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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 97 KB, 1524x690, ogncup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29626099 No.29626099 [Reply] [Original]

have you faggots packed your bags yet?
if you don't hold this coin you are an idiot

>founding members: 1 created 3 companies, 2 was the first employee at YouTube, and 3 is Stanford educated - team is white and stacked
>working product is Dshop, an NFT buying selling platform, as well as a platform for general ecommerce and to accept crypto currency as well as cards, on one platform. Game changer
>partnerships with Amazon Web Service
>Google Cloud Platform
>Samsung Mobile Shop
>listed on HitBTC earlier this week, one of the biggest exchanges
>@3LAU NFT Album release Feb 25 on Origin Dshop platform
>devs are extremely active on github and discord
>100MM Mcap
>Staking 25% APY
>OGN buy back program from devs
you're not an idiot are you, moron?
Buy it. Hodl it. You won't be able to count all these gains soon.

>> No.29626186

OGN is a gem. What's a make it stack?

>> No.29626295
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25k OGN if you really wanna ball out.
buy it. stake it. earn 25% APY cash out this time next year with an easy 10x+ 25% extra stack
I hope you didnt panic sell the dip

>> No.29626315

lol, its cause they want fast gains. This shits gonna take a while. But yea, this project is unlike anything else. But its okay accumulate now ig.

>> No.29626712

Based OGN. I'm only able to afford a 10k stack but I'm Sitting comfy and added more on the dip. OGN Is a sleeping giant.
nOGNs ngmi

>> No.29626869

Staking seems pretty decent. NFT is the new wave.

>> No.29626941
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Nice move anon, high IQ. Last chance to buy OGN under $0.30 unless BTC shits the bed its only gains from here.

>> No.29627041

I already have OGN. Just packing everything to take the train!

>> No.29627107
File: 121 KB, 630x630, 312523456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely. NFT bullrun will be the bullrun to end all bullruns. NFTs will be the normie magnet to bring on mass adoption in crypto. Origin is rolling out NFT enabled products on the DSHOP soon and 3LAU is releasing the worlds first NFT album with a bunch of extra perks with Origin. This party hasnt even started yet.

>> No.29627173

Fuck this crab coin

>> No.29627289

in a couple years every music fag will be demanding NFT enabled albums so they can show off their rare collections to other music fags.
limited editions, perks, bonus content. People are actually going to start buying albums again.

>> No.29627439
File: 260 KB, 2392x1140, Screen Shot 2021-02-24 at 10.17.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might get a bag but im a little skeptical on how over 90% of the supply is owned by three whales.

>> No.29627801


Nice. I used to love showing off my album collection back in the day. i can't wait to lord my patrician music taste over all my pirate friends with my ebic exclusive music collections again

>> No.29628118

I'm a big fan of Origin - DYOR - those are wallets foundation, staking and such.

>> No.29628307

Says the stinky linky. DYOR those aren't whales those are foundation funds and staking shit.
Keep seething and enjoy your Sergey dumps. OGNs going to the moon and theres nothing you can do about it.

>> No.29628678
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This. FUD eradicated. Now is the best time to be filling your bag if youre thinking about buying. Its your last chance ~$0.30

>> No.29628702
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Imagine not having a bag of this, so freaking bullish.

>> No.29628980

Just bought a massive bag on this dip. Discovered this gem on biz on some thread last week. And had a buy order at 0.28 that got filled on the dip. LETS FUCKING GO BOYS

>> No.29629206
File: 90 KB, 680x715, IMG_20210224_224636_553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope youre staking that bag for free ebic gains anon.

>> No.29629332

It's not even on top 100 on CMC, what are you waiting for?

> Low Market Cap
> 1B coin cap, 232M in circulation
> Amazing team
> Actual use case and products
> Great partnerships announced frequently
> Coinbase Custody

its like biz hates money

>> No.29629524

Don't they have the founding member of paypal as a founder for this project?

>> No.29629600

I love Origin. I just opened up my first online store with Origin DSHOP. Shit is awesome. Literally no fees and great producing printing partnerships seamlessly linked with dshop make it so easy for even retards like me to open up a store slap some memes on some shirts and sell them to weebs on the internet and it can't be censored unlike Shitify.plus I can get paid in crypto. Even if you dont own OGN u can't deny the DSHOP is gonna make waves.

>> No.29629693
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Origins developer and founder team is also stacked to the max. The founding team consists of Yu Pan, the first employee of YouTube, he also owns Kiwi Co which is another interesting company. The other founders started coding at 10 years old, graduated Stanford, etc, and had their own companies they founded like Torbit, Forage, and EventVue.
They are all super active in the discord and github, and OGN is constantly in the news. . Origin is stupendously undervalued. Many analysts say it will hit $5+ soon. I'm in it for the long term, I'm holding for a year or more. I'm hoping to see $20

>> No.29629718

I have 10k OGN and accumulating 1k every 2 weeks, going to make it with OGN.

>> No.29629777
File: 166 KB, 1349x695, buyogn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anon. yep youre gonna make it. congrats

>> No.29630503

CHECKED Sevens of truth

>> No.29630599
File: 96 KB, 630x747, asffas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. checked and keked. yep were all gonna make it.
rolling for digits of eternal moon.

>> No.29630729

Origin has always checked all the boxes they just added some more to check.

>> No.29631032
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>> No.29631173
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>> No.29631291

Lol this is jokes
For OGN buyers, are you staking or just holding?

>> No.29631438

this is a long term hodl sir. This team just keeps delivering so im staking for ebic gains. I dont see this one losing and were basically at the bottom so its only up from here. Stake for 25% gains and just close your blockfolio for a year. Contratulations you made it

>> No.29631815

Next stop $1

>> No.29632510

Ok I'll bite. Partnerships and team sound interesting. Just bought a couole thousand. Will probably just stake and forget about it. Dont fuck me biz.

>> No.29633062

Okay I get it, that makes sense
all aboard
Yeah I'm not that worried but it seems like a good bet

>> No.29633350
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no pee breaks till $1

>> No.29633950
File: 981 KB, 1242x1235, BUYOPGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no pee breaks till $50 bro

>> No.29634046
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no poo till $100

>> No.29634149

Wtf I bought OGN at $0.15. Not selling.

>> No.29634244

This NFT album thing is actually pretty based. I guess well see what happens tomorrow when it launches.

>> No.29635272
File: 159 KB, 1200x599, 6578956758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full moon lunar cycle approaches

>> No.29636757

I have a smol bag. Been holding for a while. Not gonna sell interested to see if this one has legs, and i think it does. I think $5 is possible.

>> No.29636950

yeah could wind up that NFT albums become the next big thing in music. People who are devoted music fans want to support the artists they listen to. However, downloading is easy, people ended up somewhat embracing streaming because it's convenient, but Spotify doesn't really pay shit to artists neither do other streaming platforms.

>> No.29637023

Why is no one shilling NPXS

>> No.29637187
File: 36 KB, 400x400, ognginf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pajeet go shit in street

>> No.29637520

What exchange do I buy this through?

>> No.29637624

>crabbing for 2 years
This is none different from XRP schizos

>> No.29637695
File: 76 KB, 1322x476, bathory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

album collecting is still a big thing in metal music especially in black metal where a lot of bands just do very limited releases and sometimes rare or obscure albums can sell for thousands of dollars on ebay. Look into Bathorys Yellow Goat album which gets resold for literally thousands. I could easily see more obscure and underground niche genres adopting NFT backed digital album releases and making that the new standard for limited released albums. The sky on prices for NFT backed albums like that could theorietically be limitless for some hardcore fans. Hell, i just saw someone paid 6.6 million for a fuckin gif NFT that you can just right click save, dont tell me this couldnt be huge for real world tangibly linked products like album releases

>> No.29637808

yeah that's what I'm thinking too, I'm moreso in hippie/jam band scene but could see these NFTs really taking off in niche communities. There's already people out there who will pay hundreds of dollars for a poster or special edition album. Make a digital version that people can't copy or reproduce and there will be people who buy it

>> No.29637894
File: 267 KB, 783x1024, 3152345656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

binance, huobi
HITBTC just listed OGN recently

>> No.29637963

Reminder that chart patterns (boomer coloring book drawings) are not useful in predicting price action at all. 95% of all technical analysis is complete pseudoscience.

>> No.29637998
File: 247 KB, 924x711, 234234563466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep and anyone can set up their own marketplace to sell their products on Origins DSHOP.
fuck a record label, fuck a shitify. You can buy products directly from the artists if they wish, and its super easy and free to setup. You should check it out.

>> No.29638040

Are u retarded

>> No.29638122

lmao just because you only buy tops and sell bottoms doesnt mean TA doesnt work.

>> No.29638148

i longed the dip back in sept and it just kept dipping and i got liqd :(

>> No.29638211

Is binance.us fine? Any word of them moving to other exchanges?

>> No.29638394
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>> No.29638569
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lmao ngl thats fucking funny

>> No.29638649
File: 35 KB, 836x229, amrkets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu i dont know m8 not a burger
this is what i can see for markets on coingecko

>> No.29638888

Is it me who is retarded, or those hangimg onto a pipe dream? This coin will never reach 80c even

>> No.29639104
File: 178 KB, 1075x893, ognnmcds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is going to sell you cheap bags. you had your chance to buy under 15 cents and you fucked up.

>> No.29639141

someone was mentioning an easy way to link up the dshop with shirt printing sites. Anyone have more info on that?

>> No.29639196

OGN is not on binance.us yet, only binance.com

>> No.29639264

yeah origin has it all worked out for you. You can make an account with printul.com that lets you choose a wide variety of products and gives you the tools to upload designs which you can then place on whatever products you want and it all links up to your dshop and they handle the printing, and shipping of the products. its so easy and streamined it feels like cheating. oh and its all free to set up, you just market your store, enable payments ( stripe, paypakl or crypto) and sell the products to weebs

>> No.29639428


Sorry for your lots

>> No.29639435

Every single crypto chart looks like this though.

>> No.29639585

How does an american even buy into this, then?
What other projects are there that are similar to Dshop? It seems promising but surely there is someone already doing it better? Are NFTs just that new?

>> No.29639626
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OGN's partner, Bonded Finance, is a much better buy at a $7M cap.

>> No.29640038

I like the energy you guys are putting out lately. It’s encouraging, but OGN is still a speculative play in my eyes. They’ve built a framework for other to use but still haven’t demonstrated enough people want to use their framework. To 10x this coin needs a $500mil market cap, what makes them worth that?

>> No.29640056

My OGN bag lies in wait for a soon to come massive pump once all these people realize and fomo in.

>> No.29640376
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>> No.29640512


They are already in contact with very big artists. All I can say :)

>> No.29640773 [DELETED] 


>> No.29640803

That’s good to hear. Guess I’ll see if this nft auction goes smoothly. Might be a positive signal for other artists. Why Origin though, why not WAX or Rarible. They’re dropping big releases too. Origin will have to put on a good performance if they want to be the name in NFT

>> No.29640901
File: 50 KB, 560x790, 3LAUNFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29641197

>WAX or Rarible

That's a good question actually, the reason why Origin Protocol will come out on top is because of the massive network & connections that they have in terms of credibility and backing.

Look at their partnerships and investors, they can easily get in contact with anyone (founders of YouTube, Reddit, they even know Elon Musk) in the tech industry if they wish to do so (at the right time) and it's not an exaggeration.


So when the time comes, they will easily stampede their way through all these other projects doing the same thing based on sheer amount of support they have.

>> No.29641422

Pretty sure I bought some of those sweet panic sell dips lmao

>> No.29641506
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good lad

>> No.29641579

lol this is long term i think. And im fine with that, dont come here for 3day moons lol. Its less risky, the boomer crypto coin

>> No.29641854
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ssssiiipp aaahhhhhhhhhh
yep. Just a solid hodl.

>> No.29642027

>Amazon partnership
This token is cursed.

>> No.29642430


>> No.29642471
File: 57 KB, 653x366, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its called an opportunity kiddo. Kids these days want everything without puttin in the hard work. cant seea good opportunity if it smacked em upside the head. Always complaining about something. a damned shame.

>> No.29642671
File: 64 KB, 1024x803, B315F2B2-DD87-483E-ADC5-757A722550CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree with you

>> No.29643350

surely this coin will dump along with bitcoin within the next week... buy in then?

>> No.29644684

yeah read that on their discord. another couple of stars and all of them will want to be in this, then sky is the limit

>> No.29644716
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>> No.29644762

bought about 3k when it was 50 cents. It's finally time to coom

>> No.29644915

Alright fuck it, I'm gonna stake 10k. Can I sell weed off of Dshop though?