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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29932689 No.29932689 [Reply] [Original]

Biz doesn’t dig for information like they used to. They look at a chart. Might skim the website. Most of biz just fomo’s into the flavor of the week or already made it and just sit comfortably on blue chips. They don’t know about the 40 listings by may. They don’t know about the DAO. They don’t know about the reserve. They don’t know about QUAI. They don’t understand token supply. They don’t understand that there is a threshold for initial liquidity that must and will be passed before people will borrow. They don’t even know what a multi-tiered lend platform is. They don’t know about xdai. They don’t know about filmo’s return. They don’t know about the marketing campaign. They couldn’t understand the smart contracts governing lend if they spend 4 years getting an undergrad in blockchain technologies. They don’t know. Biz thinks front end development can kill a project as ambitious as asko. Biz will fomo. Biz will not buy this token anymore. Not yet.

>> No.29932770

Just upped my stack to 250k , Never felt more comfier , These anons are so into their ego that they will miss out on this boat.

Go invest in ADA anon it's all you can put your money into. Some people aren't meant to make it. Go Pup

>> No.29932839

Dogshit team pushing a failure of a product. 90% down from the rug pull. If anyone still falls for this you deserve to lose your $

>> No.29932865

where to buy? I am tired of my shit coins bleeding to death and I want a small cap with huge upside. I read all the fud and stayed away but the new site is nice and I did some research on my own and I think I am ready to buy

>> No.29932913

stop posting this rugpull stupid faggot

>> No.29932993

Somebody just sold 175,000 asko on uniswap. The price of asko increased on the asko/usd chart. Even selling large amounts of asko at market price now pumps us. Buy in or rope.

>> No.29933059
File: 1.09 MB, 2736x2795, 5B02EE92-8382-4ED9-8798-374CBF36B58F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uniswap sirs.

>> No.29933159
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Let's goooo Askikes

>> No.29933375

MXC or if you are in US Uniswap. You just need to set up a Metamask wallet (extremely secure). Download the Metamask plugin for chrome and then go to Uniswap. Click link wallet and enter the 12 word key associated with your wallet and it will be linked. Put ETH in your Metamask wallet and choose your desired currency to trade for and you are good. Once the trade goes through, you will have the coins in your wallet but will be unable to see them. You need to click "add token->custom token" and then enter the specific contract ID for your coin (ASKO for instance is 0xeeee2a622330e6d2036691e983dee87330588603) and then you will be able to see them in your wallet. To sell them, you just flip the transaction on Uniswap. Gas prices are high right now so only bet low on ones you expect proportionately greater returns. Sometimes your wallet may forget the contract ID and you will need to reenter it to see but your tokens are still there. Delete old shitty plugins you have and scan comp for malware or, more preferably, keep it on Trezor or Ledger. You can stake it on asko.finance but will need to pay gas fees and 1% of staked amount to enter and exit. You will average apparently (I have not staked, comfy with my stack worried about impermanent loss/slashing) .5% so only stake it if you want to leave it staked for at least a week or two. The fewer times you withdraw it, the fewer gas fees but again I don't know much about staking. A majority apparently are staked so maybe that means something. Just playing it safe because I don't know enough about impermanent loss/slashing/if to use VPN to do it comfortably (wish I did). This is an incredibly obvious no brainer of a coin though and I am content.

>> No.29933381
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i hope nobody gets roped into this. some real heavy bags here KEK

>> No.29933449

based thanks. I think I am gonna dump some of my old bags on uniswap into it and pray it does a 10x lord knows I am tired of losers and need a fresh start