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File: 489 KB, 640x777, 6FA66B3F-4340-489B-A59D-65F82E81D95F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30084366 No.30084366 [Reply] [Original]

Would an old phone work as a good wallet for crypto. Like what if I just used it like cold wallet, just sending and receiving crypto? I don’t want to spend money on a ledger. They’re like 150$. Is it safe?

>> No.30084409

maybe install a custom ROM that removes phone tracking features and always keep it on airplane mode

>> No.30084527

It will work but it will be shit. Make sure you have good backups because phones break all the time.

Check out parity signer

>> No.30084542

Phones are shit because they suffer from a combination of bitrot and rotational velocidensity.

The most notable effect of rotational velocidensity is the loss of bitrate in files. A lossy audio file will lose an average of 12kbps a year. But, this can vary greatly depending on the type of storage media used.


SATA HDD: ~12kbps
IDE HDD: ~15kbps
SCSI HDD: ~7kbps
DVD: ~16kbps
CD-R/RW: >21kbps

This can be overcome by compressing audio using lossless formats such as FLAC, APE, or TTA. These formats are designed to never lose quality over time, and will sound the same right now as they will in 10 years.

>> No.30084551

A vault a safe at your local bank is like $20/year and it's infinetely more secure than a cheap old phone

>> No.30084579

sell the old phone and buy a ledger nano s for just 60$ or so.
If you think, an old phone in airplane mode is "cold storage", you are completely missing the point and should not be invested in crypto.

>> No.30084590

But wouldn’t it work like a ledger. I’d just upload my wallets to a new phone if I lost/broke it? That’s how a ledger works right?

>> No.30084619
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>> No.30084644
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>trusting Jews with your crypto

>> No.30084647

Ledgers are for faggots

>> No.30084701
File: 75 KB, 1080x1088, 767184E7-F0BF-4054-BDC7-DB84334D187E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, you should get a ledger, so secure.

>> No.30084729

YEAH? why have I been fucking ur mom last night with my nano x fag

>> No.30084756

Yes. Ledger is a single 15 word seed phrase that you need to remember and that will work for every single crypto you store on the ledger.

For a phone you will need to store the seedphrase of every single wallet/app you store on the phone.

>> No.30084790

haha holy shit is that a real pic

>> No.30084815

why cheapen out on fucking crypto custody? hw wallets are cheap as anything, just buy one

>> No.30084814

Why would you do this. I really hate the "coins exist on computers" meme because they literally don't
>cold wallet
Can be a piece of paper and should be something that isn't electronic
>just sending and receiving crypto
That's a hot wallet
How do you think you will achieve this? If the answer is to use a service like blockchain.info well there ya go you don't need an old shitty phone to do this and should just use your primary device.
The brainpill is to store most of your crypto in cold (paper, etched metal, whatever I guess you can use a hardware wallet) and only some in hot (your e-wallet)
Much like you don't carry your net worth around in your pocket.

>> No.30084833
File: 9 KB, 256x223, jolieolie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha nano dick

>> No.30085109

I don't get how this happens. How the fuck does it degrade? If it's copy and pasted over and over than fair enough but if it's just sitting there how can it lose bitrate?

>> No.30085222

yeh ppl scam others with pictures like that cuz you need eth to get coins out and then they immediately drain it

>> No.30085354


>> No.30085553

damn son

>> No.30085619


>> No.30085666

known scam dyor you try to get token out by sending eth he beats you with his bot and send the eth away

>> No.30085734

At least for magnetic storage, bits lose their edges over time and need to be maintained. I have no clue what the process for NAND flash degradation. The only way youre gonna get bitrot on optical media is of you leave your dvd's in the fucking sun or something.

>> No.30085744

why do you need eth to get the coins out?

>> No.30085797

There are pajeets and ill intent people who will always get fucked by this

>> No.30085881

>Doesn't want to spend $150 on a wallet

Bud, you probably don't have enough crypto for it to be worth moving it off the exchange in the first place

>> No.30085990

>Newfag detected
>Actually fell for the it's a scam meme

>> No.30086109

Yes! Ive been using mine for coinbase wallet holding about 10% and the rest on a ledger

>> No.30086750

what if my bot is faster?

>> No.30086771

then you win sir

>> No.30086891
File: 158 KB, 750x1000, Dump my life, into pieces .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not read the first letter of each of my seed you retards. Holy shit I thought /biz/ was smarter

>> No.30087018

every time

>> No.30087126

Where the fuck is 27

>> No.30087439
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>> No.30087502

i just woke up from a really vivid/lucid dream where the twitter personalities i have a parasocial relationship with were drinking vodka and eating xanax in a mansion where the different rooms/wings represented different social media sites and i was wandering back and forth between them aimlessly watching everyone scream and jabber and throw up on themselves, not really talking to anyone or getting noticed. i usually don't remember my dreams but this one was really vivid. a subplot had to do with an ongoing trial in one of the rooms, i think involving elizabeth bruenig, jamie peck and "six three IRL", "bpdgod" and "Street Don" but i don't remember that as clearly.

maybe it's time to take a step back from the internet. that's a sign that it's not doing great things for my brain.

to answer OPs question, sure dude just turn the phone to airplane mode and make several copies of the private key, because phones break. i do something similar with one of my old phones, i think of it as an intermediate between my hot wallet (exodus) and my cold wallet (ledger). i also have my google authenticator things on there.

>> No.30087553

I went to use a phone with an older version of Android, when I searched 'atomic wallet' on the play store the latest version doesn't come up, but a copycat that steals your funds was the first result. Luckily it had a different icon but if I hadn't downloaded it on my new phone earlier I wouldn't have known the difference. Stay frosty.