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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2981800 No.2981800 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on PoS and the 5% annual gains, what do I need to setup if anything?

>> No.2981857

For rdd you just leave the wallet running while "unlocked for staking" pivx would also be the same process and probably most pos coins

>> No.2982017

same as stratis

>> No.2982833

with decred you "purchase" a ticket and it takes ~28 days to "vote". When it votes you get a reward. The return is almost 30% a year. Get in before it moons.

>> No.2983030

alas I'm a newfag and have no clue what any of that means bro. I have a couple thousand siggies and keep seeing something about 5% annual returns per year guaranteed. right now they're on the exchange and i assume i need to stash them on a wallet.

i'll research decred.

>> No.2983037

The staking is all done from a wallet. It's quite easy.

>> No.2983038

redpill on PoS lmao, made me kek tho. its cool if theyre good for utility but imo PoW is the only real way to have inherent value

>> No.2983069

Not true. In the case of Waves, LPOS (leasing proof of stake) all transactions are distributed proportionately to the amount of WAVES you have leased to a node. Inheret value is created by people using WAVES and paying the transaction fees versus how many people hold/lease waves.

>> No.2983113


PoS if anything is better once the coin has been distrubuted. Best part is that pisses of mining fags like you

>> No.2983196

Vericoin also is proof of stake

>> No.2984155

how many decr i will need for that?

>> No.2985117

about 61

>> No.2985136
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PoS stands for Piece of Shit

>> No.2985219

why people doesnt shill decr ? seems like a very good and stable coin