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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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30029763 No.30029763 [Reply] [Original]

How do we deal with the Europoor problem?

>> No.30029890
File: 956 KB, 615x900, giveittoisrael.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By giving their money to Israel.

>> No.30031180

How having other people being not as rich as you half across the world from you a problem again?

>> No.30031255

Start a war in the Americas, then yurop can sell weapons to all sides and murricans can be in debt to us for decades. et voila, Europe is no longer poor

>> No.30031365
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Hey, only we get to do it to others!

>> No.30031423

oh no no no no no

>> No.30031430

Invest into Datamine and mint flux, passive income

>> No.30031509

Europe is literally the richest continent on the planet though. Nice try, Amerimutt.

>> No.30032875

prove it to me, just 1 bill

>> No.30032911

yeah try to YOLO with this tokens that never give you profit
BSC is a gold rush rn just get off at the right time
want to see a good deal?
>go for Swirge, hold SWG and don’t worry about your future income

>> No.30033368

> be amerifats
> have highest dept on planet
> call others poor

>> No.30033551

We send mkre muslims and black fils there then we wait a few decades and see if the problem is finally solved once and for all

>> No.30033961

wait for the trailertrash from the west coast then you see the big dump

>> No.30033997

>be amerimuts
>literally tax and debt slaves to israel
>also their slave soldiers to kill the sandnigs
>call europe a shithole

>> No.30034355

nuke them off the map

>> No.30034370
