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[ERROR] No.30179681 [Reply] [Original]

London now has more millionaires than NYC. Why are the rich going to the UK of all places?

>> No.30179739

Muslim dick

>> No.30179783

Have you been to a major American city in the last decade? Yeah UK has a few muslim ghettos but it’s literally a warzone here

>> No.30179789

UK is shambolic and in an open looting/wealth concentration phase. it's on the way to becoming russia.

>> No.30179827

Because of the commie mayor

>> No.30179841

Because it’s the money laundering capital of the world for the elites and always has been. Extremely easy to hide your assets and not pay shit on them if you’re rich.

>> No.30179889

Yeah the upper east aide, beverly hills, naperville and palm beach are all basically 3rd world countries now. Bodies piling up in the streets.

Fucking retard

>> No.30179976

NYC just an hero'd.

>> No.30180031

You can only hide in your suburb so much, it all bleeds over. Just one rampant coon or spic and your dogs get stolen from you on your daily walk

>> No.30180054

They just moved to the hamptons until fall

>> No.30180104

Manhattan isn’t a suburb

>> No.30180187
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This. Research the City of London.

>> No.30180227

What is NY it like 20 square miles lmao, it’s all connected whether you want to admit it or not

>> No.30180268

This is because of people fleeing New York.

>> No.30180288

No wonder, since the population of London consists of much more White aka Native European people than NYC (thus higher intelligence). Aside from NYC having more Africans, Mexicans, Chinks and Jews and other non-European races, than Whites, most of the "white" population of NYC is heavily mixed to begin with. In the USA someone with as little 25% European genes is counted as "white", all that's needed is a light skin color.

>> No.30180404

Rich people are usually autistic af and the British accent makes them happy.

>> No.30180563

you are beyond lost, have fun at sbarros

>> No.30180674

Ok keep pretending that any major city and a 30 mile radius around it aren’t either
1. Destitute ghettos
2. Money-walled fortress burbs silently praying that the urban decay doesn’t spread to them before they can sell
3. $5000/mo highrises with ironclad security

>> No.30180803

Literally this. Whites in America are fleeing. New York is 25-20% white. London is 60-75% white.

>> No.30180825

Because large cities in the US are shitholes devoid of any culture

>> No.30181031

have fun at sbarros

>> No.30181076

>shitty food
>shitty weather
They go there to suffer for their sins.

>> No.30181114

It wasn't rich going to London it was rich leaving NYC.

>> No.30181138


Can we go back to 70s New York when it was all trashed up and disgusting, and GG Alin would throw up in the streets, as well as public drinking just being seen as accepted?

>> No.30181158

>no argument
figures, why don’t you share with the class what part of NY you live in and why it’s so great?

>> No.30181163

Rich always flock to liberal places

>> No.30181233

isnt that just because NYC is full of niggers?

>> No.30181598

It's easier to avoid poor people in London. Also easier access to the continent, rich people have their own planes/yachts and fly all the time and there's way more shit to do in europe for rich people than america/asia

>> No.30181847

east village

you can't afford to live in the fun parts

when i say afford, i mean afford, not brainlet can-buy

say hi to the cornfields for me

>> No.30181888

east soho
it’s comfy and 2/3 the price usually

>> No.30181930

Whites are a minority in London. Granted, they're probably greater in number than NYC.

>> No.30181968

checked and yea thats a fun spot, is it super loud? east of tompkins feels like a suburb compared to soho to me, maybe im getting old

>> No.30182041

daddys money made you cocky lol

>> No.30182046

>say hi to the cornfields for me
will do, enjoy your crowded metropolis

>> No.30182065

I live in the back of a building so it’s not very loud
EV seems so crowded atleast at the gym I went to once, this area seems like a breath of fresh air that not a lot of people flock to to live in

>> No.30182098

Real estate.

London house prices have gone up more than New York, so everyone who owns a house is now a paper millionaire.

>> No.30182113

And Hong kong

>> No.30182117

They're not going to London.
They're fleeing New York.

>> No.30182181


This. There are two London’s - city of London is a financial haven. Meaning there will be rules for thee and not for me. Tax loopholes/millionaire benefits 10000%

>> No.30182189

I'm upper class Yuro, without being a billionaire, lived in NY and LA, worked in Beverly Hills.
The thing about american cities is no matter how rich you are , you just feel like you're moving from one secure enclave to another. You live in some boring fenced up gated community, and and leave it with your car which yu get out off in a secured parking lot in what ever venue you're attending. as soon as you leave these wealth bubbles it's fucking Kubrick, niggers yelling everywhere, crackheads and psychos jerking off, it's fucking wild.

London, and even more so other European capitals, aren't perfect by any means, but I can just take an afternoon to strool around in the nicer historic neighborhoods, do some shopping, sit down for a beer outside with my phone and cigs on the table without woorying. You'll see a few thugs or gypsies here and there, but it feels way more peaceful than American cites.
America is good to make money, but even if you have money, the major cities are shit to live in, and I don't even particularly like London, but I'd pick it eyes closed over NYC.

>> No.30182314

Exactly what I said above but cityfag copers couldn’t handle the truth

>> No.30182327


>> No.30182414

I’m moving to Tokyo. Japan is decently western, but is uniquely positioned to prosper off of chinas take over. Plus not a warszone

>> No.30182492

And to be fair
>US cities<EU cities<countryside/montain

I feel like the city meme is coming to an end, people who can afford it want to get away from these cesspools, be it US or EU. The city is for bottom feeders, and what's left of a middle class hoping to make it. Wealth is land, and not being tied to a city for a job.

>> No.30182508

Uh huh, sure you are champ. They have their highest unemployment ever and are going to cut down hard on hiring foreign workers.

>> No.30182571

I’m not going to work there. I’m going to live off my interest in my blockfi account

>> No.30182596

why would you want to live amongst a foreign race who will never see you as one of them

>> No.30182624

Pandemic seemed to really highlight that. I’ll take a few acres and quiet nights over slightly more restaurants and the constant threat of crime (coloreds)

>> No.30182672

>Once I make it from crypto I will move to Japan! I am a cyberpunk XD
Good luck on your visa application.

>> No.30182681

What are the tax loopholes?

Why are the authorities unable to crackdown on them?

>> No.30182695

This is anywhere you go. As long as your accent is different you will never be one of them in any region. It’s my back up country if I have to leave burgerland because it becomes unlivable. I guarantee I’ll be looked at as an outsider in Europe just as much a asia

>> No.30182705

is this true? will this coin make me rich mr anon?
or you just try to scam people with shit
>I have already hold SWG and got bonuses
>BSC will be great for platform development

>> No.30182710

Us millionaires realize living in a shithole with terrible tax laws would be able to live their life literally anywhere else. Plus their genocidal mayor and governor scared them away

>> No.30182737

lmao, shut the fuck up and go suck yourself suckers. stop begging to put money in your shitcoins. i made to get money from sharding. already bought some phore tokens and wanna receive some graphene at the airdrop

>> No.30182743

replaces thugs, addicts and desperate poors with autistic otaku nationalist. replace gangs with an organized group or forum of them.

>> No.30182774

Sounds pretty based

>> No.30182791

because we suck their dick and they can do anythign they want

>> No.30182800

Also sounds exactly like this board

>> No.30182880

Financial capital of the world vs financial capital of israel

>> No.30182955

More tolerant of child rape?

>> No.30183088

Have you ever been attacked by a nigger? I think you are just scared.

If you look scared that will make thugs and other lowlives target you. If you grow up around here you actually think the interactions with random thugs are sort of funny. Maybe I’m just a psycho though

>> No.30183143

No its a really faggy version of shitty now.