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29989798 No.29989798 [Reply] [Original]

i'm new here do i put $20 into link or do i put it all into something shilled here?

i just wanna make it

>> No.29989893

One link will only be worth 100k in 10 years, try to get 10-20 if possible.

>> No.29989930

please tell me you are not serious

>> No.29989961

BTC is the only long term certainty everything else is a gamble. If you gamble, know when to quit

>> No.29990041

Holy shit I read that as 20k. Fuck off poorfag, ngmi

>> No.29990057

careful anon think it through that's a lot of cash

>> No.29990058


>> No.29990112

i don't have a lot of money

>> No.29990168

first go get a job and make at least 1000$, then come back

>> No.29990194

How does 20 million dollars sound?

>> No.29990274

i'd say it's not even worth it but $20 in like 3 years ago would be like 2k now so who knows
that being said, you'd need t find the next link, something with very very small market cap that through memes or actual fundamentals will take off and go from 20c to $20
chances of finding that are close to 0 tho

>> No.29990285

If you are going to be investing under 4 digits a pop stay away from Ethereum. Try BSC.

>> No.29990365

Buy a scarch off ticket

>> No.29990380

$20 in LINK 3 years ago is like 2k today, still not much but enough to start trading
dude just needs to find next x100

>> No.29990405

I think a major misconception people have about crypto is that BTC billionaires just "made it" for free with little effort, when in reality the hardware they used to mine a significant amount of BTC made it more like a small business.

And even then it was probably mostly chinks who made it, because most people sold their BTC for drugs and pizza.

>> No.29990475

>the next link

You mean the next FTM, link is literally a fucking joke and so are the cultists. 3 FUCKING YEARS OF GROWTH TO 100X.

>> No.29990481

Unironically save for money until you have at least $1k to play with them buy half btc half whatever you want

>> No.29990629

You are going to have to put that money into a few pump and dumps on binance smart chain, using pancakeswap.
There is a pretty decent chance you will get rugpulled, especially if you get in late, or get greedy.
If you manage to get in early, and out early (forget the peak), and successfully do it a few times, you will eventually have a few hundred, to a thousand to play with, I would then just go all in on ada or harmony one and just hold it for a year or 2.
Then, look for the next big thing to invest in and hold for a few more years.
Eventually you will make it, but it might take 2 cycles, 10 years is a possibility.
Thats about your only options anon. And thos pump and dumps are risky.

>> No.29990786

Buy BAT on coinbase

>> No.29990888
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Do westerners know what that even feels like?

I haven't seen many white women tug coquettishly on a man's arm like that. Probably never.

>> No.29991351

Link seems kinda saturated. But picking something shilled here is a bad strategy. I'd say go for some safe options with more room to grow, things like ADA IOTA even AAVE.
If you want to get a shilled coin, make it COTI

>> No.29991405

sorry man, if you only have $20 it isn't worth it. A good chunk of your money will be eaten up by fees/gas.

>> No.29991547

you could just try flipping it and getting good at trading.

>> No.29991578

All in REEF and come back in a year hoping for the best

>> No.29991653

Checked and made me feel warm inside. Also good vocab, anon.

>> No.29992002

i assure you you'll get tired of it pretty fast. most of the time it's fake anyways, and i have learnt to despite the deliberately 'crooked' style of walking jap chicks imitate so they appear cute with their pigeon toe walking retardism.

god please let corona end so i can get out of fucking japan, 7 years have been enough. thankfully I'm an europoor, not a burger, otherwise i wouldn't want to go back

>> No.29992101

doukichads........ I'm financially ruined

>> No.29992535

How did you even get to live there anyways? I've been looking for a way to get there for a while now, but unfortunately they pay slave wages to Tech workers and I haven't found a decent company yet.

>> No.29993208

initially i got into a government scholarship to do my masters here, then i just hopped into general office work as i had already acquired N1 certification

scholarship's worth it for europoors (not sure for burgers). it was fun and i fucked around for 3 years before getting employed. money's not much, but you can always do some part time job on the side (visa allows up to 28 hrs/week).

but yeah, generally software/tech salaries here are shit, esp. compared to burger standards. japan isn't that expensive though, to be honest, so even with 300k yen in tokyo you can do well as long as you're single etc. i lived pretty decently with 200k (140k scholarship +60k from baito), now earn around 400k/month and its comfy

I'm tired of this country tho, for most foreigners here the 5th year mark is the final make it break it, seen a lot of ppl leave.

>> No.29993404

Why are you on biz if you've already made it? I'd take your spot in a heartbeat (although I've just enrolled in a master's in my home country now)

>> No.29993517

what makes it hard to live there exactly?

>> No.29994039

do you seriously think of living in japan as made it level? i get people's obsession with the country, but I've seen so many of these people break down once they realize how little of a fairyland it is

i came here because i saw an opportunity to experience a different country on a government's payroll while studying something that was interesting to me. sure, I've dug some of the animus and like some jap media, but I've never thought of coming here as making it. so i didn't have much of a 'shattered dream' phenomenon like many others i saw

its just a country, man. the washlets are comfy, it's relatively clean, public transportation's cool (but my own country has good public transport too), chicks are skinny (but my country has a lot of skinny chicks too, so..) Japanese food is ok, but nothing something outstanding, etc etc

anyways, /biz/ made me a lot of money in 17-18 and I've been hooked ever since. where else can i go for crypto shills? plebbit is retardtier

>> No.29994197

it really depends on your character, anon. for me, japan is just too sterile. keep in mind I'm not a burger, and my home country doesn't suffer from the American dream, from increased immigration and idpol shit and blah blah blah.

so, it's not as 'wild' as us seems from my point of view. but, japan is too sterile for me. the conversations, the set-in-stone societal and hierarchical expectations...

look, i know Japanese at a native level proficiency, so its not the language barrier. I've made only one friend here (Japanese), and so many foreigners. even the communication between friends here is sterile, follows so many invisible boundaries. I've had random people open up to me on hellotalk, lang-8 (before) etc just because they couldn't share basic intimate shit with their friends.

for some people, this would be perfect. i like to joke that Japanese are the ultimate autistic society. they really are, and that will click with some people. not with me. it drives me crazy. there's always an unspoken factor behind any social interaction here.

if i ever have kids, i wouldn't want them to be here either. elementary school here is TOP TIER, like literally the best thing ever. once it ends though, the mindless robotic education starts. that's why you see a lot of foreigners (who can afford it) leave their kids in elementary and then fuck right off for high school + university. it's soul crushing.

>> No.29994685

forgot to say, generally the more Japanese you know (both linguistically speaking, and AWARENESS-speaking), the more the illusion starts to crack

hence why you see the happiest gaijin here being the ones who speak shit Japanese and rely on their waifus for everything, or the typical plebbit 'i sPeAk gOoD nihOnGo' retard

the ones who are inside the archetypes at hand here just roll their eyes. those gaijin who are 'into' the system here and remain being happy in japan are usually the ones who run their own businesses desu. alternatively, a few people i know who are truly happy here are married to other foreigners (not burger women tho, or brits, they're vile) so they skip on the 'japanese housewife' syndrome which is true as fuck

>> No.29995124

Interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing anon.

I had a co-op in Tokyo for university a few years back. Stayed there for about a year and really liked it. Definitely started seeing a lot of the problems you mentioned but wasn't enough to 'shatter my dream' so to speak. Most of my friends were foreigners but I did date a Japanese girl who was very sweet. It's been my main goal to return but posts like yours make me reconsider a bit. I really just want to escape burgerland though.

>> No.29995488

as i said, if i were a burger, probably i'd go to japan and never return lol

imho the best spot is between 1 and 3 years here. as you yourself felt, the 1 year mark starts letting the cracks go through. after that, there's a period of 2-3 months of disillusion of sorts, until you adjust. the next 'checkpoint' is around 3 years imho, and then around 5. if you stick after 5 years, then i think it's hard for you to leave and you adjust to the rules here

corona hit and i couldn't go back, otherwise it was at the 5th year mark that i understood i don't want to live here anymore. it's not even work-related, more related to the things i wrote out above

id like to try living in taiwan and Vietnam in the future, desu. i stayed in taiwan for 2 months and have had quite a few taiwanese friends here. sure. taipei can be grimy and less developed, but the infrastructure is very japanese-like, it's more globalized (in the good sense of the word) and Taiwanese people are much more approachable/warm/genuine in their communication

>> No.29995575

I appreciate your insights. I've only ever been there on holiday and it does seem amazing, I have also noticed some medical problem I have was just completely gone when I was there (and not just a holiday effect as it seems, since it's with me wherever else I go...). Have you encountered any blatant xenophobia against you, being a gaijin? Did you always work overtime?
Some things there seem worth dealing with, in return for what you get, taking racism/overworking into account. Although I'm also not a burger (from NL). Unfortunately my master's isn't something I could easily do there (urban planning), or they would have their own specialists and I'd never be competitive.

>> No.29995648

uhh do you have anything to sell?

Matic or BNB

>> No.29995974

xenophobia is there, but it's never been physical. mostly psychological/the good old 'ah, that's why you'll never understand us superior japanese'

are you white? and i don't mean the American white white, just white-looking. greeks, italians etc are white here anyways.

if you're white, you will always be privileged. the ones who get the harsher xeno are Vietnamese, Brazilians, that. black people are ostracized a lot, koreans and Chinese are bottom tier and things can get physical against them

to illustrate, when i was searching for an apartment, i got rejected only by 30% of the landlords. were i thai, viet, braziliazn, Chinese etc, this would probably be around 70-80%.

overtime is 1 hour per day or so, which is doable. home office makes it comfy anyways with corona.

re: urban planning, check the MEXT scholarship nevertheless (i think the age limit was below 33 or smth?) they are really looking into making japan look more 'globalized' so you'd be surprised at how accepting they can be of things you thought you wouldn't easily do here

keep in mind that even in 'globalized' programs, English can be hard to come by, especially outside tokyo. i mean administration, curriculum stuff etc etc

>> No.29996170

LUKSO is ur beat shot .. the ETH 2.0 .. mainnet in few months

>> No.29996330

by physical i mean nobody would start a fight with you, aside from the cosmically rare occasion of a drunk older man or something. women get the short stick here, white chicks with bigger tits really do get groped randomly and even stalked. most of my women friends, as well as two of my exes had had such experiences

but the psychological xeno gets to you at one point. for Japanese, usually it's JAPAN vs the WORLD a.k.a. the great gaikoku. so they can pick at every single little detail to delineate you from them.

eating an apple? sasuga gaijinkun, you eat the apple without peeling it!

it could be benevolent, it could be uneducated, but bit by bit it becomes a part of your everyday life and it gets tiring. also, in a lot of cases if you have a japanese SO she'll take the side of her culture no matter how retarded it is. i stopped dating japanese chicks a while ago because i got tired of that

rant out, but for a short term (1-3 years) stay i really recommend hanging around in japan desu

>> No.29996452

kills me i thought lukso wasn't gonna make it because I thought it was VR/AR bullshit. i could have bought it around $2

>> No.29996745

>white privilege in japan
my white friend ran out of japan, they hated that cracker

>> No.29997066

if i'd go with levels,

xeno level is 1.5x for white people (us, British, Scandinavians, slavs, greek, Italian, to Japanese it doesn't matter, all these are white)

amplify that by x6 and you'll get SEA + Brazil
amplify that by x10 and you'll get china
amplify that by x25 and you'll get korea

i'd say black people are around x7 or so, around SEA tier imho

time to go anons, best of luck and godspeed. as i said, a short stay here is pretty good, just don't buy into the usual internet hype around muh japan

>> No.29997095

>are you white?

Thanks for the tip, it seems quite general? I.e. not for a specific course. I still have 1 1/2 year in my masters, but the whole last year will be graduation, so I don't know if it will be possible. I assume I will have to be enrolled here, to be able to go there through MEXT? And find my own course. Or could I do some post-masters course through it? I'll read the 43 page pdf.

>English can be hard to come by
I've been doing Japanese on anki, of course nowhere near use-able, but I can probably get a push in if I manage to go there

>the psychological xeno
I see, that does seem like it would start to gnaw after a while...

Thanks for your comments anon

An old man on a train gave me the book he was reading as a gift, because I kept staring at it
I think I'd be fine, maybe your friend is kind of a dingus?

>> No.29997183

>maybe your friend is kind of a dingus?
actually hes not my friend anymore, hes a huge SJW now kek

>> No.29997271

Buy a pancake swap promising gem

>> No.29997301

you can try and arrange a study abroad part of your master's

alternatively, you can go for a PhD after your masters, MEXT has for that

read their site - it's for social sciences, natural sciences, everything. you just go through 3 stages of interviews and you have to pitch a 'research plan' to qualify. depends on how many participants, in my case it was a 13% success rate (chosen to go to japan out of all participants)

or, alternatively, you can go as a 'kenkyuusei' which is a research student for 2 years. so you can fuck around a bit after your master's. keep in mind procedures take an year or so, so if you want to, say, go to japan in 2023, you have to start the procedures in spring 2022

>> No.29997391

Thanks! Wishing you a good day/night today

>> No.29997468

time for my morning run, 6 AM here

best of luck to you too, anon. hope you make it, whichever part of the world you find yourself in in a few years.

>> No.29997542

Make what? Can’t really make anything with $20 dollars, but gotta start somewhere I guess. Get a job/ lower your consumption

>> No.29997550

just no

>> No.29997590

Buy literal shitcoins on BSC. If you want to make it with this money, you'll need at least a 100x to get 2k and than pour this gains in a legit project like rubic

>> No.29997686

kek, this niggers want to shill fucking shit on /biz/
I don’t believe in this spam
>SWG and BSC
>This is our future

>> No.29998942

By Brazilians do you mean Japanese Brazilians or Med looking Brazilians? What about Portuguese people?

>> No.29999624
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>> No.29999900

Link to $999 EOY.

>> No.30000518
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My suggestion to you is to do what your parents did. Get a job, sir.

>> No.30001981

Ride a riskier coin until 2x and exit immediately. Repeat until you have 1k. From that point on you can reach 5 figures eventually.