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29875875 No.29875875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


I haven't laid with anyone new since I became a millionaire 3 years ago.
I've barely had a serious relationship in my life.
I've never tried to get women by "using" my net worth, it feels cringe and weird.
Are women literally sexually attracted to men with money or is it simply a "prey" mentality where they see someone they can use.

>> No.29875955


>> No.29876015


what is this Benjamin Button horseshit?

>> No.29876120

I wish I got into crypto and stocks a decade ago, I'm a degen.

>> No.29876160

Is this what being a chad is like? I've ahd a few gfs with lots of money and its fun when they shower you with it so you stay around them for longer periods of time

>> No.29876198

>50+ (don't really keep track anymore)

>> No.29876223

That's not bad.
Care to share?
Did you meet most through online dating, bars, clubs or something else?

>> No.29876242

> $150,000
> ~60
> 27

>> No.29876301

>five figures
>lost count
>lost count
Life is about impregnating virgins. I hope you fiat stackers remember that.

>> No.29876324


>> No.29876325

>Are women literally sexually attracted to men with money or is it simply a "prey" mentality where they see someone they can use.

Neither, generally millionaires (Take Trump for instance) got that way through being confident and charismatic. Any women that's not a gold digger doesn't care if you're on $50 k or $2 m, as long as you can take care of yourself the money is a non-factor, (unless of course they are some third worlder who grew up in poverty)

>> No.29876335


Comfy desu

>> No.29876368

Where do you meet all the women?
Is there something special you do that leads them to sex?
I don't even think I've invited more than 20 - 25 women to my place in my life (excluding big parties).
It always feels so unnatural to say "let's go to my place".

>> No.29876375

>8 figures
I wish I were larping.

>> No.29876603


>> No.29876646

12 bitches
I’m worth 15k
Fuck me.. I think I’m going on my 13th hoe soon tho, wish me luck been hanging out with some girl that seems to be interested

>> No.29876676

>$50k after divorce rape
>too many to count

>> No.29876701
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I just discovered crypto 3 months ago. Since then I have invested like 4000 and doubled it, after getting rugged once (less than 100 luckily), bought high and sold low (learning to PnD) and failed some expensive transactions on ETH just because of bad luck.

But I like this game now. I am in to making it in 4 or 5 years. My portfolio is poor, but I have only good coins (IMO) and still learning.

Not pictured, 2000 staked into Bao (but unstaked for a while until March 2) and 1200 into Bancor.

>> No.29876723

whoevers a virgin here.
just get a hooker u cringy fucks. it will be worth the money.

>> No.29876746


>> No.29876771


>> No.29876794

online dating.
promiscuous behaviour is bad and if I could take it all back and have 1 partner for life I would.
All this have given me is a cynical view on women that protects me but also never lets me trust.

>> No.29876872

>just get a hooker u cringy fucks.

Getting a hooker is fine AFTER you lose you're virginity

>> No.29876969


>> No.29877023

I made the mistake of having an affair with a girl that had a boyfriend, I fucked her while she answered the phone and pretended she was just busy doing homework, he showed me up one morning I spend the night and was knocking and knocking, she went out and told him to never show up to her house unannounced and basically just acted like she was really pissed off about that just to get rid of him, she would also start arguments with him over the phone so she could hang out with me and fuck instead of going with him. This fucked me up with trusting girls, I saw first hand how these bitches be.

>> No.29877050
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to be honest, getting laid during these times is pretty arduous. No parties, gatherings to meet new people, also talking to women with a mask on makes it difficult to read their facial expressions, so I gotta go based on their tone of voice and body language. I'm just not gonna fuck till I get my shit together OP

>> No.29877071

>fuck all, literally NEET with unpaid debts
>16 women

>> No.29877074
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hold zero eth, never used an online dating profile.

>> No.29877153

I had a girl doing fishy shit like that the other night so I went and fucked my ex to hedge my bets. I'm a horrible person but I don't trust these hoes.

>> No.29877155

The lack of zoomers in this thread tell either a lot of people are larping or a minority of are posting considering this board is mostly composed of people bellow 25.

>> No.29877172


Had $130 to my name two years ago. Sold drugs and now am sober.

>> No.29877200

jesus christ anon just reach into my soul and pull out my thoughts why dont you
he's right. don't chase them all, it fucks you up.
>t. just lost the best gf i ever had because now I'm too emotionally stunted to be happy with one woman, even though she was 10/10 and awesome in every way.
I'm moving all my belongings to a storage unit and moving in with my dad in another state so I can save and get therapy. I broke my life. Up $10k though so that's nice.

>> No.29877202


>> No.29877209

>Maybe 20 or so, I unironically don't count
Honestly should be a millionaire but I've missed out on like 5 make it trades that I was going to do. At this point I just hope I make it to a million by 30. Anyways sex is overrated unless in a relationship

>> No.29877270

Anon unironically just pay for an escort in Vegas or some shit, you're clearly fucking loaded

>> No.29877297
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what an absolutely disgusting thread what the actual fuck. 20+??? 50?? You guys are sluts. Disgusting.

>> No.29877305

If you want something then just fucking do it.

>> No.29877356

Work, bars, parties, hotels, etc..

I'm tall, white, and relatively good looking so that helps.

>> No.29877374

Men can't be sluts.
As for the numbers, always decrease 50% of whatever men give you regarding women.

>> No.29877420


>> No.29877434

more like 90% lmao

>> No.29877451

will I be able to make it bros? in what should I spend this 1K?

>> No.29877499
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>400 USD

Got a long term girlfriend. I could probably have more of both if I broke up with her

>> No.29877512

I know
men can be sluts
I'm ashamed of a high number, I wish I was sub 20

>> No.29877615

You're just as much of a scumbag as she is.

>> No.29877664

I mean, I'm gay and could probably just hop on grindr or whatever and get laid extremely easily. I just struggle with a crippling social anxiety and self-esteem issues, so it's hard for me to take the plunge. I'm improving though, and I'm pretty confident I won't be a virgin by the end of the year.

>> No.29877687

No he isn't, she was the one who had the obligation to the other guy, not him. He didnt stab anyone in the back by fucking a totally willing girl.

>> No.29877720

I know :( I’ll never do it again tho
I was younger and I needed the ego boost I guess

>> No.29877755

women come and go anon
unironically find Jesus
then ironically, a good wife just appears in your circle of associates.
don't find someone you love, find someone that will raise good kids with you.

>> No.29877769

He had an obligation to the other guy as a decent human being. If he didn't know she had a boyfriend that would be one thing, but he knew and fucked her while she was talking to him on the phone. 100% scumbag behavior.

>> No.29877808

He texted me too saying he was going to kick my ass haha but he never showed up

>> No.29877828

>+\- 50

>> No.29877849

This is the equivalent of a rich guy saying he's guilty about his wealth. For starters you don't really mean it, we both know that, it's just virtue singling driven by ideology; you feel instinctively good about the number yet your social mind betrays you.

Neither should you mean what you are saying. Holding men and women to the same standards has always been a stupid idea. If you're cheating on people, sure, that's clearly immoral. Getting a lot of sex while single? Literally nothing wrong with that and it's something men have strived for since the dawn of time.

>> No.29877858

Not even close to the same behaviour as hers

>> No.29877940

You're a sociopath if you think so. You can't even display basic human empathy to know how fucked up it is to do what he did.

>> No.29877957
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online dating was fucking awesome a decade ago
i miss the /ss/ days in my early 20s like you wouldn’t believe

>> No.29877962

Don't do that though.
I wish I had a long term girlfriend, I'm 8 years older than you and the best I've had is a hot, funny crazy gf for like 1 week and a FWB for a couple of months (feels kind of bad and borderline incel).
I think 7/9 lays I had was completely unexciting and uninteresting, but in our degenerate culture we use number of lays as a status measure (at least where I live).

>> No.29877974

alright heathen, social stigma is making me biased because as a man I'm not celebrated for fucking a lot of people. get a grip.

>> No.29878033

I don’t know, it’s easy for you to say here. But if you had a brapper in your face and your dicklet was hard you may not be so quick to wax poetic on morality.

>> No.29878079

>he never showed up
kek, what a cuck

>> No.29878086

better virgin than gay anon. proud of you. you can never unsuck the cock

>> No.29878121

It's not the same as her behaviour. She knew the guy intimately, he didn't. What she did was pretty clearly worse.

>> No.29878125

Nice strawman. I didn't said anything about social stigma, I said your worldview drives you to think feeling guilty about fucking a lot of women is a good position to have, even though you don't actually feel that.

>> No.29878230

based numerals, well I'm moving to the south, so maybe Ill have better chances there

>> No.29878238

How is that relevant? Morality is not about what you'd do in the moment, it's about abiding by a system of rules that makes you a better person. Just because you fell weak to momentary temptation doesn't mean you didn't act immorally.
The dude is still a human being who deserves dignity even if he's a stranger. If you think you only have to act moral to friends and acquaintances then that's a failure of moral judgement.

>> No.29878455

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

glad you know me better than I do anon, thank you for your words.

>> No.29878479

>not a single person has listed "1" for number of lays
We're lost, aren't we?

>> No.29878515

yes :(
I wonder how many people with this mindset get ruined by their first that doesn't share that mindset.

>> No.29878576

Drop the faggotry. You have no obligation to act like a saint towards someone you don't know. Why would a man pass on pussy to protect the failed relationship of someone he couldn't give two fucks about?
He coerced no one - the girl acted on her own free will -, he harmed no one dear to him and he benefited from the situation. If we were to apply your retarded moral standards to other situations I could say short selling huge positions is wrong because it makes some people lose money on assets they are invested in.

>> No.29878606


>> No.29878626

15+ never kept track

>> No.29878723

bro code actually exists.
we know who is and isn't a bro though and that shit will follow you for life.
when you hit your 30s and 40s and wonder why you're never invited anywhere by your married friends... remember this interaction.

>> No.29878744

Yo i relate to these stats, I vote this guy to be the main character

>> No.29878871
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The reason why whores like this exist is because the men around them enable it. The brutal truth is that a lot of women will try get away with as much as the men around them will tolerate, if they're cheating sluts it means the men around them are too unprincipled and degenerate to keep them in line.

This is why women in the West were significantly higher quality even just ~100 years ago. Back then if you cheated or got preggers as a teenager the men in your life would turn their back on you and your life would effectively be destroyed. So they didn't do that shit, at least not as often at any rate.

Kill yourself, retards. The reason women are like this is because of men like you. You don't exist in a void where just because you don't know the guy it's okay, this shit can and will be turned around on you sooner or later and when it does it will be your own fault.

>> No.29878936


>> No.29878992

oh net worth? $150k

>> No.29879066

These are excuses. Morality is about demanding better from yourself. Treat others with the same dignity you would want for yourself, but never expect it from others. Don't do harm to others who have done you no harm, even if they are complete strangers.

You haven't transcended your base instincts. You cannot understand what it means to be a moral being in your currents state, because you only think about what's good for you, not what's good for others.
>I could say short selling huge positions is wrong because it makes some people lose money on assets they are invested in
Not even the same thing. Would you sleep with your friends woman? Your brother's? If you answered no, then the only difference is your familiarity with the person you are hurting. And as I said before, if you won't treat strangers with morality then you are an immoral person. If you answered yes, then you show no concern or empathy even towards those you supposedly care about, which goes against what has been said in this reply chain.

If you then say that it was okay because "she was willing," then that doesn't matter. Let her act immorally, but don't take part of it yourself. Or do, but recognize that you have then acted like the scum that she is.

>> No.29879123

You don't hold your bros to the same standards as strangers. I'd be disappointed if a friend of mine approached a girl i'm with; I would however find bizarre if some guy I don't know passed on a girl I'm with. If anything I would wonder what makes her low value enough to be rejected by another guy, unless he had good reason to do so, like a wife or reputation to protect.

>> No.29879266

>You don't hold your bros to the same standards as strangers.
This isn't about the standards you hold strangers to, but the standards you hold yourself to.
>If anything I would wonder what makes her low value enough to be rejected by another guy
The question isn't whether your woman has high enough value to be pursued by other men while taken. It's about whether you hold yourself to a standard where you wouldn't sleep with another man's woman.

>> No.29879300


>> No.29879311

I’ve always thought of lays as how many girls you’ve had, as in bodycount. For example:
Girl 1, Fucked once = 1 lay
Girl 2, fucked fifty times = 1 lay
So which one is it? Are you counting lays as girls or just times you had sex?
Some of these numbers are insane

>> No.29879391

Do you mean women we had sex with or amount of times we had sex?

>> No.29879401

a cheater is a cheater, dogs are dogs.
your party buddies once they settle down will always see you as a dog cheater.
yes, uniques
who brags about having sex 5000 times with their wife? unless they're bragging to sexually frustrated other married men.

>> No.29879474

>enters the fuck years
>stops fucking
Money can't buy brains.