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29829217 No.29829217 [Reply] [Original]

I feel no dopamine from my gains unless I’m intoxicated. I’m going to ride my bicycle to the store and buy myself two steel reserves. Then I think I’m gonna buy more ADA what are you guys doing today?

>> No.29829589

Smoking weed and watching my numbers go up

>> No.29829608

I smoke too, but it doesn't cut it for me alone.

>> No.29829837

I get the most out of it smoking alone. It relax my mind. I also drink alone, it's fun but it make me depressed afterward

>> No.29829855

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>> No.29829922

Don’t drink anymore but have nostalgia for drinking steel 40’s & taking shrooms in Oakland
>t. non-black

>> No.29829957

>I get the most out of it smoking alone. It relax my mind. I also drink alone, it's fun but it make me depressed afterward
Makes me depressed too, but feels good for a little bit.

>> No.29829964

shit will give you neurological damage only crackheads drink that shit.

>> No.29829971


>not black.
Ok. Go on there lad. We’re all ears

>> No.29829998

>Don’t drink anymore but have nostalgia for drinking steel 40’s & taking shrooms in Oakland
Not black either. Just white trash that made money off crypto and not totally retarded.

>> No.29830022

Weekend b4 last, ok Ill only have 4 beers. Then I drunk every day from Friday to Turesday. After that Ive decided I cant moderate it so its just weed/cbd and sparkling mineral water for me. You should try that instead OP

>> No.29830041

wait for FXS to go up and sell, fix some laptops, get my car back from the shop

>> No.29830093

>Weekend b4 last, ok Ill only have 4 beers. Then I drunk every day from Friday to Turesday. After that Ive decided I cant moderate it so its just weed/cbd and sparkling mineral water for me. You should try that instead OP
I do have no shut off with drinking. I'm half Irish and I have alcoholics on both sides of my family.

>> No.29830135

>wait for FXS to go up and sell, fix some laptops, get my car back from the shop
sounds pretty chill

>> No.29830150

Went to look at some furniture earlier today. Now I'm proceeding to get drunk on absinthe cuz I'm bored cuz my portfolio has been a stable coin for a while. Diamond hands still. Not selling most until end of year at least.

>> No.29830197
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>shit will give you neurological damage only crackheads drink that shit.
What how? It's just cheap beer with high alcohol content.

>> No.29830268
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That’d s why I’ve taken a break from alcohol. It kills my motivation and makes me anxious as fuck. It also makes one fat. This alone is more than enough to quit my 6.0 albv beer “habit”.. but it’s the hangovers that are impossible to mitigate as you get older g Th hat have been pushing me to here... to absolutely dreaming of being 100% alcohol free.
It’s just two weeks but I feel so much better.

Wish me luck frens.

Also what are the best 4 shitcoins out there right now to jump into with $1K on each?

>> No.29830276

Same but i need coke to feel even remotely energized and motivated. Not even any desensitization or anything, i was borderline straight edge until 28 when i just got fed up of being so tired and done all the time.

>> No.29830282
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>Went to look at some furniture earlier today. Now I'm proceeding to get drunk on absinthe cuz I'm bored cuz my portfolio has been a stable coin for a while. Diamond hands still. Not selling most until end of year at least.
Nice. I just got a sweet little futon to replace an old ugly couch I had before. Looks swanky.

>> No.29830303

Depressed Silicon Valley guy playing edgy hipster for a period before leaving & getting comfy in crypto. Now meditate & live in Asia.

>> No.29830319

reckt, get the dip tard or die poor
this shillers try to scam you with shit token
don’t go for this trash, wanna see the true staking gem?
follow JustLiquidity with dual platform on binance smart chain
>3700$ already here

>> No.29830356
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>Wish me luck frens.
good luck fren. I drink about once or twice a week now. I do want to stop entirely. Boredom unfortunately takes a hold of me. I was drinking very heavy for a while, and I did in fact get fat, and I haven't gotten laid since pre covid so that was my motivation to stop being fat.

>> No.29830440
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i feel that, anon. bottle of whiskey every few days.

>> No.29830470

Can you get the fuck off my board you retarded faggot pajeet before I knock your fucking teeth out?

>> No.29830507

>bottle of whiskey every few days.
I should do that fren. Then I probably will keep losing weight and can get drunk too.

>> No.29830576

its alot easier on the body than beer, but i also feel like im fucking my liver and kidneys up but too depressed to care.

>> No.29830634

>Feeling tired but instead of sleeping, doing lines to counteract feeling tired
Hearing that is worrisome. That’s very unhealthy dude.

>> No.29830711

Where in Asia?

Just how comfy are you in crypto bro?

>> No.29830715

>but i also feel like im fucking my liver and kidneys up
Well, that's what I don't miss. For once my body doesn't hurt when I wake up, and I'm even doing sub contract work instead of neeting and trading all day. I find pairing a nice physical skilled trade with crypto makes me feel good.

>> No.29830736

It's concentrated beer, they basically boil beer down till it's pure shit alcohol it's not meant for human consumption, all the brain-fried crackheads gobble that shit down though.

>> No.29830795

>it's not meant for human consumption, all the brain-fried crackheads gobble that shit down though
Thanks for the tip. That could be what has caused me to have anhedonia lately. I'll just stick with a good whiskey if I do drink.

>> No.29830863

>ESL overload
You spelled Mujibur Singh wrong

>> No.29830907
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>> No.29830945

Not a problem tip though (don't drink) takes a few years off of it but man once you function without it you won't look back.

>> No.29831025

I can sleep 9 hours and still be rekt. I exercise 6 times a week, have a home gym so covid hasn't changed that. I think it's just age, over time you don't notice how far you've drifted from that 17 year old drive.

>> No.29831081

Good job having fun brother. Alcohol addiction is apparently one of the hardest habits to kick. Willpower alone is not enough. I hope it’s not a problem for you in the future. I’m praying for your happiness and success.

>> No.29831091
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>whiskey is alot easier on the body than beer,
Yeah no. Less calories but the havoc it wreaks on you gaba receptors, lover, pancreas, entire digestive system, brain, and CNS are orders of magnitude worse than beer. It’s like saying
>codeine is bad for you so I just use heroin.
But don’t take my word for it... spend that whole 3mins of researching required to confirm the reality of what you incorrectly speak

>> No.29831106

I get less and less sleep, course I'm a sick fucker but yeah it feels like life is just a circling drain each day a new bag of shit.
I really don't think MEN in general were meant to sit around waiting so god damn long, war is starting to make more sense now, I don't think I want to make it to 50, I doubt I will anyway with my issues but fuck that.

>> No.29831115

I don't get hangovers unless i drink like a maniac. Also i have enough money that drinking dont affect my economy. Not getting fat is the only thing stopping me from drinking every day guys.

>> No.29831130

How old are you dude

>> No.29831141

All alcohol really it's just shit I'm so glad I don't drink maybe 2 times a year now just on a hot summers night outside.

>> No.29831211

Kind of my thought process when i started using stimulants - I realized i was just drifting and not living like a man should, keeping myself pretty for old age. Decided i'd rather work hard in my youth and do something and at least end up a wreck at 50 who had achieved something.

I'm still healthy but yeah sometimes if I've had 4 hours sleep and feel like death in the morning before work i'll have a line.

>> No.29831255


>> No.29831268

>>waiting so long
You need to find something to do that gives you purpose. Once you do that you will never feel you have too much time again. For me it's working on the family farm. Buzy 24/7 and i love it

>> No.29831291

>I really don't think MEN in general were meant to sit around waiting so god damn long, war is starting to make more sense now, I don't think I want to make it to 50, I doubt I will anyway with my issues but fuck that.
resonates with me man. Everything you said I feel the same way.

>> No.29831311

I used to be able to drink every day. Now whenever i try to drink even half of what i used to, it makes me feel sick and I wake up with my guts churning.

What do alco bros.

>> No.29831310
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Drinking some bourbon and watching my rubic stay cubic. Probably gonna listen to some grateful dead and eat some shitty pizza too.

>> No.29831335

>For me it's working on the family farm. Buzy 24/7 and i love it

>> No.29831408

Your body is telling you to cut down. So you should cut down

>> No.29831482

I stopped drinking for 2 months because of the issue, and have tried picking it up again 2 weeks ago and it hasnt resolved.

>> No.29831565

Well to be fair my narrative might be a bit skewed since I'm terminal.

Gotta lay off that shit man, I'm not even mid 30's short stint of abuse and probably exposure to chemicals growing up and I'm almost gone.

and I wasn't on drugs long and have spent 10 years sober, shit will kill you guys literally.

>> No.29831935

Link holder?

>> No.29832045

So stop drinking? I promise you will run into health issues if you keep doing it when your body is telling you to stop.

>> No.29832133

>exposure to chemicals growing up and I'm almost gone
Exposure to what chemicals man?

You’re terminal? With what lad?

>> No.29832157
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>total fucking physical wreck
>fractured vertebra, asthma, sweat far too much, muscles are always relaxed so I can't even sit up without everything aching
Is there even a point to making it? Life isn't going to get any easier as I get older

>> No.29832178

Post arm

>> No.29832208

>buys the ADA greed pump and ignores the ETH fear dump
how do you retards have any money at all?

>> No.29832250

Wtf happened to you?

>> No.29832371

buy some 10/10 escort pussy then back to shit posting on biz, everything is transactional in my life

>> No.29832580

>extremely shitty core for my entire life
>since primary school I found it basically impossible to sit up unsupported, at the very least it was extremely uncomfortable
>fast forward to uni and I start doing squats to try fixing this
>end up fucking my shit up with 90kg because my muscles weren't switched on and my spine couldn't support the weight
I get on a logical level that I'm lucky not to be paralysed after that but putting up with this in my early 20s is a shitty way to live and nothing is really interesting or enjoyable any more
Don't do squats anon

>> No.29832962

sell eth its going to zero bro i swear it's going to zero this is not fud. sell now all in bnb and gme bro

>> No.29833132

I also only buy crypto when i'm drunk

>> No.29833203 [DELETED] 

Growing up in a bodyshop and being around every solvent you could imagine from 10-21
Cancer+Possible other degenerative diseases.

>> No.29833284

>Don't do squats anon
That’s what you took from this event?
>I’m genetically fucked up so other humans shouldn’t do a safe and universally practiced weight lifting exercise
Bit odd that tbph

>> No.29833326

You’re diagnosed with cancer?
Or you’re pretty sure you have it?

>> No.29833488


Eat better, it helps more than you think. And don't do that shit seriously.

>> No.29833507 [DELETED] 

Lymphoma haven't been treated because they have to make sure it's not from a genetic disorder called X-linked which makes it continue to reoccur with chemo unless treated with stem cell fusions ontop of chemo, and also in the middle of diagnosing if i have either MS or ALS.

>> No.29833573

Bro are you drinking Steel Reserve? That shit is gnarly. I got so drunk one family thanksgiving I fell asleep in the bathtub with the curtain drawn. Just so I could take a quick nod and sleep it off and the tub felt cool in the summer. I woke up like 8 hours later and my family had scanned the entire property for me, scared and frantic. Steel Reserve. Never again.

>> No.29833597

We drink blue moon and Guinness in here cuck. Gtfo.

>> No.29833619

I do, i eat extremely well.

>> No.29833734 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter not coming from a place of judgement stimulants IE Coke or Meth or anything of that nature cause cell death, it's the same thing as cancer does it's why meth heads start looking like total trash after awhile their cells are mutating inside of them.

For your sake you don't need the shit, good coffee and some weed will get you off of it.

>> No.29833822 [DELETED] 
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The /biz/ server link is:

>> No.29833845 [DELETED] 
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I wasn't doing the shit long but between my health being most like compromised and I didn't realize it, ontop of doing stimulants for a short period definitely contributed to my failing health today.

>> No.29833878

You need goals and you need no fap. Stop being weak.

>> No.29833978

That not showing up

>> No.29834041

Same. I gotta get some work done later but the way it's goin so far, that's gonna be Sunday.

>> No.29834056

Sorry don't feel like talking about this shit with tranny scammers floating around.

>> No.29834068

Obviously it's not healthy, but the worst effects are due to people not eating/sleeping. I personally don't feel like once or twice a week stimming in the morning to push through the day has done much harm. But the problem is the alternative is inertia.

>> No.29834224

I'll tell you now at 28 I thought I was fine, that was about 7 years sober, 29 I got a cancerous infection in my spine and had it operated on 11 times till it was noticed it was deeper and wrapped around my spine.

What you think you know is going on, may have no idea I asked them what was inside the infection and they said "every bacteria you could think of"

and I believed it when I sat down it sent tingles all the way up to my head tingling like a crown, if I sat on it to fast I'd jump across the room like sitting on a knife.

Do consider trying to live a life without it, good coffee you will find it's more than enough and easier to regulate, the dumping of pure chemicals into the brain isn't good I won't even do it in my state because opiates speed up cell death as well most hard prescriptions or drugs do.

>> No.29834433

But this comes from a place of love not judgement, your clearly smart and well versed so it hasn't taken a stranglehold on you, I've lost a few friends to stimulants as well so I'm a little hypercritical about their use.

But hell just some dunkin donuts regular blend coffee two big cups in the morning and you'll be lit all day.

>> No.29834587

Were you injecting? People often get weird infections from that.

>> No.29834667

God no but you're right I drew the line at that, only did meth a few times but I abused adderall like crazy for a year.

Both female friends I knew who died, one was an injector had MRSA in her heart and she fell down some stairs, the infection dislodged and went into her brain and went into a coma, the other was a lifelong adderall user who started drinking and got into a fight with her bf and killed herself.

Big reason I hate stimulants is it pushes the thoughts of suicide or doing shit like injecting way higher than the average normie.

>> No.29834961

I grew up with her like a big sister the one who injected, later on when I was older found out she became a tweaker or probably was but I didn't notice.

She was a piece of shit desu, had like 8 kids and got into a wreck going 125MPH driving to Nebraska to get meth with a 2 year old in the back, she was found in the field with her face peeled back she should have died there, luckily the kid was okay.

>> No.29835480

Surely adderall can't have done much for a year, even assuming you were staying up 3 days at a time with a 130 resting heart rate.

As for the girls, it is a shame how much it ruins lives. I guess high reward seeking people are prone to falling into these traps and i can be similar, no matter the drug once i start taking it I can really get trapped in chasing the rush until its gone - hence why I stayed away from it all for most of my life.

>> No.29835872

She has a beautiful clam pussy, fuck I'd love to massage her labia majoras.

>> No.29836797

get your alcohol and dopamine addiction under control you weak bitch. you are weak and you need to create something to feel better. bitch

>> No.29837954

when i stop fapping to porn for over a week i get more excited about normal stuff.