belong to the hebrews.

>> No.3022317

It is considering it's not even a scarce resource. But they are only a scarce resource because this feminized society gives them the right to chose their mates.

>> No.3022330


If you boys are ready for the massive red pill, watch this series . it will change your life.
bitches aint shit.


>> No.3022425

>pussy is the carrot on a stick that keeps us all moving. if not for pussy, we would be happy living in a trailer next to walmart
Confirmed. I gave up chasing pussy and now I live modestly as fuck and I feel content as fuck.

>> No.3022434

true redpilled way

>> No.3022439

Woody Allen detected

>> No.3022491

Hey Siamarine - yes you. Come over here for a minute. Don't be afraid, first of all, I am here only to protect you. Maybe just sell your bags when still you can exit with not that *BIG LOSSES*? Do you know what happened to all the ppl who bought DGB at ATH? They are still holding their shitcoin bags and will do that no matter what since they are emotionally attached to them. That's not how a SUCCESSFUL TRADER behaves. Aren't you for sure also sentimental about your purchases? I'm sorry but remember that sometimes *BAD DECISIONS* are being made on such a volatile market like crypto and it's not entirely your FAULT. Read something about risk-management and conclude whether you want to RISK FURTHER with basically *DEAD SCAM COIN* like Sia? You can still invest your bags into something profitable - take a look at neo, omg or iota for example and watch all these sweet gains that would enable you to cover your loses with this *SHITCOIN*. There are also some rumors that it is about to be DELISTED FROM POLONIEX. This coin was NEVER INTENDED FOR HOLDING - just look at the amount of coins mined every 10 minutes. Have you ever heard of this thing called INFLATION? I'll leave you to come up with conclusions... You are neither an early adopter of this coin - half a year ago it was worth 20 SAT - I'd estimate that it is the bottom. Congrats on holding something 10x overpriced. Eventually, DEVELOPERS said publicly that they DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PRICE OF THEIR COIN? Why to buy or hold it then? Do you HATE MONEY? Anyway, you'll do what you want but you've been WARNED.

>> No.3022740

Is buying anything besides a ticket to the Himalayas to become a Buddhist monk and write the biggest scam in human history?

>> No.3022787

Which video do I start with?

>> No.3022840


religion is

>> No.3023909

only if you aren't chad.

>> No.3024142

You sick fuck

>> No.3024159


>> No.3024174

The ideology of Roman Catholicism which guides me to not chase things like pussy desperately and one which I make no monetary contributions to is surely a scam, you got it

>> No.3024238

not if you just buy their sexual services.

>> No.3024298


>Black Philip

I know it well. I remember when Patrice said something like "I gotta be everything just for your pussy! Your pussy drives your whole shit!"

Spinoff show, Beige Philip: Male stripper talks about brides to be at their bachelorette parties.


>> No.3024310

Real talk. Is the value of pussy over inflated?

>> No.3024349

Can't even find it on Bittrex. Shitcoin in my opinion

>> No.3024417


Yes, by far. The Sexual Revolution, Feminism, and this SJW victim bullshit have made women bigger cunts than ever while also promoting the idea that they've had the worst lives ever for millennia.

Male desperation also fuels the bubble: people think that it's easier than ever for men to get sex thanks to the Sexual Revolution, but that's not true. The SR did not distribute sex evenly among men, but rather it only redistributed it to the more attractive and higher status men which women have always wanted to fuck to begin with. It only made it easier for the men for which it was already easiest.

In monogamy, you have more men getting sex, albeit with only one or 2 women. In polygyny, (the natural order for our species) you have most men going sexless with only a few fucking all the cunt. What the SR did was restore that natural order in which most men get nothing because they are not physically attractive enough or sociopathic enough.

>> No.3024448

In Cabo right now

Made about 20k in the last 7 days or so from Bitcoin eth and iota

Went to the strip club last night and picked out the two hottest girls in the place, got a bag of Coke and had a good time with them for 30 mins

Feels good man

>> No.3024506


>This is what happens when idiots get rich.

classic sign of a bubble and mania

>> No.3024704

whats the name of the strip club? im going next month, last time went with teh gf so no strip clubs and also i didnt saw any of those

>> No.3024722

I recommend every single male watch this shit and listen intently. It will make you have contempt for women and their tricks which will paradoxically make you more successful with them

>> No.3025204

This is the shit meme that's infecting men. Get off the internet and you'll see 4s and 5s with girls too. But guess what, ugly guys get ugly girls. This isn't new. Take care of yourself, be self-supporting, and the rest will take care of itself (unless you're an autist, then please don't breed).
If you're a fat poor loser going online saying that girls are poisoned and awful, etc. guess who the problem is.

>> No.3025215

Dumping loads in my cute wife nightly.

Livin the dream.

>> No.3025230

>The SR did not distribute sex evenly among men
So? Adapt and survive or sit on the internet and bitch

>> No.3025231

It feels really good to have your dick inside of a wet pussy. I can't explain it well, its all ribbed and wet and pussy juice is honestly the best.

>> No.3025235

This guy fucks.

>> No.3025273

swallow the black pill, kid. you'll thank me later.

>> No.3025286

>listening to a screeching nigger
you deserve your fate if you do. keep up that mgtow life nerds.

>> No.3025312

answer: the girls

>> No.3025313

dude take the iron pill, and the self-respect pill while you're at it

>> No.3025337
File: 53 KB, 607x960, gymcel extraordinaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just lift bro and the women will come

>> No.3025366
File: 74 KB, 900x900, 1498517381208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why people are still going bald in this day and age when fin exists

>> No.3025404

because going bald isn't a big deal unless you are punk ass bitch. I shaved my head before going bald and I have a dense beard. Fin turns you into a bitch, men go bald, women care about vane shit like that.

I never liked having hair, sure it looked nice but it was a pain in the ass to maintain it.

>> No.3025405

utter trash

>> No.3025413

Fin is fantastic but not a cure.
Most don't see the first signs of hairloss and get on it too late.
In most cases it reverses some damage and slows down your loss.

>> No.3025439

When I see any 7+ woman I instinctually want to knock them up, but seeing how that's 15 minutes for me and 9 months + 18 years for her I can understand the value.

>> No.3025560


>From her is the race of women and female kind: of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no helpmates in hateful poverty, but only in wealth.

tl;dr thats the pandora box, the woman wasa curve on mankind and now we must all suffer for the need of pussy

>> No.3025563

Cope harder. Wow you're so manly.
Why are telling us about your beard? How is that in any way relevant? I guess it's your way of compensating.

Fact is: Most men care about their hair. I care about my hair, so shut the fuck up.

>> No.3025619

You care about your hair because you are a nu-male faggot, that's why. I have a beard because that is what you do when you go bald, you dumb homosexual fuck. Go pluck your eyebrows and shave your legs, bitch boy.

>> No.3025644

womans are the worst thing to invest

>> No.3025646

The only acceptable answer, indicative of alpha male status.

Inb4 betas of all incomes want to buy her dinner before banging.

>> No.3025687

Read attraction formula by paul janka. Dude slept with 300 women and recorded science like data on it. Its not cringe either its just down to earth and honest.

Im a total beta and i fucked 4 women in one year after reading it. Some people could fuck 4 girls a weekend but for me at a lifetime total of 3 fucks it was substantial progress.

>> No.3025730

A wise man once said everything is about sex, except sex.

>> No.3025750

Your insecurity is showing and it's hilarious.
Why are you so mad? I look better with hair and fin doesn't give me sides. Why are you attacking me for that? You're comforting yourself by calling me a homo for mainting my hair. You're trying to justify your decision (to lose your hair forever - your follicles are dead) by these irrational insults. Vain? Hah, guess what: Everbody cares about looks, everybody is vain. We're animals ffs.

Calling me a homo for taking a simple pill? Lmao, get lost.

>> No.3025762

that was frank underwood on HoC you faggot

>> No.3025791

You are changing your hormones because you have the mind of a woman, I'm not the insecure one, you are. You cuck.

>> No.3025828

Hilarious and sexist.
Again, why are you so mad? Insults are no arguments, you dummy.

>> No.3025989

By the way bitch boy, everyone can tell you're going bald. The only one you are fooling is your delusional sick self. Nice combover, faggot.

>> No.3025998
File: 79 KB, 1479x571, Civilization Needs Betas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Le edgy pussyfaggot needs and education, I see.

There are two main mating strategies: the K selective and R selective.

The K selective is defined by a lower birth rate and high parental investment. The male and female spend much time and energy raising offspring. They defer gratification in favor of long term benefit. They are pair-bonded with one another and generally monogamous. This is the strategy used by the Wolf.

The R selective is defined by higher birth rate and low parental investment. The female will mate with many males, but only of the most attractive, dominant echelon, regardless of her own attractiveness. She will have many offspring, but their fathers will not be present to raise them. Short term, urgent incentives are prioritized, the distant future is never a concern. This where polygyny gets you. This is the destruction of Black America. This is the strategy of the Bonobo.

K-selective Monogamy is a prerequisite to Civilization. R-selection will either destroy your civilization, or prevent one from rising in the first place. Civilization is built and sustained by the Beta Male: his cooperation is integral, and he must be given a female to have a family with, and assurance of his paternal legitimacy, in order to unlock his productivity upon which Civilization is built. If the female is left to pursue her chimpish fuck strategies, your society devolves into a hyperviolent episode of Jersey Shore: Venezuela.

That's the fruit of the Sexual Revolution. Daft cunt.

>> No.3026029

Honestly it is not a pain to maintain. Mine is down to my ass and naturally somewhat curly.
I enjoy brushing it out every day. It takes about 1-2 minutes, the same amount of time I spend on my teeth.
And if I need to keep it out of my way for something, such as physical work, it takes 15 seconds to tie up into a bun without a hair tie. This lasts all day without coming down or tangling the hair whatsoever.

>> No.3026067

Now I know that you really care. I can spot a NW just like you, because I used to care alot about it.

I have no visible hairloss. Some people take fin early, because they got lucky like me.

>> No.3026083

I grew my hair out and it like it alot.

>> No.3026093


>> No.3026161

literally this. As soon as I noticed I'm going bald I shaved that shit off and never gave a fuck again. I never understood who people can mess with their hormones because of their hair. The funny thing is, even when they're on fin you can see they're balding. If you're willing to take to intervene in your endocrine system because of hair, you were never confident in the first place.

>> No.3026174

*willing to intervene.. fking smartphone keyboard

>> No.3026258

doesnt fin help with prostate issues? pretty sure its preventative measure for several male aging issues. im thinking about going on because i just noticed thinning at 29

>> No.3026305
File: 9 KB, 457x309, sexual value.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a scam when they try to get you to buy after the bubble bursts.

>> No.3026379

Guess who promoted that lifestyle
It rhymes with Blueish Steeple

>> No.3026390

>le women hit the wall myth
blue pill myth to make ugly guys feel better.
>I'm going to slay pussy once I'm thirty
just you wait. when millennial women hit the wall, they will have harems of young men. if they want kids, they'd rather resort to being a knocked up (by Chad) single mother (which is already becoming an accepted thing btw) than have to resort to you.

>> No.3026396

>be ugly
>want pussy
>need money to get pussy
>have little money
>invest money in btc to get more money
>invest btc in shitcoins to get more btc
>invest trust in /biz/ to get more shitcoins

as you see, this plan was not well thought out

>> No.3026417
File: 619 KB, 1536x1471, 9fdb805f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le women hit the wall myth

dude they hit the wall at fucking 20

>> No.3026424

how old are you? im 29 and wouldnt even think of dating a 29 woman. that chart isnt far off

>> No.3026442

it literally doesn't matter what you think. all that matters is what Chad thinks. you're not the audience for this market. it's like North Koreans critiquing Ford SUVs.

>> No.3026523
File: 23 KB, 600x600, 1502166107907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot that more attractive men invalidate my life. thanks for reminding me

>> No.3026825

said the guy who's never taken personal responsibility for anything that has happened in his life

>> No.3026849

>The R selective is defined by higher birth rate and low parental investment.
you idiot. Humans are k selective. So are elephants and rhinos and apes and basically all high-level mammals. Stop bastardizing real science to fit your narrative.
If you don't like your situation, change it. If you can't change it, change your mind set. Do not make excuses.

>> No.3026857

Yes it is. We all want hot girls who generally want nothing to do with us. It's a fucking scam. Hence why you see hot girls on all ads so corporations can get your money

>> No.3026875

0/10 sort yourselves out

>> No.3026877

>You care about your hair because you are a nu-male faggot, that's why
my grandfather was a marine in wwii and he wore a toupee for years. you're not more manly because you have a beard and a shaved head. You're a tool. Go buy a lifted truck and get some tattoos too. Then you'll be really manly!

>> No.3026878

anyone who believes "Chad" is a superior figure is a beta of some type

>> No.3026880

niggers are r-selected
but then again they aren't human

>> No.3026959

>my grandfather was a marine
so what? you know how many gays are in the marines? lmfao.. also he isn't saying one is many because he has a beard and a shaved head.. he says you're a faggot if you take fin because you're balding. learn to read you imbecile

>> No.3027364

I love azn women, but I get bigger boners from coin gainz. Every time i think about buying something, instead i just make a coinbase deposit. feels good man

>> No.3027473


>> No.3027525

No. Just learn how to be a human and not a penis.

>> No.3027616

Women are nice but they are shit tier motivation in a world full of porn.

>> No.3027629

Time to go no fap brah

>> No.3027994

It's the first time I see someone denying this fact. You must be a girl, because it's painfully obvious to any man that 35+ women appearance are trash and 28+ are just not as attractive as 21 ones.

>> No.3028044


Chads aren't going to bother with washes up old women when they have a slate of 22 year olds to pick from

Women have advantage in beauty

Men have advantage in status

You know it, I know it, everybody knows it

>> No.3028045

look at the porn trends over the last decade anon
milf porn being super popular and now step mom incest fantasy shit is taking over
young guys throughout the next 15+ years will have a preference for older women

>> No.3028068

keep dreaming.

>> No.3028071


Men have a domination fantasy for women who resemble those who raised and controlled them growing up

It has nothing to do with attraction lol, it's titillating as hell

>> No.3028092
File: 108 KB, 409x409, NEETblueshade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up on the pussy meme once I realized how much effort I was putting in relative to other guys. If you're not a top tier male, you're wasting your valuable time "self improving".

Rather just snuggle in a comfy blanket and watch charts than waste my time with that.

>> No.3028126

>get qt conservative gf
>gets on birth control because of anxiety during protected sex
>gains weight and loses sex drive
>sex won't be enjoyable to her because of anxiety if she gets off the pill
this is a predicament
we plan to marry soon and obviously she'll get off BC but i know weight gain comes on and doesn't stop once it has started in women

>> No.3028224
File: 104 KB, 1243x1059, BONE LAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the first time I see someone denying this fact.
Because you stick to your cringeworthy leddit "red pill" forums, there's no way you can hear other perspectives.
>You must be a girl,
Nah, I'm an incel dude.
>because it's painfully obvious to any man that 35+ women appearance are trash and 28+ are just not as attractive as 21 ones.
First of all, as said by >>3026442, the opinions of sub-8/10 men about women who would reject them has no effect on the universe. I have done my research. If you really want to get blackpilled, make a male model Tinder/OKC account or better yet--a 40 year old female and see how many actual Chads are begging to fuck her.

Money and Status do not come into play until you have 10+ Million and/or have a Wikipedia page. EVEN THEN you will have to pass some basic looks thresholds, like being over 5'6".

>> No.3028280

how do I short women?
T&A analysis says they're seriously overvalued.

>> No.3028386

you can always fork off to mgtow

>> No.3028404

short women go long on dick

>> No.3028481


Nah, status encompasses a few things. Personality, demeanor, wealth, popularity, confidence, strength and ability. Guys can work on one or the other or all to increase their status in the eyes of a woman. Age and time can help a lot.

Women on the other hand are very dependent on looks. That is why they obsess over them until their death bed, even past the point of reason.