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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30095141 No.30095141 [Reply] [Original]

You guys know this isnt lasting another 5 years right? Blockchains as is consume far too much energy, its not sustainable and theres not a chance officials in office dont use this as a way to scapegoat killing crypto as a whole, they already dislike it due to the competition towards the us dollar and fiat in general. For example, look how much energy it took for 2 pieces of art to be minted. Idc what any of you faggots say, not sustainable. Death will come.

>> No.30095205

That is surprising little energy consumption

>> No.30095268

lol green id ygmi, thats pretty worrying though. Bitcoin and eth are such great starting points for the future of finance/currency but i fear its lifespan is short.

>> No.30095279

>one house
oh shit shut it all down
we def wont be using more hydro/solar/thermal/wind/fusion/fission power in the future shut it ALL down right NOW

>> No.30095298

Crypto is nothing but the verglorified java programs. If we just need power to power a computer running these programs, why can’t we just start a trend where miners are setting up solar panels or some shit?

We know the gov will try to make crypto seem like the problem for our env, so let’s take the initiate and take the first steps to being green before they try to fuck us.

If we just set up a few 100w solar panels and leave a lifepo4 power station running a rig, who knows, maybe you even save tons of money in the long run.

>> No.30095312

Imagine thinking co2 still will cause muh climate change. Enjoy your carbon tax for breathign faggot while you eat the roach bugs.

>> No.30095337

You do realize the chain used to make that art is switching from proof of work to proof of stake right making your point about energy consumption moot, right?

>> No.30095352
File: 108 KB, 853x800, 00C92D43-6A44-4180-AC5C-8EE114A76862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not sustainable!

>> No.30095381

Im not saying shut it all down, i just think itll be used as a point in an attempt to destroy cryptos dominance and growth. Simple way for rich jews to immediately destroy our little decentralized funny money
lmao fucking accurate

>> No.30095406

Miners can buy recs like all the other corporates and everyone can be merry

>> No.30095430
File: 153 KB, 1200x1200, 8F5A03F2-485C-4BB0-9C88-976D363E1237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HBAR is the answer

>> No.30095451

You guys know this can’t last 5 more years right? OP is using too much energy sucking cock he can’t continue this forever

>> No.30095474

Crypto will be the first adopters of entirely Renewable energy. The largest BTC miner in North America already only exists bc of hydro electrical power. It's the only electricity usage with a direct incentive to use the cheapest possible energy source, which already is Solar or Wind or Hydro, as soon as these are accessible the entire blockchain will be greener than anything on earth.

Also, do bank servers just ru on fairy dust? How about the billions of tons of fiber optic running the NYSE? All totally green right?

Faggot FUD.

>> No.30095522

I can't wait to see the nocoiner response once eth2 goes live

>> No.30095864

I don't think you understand what's going on. Today Gary Gensler was appointed as chief of SEC. And he's deep into crypto. He's been having lectures on crypto at MIT


And now look at this

Here he's literally shilling Algorand. A Pure PoS platform, that's about to scale to 46k tx/s, with transactions that take place right now in 4.5s, and with new update that's going to be 2.5s. Algorand is already running on it USDT, USDC. Even countries have their own currency on it, like Marschall Islands, as well as Brazil. Now look at that


Powell here literally says, that FED is in partnership with MIT, from which current SEC chairman is, and most importantly, that's where Silvio Micali, it's founder is from. As well as many other team members.

I do agree, that sooner or later ecology maniacs will attack PoW cryptocurrencies, and that will be a huge blow to the whole industry. But PoS coins are where bankers are looking at. This space is not going anywhere. It's only going to get bigger.

>> No.30096180

Ahhh, you're right. The entire mining variable represents 100% of crypto, easier to do that math than say... calculating the energy usage of all of the brick and mortar banks thruought the world, then adding the energy consumption of armored cars combusting fissile fuel 24/7/365, then factoring in the energy cost of all employees at all of the banks to get to work.

No one, that's too complex, we will instead stick to "but muh crypto".. you fucking smoothbrain

>> No.30096264

lol we have unlimited energy you fucking retard they just won't give it to you until they have to. o0o0o0o0oo0 scary nuclear hahah retard

>> No.30096629


So OP, which coin should I invest in to stop the coins from using all the electricity? I want to be out front on this, no FOMO for me.

>> No.30096713

apparently algorand

>> No.30096763

Whats a blockchain?
Is that another cute cube like LINK? :)

>> No.30097682

Ok now post the total consumption of Visa, Mastercard, online banking, international customer support, and the Federal Government IT Infrastructure that failed just last week.

That blockchain usage is equal to a small country like NZ. The total of all current standing financial systems consumes maybe 10x more. Energy usage is not the problem anymore, it's which one is more efficient.

>> No.30097751
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>Blockchains as is consume far too much energy

>> No.30097815

East way to fix this. Governments come down hard on industrial and commercial farmers by raising taxes on them specifically. Easy enough to check who is consuming the most power on the grid anyways. Small and personal miners would be excluded.

>> No.30097896
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You wanted to buy my DIA, didn;t you kikester