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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 1493x291, MBRS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2983678 No.2983678 [Reply] [Original]

>2 mil cap
>airdrops for platforms they acquire
>great team

>> No.2983805

I bought 500k MBRS a while ago before I even knew about the token drops they would be doing.

I am VERY happy now.

>> No.2983808

Wasn't this 1 sat a week ago?

>> No.2984001

I recommend looking into it

>> No.2984197
File: 6 KB, 261x163, disgust_carrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been casually following this for a week now, finally look up where to buy in
>Traded exclusively on a piece of shit github page that looks like it was slapped together by a 9th grader.

Yeah, no... I'm good.

>> No.2984318

Bittrex and other exchanges are coming soon according to the developer

>> No.2984324
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Join the telegram, the dev team seems really competent

>> No.2985560

I have to agree with you. When I bought my MBRS I fucking hated EtherDelta. It is a shit site that takes too much work to use.

That being said, if you go into the telegram and ask to buy some MBRS one of the team members will message you.

I have bought thousands of MBRS using BTC and my PayPal.

>> No.2985584

How do i buy this? currently its only available on etherdelta which im not sure how to use

>> No.2985806
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Just bought out a nice chunk from EtherDelta. I apologize to everyone here if I drove up the price a bit.

Been accumulating for the past few days to get *more* of the tokens from the platforms they've acquired. This thing, though under the radar, has a strong future if it keeps on trucking.

By the way, MBRS and its affiliates will be the first ERC20 tokens that will be added onto LakeBTC. Why? Because James Drake (MBRS' founder) has been recently added to LakeBTC's advisory board in exchange for first dibs on trading.

>> No.2985994

Is LakeBTC that big of an exchange?

The token drops are very promising. I think DomainToken, if done right, could be a real money maker for both of us.

>> No.2986046

It's a big exchange based in Shanghai that's been active since 2013. Serves primarily Asian markets (in particular, China).

And as you know, China is where the money is. They're crazy for investments.

>> No.2986057

How much is their daily trading volume on average?

>> No.2986064

i looked into it after someone shilled it here the other day. their team looks like they are on the ball. didnt want to use etherdelta at first but its not too bad. i still despite though decentralised exchanges like the waves one

whens the next airdrop supposed to be? i chucked my mbrs into mew in anticipation for it

>> No.2986069

despise those*

>> No.2986073


3 new native Embermine Platform Project tokens will be introduced and distributed proportionate to the amount of Embers held. Right now, the dates are:

8/8 for IDEA (2:1)
8/15 for TOV (2:1)
9/1 for DOM (100:1)

Keep in mind your MBRS must be stored in an ERC20 compatible wallet (like MEW) on the above dates in order to receive the airdrop, not on an exchange wallet.

>> No.2986149

do i have to input mbrs manually into "add custom token" in order to see it under the token balances in myetherwallet? i can only see them when i view the wallet through ethplorer

>> No.2986153

yeah. until MEW adds them to the default list. i dont have the info off hand. join the telegram and ask and someone should link it

>> No.2986183

I can only afford 1k MBRS is this a waste of time for me?

>> No.2986194

Unsure. Data from China isn't as easy to get.

Rather focus on seeing MBRS grow and pushing to get them listed on Western exchanges.

>> No.2986214

No. This coin will go to $5. I know everyone says that. But if you believe me then that 1k of tokens would be worth 5,000 USD one day. PLUS all the other tokens you get for free because you hold MBRS. Which could also be worth $5. Even at $1 you still make several thousand for free.

>> No.2986220

Ok. I'm on the MEW site, how do I add MBRS as a custom token exactly? I'm a real noob at this stuff please help a friend out?

>> No.2986234

i dont know how off hand. my advice is to go to the bitcointalk thread and join the telegram from the invite link there and ask your questions. there is always someone on and they are more knowledgeable about the technical stuff than me.

i just know a good coin when I see it

>> No.2986238

Well, that's good enough for me. I'm going to put 1 ETH into this thing. It's the most I can put.

>> No.2986241

This coin looks like shit

>> No.2986256
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, 1450191775758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can help with that.

To the right-hand side where the tokens are listed. You want to press the one that says "Add custom token" or something along those lines.

For the address, put in:
This is the contract address for MBRS.

For symbol, put in:

For Decimals, put in:

It should show up.

>> No.2986270

Would you care to elaborate with some points on why it's "shit"?

>> No.2986446

What's the MEW site?

>> No.2986562


>> No.2986574

I read the website and it looks like nothing special at all. looks like 1000s of other coins
nothing eye catching, late to industry, its just shit. Sorry you bought before thinking

>> No.2986579

Is this real or are you trying to trick me into sending coins like a retard

>> No.2986592
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Anon, have a little bit of faith that some people actually do want to support their fellow /biz/realites.

Besides, you can look up the contract address by yourself. And how on Earth would the "add custom token" button lead to you sending me money, especially if you're not inputting the number of your tokens?

>> No.2986596

I dunno man :(

>> No.2986628

Oh well. Stay poor man.

You are perfectly fine. The add custom token button does nothing. If you dont trust us, go to the telegram group and ask there. You will get the answer.

>> No.2986644

this coin is criminally undervalued

>> No.2986663

Have fun losing your money man

Ill be making sweet gains on coins with value

>> No.2986677
File: 378 KB, 2190x1080, 1053241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any microcap coins you looking into my friend?

>> No.2986702

>Trying to send eth from coinbase to eth wallet to buy MBRS with
>Coinbase freezes every time I try and send and returns a 500 error
I guess it's just not meant to be.

>> No.2986825

One last question
To get the airdrop do I need to add more custom tokens to MEW? To deposit MBRS into MEW do I just use the public address and transfer from etherdelta, or is there an MBRS-specific address I have to use? Thanks.

>> No.2986832

Actually, that's something I intend to ask the developers on the slack tomorrow; whether or not to add new token symbols for the airdropped tokens.

For now though, know that you NEED to have the contract address for MBRS (which you use to add the custom token symbol). That's how you'll get the tokens.

>> No.2986855

whats the purpose of the domaintoken / how can you make money of it?

Can someone explain what the incoming token airdrops will have of a purpose?

>> No.2986885

Ok, cool. Hope I made it in time for the 8/8 token drop?

>> No.2986893

>in about 10 hours you will get IDEA token at a ratio of 2 IDEA tokens for each MBRS you hold
On Telegram an hour ago

>> No.2986917

I'd check the telegram but my telegram profile is incredibly weeby. Do I have to add a new token in my wallet for IDEA or is that gonna happen automatically?

>> No.2986940

he only buys what /biz/ shills.

>> No.2986941

IDEA Token Contract Address: 0x814cafd4782d2e728170fda68257983f03321c58
Symbol: IDEA
Decimals: 0

>> No.2986981
File: 100 KB, 720x1280, memecoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon
my army of meme coins are ready for the long hold now. No more trades until I'm rich except for buying BTC now and then.

>> No.2987072
File: 1.01 MB, 955x1015, 128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so its a platform but for what
icos? thats the only thing "platforms" are useful for these days

>> No.2987104

read the whitepaper lazy pajeet


>> No.2988238

You have saved me so much time and effort, I love you

>> No.2989204

Just a couple hours (1PM EST) until IdeaTokens are distributed to anyone that has MBRS guys.

3 new native Embermine Platform Project tokens will be introduced and distributed proportionate to the amount of Embers held. Right now, the dates are:

8/8 for IDEA (2:1)
8/15 for TOV (2:1)
9/1 for DOM (100:1)

Keep in mind your MBRS must be stored in an ERC20 compatible wallet (like MEW) on the above dates in order to receive the airdrop, not on an exchange wallet.

>> No.2990704
File: 330 KB, 716x911, 1478503726938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-Thank you anon. I care about you too.

>> No.2991458
File: 691 KB, 667x720, 1494709680827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The blockchain snapshot has been taken and is being verified. IDEA tokens will be released over the following few hours in waves.

All MBRS holders should go to their wallets create a new custom token for IDEA tokens. The set up is as follows:

>Contract Address:

Enjoy your free tokens (you should get twice the amount of whatever MBRS you hold).

>> No.2991486

PS, there will be a push to have these listed on EtherDelta, in case you want to sell your IDEA tokens. It'll take a bit (hours? days? TBD).

Not sure why you would do this, but it's up to you.

>> No.2991920

Daily reminder that this coin will be fucking huge and you don't want to miss out