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29626121 No.29626121 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most ambitious crypto projects right now?

I am excited for RSR and OGN with what they’re trying to do.

Especially OGN.... decentralized market place.... fuck

>> No.29626192

If RBC pulls through it'd annihilate Uniswap.

>> No.29626193


>> No.29626251
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You can see the murderous intent in his eyes

>> No.29626368
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1447263270212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to know that the Pitbull is "America's Dog" now.
>B-But what about the Golden Retriever!
That was the 90s, this is now. Pitbulls are America's Dog.

>> No.29626381

Anyone actually own these? the myth true or not

>> No.29626670
File: 77 KB, 707x768, LQ-G-Io-w1do0NBacHdDZSvcqcTSPvsbBoYGWuzRiG8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah my family all does.

They're definitely crazy territorial with other dogs but I have yet to see an issue with other humans. Really emotionally intelligent dogs, they can read you better than most other breeds I've encountered.

Good doggies/10 I would raise a pibble meself if only to make spergs rage.

>> No.29626800

kill all shitbulls

>> No.29626936



>Good doggies/10 I would raise a pibble meself
back to re-ddit nigger nice double spacing too

>> No.29627078

Whats RBC doing better than Uni

>> No.29627118

nation of niggers, no surprise

>> No.29627120
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ALGORAND... Un-ironically

>> No.29627358
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See what I mean?

Triggers the spergs like nothing else and I get a really loyal pet. Win/win.

>> No.29627499

I would say Radix is the most ambitious.

Not saying they can actually deliver, but if they do, it is a top 3 project no doubt.

It's either the next gen defi protocol, or the Theranos of Crypto.

>> No.29627615


yeah what are you even doing here anyways, using words like pibble and "meself" yet distinguishing that you are not some form of autist funko pop collecting white trash dog owner

>> No.29627882
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I know it's a blue board but you still need to be 18 or older to browse here.

>> No.29627931

At the moment? Nothing. But it's still extremely early in development and if their roadmap gets so much as half the shit they say they're planning accomplished it'd be just as good, if not better. They're trying to be fully anonymous, have a much higher trading range, limit orders, stop losses, etc. It's pretty ambitious and I could see it getting to at least $10 EOY.

>> No.29627972

I just discovered OGN a couple days ago and wonder wtf biz never mentioned it before

>> No.29628014

imagine crawling into bed with this cute little pupper and then fighting for your life as it trys to tear your neck apart.

>> No.29628037


i'm not the one shilling for the dog of reddit, white trash, and doublespacing basedboy. shitbull off the leash gets the ccw.

>> No.29628344

Have sex stupid idiot incel

>> No.29628407


get mauled white trash/nigger shitbull owner

>> No.29628679
File: 889 KB, 1620x2160, 1611162250431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck cares about r*ddit. You know how I know you're new? No one said fucking shit about that site until ~2014 or so, and then endless posts bitching about it. Get a new insult you zoomy twink.

>> No.29628765

Outed yourself as a Redditor you shitbull and gook worshipping söy boy

>> No.29628874
File: 271 KB, 927x635, 1612683745343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you surprised? Biz only buys pump and dumps

>> No.29628893
File: 71 KB, 511x767, 5BWzrSN7oyQa3Moic4Z9f5O-_3lONVpoZRXqbgGkEdA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I'll take a gook wifey and shibble dog any day.

>> No.29628897


let your bitch get fucked by the pitbull whitetrash funko pop collecting marvel watching faggot

>> No.29628922

I hope you forget you’re on 4chan and talk to someone like that in person.You need to get smacked in the face hard

>> No.29629069
File: 70 KB, 614x768, z885agbyaoe61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would my waifu get to fuck MY dog. That's retarded.

>> No.29629079


I will poison your nigger dog and be the folk hero for it. nigger.

>> No.29629091

I only rage when it ends up in my yard and then you rage after I dump it's corpse in the woods for the buzzards, so good luck with that dognog lol

>> No.29629124
File: 15 KB, 450x281, audiusartwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

origin is going no where... if you want to buy a potential mooner in that range (280-320 CMC rank) buy AUDIUS.

It's a new streaming platform with incentives for arists... it's an actual project that is needed.

Charts are very based as well.. went through BTC's bullshit like it was nothing.

>> No.29629251


I do.

>> No.29629265

kek i actually feel kind of bad for you pajeet. next time dont put a picture of a meme dog breed in the op of one of your shill threads

>> No.29629355


>> No.29629398


Stay poor faggot

>> No.29629416
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Seething autists. First post I called it.

>> No.29629508

That's a man.

>> No.29629785

OGN is the one I'm all in on. Idk about RSR. I own 20k OGN and staking it for 25% APY.

>> No.29630498
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based and OGN pilled. ygmi

>> No.29631360

Thanks fren I just wanna make it bro

>> No.29631619