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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29810023 No.29810023[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A lot of them work harder than whites I hire. Hate to see that but there are many lazy white retards but I fire a lot of blacks as well. Are we more alike than we think...

>> No.29810102
File: 129 KB, 1200x720, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you already know the answer to this, buddy.
Your common enemy is lurking and pulling strings behind the scenes.

>> No.29810186

What kind of workplace are we talking bout?

>> No.29810254

It's not impossible individually but I'm going to call bullshit on this. I work with people of different races and this is just not true most of the time.

>> No.29810367


Interested to hear more. I hire Blacks, Whites and Spanish people about equal amount based on the demographics of this area(Arizona). I meet so many shitty white retards not to say blacks and mexicans dont work out but its disappointing to see so whites be abysmal employees.

>> No.29810850

If you pay peanuts all you get are monkeys. If you are a cheap bastard don't expect the best. Damn boy you are stupid.

>> No.29810944

I've worked with many black people and hispanics
There's really no correlation between race and work ethic
Met lazy people of all colors

>> No.29810953

This anon speaks the truth.
(they) find it easiest to control the population when we're segmented and at each others throats

>> No.29810976
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Stop being Racist.

>> No.29811010

High skilled manufacturing like fabrication or “put this screw in that hole” type of manufacturing? If there’s any sort of problem solving involved I doubt your claim.

>> No.29811027

I've worked in a construction trade for 17 years and you don't see many blacks on the jobsite

>> No.29811036

blacks and whites get along fine without jews stirring shit up

>> No.29811042

This is why you have huge difference in workers between a place like in n out vs burger king. Better pay attacts better employees. Honestly, the in n out benefits are fucking wild.

>> No.29811058

You must work in a bank robbery business.

>> No.29811083

I only ever see hispanics doing construction work kek
If there's a black guy he's always holding a sign

>> No.29811103

Is $16-$17/HR peanuts?
If you are willing to learn you can make $18 as QA and then $21-$25 as Asst/Lead Operator in 6-8 months. Assuming you have no experience. Faster if you have experience.

>> No.29811145
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why do you think blacks are always kvetching about shit? they feel inferior to white people because they were enslaved back then and still are in their eyes, just in different ways.
If more blacks realized that the vast majority of "whites" owning slaves were actually kikes, imagine what a world we would live in.

>> No.29811153

Ill add that we offer full benefits, 401K w/ company match and 3 Weeks PTO.

>> No.29811203

I get along with some blacks, and unlike a lot of /pol/ users I don't have indiscriminate hatred towards them.
The shit that does piss me off is seeing them with our women and constantly bitching about living in white countries. Ideally segregation or the back to Africa movement would be best, because we are far too different to peacefully coexist.

>> No.29811232

>Are we more alike than we think...
Yeah? Unironically? This guy >>29810944 is right

>> No.29811274

>A lot of them work harder than whites
X to doubt

>> No.29811317

That's not great. Operators make $40-50/hr. in oil, gas, chemical and nuclear plants. And trust me, there are far fewer blacks in those plants.

>> No.29811334

>they were enslaved back then and still are in their eyes, just in different ways.
you're born a slave regardless of color if you're not in the higher class of birth
>(they) find it easiest to control the population when we're segmented and at each others throats
honestly hit the nail on the head

I feel the USA used to be a special place where one could theoretically climb the ladder of society but slowly that facet is being whittled away. Or quickly, however you look at it.
All this hate does nothing to serve advancement.
All we do is tear each other down and hate others for having more instead of just appreciating what we have and striving for personal success.
I blame the education system, personally. I see many flaws in the way children are indoctrinated today. It's literally just a slave ship training ground.

>> No.29811404

As somebody who said extremely racist things online many a times I will admit that I love all my black and Mexican co-workers in real life. They are mostly good dudes. I hate Jews though because they keep printing fiat money into their own pockets. Share that shit you disgusting Neanderthal skulled sack faced greedy ass Jew bastards! Don't be surprised if you get kicked out again for the 110th time.

>> No.29811417

It’s manufacturing, his whole premise is making complicated as simple as legos

>> No.29811488

It could be true for that area but blanket statements based on race are never true on mass scale. Regardless of whether its negative or positive

>> No.29811535

I blame the people who are rich/famous/powerful
It would be more fun if they were not around anymore

>> No.29811576

25/hr is pretty good for a young man. But any boomer worth a damn should have moved on to something better.

>> No.29811629

you must run a shit workshop anon try not being a faggot boss that nobody wants to work for

>> No.29811688

Fuck off from /biz/ NIGGER

>> No.29811690

I work with a lot of black women. Some of them are great workers, and some of them literally sit on their ass and talk on the phone all day, and seem to get genuinely pissed when they have to stand up and do 5 minutes of actual work.

>> No.29811748

Anon blacks are too stupid stop living in Lala land.

>> No.29811788
File: 121 KB, 1024x832, 3315AAA4-204A-4E46-9B15-5C3493D47A95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you kike

>> No.29811812

Jews are the laziest fucking workers. All they do is jabber jabber and climb their way up with words and bullshit, taking credit for others.

>> No.29811837
File: 148 KB, 1546x1058, reporate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jewish girl here. not sure what you're implying.

>> No.29811862

I guess it varies highly based on the industry.
Personally I work doing software/web dev for defense contractor and if I had my way I would never hire any jogger, woman, or anyone over 50 because they are all faking their skills completely and getting by on demographics and/or just plain bottom-20% tier terrible.

>> No.29811907

want to check the true gem?
rofl, go for binance smart chain and go for Julswap
forget about this fucking dumped gas on ethereum
any coins can bring you benefits
>you shouldn’t be expert in trading, go for holding

>> No.29811993

Let me come work for you. Hard working white UPS man. Tired of this company though. I'll move to AZ. My riding buddy is soon. We'd be able to ride together all year.

>> No.29812535

I would hire you. No meme.

>> No.29812702

Underrated post.

>> No.29812765

lmao thats because the unions are racist are racist as fuck
not implying thats a bad thing btw

>> No.29813402

kill yourself bot shill