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File: 92 KB, 1078x1177, TokenDistribution11120AVAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30080378 No.30080378 [Reply] [Original]

>bullish af
>some people still try to FUD with this
Why is the distribution bearish according to retards?

>> No.30080604


People who just doesn't know what they are even doing. Ignore those haters mf, you just said it "Retards"

>> No.30080676

Yup, last token release was not even a dump, just a little dip.
Fuck ADAtards who say this is bearish

>> No.30080703

mmm seens legit but idk too many about AVAX anon. Is a good idea buy AVAX anon?

>> No.30080851
File: 288 KB, 1480x2048, EvU0BvSUYAA-Xpu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling pretty comfy with my AVAX holdings rn desu

>> No.30081092


>> No.30081135

They’re coping that they’re priced out of a sui stack.
AVAX is unfuddable.

>> No.30081182

you said it, they're retards, i'm good with AVAX and gonna spend all my money on it, just think about it anon, 4600+ TPS, faster than fucking VISA lmao.

>> No.30081439

>4600+ TPS, faster than fucking VISA lmao
And that's for the shittiest hardware you can run a node on. As nodes get upgraded it can run even faster.

>> No.30081621

double spend lol

>> No.30081844
File: 24 KB, 1224x258, free_money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow AVAXchads. If you held PNG on Feb 27 don't forget to get your free $100 from the probable scam exchange.yetiswapp.app

>> No.30081953


yes, the same fucking FUD that I been seeing for months now.

>> No.30082039

spread your anus tranny

>> No.30082066

If you want a x10 by EOY yes

>> No.30082115

I claimed it when it was just work 1.6 AVAX and I already sold it
I repent strongly

>> No.30082178

It was an inflationary bug that was fixed. Bitcoin had something even worse and it has grown outstandingly since then

>> No.30082226

Indeed, they don't know how to FUD anymore, they know they missed the train even though they still have a chance

>> No.30082283

It was just a cross-chain invalid mint because c-chain slowed down while x-chain kept running at normal speed. It's fixed and can't happen again.

>> No.30082376

Exactly. Choose another FUD sanjay

>> No.30083587

Why is it a probable scam though?

>> No.30083836

It's the exact copy of Pangolin without any information what it brings new to the table. Also, Bao will be launching on Avalanche and their teaser website is yetiswap.xyz. I do not believe that this is a coincidence.

>> No.30083962

Damn, that's odd. I'll watch out, but I thought this Yeti was indeed the one from Bao somehow

>> No.30083976

Lol, claimed it and the only transactions on this site are selling this shit for avax, lul

>> No.30084013
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>> No.30084023

You sold at what price? Am I the only retard who sold for just 1.4 AVAX?

>> No.30084052

Based EminGOD meme

>> No.30084282

this should be the standard response to any FUD

>> No.30084343

Agree, let's make it happen lol
fuck ZERO and ADA

>> No.30084510

I didn't sold personally, last time I checked the transactions were selling their airdrops to get AVAX. I checked and the price got way up since. I'll hold that for a bit. Prob a rugpull scam tho

>> No.30084530

I’ll throw the FUDsters a bone, since they’re running out of material.
Here are some things that could be better about AVAX:
- AEB is clunky, confusing and expensive (Eths fault, I know)
- Lots of metamask issues and friction
- Outage communication could have been handled better
- Foundation nodes control ~70% of staked value
- No C-Chain on ledger
That’s all I got, it’s fucking awesome otherwise.

>> No.30084582

The biggest fud this shitcoin has is that it gets spammed by hordes of subhuman roaches.

>> No.30084630

bonus blocks

>> No.30085718

I have some AVAX on Binance. Where do I stake it?

>> No.30085724

First two problems are Ethereum's fault. Communication could have been better but it was good anyways. C-chain on ledger is already being worked on.

>> No.30085747

Yup, might be. Perhaps you should sell when it reaches 7 AVAX per airdrop lol

>> No.30085769

Yes, this is sadly true, but it is more than that

>> No.30085851

Do you risk wallet security connecting your metamask to this shit though? I feel like connected to sketchy sites is why people are always reporting their metamasks being emptied. That or malicious extensions.

>> No.30085964

I always empty my Metamask because of that, I never hold in there.

>> No.30086166

Yeah, too inconvenient at the moment... you know when the Yetiswap airdrop ends?

>> No.30086364

No idea, sorry fren

>> No.30086554

I think it was March 8th

>> No.30087604


>> No.30087723

That's a fucking lie

>> No.30088221

Another week another 200 AVAX added to my stack, Thanks for participating

>> No.30088507

Based and AVAXpilled
Best smart contract platform atm

>> No.30088568

AVAX has always allowed crosschain transactions, you must be retarded

>> No.30088693

Explain to us what that is and why its a problem, Radix shill

>> No.30088761

Yes, fuck Radix too
And if you're not a Radix roach maybe you're a Fantom one

>> No.30088766
File: 546 KB, 697x809, Meme17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna spend all my money on AVAX, ty anon.

>> No.30088991

Says the pajeet, fucking retard.

>> No.30089138

Best financial decision of your life, but you should diversify with LINK and PNG too, both are Avalanche allies

>> No.30089220

Didn't know that anon, i'll see those altcoins too, tyty!

>> No.30089580
File: 145 KB, 600x600, 1612641846454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found AVAX around $10 when I was playing an eu4 game of ottoman empire really baked, got inspired and followed the roaches. it's worked out very well for me, setting up validator hardware now.
This is the one. Thank you roaches, our citadel will be in Constantinople.

>> No.30089725
File: 62 KB, 303x298, E8930553-6222-4318-9AB3-129EBB01FBC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, welcome to the network, fellow AVAXchad. What kind of hardware are you running your node on?

>> No.30090341
File: 57 KB, 590x593, 1612562443984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually got a raspberry pi 4 8gb kit to play some retrogames. I have been selling PNG for avax, and moving enough over through the bridge/to avax to get to my 2k. Can't wait to be on network, long term stake in the project. Will be able to live off the staking rewards alone in a year, if not less.

>> No.30090661

Where would an American purchase AVAX?

>> No.30090743
File: 3.06 MB, 3608x1365, 67DEDF65-1180-4250-A607-1ABC915426C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m running the same pi; the setup was smooth as butter, even building from source and making a new systemd service.
Setup the monitoring with Prometheus/Grafana too, all smooth as usual.
All the best with achieving NEETdom, anon.

>> No.30091093
File: 219 KB, 1500x1500, 1611371743241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see you again PNG farmer. How are rates on our pools looking? Any extra AVAX/money I get is being pulled to PNG for farming. Really loving the start of this ecosystem AVAX is forming with all it's partnerships coming in.
What pools you in? I'm AVAX/LINK, and was thinking of putting in AVAX/PNG or AVAX/ETH. I see the png pool as the go to, since a lot of people are likely farming png for more AVAX (like myself).
I'll keep the monitoring in mind, not super tech savvy, yet. Those just programs to run on your home pc to monitor your node's performance? Very based.

>> No.30091702
File: 104 KB, 599x289, simple_memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


600 stacklet
cant be a validator

sir the needful pls X-avax1muzljnaj5lnt44h0vy63q9p9kaz9wr6l7fvj0s

>> No.30091706

Hail AVAXchad. The gains have shrunk down to 100 PNG/week as the liquidity has grown and I’ve become a smaller percentage (pic was taken when I was 2% of the pool on release lol), but it’s still 22-40 AVAX per week for doing literally nothing (like you, I swap my PNG for AVAX when the ratio is favorable).

As for maximizing PNG gains, I don’t think the particular pool matters; just how much AVAX value you put in. From the litepaper:
>The PNG will be allocated per pool proportional to liquidity as calculated by the total AVAX value in the pool. In non-AVAX pools, the proportional liquidity is calculated by looking at the price of the base token in comparison to AVAX.
Obviously fees/impermanent loss differs per pool.

I’m actually running the monitoring programs on the same raspberry pi; though I access the dashboards they serve from my desktop.

>> No.30091855

Pls send good sir

>> No.30091905
File: 60 KB, 400x400, 6xU9wWnb_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30091957

They already can, OKCoin or Voyager, idk when will it be the coinbase listing

>> No.30091965
File: 3.13 MB, 1876x1595, 1612559889856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dangerously based. This will be your verification confirmation when entering my citadel. Hold on tight, king.

Yeah, I'm feeling that. Mine are down to 78 in the link pool, but I'm going to shoot for 200/week in the short term to get a steady stream of income/AVAX off what I make doing LP farming.

Just what I'm working on now besides just checking stuff out on vscout. Appreciate the insight on the pi brother. ygmi

>> No.30092024

I fucking love AVAX NFTs

>> No.30092048

Based pangowango farmer

>> No.30092144

Done the needful.

>> No.30092319

Thanks anon, received

>> No.30092345
File: 3.30 MB, 3568x3213, 1607816400015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you make any more, here's my address. Thanks for doing this bro

>> No.30092358
File: 180 KB, 1796x1191, EvemEmJVIAgD3x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.30092362

You sending NFTs or actual AVAX? I have a special wallet just for NFTs

>> No.30092420

I dca into this, but holy shit it will take me forever to get to 2k even if I stake. Currently at 187.

>> No.30092458

Wait until governance lowers the validating price

>> No.30092500

They are thinking about lowering the requirement to 500

>> No.30092512
File: 84 KB, 1024x575, 3E2CA956-0F89-495F-A32C-9F7F34EE4414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice man, I think I’ll go balls deep in LP after the bull run.

>> No.30092584
File: 216 KB, 1372x697, caption_these.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome bros. I can mint the rest today, but I want to have meaningful captions. You can help me with that.

>> No.30092615

*balls deep in liquidity farming

>> No.30092699
File: 249 KB, 850x1200, 1613008382291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These will be your ticket into the citadel. I'll be waiting to see them at the door.

Absolutely. One the crash hits and we begin recovery, that'll be when we become the next generation of wealth. Stay safe.

>> No.30092913

why not LP now?

>> No.30093070

>sir do the meaningful
Those titles seem alright to me, how about 'avax fren'

>> No.30093076

I’m being a massive Jew and trying to minimize my impermanent loss.
See the chart I posted, you want to withdraw your liquidity at the same price you put it in.
If I put it in now, we might never see this price again and I’ll make an loss when I pull it out.
I figure after the bull run we’re due for the usual 3 years of crabbing, so I’ll get in at a low price and let it ride until it starts going back up again.

>> No.30093223
File: 46 KB, 214x245, caption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want funny paragraphs as captions. pic rel

>> No.30093390

I only have 97 AVAX, is it worth swapping half for ETH and farming PNG?

>> No.30093495


>> No.30093531 [DELETED] 

Why are you crying about these trashcoins?
That’s all your mistake mate, don’t be so tarded
Wanna see income?
>listen carefully my boi, go to JustLiquidity and check yields for JULD
>Check stat, be clever!

>> No.30093551

Not really, keep some AVAX out of the LP. I'd give 20 AVAX for the LP on AVAX-PNG

>> No.30093680

Did someone say Bonus blocks

>> No.30093826


>> No.30093959

interesting, I'm currently LPing AVAX/LINK and using this strategy - every few days I check how much AVAX/LINK I would get if I unpooled and compare that to my original investment. If the prices have changed, I trade the PNG rewards for what I'm down in. eg. I was up 14 AVAX and down 13 LINK after 3 days, so I bought 13 LINK with my PNG and kept it unpooled. The end result is that I have my original amount of LINK and a gain of 14 AVAX.

>> No.30094095

surely you use some excerpt from the avax stay ballsax pasta

>> No.30094165

please do the needful sirs those look awesome

>> No.30094179

Source? Other wise it is cheap fud

>> No.30094202

Nice strategy, watch out since market is a bit volatile at the moment.
Have you used Uniswap pools before? Is it better as some people say?

>> No.30094208

you could even say that my avax = scoobysnax

>> No.30094235

>I check how much AVAX/LINK I would get if I unpooled and compare that to my original investment

This is a good fucking idea, anon. I have about 100 liquidity tokens in the Avax/Link pool right now, but how the fuck do I check how much that would be worth if I withdrew them from the pool?

>> No.30094246

What the fuck is a JULD
You're a paidshill right?

>> No.30094285

Go for it, skinny dipping in an LP after a bullrun is basically extending your gains

>> No.30094308

Looks fair, 500 AVAX is a lot of money atm, enough to call it a real "proof of stake"

>> No.30094333

duoble spend

>> No.30094364

you have to withdraw them from liquidity mining, then it should show up under Pool. If you click manage you can see your potential unpooled amounts

>> No.30094407

effendis, will i be able to make it with 100 AVAX? i have 65 right now but by eom i will have enough bongbux to buy another 35

i owe the jews at HSBC a lot of money so won't have much disposable income for the rest of the year

>> No.30094408

thanks to whoever told me about the yeti airdrop.

im wondering... should i hold on to these lil niggas or sell immediately since it seems like yeti is scam central?

>> No.30094531

Maybe you should sell, but DYOR

>> No.30094595

hey can u do texan avax pepe

>> No.30094811

just went on their twitter. shit is a literal scam. top tweet is their own twitter going "to the moon!" with no other info.

>> No.30094935

Nah, I haven't.

>> No.30095040
File: 394 KB, 600x477, 1612280241133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started with a measly 25 avax with all my poorfag powers
>been staking since png launched
>just got the yeti airdrop
>now have 40 avax
uhhhh.. avachads???

>> No.30095115
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>> No.30095547




>> No.30095677
File: 417 KB, 2015x1112, 2D5AC87B-88ED-4661-A962-C65674368287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t need to pay back debt

>> No.30095696



>> No.30095996


that's a retarded way to do it
shows you right there how much each you have atm

>> No.30096145


>> No.30096157

Welcome anon, you're now an AVAXChad and you'll make it.

>> No.30096182


>> No.30096203

Enjoy, last needfuls of the day. I will go to bed now.

>> No.30096423
File: 1.48 MB, 1254x1771, EsBjN5aWMAY6oi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Anon

>> No.30096517

just got mine. super stoked

>> No.30096734

how this collectibles works btw?

>> No.30098107

Thanks, for anyone else doing this, paste your C chain address in and click load account details

>> No.30099381

>Thanks, for anyone else doing this, paste your C chain address in and click load account details

I'll be damned it works.
Cheers for this, anon.

>> No.30099997

>3K PNG per week

How much fucking money have you staked? That an insane amount of money.