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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29828107 No.29828107[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She's ngmi, is she?

>> No.29828144

>lemonade stand
nope ngmi it's like watching a fish on land trying to swim and breath. It's so sad.

>> No.29828151

This is Biden's America

>> No.29828181

this is why she needs brain surgery in the first place, what a retard.

>> No.29828183

should have bought bitcoin bro

>> No.29828204

someone get this child into shitcoins. thats her only shot. but first have her put a 5x short on btc to 39k then long with 100x.

>> No.29828209

She just has to find the right pedo.

>> No.29828211

Suggest should go for $MCM. They are gonna rock soon

>> No.29828231

She will make it because she's female and some cuck will feel bad for her and pay for it

>> No.29828241

>being american
she's ngmi

>> No.29828247

Cute, I hope we get a follow up on whether she made it or not

>> No.29828248 [DELETED] 

I would rather go for mochimo. Heard over biz they are gonna rock soon

>> No.29828265

She's not going to make it because I'm going to report her when she sets up the stand because I'm pretty sure she won't have permission

>> No.29828286
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Her parents could just make a gofundme and she'll get $5 million in a week.

>> No.29828288

Thats why healthcare should be free and paid by tax money. Its the only tax I am willing to pay.

>> No.29828295


>> No.29828303

If she lived in ancapistan, she would be able to make enough money in a couple of months to fund several brain surgeries.

>> No.29828326

statists would rather see this girl die rather than enter into a voluntary contract with some gentleman

>> No.29828342

I think this advice will bankrupt me

>> No.29828360


>> No.29828362

Biden gave her brain cancer

>> No.29828379

a supreme gentleman?

>> No.29828384

its over

>> No.29828388

I wouldn’t call it simping or being a cuck to pay for life saving surgery for a kid, boy or girl . If I was rich I would help out where I could, the worlds fucked as is

>> No.29828401

I got brain cancer too listening to that demented old fart

>> No.29828405

They need to remove state income taxes and increase the federal tax to 50% for that to happen

>> No.29828417
File: 64 KB, 430x242, 1614350719151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not once she gets bogged. I hear the lemonade market is... unstable this time of year

>> No.29828433

>being born with brain cancer
>in america

>> No.29828457

The problem is that she doesn't just need to pay for the brain surgeon to carry out the surgery. She has to pay for all the medical bureaucracy, she has to pay for the insurance infrastructure, she has to pay for all the money that goes into the higher education infrastructure, she has to pay for all the other stakeholders in the supply chain going towards her surgery. And people keep calling conservatives greedy but the fact is that all the infrastructure that the left want is what makes it so expensive in the first place. And if they get what they actually want it will simply be inaccessible to anyone regardless of the cost.

>> No.29828474

She's not gonna make it. I remember when I was 10 and having a dog that I loved who was really sick but everyone in my family wanted it gone. So I had to raise money by selling lemonade and chocolate bars. After 2 hours outside some high school kids from another part of town (the ghetto) pushed my table over and stole all the chocolate bars and money (wasn't much).

>> No.29828477

the jew fears whites helping whites anon ((they)) want everyone to be a divided individual, big gov will be your father, friend and employer

>> No.29828486

can you break down the costs for me? why don't we just stop spending so fucking much on retarded useless wars in the middle east?

>> No.29828498

Should hae invest in BTC and efferrium while also shorting $lemon instead of fucking around with gaymonades.
Take note, this is why femoids are never gonna make it.

>> No.29828503

Fucking hell... Communism fucking sucks but I'm so glad my little Northern Euro country knows the difference between beneficial socialistic policies and full blown communism. Too bad the system is being put under stress by non-whites. Our empathy and openness literally becoming the downfall of our almost perfect system, while the unwashed non-white masses scream racism. How ironic.

>> No.29828523

Fucking niggers

>> No.29828541

And amerimutts unironically defend this system.
Disgusts me to my core
This is how you know mutts are non whites, absolutely disgusting

>> No.29828546
File: 922 KB, 1440x720, 762DF19B-D626-4EFA-8F48-4E78EC860404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she made an onlyfans her surgery, future college tuition and house would be paid for in less than 24hrs

>> No.29828594

WTF. Kill yourself pedo>>29828360

>> No.29828613

hold on there little girl can you put your mask on before we all get brain cancer from you spreading bacteria into the jug no ppe no health and safety exercised here pathetic

>> No.29828624

This is America since long I am happy I am an eurofaggot and not dying because of not being able to afford 600,000 life saving medical services. Man the USAids is so fucked I dont care how whiny americunts on this board respond to it. Fuck you

>> No.29828640

in such an extreme case it is probably less morally wrong for her to have an onlyfans account and pay for the operation with pedofag money, since lemonade profits will only allow her the surgery when she's 346 years old, while onlyfans profits will be in the millions rather quickly

>> No.29828666

Kill yourself cuck, nobody owes you a surgery

>> No.29828667

Trump's America*

>> No.29828705

I'm sorry Anon. You didn't deserve that.

>> No.29828707

She's 7 you creepy fuck your ngmi

>> No.29828727

Did you track them down and slit their throats?

>> No.29828766

50% should be the highest tax bracket. State taxes are fine. Just tax the rich.

>> No.29828776

If it was a N, it would be front page of CNN.

>> No.29828780

She could just post picture of her lemonade stand. It's like a bait for pedos. You get the pedo money and then also the pedo details.

>> No.29828789
File: 10 KB, 300x168, 42496EDF-4583-443D-B2B3-8DA2D0A8E420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tough hand to be dealt , hopefully some wealthy fuck gives her a shot at a life

>> No.29828831

Best thread right now
Based af

>> No.29828835

She unironically wil gonna make it.

>Poor sick little child working hard in a cruel world to pay herself the surgey she need.

With marketing like this in a few day some billionaire pedo will pay her shit. And Netflix will film a movie where she is a black trannie.

>> No.29828841


>> No.29828843

>most babies being born aren't white now
enjoy paying your nigger tax dumbass

>> No.29828844

If she wanted gender reassignment surgery thatd be done already free of charge wouldn’t it bros

>> No.29828849


>> No.29828878
File: 167 KB, 375x500, f33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao 0 sympathy for you burgers, you have to be mentally and genetically retarded to fail in your system. Poor kid but the parents are either trying to scam people for money or they shouldn't be allowed to reproduced in the first place.

>> No.29828910


>> No.29828914
File: 131 KB, 714x552, 1613253402750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What whites in the US
Nobody is white in the jewnited states, maybe some immigrants from Europe but I doubt anyone is still retarded enough to do that
You aren't white and will never be amerimutt

>> No.29828930

And then 10,000,000 nonbinary pansexual furries will demand their free gender affirmation surgery.

Think I'm just guessing or being a conservative asshole?

About 20 to 25 years ago, Oregon tried to clean up its Medicare/Medicaid system to make healthcare free. The proposal was to set sane limits on what was and was not covered under the program. Are you a teenager with leukemia? COVERED! Did you accidentally kill your liver? COVERED! Did you kill your liver for a second time because you're an alcoholic who can't stop even after your first free transplant? FUCK YOU YOU'RE GONNA DIE. Are you a 90yo with cancer who has a maximum of three months? FUCK YOU YOU'RE GONNA DIE.

Know what happened? Of course you do! All the fucking leeches on society blocked the changes, because they're having too much fun demanding their "rights" to million-dollar gold-plated coverage for their self-induced problems terminal conditions under the existing mess. No, you can't kill granny, she might make it for four months instead of three if only you chemo the fuck out of her! Addicts have rights too! Just like this poor sweet innocent:


>> No.29828971

He mother owns a bakery, just fucking sell it no handouts. Girl sells lemonade, mom starts Onlyfans.

>> No.29828975
File: 73 KB, 960x1280, FD0C758E-0FE6-4596-BC66-BEA802F573B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re ;)

not saying I’m into it but that’s just how the world is senpai
also if you actually read the story it’s not for money it’s just a “1 like=hopes and prayers” thing
if they made a gofundme (more like gofuckme amirite) they’d pull $500k in less than a month. nothing opens up a simps wallet than some girl with a sob story

>> No.29829015
File: 391 KB, 877x503, ScreenShot2015-04-01at2.34.11PM-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29829030

I'm white enough to gut your niggerloving ass and feed you to the pigs.

>> No.29829085

I hope she's paying taxes

>> No.29829095

You re a niggeroid, 56% white in best case scenario
Stay in your nigger country literally payi'g taxes to Israel and African shit holes

>> No.29829124


>> No.29829161

that girl looks underage

>> No.29829175

Nice, A full organ bag for just one heart.

This is like buy a dollar with for a cent.

>> No.29829212

But seems like she is ready xD

>> No.29829215

>american tap water

>> No.29829229 [DELETED] 


>> No.29829239

OP you giant faggot, she doesn't have brain cancer, she has "malformations" that are causing seizures.

>“She has three cerebral malformations,” Elizabeth Scott said. “One is what they call a schizencephaly. So it’s a cleft in the frontal lobe in the right side of her brain, and we think that’s what’s causing the seizures.”
>According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, schizencephaly is “an extremely rare developmental birth defect characterized by abnormal slits, or clefts, in the cerebral hemispheres of the brain.”

IOW, whether because of environment or genetics, something went wrong with her brain development.

I had a friend whose daughter started having seizures. I don't know the cause. She eventually grew out of the problem, like most such children do. I guess this one's problems are more serious and likely to persist, otherwise they'd just wait and see.

> Elizabeth Scott purchased additional insurance to help pay for Liza’s brain surgeries. But with travel and hotel costs heaped on top of medical expenses, the family is already nearing $10,000 in out-of-pocket expenses.

So, the surgeries are covered, it's just hotel costs for her family support. Which she needs, of course, seeing as how a 7yo can't do it all on her own right after brain surgery. But it's not like she's stuck on Obamacare wondering if she's gonna die from cancer.

All you had to do to find this stuff out was read the fucking article:

>> No.29829240


>> No.29829272

>Using tap water to make lemonade
Her lemonade ain't gonna make it

>> No.29829277

You don't have to post porn in your onlyfans.

>> No.29829279

wtf, biz is full of shit people making fun of a 7 year old. Even the pedos are in this thread are more moral. She will eventually become a thot, but a child bears no sins. Hope she makes it, I'll donate if they set up a gofundme.

>> No.29829303
File: 75 KB, 576x1024, 951D47D4-2173-43A2-A6E8-C77AFF6973B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and no gag reflex apparently

>> No.29829309

Why are you crying about these trashcoins?
This is all your failor man, don’t be so stubid
Wanna make profit?
>listen attentively da boi, go to JustLiquidity and see yields for JULD
>Watch the stat, be smart!

>> No.29829328

That's actually kind of a good point. But do you really want a nigger kidney in you? I'd rather go to China and get one from an executed Tibetan like the Israelis do -- better tissue matching (they pick the prisoner who matches you best) and no waitlist.

>> No.29829350

hope not
wholesome shit like this is what makes societies weak

>> No.29829416

Yes actually, she igmi once the pity money rolls in - assuming her parents are smart enough to set up a gofundme.

>> No.29829426

>this is why she needs brain surgery in the first place, what a retard.
I love you guys

>> No.29829435

Keep repeating your /pol/ memes sponsored by your hook nosed masters you faggot. Be sure to blow your wife's nigger tonight also.

>> No.29829497

>No, you can't kill granny, she might make it for four months instead of three if only you chemo the fuck out of her!
And the people doing this shit 100% guaranteed don't even call her. She just sits all day watching a TV she cannot even hear, waiting for one of her children to call or come by, they don't btw. In the very best cases they might call or even visit once a week, that's less than 1% of them. The lucky ones get a call/visit once a month. The majority just sits there rooting alone not really knowing what the fuck is going on around them until Christmas or they die.

>> No.29829509

OP here. Changed my mind, she is probably gonna make it alive, but ngmi in a sense of /biz/

Understood the article wrong

>> No.29829687

Well, i don't care for kidney or alungt. But there is no way i will acept a nigger stomach, I can't live eating only burgers and fried chiken for the rest of my life...

>> No.29829775


We're all pink inside

>> No.29829866

>release the citrus carcinogen FUD

>> No.29829876

she could if she knew what OXEN nodes could do for her condition

>> No.29829933

How bout watermelon?
Most People love to cling on and believe others should too, even if the quality of life is torturous

>> No.29830045

Why doesnt she become an instagram child model?

>> No.29830308

>not starting a gofundme
Reddit would eat this shit up and she would have enough donations to pay for a dozen surgeries by the end of the fundraiser.

>> No.29830333

All she needed to do is put in $10,000 into LOOM cryptocurrency. Then go on TV and wish that exchanges update the token to the new version and allowing usd to buy it.
That $10,000 x $0.12 is around 80,000 LOOM coins
Now her national plea could result in the coin going up to $1.00. So now she has $80,000 for brain surgery. If it pumps to $10.00 early then she would have $800,000. If celebs tweet it, and it goes to $1,000. She would have $80,000,000. Far better than any gofundme or other campaigns.

>> No.29830358

Unironically, that would make her more money.

>> No.29830510

>Metabolize the tumor. Initiate stage IV

>> No.29830539

God I love how mutts love to hate things that would benefit them. Keep it coming bro, developed countries love your babbling. Oh but you are so free. I am jealous

>> No.29830559

>$114k raised so far
>Soulless pedo cunts on biz BTFO


>> No.29830564
File: 26 KB, 609x534, loicense_required.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top link Sir.
they must have sniffed I was covered by the NHS and rejected me as a communist.

>> No.29830597

this sounds like fake clickbait bullshit.

>> No.29830639

I cannot stand this world anymore

>> No.29830679

it's probably pedos who are donating the most bro

>> No.29831009

>How bout watermelon?

I think that you are the one who needs a new brain right now.

>> No.29831045

Meh, she has more willpower than most people I know. I think she can make it with some guidance.

>> No.29831116

It's neither president's america it's just america as a whole. Happy that I'm a eurofag and can actually afford to just exist lmfao. The absolute state of america

>> No.29831123


>> No.29831212

Why do Americans seem to only argue over completely free vs completely unchanged?
Switzerland has private insurance and the healthcare is high quality without being bankrupting.

>> No.29831278

>oh say can you see

>> No.29831334


>> No.29831354

I don't really want nigger organs in me. If I die, I die.

>> No.29831358

Any organ transplant must come from someone genetically close to you. If you are a mixed race bastard you are going to have a hard time finding an organ donor.

>> No.29831368
File: 3.56 MB, 347x244, 1594562971859.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope all americans get braincancer to enjoy the great medicalsystem of the best nation on earth

>> No.29831373

whenever someone makes a weasel post like yours, they always allude to "developed countries" without saying where they're from. why be ashamed of your country, if it's so great?
i'm french. we have free healthcare. there's definitely wide abuse to the tune of what burgeranon is saying
it is always a minority who ruins it for the majority, but that minority exists nonetheless
hard as it may be to map out indirect economic costs, these costs exist nonetheless. a retard calls emergency services 10 times a month and has an ambulance dispatched every time, somewhere else we've got an innocent child who dies of poor medical care. is there a direct causal link? of course you can't make one, but resources are finite regardless, and the consequences of overwhelmingly permissive kindness means you breed parasitism as an evolutionary trait in your population

>> No.29831374

She needs to post cunny and shell make it

>> No.29831398

To add: If you are mixed, even your parents can't donate most of the time. Maybe your siblings, but that's about it.

>> No.29831406

based trips

>> No.29831409

and then. when she pulls out to fix her thinker, the whales start pulling out and you get left with the bags.

>> No.29831455
File: 66 KB, 1024x928, 1613672407223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just has to buy BTC and hold it for like 10 years.. OH WAIT

>> No.29831458

>reading these comments
Y'all heartless

>> No.29831478
File: 41 KB, 550x453, 1597613877811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor girl, i've been here for too long and i'm generally really pissed of when replying due to the amount of retardation here
but this post made me feel something. i feel really sorry for her. we spend all day making and losing $ here like it's nothing based on hyper speculation, building the "future" (fuckin lol)
then i see this, and i feel that she's hopeless. fuck this world, really. i feel really sorry for people who couldn't be at the right place at the right time. many children and adults like her in this world.
well, fuck it, they may be the lucky ones if they pass. this place is hell. nothing but hate between everyone over every fuckin little thing all the while, politicians around the world take away our rights and push their own agendas while we just deal with it and hope things change, but they never will.
sad fuckin world.
time for bed.

>> No.29831517
File: 388 KB, 750x1075, BFDC2FEE-07FA-4AC4-B156-210AA04E0F2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US gives free money to yentas in Israel who already have universal healthcare but lets a seven year old girl die here in the US.
It only sounds horrific until you reflect on it.
The evil of the first action brings on the punishment of the second.
The US can save every jew in the world but it can’t save one little white girl.

>> No.29831545

reckted, buy the dip tard or go away poor
this shillers try to scam you with shit token
don’t go for this trash, wanna see the top staking gem?
follow Jul with dual platform on Binance Smart Chain
>2000$ make here

>> No.29831575

Its her fault for being born in a capitalist country like America.
Maybe her parents should have had her in Sweden or Germany.

>> No.29831578

I feel you nordbro, honestly I'm not against some amount of collectivism too but this universalist bullshit where we have to pay for niggers and arabs because their women can't take a pill and have 7 kids is unsustainable.
Like how is it worth to pay 50% taxes to pamper violent nigglets who will never contribute back and hate us with all their guts?

>> No.29831621

If some anons help her getting into crypto, get rich then pay off her surgeries with it that's how crypto will be saved from Biden.

>> No.29831663

Yeah you're right. You can give it to Israel with your 37% capital gains tax but not to this girl. I love you Americans

>> No.29831691

easy to act tough when you aren't in her position
you'd cry like a bitch if a bee stung you

>> No.29831697
File: 880 KB, 959x735, 1613495449307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll have better business skills then biz if she gets donations and survives. So maybe she will make it.

>> No.29831699

she had 12 years

>> No.29831719

yet another thing: $114 was raised already
how often do you see fundraising working in your mysterious country?
in frogland, it's notoriously hard to get people to pony up for anything. not because we're especially greedy, but rather due to the bystander effect. with the strong implication the state will take care of us, there's less of an effort to actively solve your problems, or to help someone else with theirs
different systems, different results. burgerica is far from perfect in many things, but its dystopic nature in some aspects also makes for utopia in others. anyone with a brain can earn 6 figures and use that money responsibly to secure both financial security and great standards of living (eventually in another country, but not necessarily)
that ability to be successful and reap the fruits of your work just isn't as available anywhere else in the world

>> No.29831751

She should have bought Chainlink. That poor girl.

>> No.29831788

meanwhile people donating millions per day to some retarded Jewtubers/twitchers who already make 5-6 figs per months streaming retarded bullshit.


>> No.29831803

is there a link where i can donate?

>> No.29831816

So what is the difference between that and a gofundme where everyone is left with the bags? Simple, the $80,000,000 isnt everything and the coin lives on.

>> No.29831855

I know what I'd be doing if I were in her position, cuck

>> No.29831858

PolkaFoundry makes DeFi DApps fully interoperable with the Polkadot multi-chain by solving UX issues.

x5000 possible

>> No.29831859

Based French bro
Notice he didn't respond

>> No.29831866

If this cunny made onlyfans and had monero adress this would be non-issue

>> No.29831887

She should go on a crowd funding site. Normies will make her a millionaire.

>> No.29831891

As if any of us want to give it to Israel but if you point that out you’re socially ruined here

>> No.29831897

yeah, you'll suck dick for chemo and die alone

>> No.29831931

The difference is that once you dump your shekels on GoFuckMe you know for a fact that they are just gone.

>> No.29831951

All of you want to give it to israel.
I hope you will never have healthcare ever.
What do you even get for your taxes?

>> No.29831989

There’s actually a lot of government programs, welfare is the number one tax expenditure
Too bad it mostly goes to violent blacks and methhead rednecks

But you’re being a two faced disingenous fuck anyways

>> No.29832013

And you'd rather have that bullshit and let this girl die than fix the system.
I hope you keep doing that. We need one country that acts that way.

>> No.29832034

Nah, I'll suck dick for chemo and have a great life while your daughter dies from cancer.

>> No.29832042

Keep HODLing that social approval bag. It's going to moon one day.

>> No.29832063

He already said most people don't want that. Most people don't even know that's where the money goes, you slimy Jude shill

>> No.29832067

do Americans really?

>> No.29832068

Brain surgery would only cost me like 10k-20k it’s really not that big of deal

>> No.29832077

No, if you were rich you'd probably understand how to use to your capital to its biggest effect, even in your philanthropic endeavors.

>> No.29832085

Are you seriously implying that networking has no impact on career or wealth?

>> No.29832128

I feel horrible for this girl, I myself am terminal and have had the hardest fucking time getting people to care, I was never a red it faggot so I never had the time to even comment on that shit site and not on social media so trying to make a go fund me was basically pointless, I hope this little girl recovers luckily she should get help now that it’s viral

>> No.29832209

doing anything with 100x leverage will bankrupt you but using 100x leverage in a crypto market will bankrupt you faster than your screen can refresh even if you're using a 360hz monitor.

>> No.29832212

das rite

>> No.29832324


all of these comments are fags and she has more balls than everyone here

she will make it

>> No.29832393


>> No.29832403

you need to go back to plebbit you nigger faggot

>> No.29832441

I'd pay for her treatment if she pees in the lemonade. That cunny juice must be exquisite

>> No.29832448

if her age is on the clock she is not ready for the $cock

>> No.29832472


No, it's Joe Biden's America and you work for David Brock and live in a postage stamp flat

>> No.29832529

>Yes, IRS? I’d like to report an unregistered, unlicensed, food vendor, utilising child labor and taking cash only to avoid paying taxes.

>> No.29832551


>> No.29832578

The left?? The left wants free medical care and free education. Single payer would eliminate bureaucratic inefficiencies. Are you retarded?

>> No.29832605

What r u gonna do? I saw your ID, you fucking scammer
>Go home poor nigger

>> No.29832640

This. Biden is murdering this girl.

>> No.29832666

its communist and socialist if little girl gets free brain surgery!!! USA USA USA!!

>> No.29832698

If enough if you soul-less mongrels take your seven figures that you all claim to have and donate a tiny fraction to her charity, she might make it.

>> No.29832730

back to plebbit

>> No.29832732

It's viral probably has 1m already.

>> No.29832766


>> No.29832920

Because then we wouldn't have enough tax money to pay our corporate overlords. Instead of paying to make society better, by improving healthcare and education, so we aren't all living in a never-ending debt nightmare, it is much more important that we pay for corporate subsidies. The republican party is the ultimate Jew and America loves to suck his dick.

>> No.29832950

I have insurance and don’t pay 60% income tax you completely retarded faggot. I would spit in your subhuman euro face before I kicked the absolute shit out of you irl in Minecraft

>> No.29833211

lol, you're exactly mimicking those who eurobro was making; selfish cunts unable to think of anyone outside themselves, where as long as they are temporarily happy, they don't care about a single other person in the world. Wait until you get sick and the "patient responsibility" after your insurance still comes to $600,000. How sad to be such a pathetic self fulfilling shitpost.

>> No.29833212

Unironically more based and higher work ethic than every libtard who thinks they deserve free healthcare and higher work ethic than most people on this board.

That said, children shouldn’t have to worry about healthcare. But 30 year old pink haired hambeasts should not be using other people’s money to fund their healthcare.

>> No.29833280


>> No.29833312

are you retarded or just pretending to be

>> No.29833368

your slavshit country that gets gibs from germany and france through the kiked eu is not europe and you're not european, now off yourself
t. actual european from scandinavia

>> No.29833373

Deeply traumatic. We all have stories like that here. Thanks fir sharing anon. Legitimately. Also fuck niggers and jannie.s

>> No.29833415


bitch ive been on this same fucking site since 2011

>> No.29833450

hell yeah, get more of the "real europeans" in, sven!

>> No.29833502

what a subhuman you are lmao

>> No.29833505

You don’t know how insurance works because you are a retard. And no I don’t give a fuck about low life poor retards like you who can’t afford insurance. I’d be happy if you died you fucking loser scum. Eat my shit.

>> No.29833676

seethe cuck, not everyone is a faggot like you

>> No.29833702

Lmao jesus

>> No.29833873

i swear on my life if i do make i will help people struggling like her, i'm not a greedy disgusting jew i don't want anymore money, i only invest in crypto to get the fuck out of the system that destroys your soul.. i hope that young girl makes it what a sick world we live in

>> No.29833895
File: 282 KB, 1536x1776, 1613508156639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biden's America

I have a macro for Biden's America ready ever since the voting to dump on shrieking lefties and it never fails to trigger them. Two simple words. Nothing but the undeniable fact: Biden's America.

>> No.29833914

oh no i upset some untermensch. your skin may be white, but your brain and mental capacity is that of a nigger. actual europeans despise you and your lot

>> No.29833983
File: 36 KB, 329x291, cold steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29834091 [DELETED] 

>clock goes up to 23
fuck kikes

>> No.29834178
File: 64 KB, 953x959, clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29834270

Would you help a boy?

>> No.29834421

That's what I'm planning on doing. I'm making $105k a year in software dev, with only $20k annual expenses. My friends are mostly blue collar, making very little. I'm going to be a buying a 9 bedroom building soon, which in Chicago, you can do for $100k to $125k, if you do some work on it yourself (no problem, since people living there are carpenters, electricians, construction, etc.), and I'm going to move all my friends into it, with rent being only enough to cover the costs of mortgage, property taxes, repair/maintenance, mortgage down payment/closing, and mortgage interest. After the first year (which will be more due to mortgage down/closing), we'll each only be paying $180 "rent," and in 15 years, when mortgage ends, we'll be down to only $105 "rent" per person.

Ideally, we also buy a mixed commercial/residential building, as then we could throw shows out of the commercial space (or in the basement/back yard, if a house), or turn the commercial space into rad space, which Chicago is lacking now, due to dry spell.

Much better to use your money to strengthen your community than just yourself, as the later just leaves you alone and miserly.

>> No.29834461
File: 67 KB, 1344x706, Screen_Shot_2021-01-11_at_3.06.17_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29834513

She managed to raise $25.75 for her $150,000 surgery.

>> No.29834534

Why doesn't she make a gofundme? Looks like she really needs a brain surgery. Or financially literate parents.

>> No.29834542
File: 86 KB, 306x556, 1329001581329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loli lemonade stand
It's just like in my Chinese cartoons!

>> No.29834577

you are starting to loose it
seek help

>> No.29834595 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 1157x1373, 1603269603341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /biz/ server link is:

>> No.29834650
File: 956 KB, 615x900, 1589033402703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shouldn't do that, Israel needs your money more

>> No.29834666

unironically ngmi

>> No.29834735
File: 319 KB, 575x620, lust_provoking_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29834798

Wow, poor girl has to sell lemonade for her surgery, while her parents are lazy and unemployed.

>> No.29834885

she's going to need brain surgery if she thinks she'll make it from lemonade.

>> No.29835116

>Elizabeth Scott purchased additional insurance to help pay for Liza’s brain surgeries. But with travel and hotel costs heaped on top of medical expenses, the family is already nearing $10,000 in out-of-pocket expenses.
Imagine being this strained over 10k. Poorfags shouldn't be allowed to have kids

>> No.29835252

>7 year old girl
>lust provoking

please kill urself pedo before other people have to do it.

>> No.29835301

this blockchain is gem
>pajeets try to shill rubbish on /biz/
>they can’t get how PoW PoS algo works on ENQ
only smart asses will get it and have income

>> No.29835306
File: 60 KB, 1200x801, dmz3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's 7
>site's name is "only7"

>> No.29835661

you need to go back

>> No.29835837
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1612298780070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your reservation in hell was successfully made

>> No.29836151

I’m most surprised that they had a black organ donor

>> No.29836273

this is what Bill Gates *could* be funding, but instead he's focused on forced injections for the unwashed masses and spraying the Earths atmosphere with dust

>> No.29836306


>> No.29836322

>Poorfags shouldn't be allowed to have kids
also this desu

>> No.29836406

who cares what westoids think, in 100 we're going to be the only europeans left anyway

>> No.29836415

First of fucking all.... this article headline sounds like bullshit.
Every first world country in the world covers all healthcare for kids. Yes even the US and UK and canada.

Fuck this article and fuck the journalist who made this crap. And fuck OP for posting shit like this here.