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30014331 No.30014331 [Reply] [Original]

Any boss here? Why are bosses so quick to be angry? I dont want to disturb him by not asking these simple questions, at the end he asked me "why didnt you ask me these questions? Why did you wait until now?"

>> No.30014537

Ask him earlier and if he seems annoyed by you, sit down and talk to him about it; figure out what his expectations are, and if he doesn’t have the time for you, resign. You might be working for him, but you’ve got some power because you bring value to the organization. All he does is manage value.

>> No.30014556

boss here, we are very stressed, and sometimes its easy to take it out on meek co-workers. Absolutely keep asking questions though, it shows you're engaged and looking to improve. Plus gives you a chance to network with the higher ups.

>> No.30014695
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Also, it might not hurt to have some presence. Don’t pussyfoot into the office and hope to be taken seriously. Have clear intentions and vision. You can still be polite, just command a little more respect

>> No.30014715

ask questions faggot and if you dont know how to do a thing don't say you do.

>> No.30014806

plus do this, boss's like to see people who give a shit about their job. and if you're young or in a entry level position you NEED to be asking questions, even dumb ones

>> No.30014960

If you encounter a problem, try to solve it yourself. When it becomes clear you don't know what the fuck you're doing, ask your boss but phrase it like "here's the problem, here's what i tried, what do you recommend i try next?" so it doesn't look like you're asking to be spoonfed. If it's an urgent issue, just ask like "hey i know this is urgent so i want to get your thoughts now..."
If your boss is still pissed then it's prob too late, either their impression of you is solidified or they are a prick

>> No.30015229

Thank you anons. Helpful posts.

Thanks anon. I think this might be my problem. I am too direct in my phrasing that I appear to be spoonfed.

>> No.30015278

yeah sounds like he wants you to just do those things. Don't worry bro its business its not personal. Just be proactively ask questions more often. And smoke a bowl bro have a god damn shot kid no need to be wasting time you are off the clock on work

>> No.30015439

GL anon. don't let work kill your soul, it can be stressful in the moment but in the grand scheme it's all a joke and it doesn't matter

>> No.30015469

My boss is a pushover. I feel like I'm taking advantage of him but he is by definition taking advantage of me so all's fair.

>> No.30015685

Alright. I just want to makeit already and leave this job.

>I feel like I'm taking advantage of him

>Also, it might not hurt to have some presence. Don’t pussyfoot into the office and hope to be taken seriously.
Sorry wdym by this fren?

>> No.30015792

Several bosses seem like they're constantly stressed out and irritated. Most likely their own boss is cracking the whip on them to produce results.

>> No.30015823

save your questions and ask like 3 at a time

>> No.30016413

Anon, communication is perhaps the most important thing in work. Knowing when and how to ask questions is a big part of that.

All your boss cares about is that work gets done on time. The *worst* thing you can do is to pretend everything is fine, only to struggle and fail to deliver.
Communicate early and often. Let your boss know what you're stuck on (and whether you think you can figure it out, or need help).
This is something difficult for many of us. I always used to shy away from bothering others.

At my company, we keep emphasizing to new hires that they are strongly encouraged to ask questions. When I'm ramping someone up, I stress this point, and also regularly check in with them to see if they need any help.

Some easy steps to follow:
- Put in some effort to find an answer by yourself
- If you fail, reach out to someone e.g. "Hey, any idea how to do xxx? I tried searching for yyy, but was only able to find..."
- When you get an answer, write it down. Also try to figure out how other people figure out these things (e.g. is there some internal documentation?)

Naturally, how receptive your boss/coworkers are to answering questions depends on your office culture.
But most people won't be annoyed if they see that the person asking a question put in some effort.
Just don't be that guy asking the same basic questions all the time over and over again.