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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29943214 No.29943214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

$600k at 2.5% APY is only around $15k a year. Still not enough to fully retire.

>> No.29943257

>not just putting all 600k into XMR right now

>> No.29943304

I’m getting 30% apy

>> No.29943354

stablecoins on Waves? not safu

>> No.29943402

Celsius can make that 75k a year so take your yee yee ass over to cuckbase and turn them dollaridoos into stablecucks for that sweet sweet 12.5%

>> No.29945196

>buy like 3 homes outright
>rent them out for 1.2k/month

>> No.29945315

lol even boomer get more than 2.5%

>> No.29945338

>t. indian shitcoin promoter

>> No.29945379

>Hes never heard of lawyers fees and taxes
>he thinks each home will rent immediately
>He doesnt account for maintenance
learn to landlord faggot

>> No.29945569

>muh rental
it's shit. the amount of stress and expenses buying and maintaining three homes is far higher than you imagine. with 600k you're much better off putting it all in ETFs, take the 10% annual returns and let it compound. cost is negligible and it's very easy to pull liquidity if needed. no tenants or agents to deal with, no leaky plumbery to deal with, no risk of a third of your entire portfolio devaluating when a group of immigrants move in the area

>> No.29945681


Yeah, I prefer to just live off the interest while traveling

>> No.29945684

>he thinks XMR is a pajeet coin
holy kek anon

>> No.29945735

QYLD is an ETF that pays 12% apy and follows the Nasdaq. That's going to be main dividend etf. Then I'll invest in more lucrative shit. You've gotta be retarded if you settle for 2.5% APY just to play it safe. That won't even cover inflation

>> No.29945769

Just invest like 20% in some ETFs. Those do 20-60% APY.

>> No.29945813

yeah try managing 3 rentals let me know how passive that income is LMAO

>> No.29945822

how old are you? you can have this lifestyle until 35 but past that it becomes difficult

>> No.29945838

To add on, I recomment ARKF right now because it just dipped. They were doing 35% APY pre-COVID.

>> No.29945883

>2.5% APY
If only there was any other investment vehicle with a better yield

>> No.29945923

Live off dividends instead and suddenly your $15k becomes $24k and there is room left for compounding and it adjusts with inflation.

>> No.29945935

>you can have this lifestyle until 35 but past that it becomes difficult

A year older. And what are you talking about traveling suddenly becoming difficult?

>> No.29945992

It’s not waves I’m lending it out manually

>> No.29946026
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that's only for women, anon, by 35 they're worthless roasties. men at 35 are entering a prime which lasts until around 50.

>> No.29946027

Maybe check DeFi APYs
Riskier I know

>> No.29946057

He means your physical age will catch up to you, as well as other things like forming a family if you wanted to.

Granted if you stay in shape that number becomes 40-45. Your physical appearance will age, even if you're in good health.

>> No.29946076

Also that is enough for a small apartment and ramen

>> No.29946166

Not true because people still care about age gap. The most you can stretch that realistically is 8-10 years. If you have children, the mother needs to be young and healthy enough to last through raising the child to about 12yrs, where independence starts to make this easier workload wise.

>> No.29946232

This. 600k in tether on autofarm network and you will get like 225k a year.

>> No.29946263

>Not true because people still care about age gap

You sound like a kid anon

>> No.29946294

>And what are you talking about traveling suddenly becoming difficult?
you don't stay in a youth hostel and randomly befrines passing (mostly young) strangers when you're approaching 40. it just doesn't flow the same. you won't randomly rent a half broken fucked up moped and ride it with no protection in some third world shithole. you have become more risk averse with time whether you realize it or not. you won't have alcohol-fuelled orgies with a bunch of young hotties in the restrooms of a trendy bar. if you're into culture and museums sure, by all means, but it will feel lonely and boring.
yeah not implying a loss of sexual market value, simply that the experience won't be as fun. and it's a lot harder to explain to family members, friends etc. why you're roaming the world at 40 vs at 20.
also this, at 40 you can consider a 30 yo to have a child but you need to have been in a relationship for at least a couple of years. and that's the absolute limit. so realistically you need to settle somewhere, build social circles, meet a decent woman and have kids within 3-5 years. hence my suggestion to start doing that at 35 at the latest.

>> No.29946460

Slap that shit on Aave or Compound and you can get easy 10% APY

>> No.29946570

>you don't stay in a youth hostel and randomly befrines passing (mostly young) strangers when you're approaching 40

I stopped that in my late 20s. I go to decent hotels now & areas with lots of singles, or if I'm feeling down, hookers

>40 you can consider a 30 yo to have a child


>> No.29946669

lack of self reflection. wanting to travel all the time without having to take or face any responsibilities is a lot more kid-like. hope you make it regardless but don't dream too much of the nomad life, it's not as cool as instagram stories. as a kid I would know.

>> No.29946883

>wanting to travel all the time without having to take or face any responsibilities is a lot more kid-like.

Anon, I'm 36. I was in a relationship from my teens to late 20s, been working since 20. Always had my own place, job, etc. Me saving money to enjoy my life isn't being a kid. Now someone saying you shouldn't date another person even though they're an adult.....

>> No.29946981

How’s it work? Just auto lending for you? I’m doing that already

>> No.29947033

You mean using blockfi?

>> No.29947120

you can get 7% APY lending DAI on Compound.

that's $42k a year. still poverty though. and inflation will erode your principal over time.

>> No.29947151

If I told you I’d have to kill you

>> No.29947166

Fuck mobile captcha. Wiped my essay.

If the due wants children, the woman needs to be around 40 and lower. This means with max age gap he's at 48-50 years.

Now if he doesn't want the remainder of the mating pool, he needs to aim for about 30, so put him at 38-40.

Now also remember that raising children takes youth and health for the workload.

Also these numbers get lower the more kids you get.

>> No.29947235

Sound illegal as hell, but based.

>> No.29947264

kek so you're a crypto loan shark. based

>> No.29947292

Only 2.5%??? Go all in BNT and stake you'll have 3m next year :)

>> No.29947383

then all you have to do is switch to swop.fi with 200% APY.
get free money.

>> No.29947390

>forced to constantly repair the damage from 3 homes as the niggers you're forced to rent to trash the place over and over

>> No.29947475

>in crypto
>dreams of getting boomer rates
bro you are in a space that literally prints money if you pay attention to what is going on around you
cmon anon you are better than this

>> No.29947526

this is what I'm doing. I'm very bullish on fintech right now, and cuckbase and stripe IPOs are going to be tasty af.

>> No.29947793

You fucking dunce.
If you are this hot about getting passive income why not put that 600k into high dividend stocks

>> No.29948018

dHEDGE staking gets better results than that

>> No.29948098


I want guaranteed income

>> No.29948172

That’s dividends dumb ass lmao but get into staking while it’s hot

>> No.29948207

>not safu
why not anon?

>> No.29948331

Fuck off jew

>> No.29948391
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all in QQQ or nvidia if ur burry level autist but u wont cuz u have no balls.

>> No.29948477

>Still not enough to fully retire
uh, why? I make a little under $15k a year and I'm doing fine

>> No.29948649
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>Go all in BNT and stake you'll have 3m next year :)
been seeing a lot of these "APY" threads, and everyone is oblivious about BNT. It's literally not even just about the percentages you can earn this year on staking various coins/stables (20-100%), but if you actually invest in BNT, you have a shot to 500%. Look into it guys, go look at the website, it's legit.

>> No.29948751

how the fuck do you live?
I spend more than that on rent.
I spend more than that food.
I spend more than that on ammo.

>> No.29948809

>get into staking while it’s hot
staking where?

>> No.29948814
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>t. burger

>> No.29948860

Or matic. Or snx

>> No.29949097

why waves is not safe?

>> No.29949156


>> No.29949224

russian project, not putting 200k in their custody

>> No.29950791

>not putting 200k in their custody
you have your own keys

>> No.29952008

How? Even boomers make 4-5% on the world's most boring stocks

>> No.29952059

I could retire on 15k a year