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3005294 No.3005294 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3005298

563 reporting

>> No.3005299
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i dont own any and i curse u NEO

>> No.3005300

Sold mine at 19

>> No.3005309
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2k plus club

>> No.3005311
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Why hello there noneos

>> No.3005312

Gonna buy more if either dips

>> No.3005315

sold mine at 24, put in a buy order for $18. Bull trap might even be lower (before correcting) but idk if i want to risk any lower

>> No.3005317

>tfw 1500 NEO hodler and you can't get shoot done at the gym because you keep checking the chars during moon time.

I need gains reeeeeeee

>> No.3005321

When is the good time to dump the NEO bags?

>> No.3005328

500-600 range buddy. We're gonna make it, dude.

>> No.3005336

I will make just over .69 GAS per day. Not too bad.

>> No.3005338

if corrects to 450 going back in

>> No.3005342

it won't

>> No.3005345

451 here

Wish i had more : (

>> No.3005353

i owned some ants, but i sold at 18$

do i regret it? no i made 3x my money back so im good, and got right into ETH at 260$

>> No.3005358


>> No.3005361

Redpill me on this one, why the fuck is this mooning so hard

>> No.3005372

Ethereum 2

>> No.3005373

Why is it "ethereum 2"

>> No.3005378


Serious case of fear of missing out, largely being brought up right now on pure hype. Whenever the correction comes (who knows when that is though), shit's gonna tank hard

>> No.3005389

you're right. we'll tank from $80 back to $40. the horror :(

>> No.3005393

I think we actually will my friend.

>> No.3005404


We get it you're emotionally attached to the coin now, thus it will always been mooning or in a temporary dip (which you will tell everyone to buy)

I'm not calling it a shitcoin, it's just extremely overvalued right now

>> No.3005410

Anyone else having issues with this showing in blockfolio??

>> No.3005416

How do I know how much GAS is worth?

>> No.3005429

This actually.
It'll dip hard within the next week.
Only mooning because of the speech in Japan right now.

>> No.3005434

Probably. just like Eth when it started to rise. Remember? + 30% one day, then -30% the day after. But in the end it kept rising and I suspect Neo is taking the exact same route.

The ICO announcement is pretty much the last thing that was needed to lock in the rocket. I would be very surprised if we don't reach 35$ this month. And yeah there are going to be big scary dips but i the end the iron hands will be rewarded.

>> No.3005436
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I came back from the countryside after a week with no internet connection and suddenly holy crap, my ants turned into NEO and I'm rich! but what is this "GAS" you are all talking about?

>> No.3005481

I don't get how GAS can be valued more than NEO?

>> No.3005494

>chink eth is going to FAIL

when will the noneos learn? should've bought the dip when they had the chance.

>> No.3005509


I mean it was on a clear downtrend before they announced the first NEO-based ICO, which brought everything up again. Nobody could have predicted that coming. Still, I don't think they can keep announcement rolling of that quality after all the conferences and whatnot

>> No.3005541

how low will correction take us? I don't even think it's worth it for me to sell now and buy the dip, might just HODL. what are you guys doing?

>> No.3005559

hodl so i can sleep. Fuck looking at charts.

>> No.3005565

every time that it pumps to new highs, people sell expecting to accumulate. Then they wake up and there is a new floor. Happened at 400k, 500k, now 600k.. people are probably now selling at 700 thinking this HAS to be the top.

>> No.3005566


I'm not in on NEO anymore, but I'd say wait for a bit to see if it's a small correction or a genuine downtrend. If it's seeming like a downtrend in the next hour go for the sell

>> No.3006099
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Neo to $200 please.

>> No.3006118

>He bought BCC after the moon/didn't sell when it was clear the moon as over


>> No.3006226


how many ants?

>> No.3006243

keep the gay BCC drama out of this thread thx

>> No.3006257

I sold at 700k sats. I had a feeling the news coming out will be dump worthy. If not then I digress and hope you all go off to Lambo land.

>> No.3006292


I considered this but no, i want my gas.

>> No.3006307

149 NEO and 40 GAS

Am I gunna get a Lambo:/

>> No.3006383

civicland for u

>> No.3006411

>Custom blockchain tech
>Smart contracts in C#
>Quantum resistance
>GAS generation
>Backed by Microsoft China and Alibaba
>Parternship with Chinese goverment, will be used to put oficial contracts into blockchain

>> No.3006505

bleh probably should have taken the 1:1 swap gas for neo

>> No.3006521


well right now you can buy about 5 years worth of gas generation per dollar vs buying neo and generating yourself

>> No.3006529

I thought those last two were fake news?

>> No.3006559

If you wish long enough wish strong enough...

t. future lambo owner

>> No.3006608

>NEOfs - Pretty much a protocol to do what SIA is doing.
>NEO contract whitepaper
>First ICO released on the NEO blockchain.

>> No.3006617

>he fell for the FUD

>> No.3006634

I own NEO but I fucking bought it at 0.007 like a retard

>> No.3006657

Could be worse

I bought 50 at .023 and sold them at .034

>> No.3006663

What is it dips and only ever lowers over time?

>> No.3006673

gee it's almost like you can't time the market, and so-called hot shit day traders got BTFO

>> No.3006685


At least you made a profit anon, I think you should be happy

>> No.3006688

Congrats man, no matter what that is an amazing gain.

>> No.3006699 [DELETED] 

>Bought at 95k
>Panic sold at 81k
>Just bought back in at 1100k
Fuck you /biz/ you better not be memeing me

>> No.3006707
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>> No.3006713

What do you all think of binance? Im thinking about steaking some gas on there.

>> No.3006719

You make a username and pass, btc takes about 30min to travel. I liked it.

>> No.3006726

The chinks are at work, too busy to trade NEO.
When they come home and see low prices and a new record high they'll start buying again.

>> No.3006752

236 here, literally can't afford any more, bought most of it at $5-$7

Hope it's good enough.

>> No.3006761

Why are people valuing any alt against USD instead of BTC. This is a fatal error when in comes to trading: long term hodling. On a long enough timeline do you realistically see any Alt displacing the market cap of bitcoin? Bitcoin is after all programmable and theoretically can incorporate ANY technology that has been sufficiently developed by an alt. GAS was nearly trading @ .01 today which is nearly what litecoin has been trading at. It basically shit on litecoin.

>> No.3006768


I own neither.


>> No.3006779


>Why are people valuing any alt against USD instead of BTC

Because every single goddamn crypto coin in existence, including BTC, is absolutely worthless until converted to fiat.

>> No.3006789

It's good enough.
My main concern right now is actually that people are running out of money to keep the price afloat.
Tomorrow might be the last day of newcoiner's funds becoming available on coinbase to buy NEO.
I'm not optimistic at all about this price level. Regardless of how much people believe in the coin, if those trying to sell for whatever reason aren't counterbalanced with demand it could trigger a major price drop without there necessarily being much panic selling.

>> No.3006798
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Looks like this can only go up or sideways, the buy power behind it is just way too strong. We witnessed any sign of a dip getting absolutely insta bought. What a time to be alive

>> No.3006807

What is we hit the ATH in terms of BTC? What if it only goes up in dollar terms but not btc?

>> No.3006939

Approaching 700k again.

>> No.3006947

Should I sell my ARK for NEO or OMG? Fuck. NEO is still my biggest position but I ihave more ARK than OMG.

>> No.3006953

NEO, passive income

>> No.3006969


>> No.3006977


sideways is the new dip, neo ain't got time for foolin

>> No.3006982

ARK won't do much for another month or so.
OMG is interesting in that it seems to be a real product made by an actual company, but I don't really understand it enough yet to recommend it or personally buy it.
So I'd say go with more NEO.

>> No.3007028

How do I obtain passive income with NEO?

>> No.3007032

store it in the neo wallet and generate GAS nigga

>> No.3007037

Put it in a wallet so that you can collect the GAS that it generates.

>> No.3007070

I just bough $5k worth, am I fucked?

>> No.3007079

When the correction hits you will be

>> No.3007083

When do you predict that will happen?

>> No.3007085

1000 NEO = 0.295 GAS Per Day X 18.54 $/gas = 5.4693 dollars per DAY!!!

>> No.3007090

Next week at this rate, maybe this weekend or next week

I keep getting it wrong for when it will drop, and FOMO keeps it rising

If you look at one day, one hour charts, the rise of NEO looks seriously unsustainable

>> No.3007093

We're back in business.

>> No.3007094

Half my money is in NEO, should I get out? What about GAS?

>> No.3007099

so did eth's rise...

>> No.3007103
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>> No.3007104

i'm just a random anon, i'm not going to suggest you do anything because FOMO retards could push this up to 50 dollars for no reason

>> No.3007120

>for no reason
If the market were rational, ETC would just phase out and after ETH, nothing looks like what NEO is.
And the western dev's are pretty cool, generating the Wallet and such. It's looking good.

I expect NEO to eventually rise to "it's natural market cap" at 45$ with the others, and then rise along with the market as such

>> No.3007122

Holy shit that's a lot of buy.

>> No.3007130

The only reason it rises is for greed, that's it

>> No.3007137
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I'm so fucking rich.

>> No.3007138

>I expect NEO to eventually rise to "it's natural market cap" at 45$ with the others, and then rise along with the market as such
you missed a 0 there

>> No.3007142
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sold at 530k
please come back down

>> No.3007146

wait a day or two

>> No.3007157

before committing an hero when you realize it's not coming down

>> No.3007162

lol GAS was like 6$ a few days ago wtf

>> No.3007164

It won't. Look at the buying power behind it. People are finally realizing this is the next ETH, buy now and post in a thread a few months later that you bought under 25$ when it will be over a 100

>> No.3007170

Two days after over 600k it went to 450K, same thing will happen again but a higher floor

Stop being such a newfag baby who thinks shit just keeps rising

>> No.3007186

low supply, high fomo

>> No.3007220

Sold at 714k, set a low buy offer in the lower 600s.
Praying this shit tanks again tonight so I can recoup some of my losses.

>> No.3007227

Why would you sell halfway in a moon mission?

>> No.3007239
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>when the buyin so low it doesn't even show up on the order book anymore
who /comfy/

>> No.3007242

Not worth the risk. Was considering keeping my buy to 740ish but there's so much resistance at the current level.

>> No.3007249


761 here, probably going to buy more until I hit the 1k mark. Going to hold for a long time, this is a huge money maker with gas generation too.

>> No.3007261

So guys, about tonight's tokyo meetup. Its not that big of a deal. Probably no major partnership announcements of extra hype. Dumping not recommended though. Too many dropped the bags too early and got left behind

>> No.3007263

Sold 100GAS @ 870k Sats. Feelsgoodman

When is the conference? I haven't been able to find a timestamp for it.

>> No.3007298

Nothing against yoyr strategy of buying more as long as you see a good floor. However, one thing:

Don't get caught up by aestetics (of round numbers). It's a humab flaw and the fiat value will be a random real anyway

1037 is as good as 1000 and you should get tricked by your sexual instincts (not even kidding)

>> No.3007354

How do I generate gas?

>> No.3007381

eat some shitty mexican food

>> No.3007388

Eat some dog shit and shove a dildo up your ass

>> No.3007430

8500 just sold over two transactions there

>> No.3007433

Chinese have no shame. A literal copycat of Ethereum/ETH. I wouldn't trust this tech since it will always be 6 months behind Ethereum.

>> No.3007461

some more large sell offs happening

>> No.3007462

Similar, but different purpose/capabilities/ features

>> No.3007498

It is multilingual in its architecture. Eth still struggles to write secure code in solidity.

>> No.3007506

thanks biz for telling me to buy antshares 2 months ago

>> No.3008044

GAS holder here (kek) already did a comfy x2,5, lurking at the 150 M$ marketcap.
Not gonna be rich on this one but it will give me a good basis to make exponential gains.

>> No.3008487

67 neo here
w-will I make it?

>> No.3008513
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Did a comfy x2.5 with you. GAS was literally the comfiest uptrend I've ever seen.

Sold 100 @ 8700 during the previous ATH
Sold 100 @ 7400 during the pump before news drop.

>> No.3008822

>Why are people valuing any alt against USD instead of BTC
because not everything accepts bitcoin but everywhere in the world accepts fiat?
are you this fucking dense?

>> No.3008847
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guys im having serious fomo

please talk me out of buying either neo or gas

when is the conference or whatever event thats causing the price to skyrocket?

>> No.3008860
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You missed this one, Anon. Don't miss $OMG.

>> No.3008878

bought gas at 4$
yesterday sold at 25 then bought again at 16

fells kinda nice

>> No.3009034

pic or it didnt happen

>> No.3009070


then do not believe me, i dont care
you can fake screenshots anyway

i saw a reddit comment on gas when it was still antcoin and bought in

didnt invest too much tho, only few k

>> No.3009104

This. But I've been saying this for ages now. "It's too late, don't give in to FOMO", and then it keeps rocketing. It'll crash if we buy, just let them enjoy the rocket ship without us.

>> No.3009107

how much you have now in usd ?