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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 1031x828, this is why retail should be banned from the market.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29718924 No.29718924 [Reply] [Original]

88K fucking upvote and not a single comment calling out how retarded this shit is.

Add up all those ETF's holdings of GME and you get about 45K GME shares total.
45K is not even a fraction of the total float.

Holy fuck I despise reddit and normies.
Just remember that these people go out every 4 years and vote.

>> No.29719025


>> No.29719075

I have people linking this thread in my group chats, it's just so exhausting

>> No.29719275

How dumb are you ? There are 10.5 M shares in ETFs, not 45k. Wtf are you raving on about. God. Is this the new melvin shill tactic ?

>> No.29719414

>Just remember that these people go out every 4 years and vote.

he said posting on a basket weaving imageboard that supports damaging incel behavior and dangerous far-right movements

>> No.29719733

you have to go back

>> No.29719855

Reddit is retarded but I don't think you understand the nature of that subreddit. Their "board culture" is to act retarded, just like here

>> No.29720026

literally this. anyone who takes 10 seconds to look at just XRT can already see they 500k shares alone. which bottom of the barrel pajeet village are they hiring these shills from?

>> No.29720373

You're a faggot nigger reddit piece of garbage. Go back

>> No.29720468

take my upboat :^D

>> No.29720624

bro do you even middle school math?

>> No.29720630

I must regretfully inform you that you have overstayed your welcome and are due to return from whence you came.

>> No.29720740

>upload a green frog to a website where the average IQ barely goes toe to toe with the age of consent in europe
>rightwing carbombing epidemic begins, democrats drop like flies, fourth reich is established and the south rises again
funny how these things happen

>> No.29720836

Every vote counts the same, you didn’t know it was never like that before goyim?

>> No.29720916

Reading wsb right now is just sad, really. It is a fucking cult at this point.

>> No.29720967

OP can now buy himself a sandwich in Bangalore.

>> No.29721013
File: 87 KB, 804x944, 1611471691599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least a sizable amount of people on 4chan actually fucking check the news or have a basic grasp on what is going on in the world. I bet you fags get your fucking news from /r/dankmemes and /r/politicalcompassmemes.

>> No.29721061

Kill yourself, plebbitor. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.29721117
File: 631 KB, 500x493, 3F9765EF-69C3-418E-9A3C-03448C6BF196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29721129

That's the worst part. It's not even funny since it's just a bunch of poorfags that were trying to help their families but instead got indoctrinated into a suicide cult.

>> No.29721182
File: 22 KB, 300x350, 1591861025918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave me a chuckle

>> No.29722738

thanks for the (you)s faggots. time to go back now

>> No.29722787

Am I missing something? Just one of those ETF's have 350,000 shares, how the fuck are you adding it up to 40,000. Is this just a social experiment to see how retarded /biz/ is?

>> No.29722836

Good bait frendo

>> No.29722947
File: 63 KB, 768x624, p4_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucker's rally.

>> No.29723072
File: 38 KB, 1248x250, 1598455286970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I thought I was going to get to call someone a retard gorilla nigger tonight.

>> No.29723098

i haven't check the math or read the post. it has to be a proportion of the etf.
if one of the etfs has 350,000 shares of GME, you'd have to short the entire supply of the ETF, more than billions of dollars to equivallently short 350000 shares of GME.
if only 1% of the etf is shorted then that's 3500 GME shares shorted

>> No.29724368

if ur so smart why didnt u buy GME at 50 bucks